take the lead

I can't decide what to do. 
 Let me back up... 
Yesterday I was on a bike ride with Josh & the boys.
Normally Josh takes the lead.  
Somehow it ended up that I was in the lead. 
And it made me incredibly uncomfortable. 
 Was I going too slow? 
Too fast? 
Do I speed through that yellow light?
Or stop? 
Should I turn here? 
Or at the next one? 
While these thoughts raced through my mind, it got me thinking about my life...  
Do I quit my job? 
Do I keep working? 
Do I make this choice? 
Or wait and make that one? 
Do I take a leap of faith or keep my head on straight for my childrens' sake? 
 Not only do I not want take the lead on our family bike rides, 
I don't want to take the lead in my own life. 
I want someone else whom I can follow. 
 I want someone else to take the lead, to make the choices, and to take the blame if all goes awry. 
 So I wait.
We wait.
For answers. For a job. For a decision.

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