In the Spring the Global Warming 101 team went to the Baffin Islands to witness first hand the effects of climate change on the environment and people there. Their efforts even garnered team leader Will Steger a life time achievement award from National Geographic Adventure Magazine.
They're not finished yet however, as Jon Bowermaster is leading a team to scout the Antarctic Peninsula to look for further signs of the effects of global warming on the environment there. Jon has taken a team of athletes, scientists, and filmmakers with him to document the changes that they discover, in the hope of recording the evidence of that is becoming increasing difficult to ignore. Namely, that global warming is causing the ice to recede at an astounding rate, and that it is having a potentially devastating effect on the region.
If Jon's name sounds familiar, he was the one who filed the report last week for National Geographic on the M/S Explorer, the ship that recently went down in the Antarctic Ocean after striking a large chunk of Ice.
Thanks to Hardwear Sessions for a heads up on this one. Jon is a Mountain Hardwear Athlete of all things. The lucky bastard. ;)