TVA to Revive Bellefonte - Debt Re-cap at Article End

(Times Free Press Photo Fair Use for non-profit news reporting) Cask holding used, highly radioactive reactor fuel,
(TVA Photo of Bellefonte Units 1&2 Fair-Use for non-profit news reporting) Breaking News 11:00AM Aug 20, 2010: TVA Board passes $248 million in the next fiscal year for engineering and equipment work for the completion of the Unit 1 reactor at the Bellefonte Nuclear Power Plant in Hollywood, Ala.
Article Quotes:
Arnold Gundersen, a nuclear engineer and former executive at Nuclear Energy Services in Danbury, Conn., told the Nuclear Regulatory Commission this spring that TVA should not be allowed to reinstate its license since the Bellefonte reactor was not maintained in accordance with NRC regulations after TVA canceled its construction permit in 2006. “Instead of following regulations during the past three years, the plant [TVA] stripped and cannibalized its equipment and the NRC stopped inspecting the Bellefonte site activities,”
Goodrich “Dus” Rogers, director of the Jackson County Economic Development Authority in Alabama, will lead a delegation at today’s Knoxville board meeting in support of the completion of Bellefonte.“We’ve seen those cooling towers sit idle at Bellefonte for decades and we want to see some steam come out of those towers so TVA can get more clean energy and we can get more jobs,” he said.
Unfortunately, Mr. Rogers does not know the meaning of clean energy, radioactive atomic power is not clean. The atomic reactor fuels manufacturing process has killed or sickened thousands. Jobs, there will be very few if any current local people employed at the Bellefonte site that are not already on site. The contractors which will build the site and operate the site must have security clearances. The current builders group will be moved from the Watts Bar construction site to Bellefonte once the Watts Bar construction is complete. Operators of the plant site, once completed, will move to Scottsboro from other areas. There will be service jobs created in the community in approximately 3-5 years if and when the plant is approved for construction and once construction begins.
There is a better, more economical way to utilize Bellefonte. An 840 mega watt combined cycle natural gas plant along with a 200 mega watt solar plant. This plant configuration coupled with energy conservation and efficiency measures serve to produce the needed energy with less risk and cost to the tax payers/rate payers . This option is $1.5 to 2.5 billion dollars less expensive than the price of completing 1 reactor at Bellefonte.
According to TVA's August's 2010 Quarterly Financial Report their debt has decreased, it is $23.4 billion, interest on its debt is $23.8 billion. TVA has a $30 billion Congressional mandated debt cap. TVA's total commitments, including, debt, debt interest, retirement, leases, fuel purchases, litigation, environmental cleanup costs are $67.8 billion

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