2. We leave for China one week from today.
3. I currently have a sinus infection.
4. The pretty green stuff on the side of a box of sushi is not, I repeat NOT guacamole.
5. Which means eating a mouthful of it by itself is not a good idea.
6. Even if it is pretty.
7. Lesson learned by this first-time sushi-eater.
8. On the plus side, wasabi does make for an excellent sinus douche.
9. So if my supply of antibiotics, prescription nose spray and prescription decongestant don't do the trick, I'll be carrying some wasabi with me on the plane.
10. I'll be blogging throughout our entire 2 1/2 weeks in China for anyone who wants to follow our journey.
11. I can't promise there won't be a few
12. Yes, we're taking a camera.
13. No, I won't let my hubby take a picture of me seconds after I've foolishly filled my mouth with the oh-so-pretty but holy-crap-spicy wasabi.