As the days of 2007 quickly wane away, we'll continue to get these end of the year lists. I think it's filler for the month of December when we don't really want to work anyway. The latest of these lists comes from Outside Magazine in the form of their Outside 100.
This massive list is their top 100 adventure stories, gear items, people, gadgets, or what ever else struck their fancy from the year that has just past. The list is quite eclectic, and varied with the Super Sherpas making the list at 96 and 97, while Discover Channel's Planet Earth, which is amazing by the way making the list at 86. Other highlights include the iPhone making the top ten, and Sir Richard Branson holding down the top spot overall.
That marks a pretty good year for Branson who also was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award from National Geographic.
The list is a good opportunity to review and remind ourselves of all the great stuff that happened this past year. As 2007 comes to an end, it's always great too look back and reflect on events and how the World continues to change around us. For that, I'm always happy for a list like this one. Even if it does have Andrew Skurka ranked at number 77. ;)