A Look At The Human Cost Behind The Euro Debt Crisis

SPIEGEL REPORTER Juan Moreno was born in Spain, but then his family of modest means moved from Andalusia to Germany in the 1970s, where his father worked in a tire factory near Frankfurt.

What Happened To The Spain Where I Was Born? -- Juan Moreno, Spiegel Online

SPIEGEL reporter Juan Moreno grew up in Germany as the son of Spanish immigrants. He cherished summers spent as a child in his parents' former village. He recently traveled back to his country of birth to trace the causes of the crisis and to meet those whose lives it has changed in heartbreaking ways.

A few months ago, I was interviewed by a short, roundish man, a Spanish TV host I had never seen but who every child in Spain knows: Jordi Évole. He used to be the sidekick of a late-night talk show host. We met on a cold, wet Saturday morning at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin.

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My Comment: There is a lot to read and digest here .... and a warning to those who continue to elect politicians who are pursuing the same path.

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