ART for The World and VENICE DAYS express solidarity with Jafar Panahi


Press release

Venice Days and the NGO ART for The World – producer  of the  film THEN AND NOW Beyond Borders and Differences on the art.18 of the UDHR (freedom of expression) which includes Jafar Panahi’s The Accordion – together express their total solidarity for the Iranian director’s freedom to accompany his film to the opening of Venice Days 2010 on September 1.

Panahi today said once again that he trusts he will be able to come to Venice, 10 years after winning the Golden Lion that consolidated his international success, for The Circle. “My new short film,” he says, “is an auspice for tolerance and the capacity for comprehension.”

According to Giorgio Gosetti, delegate general of Venice Days: “We believed from the onset in The Accordion, and thanks to the commitment of Adelina von Fürstenberg, President of ART for The World, we were able to include its world premiere in our inaugural program of September 1, and feel it is the best possible recognition of the artistic value of his new work. We still hope to receive good news in the upcoming days and to welcome Panahi at Venice, a natural place for artists to express themselves.”

Shot in the Teheran bazaar last winter, The Accordion will be brought to Venice by the Iranian director Mazdak Taebi, who shared with Panahi this extraordinary creative and cinematic adventure. 

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