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With Amber ~ The Self-Appointed Biblio-Kitty
Many happy greetings fellow biblio-cats
*waves paw*
Do mew effur have 'one of those week's' when it all starts out swimmingly well and then someone chucks a great big flipping boulder into your nice calm mill-pond and creates a tsunami?
Let me explain, I was out on the new patio, [pictures coming soon, we just need to get the lights sorted] the sun was shining, the new froggy pond with it's fountains gently splish-splashing, being all supurr soothing and uber relaxing.
So there I was, enjoying a moment of tranquility, just me, the froggy's and the fountains, blissful right?
Along came the heathens and ruined it, furstly by just being there and secondly they bought another cat with them.
Yes mew heard me, they bought another cat. It would seem that the P.A. who on a good day is several sandwiches short of a picnic, decided in her bizarro wisdom to adopt two new kitties.
Well, I was flabbergasted to say the least and what makes it wurse is one of them is ginger too, I mean come on, I'm the only ginger-nut allowed. Two ginger-nuts is a recipe fur.... well fur whateffur. But I'm still the numero uno ginger-nut and this young whipper snapper had better behave.
Anyhoo, I digressed there fur a moment, it would seem that the new ginger-nut likes water, I mean he seriously likes water and promptly decided to fall in the pond. To which Smooch & Parsley thought was the best thing effur when they saw the mini tidal traverse the small pond.
I know mew can guess what happened next, but if mew can't let's just say it involved throwing stuff into the pond!
So let me tell me about the new adoptees, furstly meet FUDGE aka The Ginger Ninja
with his inter-dimensional tail, that also oppurates completely independent of Fudge, and I have deduced his tail actually has more brain cells than him! MOL
And now here's Miss Pandora, who's slightly more refined and we've just decided aftur much deliberation that she looks like an Ewok, so her nickname is now Wookie. She's a right hairy beastie too, the P.A. said she's like a little sasquatch, who's got more fluffy as each day goes by.
We'll be back on Friday with more news on the new recruits but in the meantime, let's talk books!

This week on book reviews with Amber, I'm sharing

Image +Amazon.co.uk
Know Your Cat's Purr Points: A Practical Guide for the Purr Point Practitioner
Know Your Cat's Purr Points: A Practical Guide for the Purr Point Practitioner
Here's the book blurb:
Purr inducing acu-pleasure for your moggy. This very cute little illustrated guide shows how to locate and work the pleasure points on a pussy cat’s body – from ears and chin to tummy and tail.
Although not ‘serious’, this is actually a very well thought through guide to the ways in which cats respond to being stroked, tickled and squeezed in the right places. It will bring smiles of recognition to anyone who enjoys coaxing a purr out of their cat.
Styled on a real acupuncture guide book, the terminology is inspired and the illustrations most endearing.
Sections include:
• The Pleasuring Of The Back
• Ear Points “keep fist open and fluid for a ripple action. The subject will vibrate from the ear outwards”
• Tummy Points “Subjects will generally be transported into some unrecognisable alter-ego”
Each move is illustrated in stages, with hints on technique, plus a Purrometer Rating.
* * *
Furst published in 2000, the P.A. actually bought a copy in 2003, so it's been in the library fur quite a while and while totally tongue-in-cheek, this is a furry funny book and, the P.A. actually did try some of the purr points with great success.
It's highly entertaining and I would suggest reading it on a wet afturnoon when mew have your hooman with mew, so mew can direct your hooman in this ancient art.
Mew won't be disappointed, I wasn't! MOL
Paperback copy: 64 pages
Audio Edition: N/A
Ratings of:
Know Your Cat's Purr Points
Offurall Enjoyment
I hope mew enjoy this book if mew do take the plunge and buy it... and if mew've read it already, tell me what did mew think?
Sadly it's time fur me to say BFN or bye-fur-now as mew know the drill, so many books, so little time and we'll be here again on Friday.
Happy reading or listening
Bestest biblio purrs
Amber xox
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