You Know You Are In Afghanistan If….

U.S. Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Daniel Franke overlooks a hill with his military working dog in Towrah Ghundey in Bar Now Zad, Afghanistan, June 11, 2010. Franke, a dog handler, is assigned to Alpha Company, 1st Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment, Regimental Combat Team 2. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Daniel Blatter

1. You flinched from a controlled detonation your first week, then stand in the open to watch real mortars landing– a month later.
2. The most intimate contact you’ve had in months is with the shower curtain.
3. Your most successful pick-up line is “I’ve got a vehicle.”
4. In PT gear all the Air Force people look like glow-in-the-dark Power Rangers and you can’t even see the Army Folks.
5. Your 06:00 wake-up call is: BOOM “ROCKET ATTACK - ROCKET ATTACK. Take cover immediately.”
6. They actually give weapons to the Air Force personnel.
7. You give directions using T-Wall & bunker murals as points of reference.
8. You realize AAFES is their own country and can print their own money. (POGS)
9. The amount of sand in your boots is only surpassed by the amount in your nose.
10. Something as simple as taking a shower or going to the bathroom at 02:00 requires preparation equal to the Apollo moon landing.

Hat Tip: Theo Spark

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