On the eve of the Outdoor Retailer Summer Market, held twice a year in Salt Lake City, Utah, the Gear Junkie has posted a nice preview of some things that are in the works, and expected to make their debut at the show. As usual, the four day event will highlight the latest and greatest outdoor gear that will be draining our wallets later this year and into 2011.
Amongst the items in the preview article are a new ultralight tent from Terra Nova that weighs just 1 pound, 1 ounces and an "endurance vest" from Salomon that looks like a hydration system for minimalist triathletes and ultra-runners. Other items include the first sit-on-top kayak from Necky, a shoulder bag designed for the iPad courtesy of STM Bags, and a new tri-suit from Wacoal Sports Science.
Perhaps the most interesting items to me are the nPower PEG and a new line of backpacks from a company called Mile High Mountaineering. The nPower PEG is an intriguing new device that purportedly generates power while you walk, and stores it for later use. You can then use the device to recharge your iPod, cell phone, or GPS device. (Can't wait to see how well this works!) The backpacks from MHM are being touted for some new thoughts on design, including a side loading sleeping bag compartment and a new approach to the internal compression system.
Keep an eye out for other new, and innovative products, in the next few days. I'm sure they'll be plenty of gear on display.
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