So 25 doesn't really seem old to me, pretty much the same as 24. Now I am officially mid-twenties! Bob said I am a quarter. I guess that means Tucker is a nickel and Scarlett is a penny. You could really call all our kids loose change.
My sister made this beautiful cake for my birthday! Inside it has Twinkies and Ding Dongs. It was good. Thanks Talitha!
Like usual we played a few games at my parents house. Here you can see people lined up for Bocce. We had some disputes on the rules, I think we are going to need to look it up before we play again.And here are Isaac and Kim. Doesn't he look like a missionary? He went to Japan and got back a couple of weeks ago. We are all really proud of him. And the excitement continues because he and Kim are officially engaged! We all thought it was coming. They dated before he left and stayed in contact the whole time he was gone. It is fun to add new members to the family. Congrats you guys!