Renegotiation of NFL Contracts: Comparing Chad Pennington and Terrell Owens

Rick Karcher brings up a good point about the Jets efforts to renegotiate Chad Pennington's contract:
When I read this story, I couldn't help but think about the irony between the Jets-Pennington situation and the Eagles-Owens situation, which really highlights the impact of non-guaranteed contracts in the NFL.
Rick is right. And think about: while Terrell Owens was widely lambasted as greedy and selfish when he sought to renegotiate his contract last year-- "If he is so unhappy with this contract then why did he sign it?", the Jets are somehow seen as rational economic actors who deserve our understanding. Why are we more comfortable when a team seeks to lower a contract value than when a player seeks to do the very opposite? Aren't they fundamentally doing the same thing: looking out for their best economic interests? Or is it just about TO?

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