Azem Bejta, more commonly known as Azem Galica, was born in the village of Galica (medieval Kalica) in Drenica. He was the son of Bejta Galica, a patriot who died fighting for Albania's liberation from the Turkish yoke. His son, Azem, pursued the fathjer's path and initiated his patriotic career in 1910-1912 during the fightings against the Ottomans. The same year, 1912, the Serbs invaded Kosova and Azem Galica was among the many patriots who fought against the Serbs. He prooved his valiance on many occasions. When the Serbs were defeated by the Bulgarians and Austro-Hungarians in 1915, Kosova was divided between Bulgaria and Austro-Hungary. Azem Galica did not accept this occupation either, and he became an outlaw fighting the Bulgarian and Austro-Hungarian soldiers. In one occasion, for instance, it was him, his brother and two other fighters against as many as 30 Bulgarian soldiers. They killed atleast 13 and chased the others.
After Austro-Hungary's withdrawel, however, Serbia occupied Kosova again. Azem Galica and his ceta (military formation) pursued their life mission; the liberation of Kosova. Their continuous battles with Serb military and police is the source of many anecdotes of bravery and valiance. Along his side was the Jeanne D'Arc of Kosova, his wife Qerime Radisheva, or Shota (seen in the picture above, in men's clothes, along her husband). They won many pitched battles with local Serb forces, but always under the rule that "no Serbs besides those carryong weapons are to be touched ..."! He even succeeded in creating a free-zone in Kosova due to military success, a zone which was called "Arbnia e Vogel" (little Albania).. The Serbs, however, had no intention on letting this little autonomous zone survive, and thus with superior arms and more soldiers and police, they engaged Azem Galica's band of warriors. After heavy casualties, they succeeded in wounding Azem who later died from his wounds. His last wish was for his body not to be found by the Serbs, and thus he was buried in a deep cave. He died in July, 1924. His wife continued the fightings for some while.
Azem Galica was a legendary warrior, imoortalized in ballads attributed to him and his band of warriors.
Shote Galica (Qerime Galica)(1895 - 1927)

Luftëtare e shquar e çetave kryengritëse kosovare për çlirimin dhe bashkimin kombëtar të të gjitha viseve shqiptare dhe për një regjim shtetëror demokratik në Shqipëri, Heroinë e Popullit. Pa përfillur terrorin e armikut dhe ligjet e ashpra të fesë e të kanunit luftoi heroikisht për 12 vjet me radhë kundër pushtuesve serbë, austrohungarezë e bullgarë.
Shote Galica mori pjesë në më shumë se 40 aksione të rëndësishme kundër armikut. Kundërshtoi me konsekuencë politikën e dhunës e të terrorit të regjimit shovinist të Beogradit ndaj popullsisë shqiptare, shpronësimin e shpërnguljen e saj dhe kolonizimin sllav të trevave shqiptare. Më 1919 mori pjesë në Kryengritjen e Rrafshit të Dukagjinit, ndërsa më 1922-1923 luftoi për mbrojtjen e Zonës Neutrale të Junikut, e cila shërbente si bazë për kryengritjen e Kosovës e të Malësisë. Në korrik 1924 mori pjesë në mbrojtjen e zonës së lirë të Drenicës (Arbanisë së Vogël). Në korrik 1924 pas vdekjes së të shoqit Azem Galicës, vazhdoi luftimet në krye të çetës së tij. Së bashku me qindra luftëtarë të Kosovës në dhjetor të 1924 luftoi kundër ushtrive intervencioniste serbe e bjellogardiste dhe mercenarëve të Ahmet Zogut. Humbi në luftime nga masakrat e shovinistëve serbë 22 anëtarë të familjes.
Nga fundi i vitit 1926 Shote Galica u vendos në Shqipëri, ku vdiq në Fushë Krujë e braktisur nga regjimi zogist.