The Green Orb

Someone told me an interesting story this week.   She had read my post about colored orbs and was very interested in the meaning behind the colors of orbs.  She said she had an experience with a green orb several years ago.  She was laying in her bed reading at night.  Her husband was asleep beside her.  She said a green orb came into the room through a door.  It hovered in her room for a few moments and then vanished as it had come.  Naturally, she was quite scared and she woke her husband to discuss the orb.   This reader had encountered unexplained things before and was able to forget about the orb fairly quickly and move on.  

However,  when she read my post about colored orbs, it brought up many questions about her experience.  The first question has to do with the nature of this orb.  Although orbs are always being debated about in the paranormal community,  they are also always in photographs.   The big debate surrounding orbs questions whether or not orbs are true indications of the paranormal or are due primarily to errors in digital photography.   This debate could in no way explain my friend's orb experience as there was no photography involved.  I should also state that this person who saw the orb is one of them most stable and reality grounded people I know.  She does not hunt for ghosts or look for the odd.  She is a person who believes in the tangible and is not prone to flights of fancy or mental illness so I believe that she saw what she saw and it wasn't due to any kind of cognitive defects or attribution bias.

A brief internet search on orbs outside of photography did nothing to help either of us explain her orb.  The only orbs seen with the naked eye were thought to be alien related rather than ghost related.    This left both of us with even more questions.  People who have claimed to see orbs in person have claimed they had alien encounters.  Although I love ghost stories,  I stay away from alien stories and am not sure how I feel about aliens.   My friend has no opinion on what the orb was but the encounter she described to me seemed more ghostly than otherworldly and I have no answers to give her.  I have really never heard of anything like this.  So I am left with more questions than answers and my friend is left to wonder what it was that drifted into her bedroom at night.  Maybe one of my brilliant readers can help shed some light on this matter?

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