Updates, last week, on interest, attention of users to results of environmental scientist Sergei Ostroumov, on ResearchGate; recommendations, notes from web to Sergei; https://5bio5.blogspot.com/2018/05/99.html

Updates, last week, on interest, attention of users to results of environmental scientist  Sergei Ostroumov, on ResearchGate;
notes from web to Sergei; recommendations of experts,

https://5bio5.blogspot.com/2018/05/99.html ;                          

Your conference paper reached 50 reads
Ecological factors of water purification and the role of zooplankton. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/324131505; Экологические факторы очищения воды и роль зоопланктона.
Hanen Kroini
 recommended your publication: oysters, marine bivalve mollusks (Crassostrea gigas)
With 1,677 new reads, your contributions were the most read contributions from your department
Your stats for last week are now available.
Okechukwu Ebuka Agbasi and Bayan Hussien
recommended your publication: 01.06.2012-03.06.2012, 14 posts, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/323068427 ; environmental science,
Priyanka Mehta
 recommended your publications: Book. 1st page. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/311846679; Orlov S.N., Kotelevtsev S.V., Novikov K.N., Selishcheva A.A., Akimova O.A., Ostroumov S.A. Biophysics, biochemistry, biosystem studies. Fundamental research and applications: Results and bibliography. - Moscow, 2014, 188 p. (Eds: Orlov S.N., Kotelevtsev S.V., Ostroumov S.A.); and New hazards of synthetic surfactants as dangerous aquatic pollutants in freshwater and marine ecosystems: one of 3 major discoveries / innovations in aquatic ecology, during the period of time: 1990 – 2010; the 3 discoveries made by Sergei Ostroumov: in Spanish, French, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Turkish, Arabic; list of 30 publications, WorldCatalog; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/309110269and Main equation for....Title(doc)
Priyanka Mehta
 followed your project: Making water supply sources more safe and sustainable
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Dr K N Sheth
 recommends your update to your project:Making water supply sources more safe and sustainable
Dr K N Sheth
 recommends your update to your project:Making water supply sources more safe and sustainable
Dr K N Sheth
 recommends your update to your project:Making water supply sources more safe and sustainable
Dr K N Sheth
 recommends your update to your project:Making water supply sources more safe and sustainable
Dr K N Sheth
 recommends your update to your project:Making water supply sources more safe and sustainable
Dr K N Sheth
 recommends your update to your project:Making water supply sources more safe and sustainable
Dr K N Sheth
 recommends your update to your project:Making water supply sources more safe and sustainable
Dr K N Sheth
 recommends your update to your project:Making water supply sources more safe and sustainable
Dr K N Sheth
 recommends your update to your project:Making water supply sources more safe and sustainable
Dr K N Sheth
 recommends your update to your project:Making water supply sources more safe and sustainable
Dr K N Sheth
 recommends your update to your project:Making water supply sources more safe and sustainable
Dr K N Sheth
 recommends your update to your project:Making water supply sources more safe and sustainable
Dr K N Sheth
 recommends your update to your project:Making water supply sources more safe and sustainable
Dr K N Sheth
 followed your publication: Main equation for....Title(doc)
Dr K N Sheth
 followed your publication: New hazards of synthetic surfactants as dangerous aquatic pollutants in freshwater and marine ecosystems: one of 3 major discoveries / innovations in aquatic ecology, during the period of time: 1990 – 2010; the 3 discoveries made by Sergei Ostroumov: in Spanish, French, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Turkish, Arabic; list of 30 publications, WorldCatalog; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/309110269
Dr K N Sheth
 followed your publication: Book. 1st page. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/311846679; Orlov S.N., Kotelevtsev S.V., Novikov K.N., Selishcheva A.A., Akimova O.A., Ostroumov S.A. Biophysics, biochemistry, biosystem studies. Fundamental research and applications: Results and bibliography. - Moscow, 2014, 188 p. (Eds: Orlov S.N., Kotelevtsev S.V., Ostroumov S.A.);
Dr K N Sheth
 commented on your update to your project: Making water supply sources more safe and sustainable
Your question reached 40 reads
What is the relation between terms: seston and suspended particles?
Sundar S
 recommends your update to your project:Toward modernization, innovations in environmental science, ecology
Dlshad Ali Omer
 commented on your update to your project: Toward modernization, innovations in environmental science, ecology
Barbara Sawicka
 recommended your publication: Ecological factors of water purification and the role of zooplankton. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/324131505; Экологические факторы очищения воды и роль зоопланктона.
Your article reached 2,500 reads
New Definitions of the Concepts and Terms Ecosystem and Biogeocenosis. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200577836; (ecosystem definition, ecology)
Sundar S
 recommends your update to your project:Toward modernization, innovations in environmental science, ecology
Okechukwu Ebuka Agbasi
 followed your project: Making water supply sources more safe and sustainable
See followers
Sundar S
 recommends your update to your project:Citation analysis of a series of relevant publications, topics: environmental science, general and aquatic ecology, selected issues of biology, authored, co-authored by Sergei A. Ostroumov
Zarimah Binti Hanafiah
 followed your project: Making water supply sources more safe and sustainable
See followers
Leonardo João Da Silva
 followed your publication: Mytilus edulis
Leonardo João Da Silva
 started following your updates.
Pushan Dutta
 followed your project: Building sustainable future: top important issues of protection of the environment, nature conservation.
See followers
Pushan Dutta
 followed your project: Making water supply sources more safe and sustainable
See followers
Pushan Dutta
 started following your updates.
Pushan Dutta
 added an answer to your question: Who wants to join or follow the Project on ResearchGate.: 'Making water supply sources more safe and sustainable'?
Your project reached 200 reads
Video and pictures, illustrations to environmental science research of Sergei Ostroumov. Photo, video of the objects that were studied.
Jaba Tkemaladze
 recommended your publication: Chinese: 研究生物圈的污染危害:十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)的影响,对滤食性浮游动物的影响; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/320685388 ; On Studying the Hazards of Pollution of the Biosphere: Effects of Sodium Dodecylsulfate (SDS) on Planktonic Filter-Feeders; Chinese translation; in Chinese;
Natalia Adarme
 followed your project: Video and pictures, illustrations to environmental science research of Sergei Ostroumov. Photo, video of the objects that were studied.
See followers
With 2,273 new reads, your contributions were the most read contributions from Phonology
Lotfi Aleya
 added research to your project: Building sustainable future: top important issues of protection of the environment, nature conservation.
Your stats for last week are now available.
Paulinn Ferrer
 started following your updates.
Bassam Tayeh and Amjad Albayati
 recommend your update to your project: Making water supply sources more safe and sustainable
Rashmi H Ramachandra
 followed your project: Making water supply sources more safe and sustainable
See followers
Hitesh Gujarati and Shafagat Mahmudova
 recommend your update to your project: Making water supply sources more safe and sustainable
Hitesh Gujarati and Dr K N Sheth
 recommended your question: I invite you to my project https://www.researchgate.net/project/Making-water-supply-sources-more-safe-and-sustainable Who wants to follow, read it?
Dr K N Sheth
 recommends your update to your project:Making water supply sources more safe and sustainable
Dickson Adom
 followed your publication: Ecological factors of water purification and the role of zooplankton. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/324131505; Экологические факторы очищения воды и роль зоопланктона.
Dlshad Ali Omer
 recommended your publication: 108 citations of book: Biological Effects of Surfactants. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/321427276; S.A.Ostroumov. on list of 100 bestsellers in Toxicology;
Jaba Tkemaladze
 cited in their project one of your publications: Current development of some ideas of V.I. Vernadsky / Sovremennoye razvitiye nekotorykh idey V.I. Vernadskogo / Современное развитие некоторых идей В.И.Вернадского. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/269088415;
You have a new citation on: On Some Issues of Maintaining Water Quality and Self-Purification; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/215586879;
View citation
هيام العبودي
 followed your publication: A new type of effect of potentially hazardous substances: uncouplers of pelagial–benthal coupling. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200576296
Barbara Sawicka
 recommended your publication: A new type of effect of potentially hazardous substances: uncouplers of pelagial–benthal coupling. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200576296
Syed Ismyl Mahmood Rizvi
 recommends your update to your project: Citation analysis of a series of relevant publications, topics: environmental science, general and aquatic ecology, selected issues of biology, authored, co-authored by Sergei A. Ostroumov