For some reason I'm talking with some friends today about Martin Hagglund. I thought it would be good for me to summarize my several posts on him here.
In short it all boils down to Hagglund's adherence to the law of noncontradiction. Hagglund argues not that god doesn't exist, or that it's foolish or evil to believe in god, but rather that it's impossible, since it would be believing in a self-contradictory thing.
Now Hagglund also is a Derridean who uses Derrida's concept of trace, applied strictly to temporality, to support the above. Yet the trace is highly self-contradictory. You can't cleave to LNC one moment only to drop it when it's convenient.
Moreover, I still don't see how, if the "trace structure" cashes out as LNC, Derridean time doesn't regress to a mere succession of now-points, which is refuted by Aristotle himself (who asserted LNC first), and Hegel (who holds that things can be self-contradictory).
That's it, in a nutshell.