My alternative drink options...

I was showing the babysitter what she could help herself to in the kitchen; '..there's tea here and biscuits in this container.  Help yourself to any of these soft drinks in the fridge.  This fejoa and pear one is really yummy.  I've got lots of these because I don't drink alcohol'.  The line just slid off my tongue and felt so good.  Really I was saying it by way of explanation because there were quite a few soft drink options in there.  Little bottles of tonic (I have that sometimes with ice and a slice of lemon - a virgin G and T!), ginger beer and that fejoa and pear drink which is my current favorite.

I did a huge online grocery shop yesterday to be delivered this morning and bought 3 different four-packs of little bottles of fizzy.  I think one of them was a pink grapefruit thing.  This is what I do now to have a treaty option if ever I feel like having a 5pm drink.

Although having said that it is bloody cold here in our new city so often I don't feel like something cold and fizzy and that's when I turn to my trust teas.  I am addicted to green teas and herbal teas!  I have about 4 flavors and some of them are caffeine free which I have in the evening.  I sometimes wonder how my body is on the inside now compared with before.  I never actually felt ill or sick as the boozy me (aside from when I was hungover).. my body was a well tuned alcohol-processing machine!  Surely it must be happier inside now.

Right .. got to get studying.  I've got a child free day today and my thesis, long neglected thanks to this relocation, needs some attention!!

Love, Mrs D xxx

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