We Are Proud Of Rhea

On one of those days that we were at the vet with Babu and Beano for their check up, one of our volunteers spoke with a kind lady, who was also in the waiting room. After learning about our work at HOPE Dog Rescue, the kind lady actually donated S$1,000 to our cause, much to our pleasant surprise.

Later, we learnt that her daughter, Rhea, had just celebrated her 10th birthday party. However, instead of accepting gifts from her friends, Rhea told them to save their money so that they could donate it to HOPE Dog Rescue for the animals in need. We are very grateful for Rhea’s kind generosity and thoughtfulness at such a tender age. Most 10-year-olds hanker after the latest gadgets and computer games, but Rhea has displayed maturity beyond her years; her parents have certainly done a fantastic job in raising this young lady. 

Meeting Beano for the first time in person

Rhea getting acquainted with Prince

Beano calmly looks on as Rhea pats his head

Below, Rhea has penned some of her thoughts on our dogs:

I’ve always been intrigued by the wonder that surrounds dogs. And when my mum told me about Beano, Prince and of course HOPE Dog Rescue itself, I realized what had put that curiosity into my mind. What intrigued me were their loyalty and their bravery. You see, Beano had acid poured on him and unfortunately he is dependent on human beings. Yet despite the cruelty meted out to him, he is still very affectionate towards us. And Prince who is one of the cutest dogs ever is getting starved to death, yet he endures the pain, as he understands that life has obstacles.

Even though it’s true that, “Yes, life does have obstacles,” the grudge that some humans hold over dogs is just purely insane. I mean, all dogs need is love! And if some humans just don’t have the capability to make a dog happy and feel loved, then they are definitely extremely mean people. Please do not be that mean person. Please adopt a pet, not from a kennel or a pet shop, but from a rescue group like HOPE Dog Rescue. For you this might be a small gesture, but for them it is their life.

Written by RHEA SHRIVASTAVA (only 10 years old)

Note: If you have a message for Rhea, please post it on our blog comments or email it to fiona@hopedogrescue and I will forward it to Rhea and Mommy. Thank you.

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