Ahmadinejad Warns Against Foreign Interference In Iran's Affairs -- Christian Science Monitor
In a speech in Azerbaijan, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that foreign complaints about a woman sentenced to death for adultery and over Iran's nuclear program could jeopardize talks scheduled for next month.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, speaking in neighboring Azerbaijan on Thursday, criticized foreign attention on the case of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, who was sentenced to death for adultery, and said the West needed to lift pressure on the Islamic Republic if it wanted progress in talks about its nuclear program with six world powers tentatively scheduled for next month.
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More News And Comments From Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
NATO has no future, poses no threat to Iran - President Ahmadinejad -- RIA Novosti
Iran's nuclear program no bar to gas cooperation with EU - Ahmadinejad -- RIA Novosti
Ahmadinejad: Embargoes won't scare Iran -- AP
Iran's Khamenei says anti-Iran sanctions futile -- Xinhuanet
Iran has gas if Europe wants it -- UPI
Ahmadinejad asks West to stop threats -- UPI
My Comment: He sounds cocky .... I guess he knows that no one is (really) going to interfere in Iranian affairs, the West (and China) will continue to buy their oil and gas, and their nuclear program will continue unhindered. If I was in his shoes, I would also be cocky.