Image:Evo Morales Homage by David Shankbone.jpg
There appears to be a violent destabilisation campaign by right-wing forces in Bolivia. ( US hands off Bolivia! Respect Bolivian sovereignty - Online Petition )
"US-Venezuelan lawyer Eva Golinger, as reported at http://boliviarising.blogspot.com on September 15, has revealed funding to the tune of US$13.3 million by US government-funded organisations to a number of the groups responsible for the destabilisation.
"These are the same US-funded organisations that have helped fund and organise right-wing groups inside Venezuela responsible for attempts to overthrow Venezuela's elected government. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez argued on his TV show Alo Presidente on September 10 that the same method of US intervention that led to the US-backed military coup that briefly overthrew the Venezuelan government in 2002 is now being used in Bolivia." - (US hands off Bolivia! Respect Bolivian sovereignty - Online Petition)
See this Video of Fierce clashes in Bolivia
According to Green Left: in Bolivia, the historic vote confirms a will for change
Bolivia’s President Morales won 67.43% vote in the August 10 recall referendum.
"Surpassing the 53.7% he received in the 2005 national elections (until August 10 the highest vote recorded by a presidential candidate in Bolivia’s history) the result confirmed the broad support for Morales’s Movement Towards Socialism (MAS) government’s project for wide-ranging social change...
"The vote has confirmed that Morales has maintained large support among the middle classes, as well as growing class struggle in the east — where Morales’ vote dramatically increased, rejecting the concept of a government whose authority would be limited to the west...
"As the Morales government has advanced in its project to recuperate state control over natural resources, including the May 1, 2006 nationalisation of Bolivia’s gas reserves, the elites located in the east have worked to construct a regional pro-autonomy movement."