But it's not just Lawrence Lepard knee-deep in this scam. It was August last year when this humble corner of cyberspace first shone light on Rise Gold (RISE.cse), the latest scam put together by the serial liar and convicted environmental offender Ben Mossman. That was the post "Rise Gold (RISE.v): Ben Mossman up to his tricks again" and at the end, we pointed to a weird and wonderful financial transaction that went down as part of the set-up:
But then came this:
The Company announces that it has entered into a non-binding letter of intent with Eridanus Capital LLC (the “Lender”) for a US$1,000,000 loan (the “Loan”). The Loan has a term of 4 years and an annual interest rate of 10% for the first two years increasing to 20% in year 3 and to 25% in year 4. Interest will accrue and be paid along with the principal upon the maturity date. The Lender will be issued 11,500,000 bonus share purchase warrants as additional consideration for advancing the Loan. Each warrant entitles the holder to acquire one Share of the Company at an exercise price of C$0.10 for a period of three years from the date of issuance. The Loan may be repaid prior to the maturity date, in whole or in part, provided that all accrued interest is paid. In addition, if total interest payments are less than $200,000 (two years’ interest), the difference will be paid to the Lender as prepayment compensation. The Loan will be secured against the assets of the Company and its subsidiary and will be used for permitting, engineering and working capital at the Company’s Idaho Maryland Gold Project.
Turns out that this entity, Eridanus Capital LLC, was only registered as a company a couple of weeks ago and its business address is a Biz PO Box drop service out of Sheridan Wyoming (an old clapboard railway station building, in fact). Which makes one wonder why RISE.v is so keen on getting its hands on this U$1m for "working capital purposes" from a brand new start-up registered in middle-of-nowhere USA when it's just raised C$4.5m for exactly the same purpose, working cap. Also, why is RISE.v willing to pay a minimum of $200,000 in interest (if they pay back in two years or less) or up to $650,000 (if they pay back in four years) for this loan that they really do not need? All on the back of a CEO with an extremely dubious past history (that he's obviously keen on burying). Perhaps if Mossman helped us with the identities of the people behind Eridanus Capital LLC, it would surely help the transparency on this junior's activities. Or maybe he prefers keeping us all in the dark again...
Aaaand we're back to August 2020 and it just so happens that we now know the ID behind Eridanus Capital LLC. That's Dan Oliver of Myrmikan Capital fame, a hard money full-thrust goldbug who regales one and all with predictions of $10k gold and Doomsday blather on Teh IntaWebz. Hoodathunkit, a loudmouth goldbug trying to instil fear into the financially naive would be involved in a blatant gold mine scam? Hooda freakin well thinkit.
Hey, I wonder if Lawrence Lepard and Dan Oliver are friendly?