September 26, 2011

White Dog and the White Dog Army spent the afternoon in much deserved nap mode today. We had, it seems, grossed over $6500.00 for comparative oncology awareness and research with yesterday's 2MillionDogs Puppy Up Walk to end cancer. In great part it was through the contributions of wonderful caring humans who are committed to stopping the horrors of the monster. The White Dog Army is especially indebted to our blog Family for its support in every way imaginable...including your donations. We believe we did you proud on Sunday but we will let the photos of the next few days help you decide...THANK YOU, we felt you all at our side!

Steve and Siku Marie greeting the crowd.

The Honor Guard from Kirtland Air Force Base. A special moment: When the singer who was to also perform the national anthem failed to show, the woman in shorts volunteered to sing in her place. She was there for the Walk, with her dog, and just stepped up to the plate as happenstance. Her voice as she sang a capella sailed beautifully over the Park and touched the crowd more than any professional could have. The best part, SHE won the Random Grand Prize of a year's free Premium Dog Kibble from Petcurian; great news for her since we additionally found out that she was a multiple rescue foster parent.

The Tribute Wall and Memorial

Others brought photos and stories to add to the Wall, remembering Warriors, human and canine, who fought and lost as well as those who walked with us from a distance on Sunday.Set off from the main area, under a giant cottonwood, the Memory Wall was a focus as nearly everyone visited and spent a few moments in quiet reflection reading stories, remembering faces, remembering the reason we Walk. It was moving to observe.

The tributes drove home the fact that

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