
After Friedman’s book was published, Russian Jewish Mafia leaders put a bounty on his head.

"The Russian Mafiya is into everything from Wall Street to African diamonds... It has compromised governments and threatens the integrity of world banking."

"Sometime in the '90s, the number of Russian mobsters in New York surpassed the head count of all five (Italian) famiglias combined." ( Books "Red Mafiya: How the Russian Mob Has Invaded ...)

Italian supergrass Antonino Giuffre accused Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi of meeting Mafia bosses (BBC - Berlusconi accused of Mafia links)

A. What is the number one business in Europe?

The Italian Mafia is Europe's Number One Business

In 2008, Italy's mafias had an income of $167 billion (130 billion euros).

This is equal to 9 percent of Italy's gross domestic product.

( Europe)

Drug trafficking brings in about 59 billion euros.

Trafficking in illegal waste and similar activities brings in 16 billion euros.

5.8 billion euros were earned from selling arms.

Extortion brings in 92 billion euros

The country’s main criminal gangs are the Mafia in Sicily, the Camorra based around Naples, the ‘Ndrangheta that operates from Calabria and Sacra Corona Unita in Puglia.

"If Marc Mukasey, The Attorney General's son, can be the lawyer for Madoff's top executive Frank DiPascali via his firm Bracewell & Giuliani in New York, and if Madoff turns out as laundering for the Russian mob and drug cartels, then how in the world could Marc have avoided turning them in?" (Euddoggwyn's World: MADOFF AND THE RUSSIAN MAFIA?)

B. Wherever you look in the world, you find organised crime.

Bernie Madoff made $50 billion disappear.

Madoff may have links to the Mafia.

(Was Bernie Madoff a Mafia Front? - Jon Taplin’s Blog)

The Bush family are alleged to be linked to criminal activities (Blueprint for World Domination).

C. Michael Collins Piper, at American Free Press, December 2007, writes about ' rudy giuliani godfather of the russian mob'

According to Piper:

Giuliani closed down the local, mainly Italian-American, mafias.

This allowed certain foreign mafias to take over.

These foreign mafias were mainly Jewish and mainly from Russia and Israel.

The NewYork tabloids praised Giuliani

The New York Post is owned by Rupert Murdoch, a supporter of Israel who is of partial Jewish descent.

The Daily News is owned by Mortimer Zuckerman, another pro-Israel hard-liner.

Sam Kislin is 'a Ukraine-born and now New York-based patron of Israel'.

Kislin is reportedly linked to high-ranking figures in the 'Russian' mafia.

Kislin raised more than $2 million for Giuliani’s intended bid for the Senate in 2000.

The initial base of operations for the Jewish (so-called 'Russian') mafia was the Brighton Beach area in Brooklyn.

Giuliani 'looked the other way'.

Robert I. Friedman wrote in his book Red Mafia that 'one of the leading figures' in the Jewish mafia, Shabtai Kalmanovitch, was also working for Mossad.

Friedman pointed out that 'Russian mafia' figures, such as Joseph Kobson, have links to Likud in Israel.

Friedman wrote: "With two decades of unimpeded growth, the Russian Mafiya has succeeded in turning Israel into its very own 'mini-state,' in which it operates with virtual impunity.

"Although many in international law enforcement believe that Israel is by now so compromised that its future as a nation is imperiled, its government, inexplicably, has done almost nothing to combat the problem."

Friedman suggested that U.S. law enforcement has done little to counter the 'Russian' mafia.

The reason, Friedman said: "A large part of the problem was political: the Russian mob was predominantly Jewish."

Patrick Cotter, a top Justice Department prosecutor, reportedly said that while the FBI had squads targeting the Italian-American mafias, there was no squad targeting the 'Russian' mafias.

The Russian-Jewish mafia is 'protected by the most powerful political force in the United States today: the Jewish lobby, represented by such groups as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B’nai B’rith, a documented arm of Israel’s intelligence service, the Mossad, as well as the American Jewish Congress and the American Jewish Committee.

'The mass media, largely controlled by Zionist interests, has also redirected attention away from these elements.'

Osama on the far right, is reported to have worked for the Russian Jewish mafia.

Forbes magazine has produced a list of the world's most wanted (Bin Laden tops rich wanted list)

1.Osama bin Laden

Osama is from a billionaire family which has close ties to the Bush family and the Saudi royal family. (aangirfan: The bin Laden Family)

According to Wayne Madsen, "The Bin Laden drug network ... intersects with Geneva-based financial entities established by George H. W. Bush while he was CIA director and Vice President and President of the United States." - aangirfan: Bush, Bin Laden, Drugs....

The newspaper Scotland on Sunday reported 16/9/ 2001 that Osama bin Laden made his fortune in part by working with Jewish-Russian mafia operations in Qatar and Cyprus.


2. Joaquin Guzman

Guzman, aged 54, is Mexico's drug kingpin. He is the boss of the international drug trafficking gang called the Sinaola Cartel. He is said to be worth at least £1 billion.

On January 19, 2001, Joaquin Guzman-Loera escaped from the maximum-security Puente Grande prison in Mexico's state of Jalisco.

Informant Ramirez Peyro ( a former Mexican policeman) stated under oath during a hearing in a U.S. immigration court: "The (Juarez) cartel had arrangements with people that were close to President Fox." Cached


3. Alimzhan Tokhtakhounov

He is linked to the Russian Mafia and he is an Israeli citizen, according to reports in the Russian media. ( Radio Islam: Mobster linked to Olympics bribe scandal has Israeli ... )

Dawood Ibrahim

4. Dawood Ibrahim

Dawood Ibrahim, the son of a policeman, is the boss of the 'D' Company which runs a vast crime empire centred on India and Pakistan.

He is suspected of having links to the security services of various countries. aangirfan: Dawood Ibrahim of the CIA?


5. Matteo Messina Denaro

He is said to be the Mafia's 'Boss of Bosses'. He allegedly killed a Sicilian hotel owner who accused him of taking young girls to bed.[2][3]

According to Wikipedia, his father worked for the D’Alì family, wealthy landowners who were among the founders of the Banco Sicula. Antonio D'Alì Sr. resigned from the board of the Banco Sicula in 1983 because he appeared on the list of the secret freemason lodge Propaganda Due (P2) of Licio Gelli. His son Antonio D'Alì jr. became a senator for Silvio Berlusconi's Forza Italia party in 1996, and in April 2001 under-secretary at the Ministry of the Interior, the institution responsible for fighting organised crime. His cousin Giacomo D’Alì is a counsellor of the Banca Commerciale Italiana in Milan, which acquired the Banca Sicula in 1991.

6. Felicien Kabuga

Kabuga is a businessman from Rwanda. He has been linked to Rwanda's Hutu government and is said to have financed Rwanda's civil war and ethnic cleansing of the rival Tutsi tribe.

"The death merchants ... are backed by America’s Central Intelligence Agency and Israel’s Mossad." - Illegal arms trade


7. Manuel Marulanda also known as Pedro Antonio Marin

He is the Colombian leader of the FARC guerillas which have been fighting the Colombian government since 1966.


8. Joseph Kony

Kony wants a fundamentalist Christian government in Uganda based on the Ten Commandments. He leads the Lord's Resistance Army. His crimes are said to include murder, sexual enslavement and rape, pillaging, abduction of children and inducement of rape.


9. James 'Whitey' Bulger

Bulger is the former boss of the Boston Irish Mafia in America.

He is the brother of William Michael Bulger, who rose to become President of the Massachusetts State Senate and president of the University of Massachusetts.

According to Wikipedia: By 1988 James Bulger headed an organization that ran all of the rackets throughout New England. They were earning so much money that they set up "The X Fund". It has since been revealed that members of the Boston Police Department, the Massachusetts State Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation accepted bribes from the X fund.[3]


10. Omid Tahvili

He is an Armenian, born in Iran, and known as the 'Tony Soprano' of Canada.


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