
We are hearing that men dressed as soldiers were in the Birere neighborhood of Goma last night executing people with machetes. This comes from the head housekeeper, who lives there. Apparently, the residents of Birere stayed up in the night to guard their homes and families. No official word on this yet, but E heard screaming close to us during the night. She was surprised that I didn't hear it. She said it was really strong for a few minutes, then went away. I don't even want to say what that sounds like.

Again, rumors are currency here, so you never know what to believe and what to ignore. There are a lot of soldiers out, though, and the helicopter traffic seems higher than normal.

I am headed to do an interview, then P and I are going to Sake to visit the pygmy families my church helped last year. Sake was attacked by Nkunda's troops last August and there has been further instability in the town. I am interested to see how things have changed in these families' lives, and what's still difficult.

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