extremely dry drought suffering Antigua gets a little rain today.

March 09 was the driest one in 12 years with no in April until last night(despite the stupid animated forecasts saying it was raining every day as they always do), and we have had a huge problem with bush fires. Animals are super skinny and there is little grass anywhere. The weather for beaching and boating tourists has been fantastic, but the government has been rationing water and farmers have been having a terrible time. A few days ago i went into what the taxi drivers call "the rain forest" to look for a piece of bamboo for the sail boat.
As you know we are getting our Classic Yacht ready for the big regatta which starts on the 16th. We still have space for Sunday and Monday's races. Click this blog for more info. There was no way anyone in their right mind could have called it a rain forest. Trust me!Anyway, yesterday we sanded and painted a huge section of the boat and what do you think happened? It rained about three inches last night! The north side of Antigua got very little at all but the south got loads. I am sure that 99.99 % of the population is very happy with the rain, and I am too i guess. I will have to sand and paint again!Radar and sat maps show that Barbuda just 26 miles away didn't get any rain at all and this particular cloud may be fizzling at the moment too. Adventure Antigua may now start getting fewer complaints from guests about how dry Antigua looks. Remember to understand why the US websites say it rains here 365 days a year and learn more about weather here, check this link.

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