More Guantanamo News And Closure Problems

Camp Delta, the fenced-in core of the Guantánamo prison.
Angel Franco/The New York Times

Detainee-Informer Presents Quandary
For Government -- Washington Post

An admitted Taliban fighter being held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, fingered a fellow detainee for meeting regularly with Osama bin Laden. He identified another detainee for fighting at Tora Bora, along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, and a third for manning an antiaircraft weapon in Afghanistan. He claimed that a fellow Yemeni was one of bin Laden's bodyguards.

In dozens of interviews over several years at the U.S. military prison -- where he was rewarded with his own cell, McDonald's apple pies, chewing tobacco, a truck magazine and other "comfort items" -- Yasim Muhammed Basardah provided the evidence needed to continue detaining scores of alleged terrorists, military and FBI records show.

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More News On Guantanamo

Poll Finds Obama Dividing Nation On Guantanamo -- Philadelphia Bulletin
Gitmo detainees seek refugee status in Canada -- National Post
Prisons that could house Guantanamo Bay detainees -- AP
Will the US adjust life at Guantánamo for detainees? -- Christian Science Monitor
Will Obama fight a Bush-like "war on terror"? -- Reason Online

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