Good news for Blackburn, you now have your own Egyptology Society. Here is details from their facebook page. (clever name) (2) THEBES (The Blackburn Egyptology Society): The Blackburn Egyptology Society (Thebes) is a newly formed society which will meet on a monthly basis, with the inaugural meeting on 7th November 2011.
Meetings will usually take place on the first Monday of each month, in the Abram Room, which is located on the first floor of Blackburn Library, and begin at 7.15pm (doors open 7pm).
Entry only £4.
Thebes 2011-12 Lecture Programme:
Monday 7th November 2011
“The Return of the Lost Pharaohs” by Michael Eastwood
Monday 5th December 2011
“From the Nile to the Kent: A New Look at Kendal Museum's Egyptology Collection” by Anna Garnett
Wednesday 4th January 2012
“Perfected Images: Masterpieces of Late Period Egyptian Art” by Dr Campbell Price
Monday 6th February 2012
“The Early Dynastic Naqada Royal Tomb: A Royal Tomb Assemblage from Earliest Pharaonic Egypt” by Hayley Meloy
Monday 5th March 2012
“The Fortress at the End of the World” by Dr Steven Snape, Senior Lecturer in Egyptology, University of Liverpool
Monday 2nd April 2012
“Old Kingdom Tomb Art” by Sarah Griffiths
Tuesday 8th May 2012
“Everywhere the Glint of Gold” by Claire Ollett
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