Australian makes documentary about the Western Sahara

Last February, a documentary about the Western Sahara got picked up at a film conference. This happy news comes courtesy of our pals Australian Western Sahara Association.

The film, The Wall of Shame, focus on the camps in Tindouf. I've written about its delightful website before, but now I feel even better about it because of two things: DOCUMART and
its producer's experience.

According to AWSA's post, which reads like a press release, the film picked up its producers at a documentary pitching free-for-all called Documart. To quote AWSA: "DOCUMART is the blood sport of documentary filmmaking." Sounds terrifying. Wall of Shame managed to fight its way through anyway.

Tom Zubrycki, the documentary's producer, is dynamite. He's produced and made a lot of movies, many of which sound interesting. He even made a film about the struggle for independence in East Timor, so he should be familiar with Western Sahara's parallel fight. I'm looking forward to seeing The Wall of Shame.

On an unrelated note, AWSA ought to open comments on posts again. You know who else doesn't allow comments on her blog? Michelle Malkin. And we all know that she's lame.

What's your favorite documentary about the Western Sahara? Post in the comments. You can also lament about Georgetown's basketball loss yesterday.

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