As a teaser for a new book ("The Wonder of Whiffling"), the Guardian today has posted a quiz about exotic words in the English language. Here are the ten questions; to access the answers you'll need to visit the link.
1. What does broggle – coined in 1653 – mean?
2. What is the job of a fottie?
3. How was a pimple referred to in Tudor-Stuart days?
4. What are you doing if you are snoaching (coined in 1387)?
5. What is a clitherer?
6. What 15th-century term means a hornless cow - and thus, a fool?
7. What might you be doing if you were snirtling?
8. How would you have been described in the 16th century if you were a dandy?
9. What is blepharospasm?
10. What might you have been doing in the 16th century if you “felt as if a cat had kitten’d in one’s mouth”?
I knew one and guessed three. It's quite reminiscent of the game "Balderdash."