оценка, отзывы (благоприятные) на результаты исследований в Московском университете, Сергей Остроумов: экологическая наука, улучшение качества воды, защита биоразнообразия; Positive evaluation, reviews (favorable) of results of a researcher at Moscow University, Sergei Ostroumov: environmental science, water quality improvement, biodiversity protection; https://5bio5.blogspot.com/2018/05/po_11.html

Положительная оценка, отзывы (благоприятные) на результаты  исследований в Московском университете, Сергей Остроумов: экологическая наука, улучшение качества воды, защита биоразнообразия;

Positive evaluation, reviews (favorable) of results of a researcher at Moscow University, Sergei Ostroumov: environmental science, water quality improvement, biodiversity protection;


Displaying results for “reviews Ostroumov” under Publications (this is only a beginning of the list of the results):
in Sweden, Citation of book: Ostroumov, S.A. (2006) Biological Effects of Surfactants, It was cited in the book: Surface Chemistry of Surfactants and Polymers (2014); https://www.researchgate.net/publication/324222744; https://books.google.ru/books?isbn=1119961246; Bengt Kronberg, ‎Krister Holmberg, ‎Bjorn Lindman - 2014 ; https://5bio5.blogspot.com/2018/04/who-cited.html Bibliography that was cited: Hall-Manning, T.J., Holland, G.H., Rennie, G. et al. (1998) Skin irritation potential of mixed surfactant systems. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 36, 233–238. Hayes, D.G., Kitamoto, D., Solaiman, D.K.Y. ... of Surfactants, Blackie and Sons, London. Ostroumov, S.A. (2006) Biological Effects of Surfactants, Taylor ...
** Surface Chemistry of Surfactants and Polymers By Bengt Kronberg, Krister Holmberg, Bjorn Lindman ** cited on page 64, the book Biological effects of surfactants;;
** List of links to online publications on this book: Biological effects of surfactants: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200637755; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259364716 ; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259384988; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200637626; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259335534; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200637626; Keywords 1 page, for book: Biological Effects of Surfactants. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/294207138;
 ** Bengt Kronberg, Krister Holmberg, Bjorn Lindman; John Wiley & Sons, Dec 22, 2014; - 496 pages; This book gives the reader an introduction to the field of surfactants in solution as well as polymers in solution. Starting with an introduction to surfactants the book then discusses their environmental and health aspects. Chapter 3 looks at fundamental forces in surface and colloid chemistry. Chapter 4 covers self-assembly and 5 phase diagrams. Chapter 6 reviews advanced self-assembly while chapter 7 looks at complex behaviour. Chapters 8 to 10 cover polymer adsorption at solid surfaces, polymers in solution and surface active polymers, respectively. Chapters 11 and 12 discuss adsorption and surface and interfacial tension, while Chapters 13- 16 deal with mixed surfactant systems. Chapter 17, 18 and 19 address microemulsions, colloidal stability and the rheology of polymer and surfactant solutions. Wetting and wetting agents, hydrophobization and hydrophobizing agents, solid dispersions, surfactant assemblies, foaming, emulsions and emulsifiers and microemulsions for soil and oil removal complete the coverage in chapters 20-25.
 ** Bengt Kronberg of YKI Institute for Surface Chemistry, Stockholm YKI with expertise in Physical Chemistry, Surface Chemistry. ** Krister Holmberg 42.39 Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg (Göteborg, Sweden ); Department • Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering; Skills and Expertise • Nanomaterials • Surface Chemistry • Colloid Chemistry; ** Bjorn Lindman 49.32 Lund University; Department • Department of Chemistry; Skills and Expertise • DNA • CTAB • Surfactants; ** Institutions that cited the book of Sergei Ostroumov: YKI Institute for Surface Chemistry (Stockholm), Chalmers University of Technology, (Gothenburg, Göteborg), Lund University,

  • 19 Reads

  • independent experts;

  • independent reviewers;

  • On 7 achievements in environmental science (concise summary and comments). https://www.researchgate.net/publication/318653098; 7 top, main achievements of the researcher at Moscow State University: environmental science, biology, ecology, water quality, aquatic ecotoxicology;
    https://5bio5.blogspot.com/2017/07/7-main-achievements-repost.html; https://5bio5.blogspot.com/2017/07/7.html;
    ** Among the main achievements:
    according to independent experts who reviewed the publications of these results, these innovations are connected with generation of fundamentally new ideas and concepts which are ahead of their time and are perhaps ahead of the current time. Therefore their value is not based on the year of their publication. They were formulated in books and articles that, formally speaking, are not very recent. However the level of novelty, according to independent reviewers, is substantial. The opinion of reviewers is that the results, ideas and conclusions are being innovative now, and they will stay innovative for some period of time in future. These are the main seven results: 1. Creation of a new ecological science, namely, biochemical ecology, in books and scientific papers in reviewed academic journals [1, 2]; 2. formulation of a consistent ecological theory of improving water quality (theory of water self-purification) [3]; 3. discovery of new environmental hazards of non-lethal concentrations of synthetic detergents and synthetic surfactants as disruptors of water filtration function (by organisms that are filter-feeders) in aquatic ecosystems [4, 5]; 4. scientific justification of necessity to include synthetic surfactants on the list of priority pollutants [4, 5]; 5. a new system of criteria of environmental hazard of chemicals [6, 7]; 6. a new definition of the fundamental term, ecosystem (and a new definition of the term biogeocoenosis) [8]; 7. identification, discovery and conceptual analysis of the third functional type of matter (chemical substances) in the biosphere, in addition to the traditional two types, living matter and non-alive matter [9, 10]; The citation of this series of publications is characterized in [11]. The citation of publications of this series was made by researchers of more than 50 countries, who are affiliated with more than 300 universities and research institutions worldwide. The books of this scientist got a positive, favorable evaluations in more than 20 book reviews published by international experts and prominent scientists in U.S., Russia and other countries [12].
    REFERENCES: 1. Ostroumov S.A. Introduction to Biochemical Ecology. Moscow University Press, Moscow, 176 p. [Translit of the Russian title: Vvedenie v biohimičeskuju èkologiju. Another version of the translit: Vvedenie v biokhimicheskuyu ekologiyu. Original Russian title: Остроумов С.А. Введение в биохимическую экологию. Москва, Издательство Московского университета. 1986, 176 стр.] https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259800839; this book was translated and published in two other European languages; 2. Ostroumov S.A. On the concepts of biochemical ecology and hydrobiology: Ecological chemomediators. - Contemporary Problems of Ecology. 2008, 1:238-244. ISSN: 1995-4255 (print version); ISSN: 1995-4263 (electronic version); DOI: 10.1134/S1995425508020100; Full text free: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/201999918; 3. Ostroumov S.A. On the biotic self-purification of aquatic ecosystems: elements of the theory. - Doklady Biological Sciences, 2004, Vol. 396, Numbers 1-6, pp. 206-211. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200567576; ISSN: 0012-4966 (Print) 1608-3105 (Online); 4. Ostroumov S.A. Studying effects of some surfactants and detergents on filter-feeding bivalves. - Hydrobiologia. 2003, Vol.500, p.341-344. DOI 10.1023/A:1024604904065; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259402545; 5. Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis. Boca Raton, London, New York. 2006. 279 p., ISBN 0-8493-2526-9. ISBN 13: 9780849325267; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200637755; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259364716; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259335534; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259384988; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200637626; 6. Ostroumov S.A. Criteria of ecological hazards due to anthropogenic effects on the biota: searching for a system. - Dokl Biol Sci (Doklady Biological Sciences). 2000; 371:204-206. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259579814; ISSN: 0012-4966 (Print) 1608-3105 (Online); 7. Ostroumov S.A. Anthropogenic effects on the biota: Towards a new system of principles and criteria for analysis of ecological hazards.- Rivista di Biologia/Biology Forum. 2003. 96: 159-170. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/299442335 8. Ostroumov S.A. New definitions of the concepts and terms ecosystem and biogeocenosis. - Doklady Biological Sciences, 2002 (March), Volume 383, p. 141-143. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200577836; DOI: 10.1023/a:1015393924967; ISSN: 0012-4966 (Print) 1608-3105 (Online); 9. Остроумов С.А. О типологии основных видов вещества в биосфере // Экологическая химия. 2011. 20(3): 179–188. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/301624938; [English translation: Ostroumov S.A. On the typology of the main types of matter in the biosphere // Ecological Chemistry. 2011. 20 (3): 179-188; Translit: Ostroumov S.A. O tipologii osnovnykh vidov veshchestva v biosfere // Ekologicheskaya Khimiya. 2011. 20(3): 179–188. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/301624938]; ISSN 0869-3498; 10. Остроумов С.А. Новая типология вещества и роль ex-living matter (ELM) в биосфере [New typology of matter and the role of ex-living matter (ELM)] // Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions. 2010. Vol.16. P. 62-65. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/269092716; 11. 33-pages: citation of publications on environmental science, biology, citation in: Europe, America, Asia, other continents. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/311451822; (viewed 23.07.2017); 12. Published reviews of books on environmental science, ecology, biology; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/266082161; (viewed 23.07.2017);

  • 75 Reads

  • 108 citations of book: Biological Effects of Surfactants. S.A.Ostroumov. on list of 100 bestsellers in Toxicology; U.S., Russia, Austria, Germany, Italy, Canada, Spain, India, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Moldova, Ukraine, Iran, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200637626 ; https://5bio5.blogspot.com/2017/11/108-citations-of-book.html ; data from Google Scholar: Biological Effects of Surfactants: https://www.researchgate.net ...; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200637626; https://www.researchgate.net/.../200637626_Biological_Effects_of_Surfactants_httpsww... On the book, Biological Effects of Surfactants, S.A.Ostroumov, ISBN 0849325269 、 9780849325267 ; トップ出版:エコロジー、環境; 書籍:界面活性剤( :環境科学、 ... Biological Effects of Surfactants. S.A.Ostroumov. Book Cover; https://www.researchgate.net/.../284444378_Biological_Effects_of_Surfactants_SAOstro...; On Nov 23, 2015 Ostroumov S. A. published: Biological Effects of Surfactants. S.A.Ostroumov. Book Cover.; The book was cited by international scientists and experts from 108 citations of book: Biological Effects of Surfactants. S.A.Ostroumov. on list of 100 bestsellers in Toxicology; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200637626; https://5bio5.blogspot.com/2017/11/108-citations-of-book.html data from Google Scholar: Biological Effects of Surfactants: https://www.researchgate.net ...; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200637626; https://www.researchgate.net/.../200637626_Biological_Effects_of_Surfactants_httpsww... On the book, Biological Effects of Surfactants, S.A.Ostroumov, ISBN 0849325269 、 9780849325267 ; トップ出版:エコロジー、環境; 書籍:界面活性剤( :環境科学、 ... You've visited this page 3 times. Last visit: 8/28/17 Biological Effects of Surfactants. S.A.Ostroumov. Book Cover; https://www.researchgate.net/.../284444378_Biological_Effects_of_Surfactants_SAOstro...; On Nov 23, 2015 Ostroumov S. A. published: Biological Effects of Surfactants. S.A.Ostroumov. Book Cover.; The book was cited by international scientists and experts from U.S., Russia, Austria, Germany, Italy, Canada, Spain, India, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Moldova, Ukraine, Iran,

    ** Benzalkonium chloride (BAC) and dimethyldioctadecyl-ammonium bromide (DDAB), two common quaternary ammonium compounds, cause genotoxic effects in …; F Ferk, M Mišík, C Hoelzl, M Uhl, M Fuerhacker… - …, 2007 - academic.oup.com;
    Quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs) are cationic surfactants that are widely used as disinfectants. In the present study, we tested two important representatives, namely, benzalkonium chloride (BAC) and dimethyldioctadecyl-ammonium bromide (DDAB) in four...; Institute of Cancer Research, Medical University of Vienna, Austria, 1 Department of Botany, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2 Federal Environment Agency Austria, Vienna, Austria, 3 University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria, 4 University of Veterinary Medicine, Laboratory of Ecotoxicology, Vienna, Austria; and 5 German Environmental Protection Agency, Bad Elster, Germany; Cited by 64 Related articles All 12 versions; Analytics of surfactants in the environment: problems and challenges; E Olkowska, Z Polkowska, J Namiesnik - Chemical Reviews, 2011 - ACS Publications; We give a general classification of SAAs (with examples of the structural formulas of selected compounds) and of their toxicity to living organisms. Next, we review the problems posed by the analysis of surfactants in environmental samples and the analytical techniques; Cited by 61 Related articles All 8 versions

     Magnetic removal of surfactants from wastewater using micrometric iron oxide powders; CC Borghi, M Fabbri, M Fiorini, M Mancini… - Separation and …, 2011 - Elsevier; The aim of this paper is the study of a sustainable process for the treatment of urban wastewater able to reduce surfactant concentrations close to the back-ground levels or, at least, lower than the values allowed by law for a reuse in agriculture. The considered; Cited by 36 Related articles All 7 versions Self-stratifying antimicrobial polyurethane coatings; MB Yagci, S Bolca, JPA Heuts, W Ming… - Progress in Organic …, 2011 - Elsevier; In this work antimicrobial polyurethane coatings were prepared aiming at self-stratification. A hydroxyl end-capped liquid oligoester consisting of three equimolar diacids and an excess of 1, 4-butanediol has been synthesized by a condensation reaction. A set of quaternary; Cited by 33 Related articles All 7 versions;

    [PDF] academia.edu Tolerance of an aquatic macrophyte Potamogeton crispus L. to sodium dodecyl sulphate / sulfate; EA Solomonova, SA Ostroumov - Moscow University Biological Sciences …, 2007 - Springer
    Abstract: The effects of the anionic surfactant sodium dodecyl sulphate / sulfate on the aquatic macrophyte Potamogeton crispus L. are studied. Concentrations of 83–133 mg/l caused fragmentation of the stems of plants. The tolerance of the plants to the negative effects of the;
    Cited by 30 Related articles All 8 versions [PDF] academia.edu Decreasing the measurable concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb in the water of the experimental systems containing Ceratophyllum demersum: The …; SA Ostroumov, TV Shestakova - Doklady Biological Sciences, 2009 - Springer; 10 Distinct signs of worsening; the shoots are dead or dying. The leaves have detached from the stems. There is a mucous film on the water surface. The phytomass has sunk to the bottom part of the water column; the upper part of the water column, free of plants, is 1–2 cm Cited by 31 Related articles All 15 versions;

    Adsorbent biopolymers from tannin extracts for water treatment; J Sánchez-Martín, J Beltrán-Heredia… - Chemical Engineering …, 2011 - Elsevier; Up to four tannin extracts from different natural vegetal sources were gelified with formaldehyde and acetaldehyde. The feasible combinations were tested in the removal of Zn2+, methylene blue (MB) and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) in aqueous Cited by 32 Related articles All 8 versions;

     A solid phase extraction–ion chromatography with conductivity detection procedure for determining cationic surfactants in surface water samples;
     E Olkowska, Ż Polkowska, J Namieśnik - Talanta, 2013 - Elsevier; Abstract A new analytical procedure for the simultaneous determination of individual cationic surfactants (alkyl benzyl dimethyl ammonium chlorides) in surface water samples has been developed. We describe this methodology for the first time: it involves the application of solid Cited by 23 Related articles All 9 versions;

     ** Sodium dodecyl sulfate adsorption onto positively charged surfaces: monolayer formation with opposing headgroup orientations; SH Song, P Koelsch, T Weidner, MS Wagner… - Langmuir, 2013 - ACS Publications; The adsorption and structure of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) layers onto positively charged films have been monitored in situ with vibrational sum-frequency-generation (SFG)...; spectroscopy and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensing. Substrates with different...; † National ESCA and Surface Analysis Center for Biomedical Problems, Molecular Engineering & Science Institute, Departments of Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, United States; ‡ The Procter & Gamble Company, 6210 Center Hill Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45224, United States; Cited by 21 Related articles All 9 versions. [PDF] researchgate.net

     [PDF] Ostroumov SA, Kotelevtsev SV Toxicology of nanomaterials and environment.-Ecologica. 2011, vol. 18, issue 61, pp. 3-10. SA Ostroumov - Ecologica, 2011 - researchgate.net; -ABSTRACT: Manufactured nanoparticles demonstrated a variety of biological activities, including toxicity. The goal of this review articles is to summarize some evidence of a variety of toxic effects produced by manufactured nanoparticles, including both the data from...; Cited by 15 Related articles All 2 versions;
     [PDF] rae.ru

     [PDF] К 80-летию выхода в свет книги ВИ Вернадского “Биосфера”. Развитие некоторых важных разделов учения о биосфере. ГВ Добровольский - Экологическая химия, 2007 - econf.rae.ru; Приведен краткий обзор работ, которые развивают ряд аспектов учения о биосфере, созданного ВИ Вернадским. Основное внимание уделено исследованиям, посвященным биосфере как важному фактору формирования геохимической среды, Cited by 46 Related articles All 3 versions In-syringe magnetic stirring assisted dispersive liquid–liquid micro-extraction with solvent washing for fully automated determination of cationic surfactants; B Horstkotte, R Suárez, P Solich, V Cerdà - Analytical Methods, 2014 - pubs.rsc.org; An automated simple analyzer system for the extraction of cationic surfactants as an ion-pair with disulfine blue dye is described based on the technique in-syringe magnetic stirring- assisted dispersive liquid–liquid micro-extraction. The use of chloroform as an extraction Cited by 12 Related articles

    [PDF] bose.res.in Formulation and characterization of a biocompatible microemulsion composed of mixed surfactants: lecithin and Triton X-100 A Das, RK Mitra - Colloid and Polymer Science, 2014 - Springer Abstract We report on the formation and characterization of a biocompatible microemulsion (ME) system composed of lecithin (L), Triton X-100 (T) as the surfactant (s), butyl lactate (BL) as the cosurfactant, and isopropyl myristate (IPM) as the oil phase and water. Detailed Cited by 10 Related articles All 8 versions

    ** Effects of sodium dodecyl sulfate on the growth dynamics and physiological state of the microalga Dunaliella salina (Chlorophyta) ZV Markina - Russian journal of marine biology, 2010 - Springer Abstract This study deals with the effects of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)(0.1, 1, and 10 mg/l) on the growth dynamics and physiological state of the microalga Dunaliella salina Teod.(Chlorophyta). The effects of SDS increase with increasing concentration. At 10 mg/l, Cited by 8 Related articles All 4 versions [RTF] academia.edu Toxicity of gold nanoparticles for plants in experimental aquatic system SA Ostroumov, VA Poklonov, SV Kotelevtsev… - Moscow University …, 2014 - Springer Abstract Increased production and use of nanomaterials can lead to new types of pollution of the environment, including aquatic ecosystems. Pollution of the aqueous environment with nanoparticles can be a new type of pollution of the environment. This requires a more Cited by 6 Related articles All 13 versions [PDF] researchgate.net [PDF] Химико-биотические взаимодействия и новое в учении о биосфере ВИ Вернадского СА Остроумов - М.: МАКС Пресс, 2013 - researchgate.net © SA Ostroumov. Chemico-Biotic Interactions and the new in the teaching on the biosphere by VI Vernadsky. Moscow, 2009. MAX Press. 52 p. Abstract. The brochure is a material for the lectures and scientific presentations. The purpose of this work-to summarize and Cited by 16 Related articles All 3 versions [PDF] researchgate.net
    [CITATION] Ускорение снижения концентрации поверхностно-активного вещества в воде микрокосма в присутствии растений: инновации для … ЕВ Лазарева, СА Остроумов - Доклады Академии наук, 2009 - elibrary.ru ПОИСК. Найти. Расширенный поиск … Cited by 14 Related articles All 5 versions Экологическая биогеохимия и элементы (мышьяк, кобальт, железо, марганец, цинк, медь, кадмий, хром) в цистозире и биогенном детрите в морской … СА Остроумов, ЛЛ Демина - Экологические системы и приборы, 2009 - elibrary.ru АННОТАЦИЯ: Впервые измерена концентрация девяти элементов в детрите, образовавшемся в микрокосмах с Mytilus galloprovincialis, с помощью атомной абсорбционной спектроскопии (ААС). Кроме того, измерена концентрация этих же Cited by 20 Related articles [PDF] researchgate.net [PDF] Тяжелые металлы (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cd, Cr) в биогенном детрите микрокосмов с водными организмами СА Остроумов, ЛЛ Демина - Экология промышленного …, 2010 - researchgate.net Âïåðâûå óñòàíîâëåíî,÷ òî áèîãåííûé äåòðèò, îáðàçîâàâøèéñÿ çà 8 ìåñ â ýêñïåðèìåíòàëüíûõ ñèñòåìàõ (ìèêðîêîñìàõ ñ Viviparus viviparus è Ceratophyllum demersum), ñîäåðæàë ñëåäóþùèå ìåòàëëû: Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cd, Cr. Èõ êîíöåíòðàöèè èçìåðåíû ìåòîäîì àòîìíî- Cited by 20 Related articles All 8 versions Adsorbent derived from Pinus pinaster tannin for cationic surfactant removal J Sánchez-Martín, J Beltrán-Heredia… - Journal of wood …, 2012 - Taylor & Francis Abstract Pinus tannin gel (PTG) has proven to be an effective adsorbent for removing various cationic pollutants including heavy metals, dyes, and surfactants. The form of obtaining these condensed tannins from Pinus pinaster bark was conventional aqueous Cited by 8 Related articles All 6 versions ** Effect of herbicide adjuvants on the biodegradation rate of the methylthiotriazine herbicide prometryn JF Pérez-Bárcena, D Ahuatzi-Chacón… - Biodegradation, 2014 - Springer Abstract A microbial community, selected by its ability to degrade triazinic herbicides was acclimatized by successive transfers in batch cultures. Initially, its ability to degrade prometryn, was evaluated using free cells or cells attached to fragments of a porous support. Cited by 4 Related articles All 9 versions [CITATION] К изучению опасности загрязнения биосферы: воздействие додецилсульфата натрия на планктонных фильтраторов ИМ Ворожун, СА Остроумов - Доклады Академии наук, 2009 - elibrary.ru ПОИСК. Найти. Расширенный поиск … Cited by 6 Related articles

    [PDF] researchgate.net [PDF] ВЛИЯНИЕ МАКРОФИТОВ НА ПОВЕРХНОСТНОЕ НАТЯЖЕНИЕ ВОДНОГО РАСТВОРА ДОДЕЦИЛСУЛЬФАТА НАТРИЯ: ПОИСК ФИТОТЕХНОЛОГИЙ … СА Остроумов, ЕВ Лазарева… - Экологическая …, 2009 - researchgate.net Исследовали возможность использования водных макрофитов для очищения вод от синтетического анионного поверхностно-активного вещества из группы алкилсульфатов. В водных микрокосмах с добавленным анионным ПАВ Cited by 7 Related articles All 2 versions [CITATION] Додецилсульфат натрия: воздействие на водный макрофит Potamogeton crispus L. СА Остроумов, ЕА Соломонова - Токсикологический вестник, 2006 - elibrary.ru Изучали эффекты воздействия додецилсульфата натрия на водный макрофит Potamogeton crispus L. Концентрации 83-133 мг/л способствовали процессу фрагментации стеблей растений. Cited by 7 Related articles

    [PDF] elpub.ru Токсичность наночастиц золота для растений в экспериментальной водной системе СА Остроумов, ВА Поклонов… - Вестник …, 2015 - vestnik-bio-msu.elpub.ru Аннотация Рост производства и использования наноматериалов может привести к появлению новых видов загрязнения окружающей среды, в том числе водных экосистем. Таким новым видом загрязнения среды может оказаться загрязнение Cited by 5 Related articles All 3 versions [PDF] idsi.md [PDF] Fundamental role of biological factors in aquatic ecosystem function: improving water quality SA Ostroumov, AA Miron, SV Kotelevtsev… - Bulletin of the Academy …, 2015 - ibn.idsi.md Developing the fundamentals of aquatic ecosystem function is one of priorities and important goals in modern ecology [1, 2]. This article revises the fundamentals of the theory of the multifunctional role that the aquatic biological community (biota) plays in the water self- Cited by 4 Related articles All 2 versions Unraveling a municipal effluent's toxicity to Tripneustes gratilla sperm fertilization LC Vazquez - Environmental toxicology and chemistry, 2013 - Wiley Online Library Abstract A tiered investigative approach was employed to characterize and identify substances responsible for the persistent toxicity of a primary-treated municipal effluent to gametes of the Hawaiian sea urchin, Tripneustes gratilla. Toxicity identification evaluation Cited by 2 Related articles All 5 versions

    [PDF] queensu.ca Designing the Head Group of Switchable Surfactants L SCOTT - 2009 - qspace.library.queensu.ca This thesis is an investigation into the development of amidine and guanidine based compounds to be employed as switchable surfactants. The surface activity of these molecules can be triggered by reaction with a benign gas, CO2. The ultimate application of...; Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada; Cited by 2 Related articles Optimum coagulant from Acacia mearnsii de Wild for wastewater treatment J Sánchez‐Martín, J Beltrán‐Heredia… - Chemical …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library Abstract A novel coagulant agent from Acacia mearnsii de Wild tannin extract was characterized for removal of the anthraquinonic colorant Alizarin Violet 3R and the anionic surfactant sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate. This coagulant is the result of a previous Cited by 3 Related articles All 5 versions

     [HTML] springer.com [HTML] Performance and characterization of a new tannin-based coagulant J Beltrán-Heredia, J Sánchez-Martín… - Applied Water …, 2012 - Springer Abstract Diethanolamine and formaldehyde were employed to cationize tannins from black wattle. This novel coagulant called CDF was functionally characterized in removing sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate (anionic surfactant) and Palatine Fast Black WAN (azoic dye). Cited by 4 Related articles All 9 versions Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

     ** Environmental and health aspects of surfactants B Kronberg, K Holmberg… - Surface Chemistry of …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library Summary This chapter discusses two main types of natural products that have been investigated as surfactant polar head group, polyols, such as sugars, and amino acids. Surfactants should be regarded as toxic to aquatic organisms, even at low concentrations, Cited by 2 Related articles

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    [PDF] umass.edu Immobilization of scandium and other chemical elements in systems with aquatic macrophyte SA Ostroumov, ME Johnson, JF Tyson… - Russian Journal of General …, 2015 - Springer Abstract The possibility of immobilization of scandium and other chemical elements by biogenic materials derived from an aquatic macrophyte was explored. The concentrations of scandium and some other chemical elements were measured in the dried biomass Cited by 7 Related articles All 8 versions Nanosized Photocatalysts in Environmental Remediation JP Wilcoxon, BL Abrams - Nanotechnology, 2010 - Wiley Online Library Abstract We review the science and technology underlying the synthesis of nanosized photocatalysts and their application in environmental remediation. Certain types of semiconductor nanoparticles in both dispersed and supported form can oxidize toxic organic Cited by 2 Related articles All 3 versions

    [HTML] plos.org [HTML] Silicon dioxide thin film mediated single cell nucleic acid isolation E Bogdanov, I Dominova, N Shusharina, S Botman… - PloS one, 2013 - journals.plos.org Abstract A limited amount of DNA extracted from single cells, and the development of single cell diagnostics make it necessary to create a new highly effective method for the single cells nucleic acids isolation. In this paper, we propose the DNA isolation method from Cited by 3 Related articles All 13 versions

    ** Comparative assessment of surface water quality through evaluation of physiological state of bioindicator species: Searching a new biomarkers T Kuznetsova, S Kholodkevich - Embedded Computing (MECO) …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org Abstract: Paper presents the development and approbation of methodological approach to assess environmental quality through testing of indigenous invertebrates cardiac responses. It was shown that method could be useful in ecotoxicological studies as well as in ecosystem Cited by 3 Related articles All 2 versions Nature Is the Answer: Water and Wastewater Treatment by New Natural-Based Agents; J Sánchez-Martín, J Beltrán-Heredia - Advances in Water Treatment and …, 2012 – Springer; Abstract: Environmental concerns regarding water quality are relevant nowadays because of their impact in human life. Persistent contaminants, such as heavy metals, dyes, or surfactants, have become a permanent menace to the fragile environmental equilibrium. Cited by 2 Related articles All 3 versions;
    Występowanie surfaktantów w próbkach środowiskowych; E Olkowska, Ż Polkowska, J Namieśnik - Wiadomości Chemiczne, 2010 - infona.pl; Surfactants (ionic and nonionic compounds, Fig. 1) have specific properties and they are applied in various areas of human activity (Tab. 2). The most important properties of surfactants are: amphiphilicity (Fig. 3), solubility in liquids of different polarity, formation of Cited by 2 Related articles All 3 versions;

     [PDF] researchgate.net [PDF] ХИМИКО-БИОТИЧЕСКИЕ ВЗАИМОДЕЙСТВИЯ ПРИ ИЗУЧЕНИИ РАЗЛИЧНЫХ УРОВНЕЙ ЖИВЫХ СИСТЕМ, В ТОМ ЧИСЛЕ ВЗАИМОДЕЙСТВИЯ С …; СН Орлов, СВ Котелевцев, КН Новиков… - ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ … - researchgate.net; Вопросы химико-биотических взаимодействий имеют значение для познания проблем физико-химической биологии, биохимической экологии, медицины и охраны окружающей среды [1-14]. В данной публикации коротко освещены некоторые вопросы Cited by 1 [PDF] researchgate.net

    [PDF] Тестирование токсичности химических веществ без использования животных СА Остроумов - Экологическая химия, 2016 - researchgate.net Обзор серии статей по фитотоксичности химических веществ (поллютантов, экотоксикантов). Были использованы тесты, основанные на опытах с высшими растениями. Использованы для тестирования многие виды наземных и водных Cited by 6 Related articles All 3 versions

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    [DOC] Дополненный, обновленный список. ОКРУЖАЮЩАЯ СРЕДА И ЭКОЛОГИЯ. ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ И РУССКОЯЗЫЧНЫЕ ПУБЛИКАЦИИ по вопросам … СА Остроумов - researchgate.net Аннотация: Дано концептуальное изложение основных фактов и концепций на стыке экологии, биохимии и химии, закладывающее основы новой научной дисциплины, биохимической экологии. Анализируются факты о химических веществах, Related articles [PDF] elpub.ru

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     [CITATION] О некоторых аспектах влияния планктонных организмов на химизм гидросферы СВ Котелевцев, СА Остроумов, АП Садчиков - Экологическая химия, 2016 - elibrary.ru ПОИСК. Найти. Расширенный поиск. НАВИГАТОР. Начальная страница. Каталог журналов. Авторский указатель. Список организаций. Тематический рубрикатор. Поисковые запросы. Новые поступления. Настройка. СЕССИЯ. Имя Cited by 2 Related articles

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    [PDF] gums.ac.ir Journal of Guilan University of Medical Sciences: حذف سورفکتانت کاتیونی ستیل تری متیل آمونیوم برومید (آلایندۀ موجود در پسابهای صنعتی) با استفاده از پوستۀ برنج‎ محمدخواه, انصاری, آروند, غیاثی - مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی گیلان, 2014‎ - journal.gums.ac.ir چکیده مقدمه: سورفکتانتها در صنایع شیمیایی مختلف نظیر صنایع شوینده و پاک کنندهها کاربرد دارند؛ در تولیدات گوناگونی از قبیل روغن موتورها، محصولات وابسته به صنایع دارویی، شویندهها و عوامل شناورساز نمایان میشوند. متاسفانه به کار بردن سورفکتانتها می تواند به آلودگی محیط Note: Gilan University of Medical Sciences, is a medical school in Gilan Province of Iran. Located in the city of Rasht, the university fell under the Ministry of Health and Medical Education in 1986, the same year it was established. [Wikipedia] Address: Gilan Province, Fouman - Saravan Rd., Iran; Number of students: 5,150; Founded: 1986‎; Related articles All 2 versions

    [PDF] researchgate.net [PDF] О СООТНОШЕНИИ КАЛЬЦИЯ К СТРОНЦИЮ В ПОЧВАХ, ПРИРОДНЫХ ВОДАХ И РАСТЕНИЯХ РЯДА РАЙОНОВ РОССИИ УА Гуляева, СФ Тютиков, ВВ Ермаков… - СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ … - researchgate.net Представлены данные по содержанию и соотношению кальция и стронция в почвах, водах и растениях Восточного Забайкалья, Байкальского региона, Восточной Мещеры и Белгородской области. Содержание кальция в почвах, водах и растениях эндемичных Related articles All 2 versions [PDF] irbis-nbuv.gov.ua

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     Benzalkonium chloride (BAC) and dimethyldioctadecyl-ammonium bromide (DDAB), two common quaternary ammonium compounds, cause genotoxic effects in …; F Ferk, M Mišík, C Hoelzl, M Uhl, M Fuerhacker… - …, 2007 - academic.oup.com; Abstract Quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs) are cationic surfactants that are widely used as disinfectants. In the present study, we tested two important representatives, namely, benzalkonium chloride (BAC) and dimethyldioctadecyl-ammonium bromide (DDAB) in four...; Institute of Cancer Research, Medical University of Vienna, Austria, 1 Department of Botany, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2 Federal Environment Agency Austria, Vienna, Austria, 3 University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria, 4 University of Veterinary Medicine, Laboratory of Ecotoxicology, Vienna, Austria; and 5 German Environmental Protection Agency, Bad Elster, Germany; Cited by 64 Related articles All 12 versions;

    Analytics of surfactants in the environment: problems and challenges; E Olkowska, Z Polkowska, J Namiesnik - Chemical Reviews, 2011 - ACS Publications; We give a general classification of SAAs (with examples of the structural formulas of selected compounds) and of their toxicity to living organisms. Next, we review the problems posed by the analysis of surfactants in environmental samples and the analytical techniques; Cited by 61 Related articles All 8 versions

    Magnetic removal of surfactants from wastewater using micrometric iron oxide powders; CC Borghi, M Fabbri, M Fiorini, M Mancini… - Separation and …, 2011 - Elsevier; The aim of this paper is the study of a sustainable process for the treatment of urban wastewater able to reduce surfactant concentrations close to the back-ground levels or, at least, lower than the values allowed by law for a reuse in agriculture. The considered; Cited by 36 Related articles All 7 versions

    Self-stratifying antimicrobial polyurethane coatings; MB Yagci, S Bolca, JPA Heuts, W Ming… - Progress in Organic …, 2011 - Elsevier; In this work antimicrobial polyurethane coatings were prepared aiming at self-stratification. A hydroxyl end-capped liquid oligoester consisting of three equimolar diacids and an excess of 1, 4-butanediol has been synthesized by a condensation reaction. A set of quaternary; Cited by 33 Related articles All 7 versions;

     [PDF] academia.edu Tolerance of an aquatic macrophyte Potamogeton crispus L. to sodium dodecyl sulphate; EA Solomonova, SA Ostroumov - Moscow University Biological Sciences …, 2007 - Springer Abstract The effects of the anionic surfactant sodium dodecyl suplphate on the aquatic macrophyte Potamogeton crispus L. are studied. Concentrations of 83–133 mg/l caused fragmentation of the stems of plants. The tolerance of the plants to the negative effects of the; Cited by 30 Related articles All 8 versions [PDF] academia.edu Decreasing the measurable concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb in the water of the experimental systems containing Ceratophyllum demersum: The …; SA Ostroumov, TV Shestakova - Doklady Biological Sciences, 2009 - Springer; 10 Distinct signs of worsening; the shoots are dead or dying The leaves have detached from the stems. There is a mucous film on the wa ter surface. The phytomass has sunk to the bottom part of the water column; the upper part of the water column, free of plants, is 1–2 cm Cited by 31 Related articles All 15 versions;

    Adsorbent biopolymers from tannin extracts for water treatment; J Sánchez-Martín, J Beltrán-Heredia… - Chemical Engineering …, 2011 - Elsevier; Up to four tannin extracts from different natural vegetal sources were gelified with formaldehyde and acetaldehyde. The feasible combinations were tested in the removal of Zn2+, methylene blue (MB) and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) in aqueous Cited by 32 Related articles All 8 versions; A solid phase extraction–ion chromatography with conductivity detection procedure for determining cationic surfactants in surface water samples; E Olkowska, Ż Polkowska, J Namieśnik - Talanta, 2013 - Elsevier; Abstract A new analytical procedure for the simultaneous determination of individual cationic surfactants (alkyl benzyl dimethyl ammonium chlorides) in surface water samples has been developed. We describe this methodology for the first time: it involves the application of solid Cited by 23 Related articles All 9 versions;

     ** Sodium dodecyl sulfate adsorption onto positively charged surfaces: monolayer formation with opposing headgroup orientations; SH Song, P Koelsch, T Weidner, MS Wagner… - Langmuir, 2013 - ACS Publications; The adsorption and structure of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) layers onto positively charged films have been monitored in situ with vibrational sum-frequency-generation (SFG)...; spectroscopy and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensing. Substrates with different...; † National ESCA and Surface Analysis Center for Biomedical Problems, Molecular Engineering & Science Institute, Departments of Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, United States; ‡ The Procter & Gamble Company, 6210 Center Hill Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45224, United States; Cited by 21 Related articles All 9 versions. [PDF] researchgate.net

    [PDF] Ostroumov SA, Kotelevtsev SV Toxicology of nanomaterials and environment.-Ecologica. 2011, vol. 18, issue 61, pp. 3-10. SA Ostroumov - Ecologica, 2011 - researchgate.net; -ABSTRACT: Manufactured nanoparticles demonstrated a variety of biological activities, including toxicity. The goal of this review articles is to summarize some evidence of a variety of toxic effects produced by manufactured nanoparticles, including both the data from...; Cited by 15 Related articles All 2 versions;

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    Effects of sodium dodecyl sulfate on the growth dynamics and physiological state of the microalga Dunaliella salina (Chlorophyta) ZV Markina - Russian journal of marine biology, 2010 - Springer Abstract This study deals with the effects of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)(0.1, 1, and 10 mg/l) on the growth dynamics and physiological state of the microalga Dunaliella salina Teod.(Chlorophyta). The effects of SDS increase with increasing concentration. At 10 mg/l, Cited by 8 Related articles All 4 versions [RTF] academia.edu Toxicity of gold nanoparticles for plants in experimental aquatic system SA Ostroumov, VA Poklonov, SV Kotelevtsev… - Moscow University …, 2014 - Springer Abstract Increased production and use of nanomaterials can lead to new types of pollution of the environment, including aquatic ecosystems. Pollution of the aqueous environment with nanoparticles can be a new type of pollution of the environment. This requires a more Cited by 6 Related articles All 13 versions
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    Изучали эффекты воздействия додецилсульфата натрия на водный макрофит Potamogeton crispus L. Концентрации 83-133 мг/л способствовали процессу фрагментации стеблей растений. Cited by 7 Related articles

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    Рост производства и использования наноматериалов может привести к появлению новых видов загрязнения окружающей среды, в том числе водных экосистем. Таким новым видом загрязнения среды может оказаться загрязнение Cited by 5 Related articles All 3 versions [PDF] idsi.md

     [PDF] Fundamental role of biological factors in aquatic ecosystem function: improving water quality SA Ostroumov, AA Miron, SV Kotelevtsev… - Bulletin of the Academy …, 2015 - ibn.idsi.md Developing the fundamentals of aquatic ecosystem function is one of priorities and important goals in modern ecology [1, 2]. This article revises the fundamentals of the theory of the multifunctional role that the aquatic biological community (biota) plays in the water self- Cited by 4 Related articles All 2 versions

     Unraveling a municipal effluent's toxicity to Tripneustes gratilla sperm fertilization LC Vazquez - Environmental toxicology and chemistry, 2013 - Wiley Online Library Abstract A tiered investigative approach was employed to characterize and identify substances responsible for the persistent toxicity of a primary-treated municipal effluent to gametes of the Hawaiian sea urchin, Tripneustes gratilla. Toxicity identification evaluation Cited by 2 Related articles All 5 versions

    [PDF] queensu.ca Designing the Head Group of Switchable Surfactants L SCOTT - 2009 - qspace.library.queensu.ca This thesis is an investigation into the development of amidine and guanidine based compounds to be employed as switchable surfactants. The surface activity of these molecules can be triggered by reaction with a benign gas, CO2. The ultimate application of...; Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada; Cited by 2 Related articles Optimum coagulant from Acacia mearnsii de Wild for wastewater treatment J Sánchez‐Martín, J Beltrán‐Heredia… - Chemical …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library Abstract A novel coagulant agent from Acacia mearnsii de Wild tannin extract was characterized for removal of the anthraquinonic colorant Alizarin Violet 3R and the anionic surfactant sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate. This coagulant is the result of a previous Cited by 3 Related articles All 5 versions

    [HTML] springer.com [HTML] Performance and characterization of a new tannin-based coagulant J Beltrán-Heredia, J Sánchez-Martín… - Applied Water …, 2012 - Springer Abstract Diethanolamine and formaldehyde were employed to cationize tannins from black wattle. This novel coagulant called CDF was functionally characterized in removing sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate (anionic surfactant) and Palatine Fast Black WAN (azoic dye). Cited by 4 Related articles All 9 versions Previous
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    ** Environmental and health aspects of surfactants B Kronberg, K Holmberg… - Surface Chemistry of …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library Summary This chapter discusses two main types of natural products that have been investigated as surfactant polar head group, polyols, such as sugars, and amino acids. Surfactants should be regarded as toxic to aquatic organisms, even at low concentrations, Cited by 2 Related articles
    [PDF] ub.ro Removal of phenol and surfactant from landfill leachate by coagulation-flocculation process H Bakraouy, S Souabi, K Digua… - Scientific Study & …, 2015 - search.proquest.com Abstract Following the action of rainfall and natural fermentation, the stored waste produces a liquid fraction called leachate. This leachate is rich in organic matter (biodegradable but also refractory) and trace elements. There are many techniques of treating the leachate, in Cited by 2 Related articles All 4 versions

     [PDF] umass.edu Immobilization of scandium and other chemical elements in systems with aquatic macrophyte SA Ostroumov, ME Johnson, JF Tyson… - Russian Journal of General …, 2015 - Springer Abstract The possibility of immobilization of scandium and other chemical elements by biogenic materials derived from an aquatic macrophyte was explored. The concentrations of scandium and some other chemical elements were measured in the dried biomass Cited by 7 Related articles All 8 versions

     Nanosized Photocatalysts in Environmental Remediation JP Wilcoxon, BL Abrams - Nanotechnology, 2010 - Wiley Online Library Abstract We review the science and technology underlying the synthesis of nanosized photocatalysts and their application in environmental remediation. Certain types of semiconductor nanoparticles in both dispersed and supported form can oxidize toxic organic Cited by 2 Related articles All 3 versions

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    [HTML] Silicon dioxide thin film mediated single cell nucleic acid isolation E Bogdanov, I Dominova, N Shusharina, S Botman… - PloS one, 2013 - journals.plos.org Abstract A limited amount of DNA extracted from single cells, and the development of single cell diagnostics make it necessary to create a new highly effective method for the single cells nucleic acids isolation. In this paper, we propose the DNA isolation method from Cited by 3 Related articles All 13 versions

     ** Comparative assessment of surface water quality through evaluation of physiological state of bioindicator species: Searching a new biomarkers T Kuznetsova, S Kholodkevich - Embedded Computing (MECO) …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org Abstract: Paper presents the development and approbation of methodological approach to assess environmental quality through testing of indigenous invertebrates cardiac responses. It was shown that method could be useful in ecotoxicological studies as well as in ecosystem Cited by 3 Related articles All 2 versions Nature Is the Answer: Water and Wastewater Treatment by New Natural-Based Agents J Sánchez-Martín, J Beltrán-Heredia - Advances in Water Treatment and …, 2012 - Springer Abstract Environmental concerns regarding water quality are relevant nowadays because of their impact in human life. Persistent contaminants, such as heavy metals, dyes, or surfactants, have become a permanent menace to the fragile environmental equilibrium. Cited by 2 Related articles All 3 versions Występowanie surfaktantów w próbkach środowiskowych E Olkowska, Ż Polkowska, J Namieśnik - Wiadomości Chemiczne, 2010 - infona.pl Surfactants (ionic and nonionic compounds, Fig. 1) have specific properties and they are applied in various areas of human activity (Tab. 2). The most important properties of surfactants are: amphiphilicity (Fig. 3), solubility in liquids of different polarity, formation of Cited by 2 Related articles All 3 versions

    [PDF] researchgate.net [PDF] ХИМИКО-БИОТИЧЕСКИЕ ВЗАИМОДЕЙСТВИЯ ПРИ ИЗУЧЕНИИ РАЗЛИЧНЫХ УРОВНЕЙ ЖИВЫХ СИСТЕМ, В ТОМ ЧИСЛЕ ВЗАИМОДЕЙСТВИЯ С … СН Орлов, СВ Котелевцев, КН Новиков… - ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ … - researchgate.net Вопросы химико-биотических взаимодействий имеют значение для познания проблем физико-химической биологии, биохимической экологии, медицины и охраны окружающей среды [1-14]. В данной публикации коротко освещены некоторые вопросы Cited by 1 [PDF] researchgate.net [PDF] Тестирование токсичности химических веществ без использования животных СА Остроумов - Экологическая химия, 2016 - researchgate.net Обзор серии статей по фитотоксичности химических веществ (поллютантов, экотоксикантов). Были использованы тесты, основанные на опытах с высшими растениями. Использованы для тестирования многие виды наземных и водных Cited by 6 Related articles All 3 versions
    АННОТАЦИЯ: Изучена роль детрита в накоплении элементов, в том числе тяжелых металлов, в условиях контролируемых экспериментальных систем. Детрит, образовавшийся за 8 месяцев в микрокосмах с Viviparus viviparus и Ceratophyllum Cited by 2 Related articles [HTML] cyberleninka.ru [HTML] Biological factors in control of water quality SA Ostroumov - Самарская Лука: Проблемы региональной и …, 2010 - cyberleninka.ru
    В статье в систематизированном виде представлены обобщения, которые содержат основные элементы качественной теории биотического контроля качества воды и самоочищения воды в пресноводных и морских экосистем. Теория способствует Cited by 1 Related articles All 2 versions

     [DOC] researchgate.net [DOC] Новое в современном развитии некоторых идей ВИ Вернадского и экологические аспекты использования природных ресурсов СА Остроумов, ВН Данилова… - Вестник Самарского …, 2013 - researchgate.net 2016 Содержание химических элементов, глутатиона и металлотионеинов в элодее канадской (Elodea canadensis) в связи с экологическим мониторингом … Остроумов С.А., Данилова В.Н., Хушвахтова С.Д., Ермаков В.В., Тютиков С.Ф., Тропин И.В., Котелевцев С.В … Садчиков Cited by 1 Related articles All 2 versions [PDF] elibrary.ru Об изучении некоторых вопросов экологии СА Остроумов, СВ Котелевцев, АП Садчиков… - 2017 - elibrary.ru
    АННОТАЦИЯ: Предлагаемая вниманию читателя публикация содержит статьи по междисциплинарным вопросам водной экологии и смежным областям наук. Изучались междисциплинарные проблемы на стыке экологии, биогеохимии и экотоксикологии. Cited by 1 [PDF] gums.ac.ir Removal of Cationic Surfactant of Cetyltrimethylammonium Bromide (as an industrial pollutant), Using Rice Husk; A Mohammad-khah, R Ansari, M Arvand… - Journal of Guilan …, 2014 - journal.gums.ac.ir Abstract Introduction: Surfactants have an important role in many industrial products such as detergents and cleaners, pharmaceuticals, motor oils and floating agents. Such extensive applications of surfactants have produced environmental pollution and have caused...; Related articles All 2 versions Previous 1

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     [PDF] ohiolink.edu [BOOK] Various Non-Thermal Technologies and Their Effectiveness against Human Norovirus Surrogates AN Predmore - 2015 - search.proquest.com Abstract Human norovirus is the most prevalent cause of acute non-bacterial gastroenteritis, causing an estimated 1 in 15 people to become ill each year. Fresh produce such as leafy greens are at high risk for norovirus contamination because they typically undergo little to no Related articles All 4 versions Immobilization of scandium and other chemical elements in systems with aquatic macrophyte J Tyson, SA Ostroumov, ME Johnson, B Xing - works.bepress.com Abstract—The possibility of immobilization of scandium and other chemical elements by biogenic materials derived from an aquatic macrophyte was explored. The concentrations of scandium and some other chemical elements were measured in the dried biomass Related articles

    [PDF] unibo.it Continuous-Flow Magnetic Separation with Permanent Magnets for Water Treatment CC Borghi - 2014 - amsdottorato.unibo.it More efficient water treatment technologies would decrease the water bodies' pollution and the actual intake of water resource. The aim of this thesis is an in-depth analysis of the magnetic separation of pollutants from water by means of a continuous-flow magnetic filter Related articles All 3 versions

    [PDF] researchgate.net [PDF] Analytical Methods c4ay01695e B Horstkotte, R Suárez, P Solich, V Cerda - researchgate.net An automated simple analyzer system for the extraction of cationic surfactants as an ion-pair with disulfine blue dye is described based on the technique in-syringe magnetic stirring- assisted dispersive liquid–liquid micro-extraction. The use of chloroform as an extraction Related articles [PDF] lp.edu.ua Hazardous household waste management in Vinnytsia region V Ishchenko, R Petruk, Y Kozak - 2016 - ena.lp.edu.ua The article analyzes hazardous household waste, including detergents, paints, adhesives, expired medicines, luminescent lamps, pesticides, fertilizers, batteries and accumulators, electrical and electronic waste, mercury-containing materials. Research shows that they Cited by 1 Related articles All 4 versions [PDF] ijetsr.com

    [PDF] Identification of Sodium Lauryl Sulphate in Toothpaste using Green Solvent by Thin-Layer Chromatography R Mobin, TA Rangreez - 2017 - ijetsr.com Abstract Anionic surfactants are widely used in personal care products (toothpaste, soap, shampoo, liquid soaps) because of their excellent cleaning and emulsifying properties. Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) is popularly used as a foaming and cleaning agent in shampoo, All 3 versions

    Influence of surfactants and humic acids on Artemia Franciscana's embryonic phospho-metabolite profile as measured by 31 P NMR RD Deese, TK Weldeghiorghis, BJ Haywood… - Aquatic Toxicology, 2017 - Elsevier; Abstract Surfactants, such as triton X-100 (Tx-100), cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC), and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) are known to be toxic to Artemia Franciscana (Artemia)–an organism, frequently used to monitor the health of the aquatic environment. The phospho-...; Choppin Hall, Department of Chemistry, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA; Related articles All 3 versions

    [DOC] researchgate.net Studying of aquatic microcosms with mollusks and plants: chemical elements in detritus SA Ostroumov, GM Kolesov - Journal sections, 2017 - watchemec.ru Summary: The concentrations of some elements in the detritus accumulated over than 7 months in the microcosms with Viviparus viviparus, Unio pictorum, Ceratophyllum demersum were measured. Concentrations were determined using atomic absorption Related articles

     [PDF] degruyter.com Physicochemical Pretreatment of Contaminated Microfibre Cloths after Their Use in Waterless Car Wash/Ar virsmas aktīvām vielām piesārņotu bezūdens automašīnu … S Strikauska, A Berzins, L Arbidans… - Materials Science and …, 2015 - degruyter.com Abstract Contaminated microfibre cloths (80% polyester and 20% polyamide) which were previously used in waterless car cleaning process were treated in ultrasonic bath. Efficiency of water, ethanol, 2-propanol and ethylene glycol as liquid phase for ultrasonic treatment Related articles All 4 versions Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

     [PDF] irbis-nbuv.gov.ua [P DF] Assessment of safety index for water ecological system Y Bezsonov, V Andreev, V Smyrnov - Восточно-Европейский …, 2016 - irbis-nbuv.gov.ua Обґрунтовано механізм та наведено розрахунки індексу безпеки природної системи. Експериментально встановлено рівень шкодочинність фактору стічних вод для стенобіонтних організмів. На основі визначених екологічних характеристик гідробіонтів Cited by 1 Related articles All 2 versions [PDF] researchgate.net

     [PDF] Ответственные редакторы РВТ Самохин, ВВ Ермаков, ЕА Карпова, ВД Корж… - researchgate.net Биогеохимия–одна из интереснейших областей знания об элементном составе живого вещества, биогенной миграции химических элементов и их соединений в биосфере, о геохимической роли живого вещества. Ее созданию в 30-х гг. прошлого века мы [PDF] elibrary.ru

    [CITATION] Оценивание индекса безопасности водной экологической системы Y Bezsonov, V Andreev, V Smyrnov - Восточно-Европейский журнал …, 2016 - elibrary.ru Обґрунтовано механізм та наведено розрахунки індексу безпеки природної системи. Експериментально встановлено рівень шкодочинність фактору стічних вод для стенобіонтних організмів. На основі визначених екологічних характеристик гідробіонтів Related articles [PDF] marhi.ru

    [PDF] ЭКО-КЛАСТЕРЫ КАК СРЕДСТВО ОПТИМИЗАЦИИ ГОРОДСКОЙ СРЕДЫ (НА ПРИМЕРЕ МАЛЫХ И СРЕДНИХ ГОРОДОВ, И РАЙОННЫХ ЦЕНТРОВ … ОЕ Садковская - Architecture and Modern Information Technologies, 2011 - marhi.ru Аннотация Ресурсы повышения качества городской среды заложены в восстановительных способностях живой природы. Предлагается сформировать систему экологических кластеров, которые организованы как часть городской Cited by 2 Related articles All 3 versions

     [PDF] researchgate.net [PDF] КАЧЕСТВО И КОНДИЦИОНИРОВАНИЕ ВОДЫ В ПРИРОДНЫХ ЭКОСИСТЕМАХ: РАЗРАБОТКА ТЕОРИИ БИОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ МЕХАНИЗМОВ … СА Остроумов - Экологическая химия, 2017 - researchgate.net В статье сформулированы обобщающие положения, которые в совокупности составляют элементы теории полифункциональной роли биоты (организмов) в самоочищении воды в водных экосистемах. Эта теория включает в себя положения, [PDF] researchgate.net [PDF] ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ, РЕШАЕМЫЕ ПРИ ДЕМОНТАЖЕ ПЛОТИН SA Ostroumov, VA Zimnjukov, MI Zborovskaya… - ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ … - researchgate.net Природа рек и их восстановление являются сложными задачами, и любая попытка восстановить речную систему, должны основываться на глубоком понимании экологических преимуществ и недостатков предлагаемого плана восстановления [2]. За [PDF] utb.cz Dezinfekční a čisticí prostředky pro bytovou chemii E Bochňáková - 2012 - digilib.k.utb.cz Bakalářská práce se zabývá dezinfekčními čisticími prostředky pro bytovou chemii. V práci jsou shrnuty obecné poznatky o dezinfekcích, faktorech ovlivňujících finální účinnost aktivních dezinfekčních látek včetně platné legislativy. Práce se dále zaměřuje na specifikaci Related articles All 2 versions

    [PDF] udla.edu.ec Rediseño de la planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales de la urbanización y club Los Arrayanes DA Calero Chiriboga - 2016 - dspace.udla.edu.ec Con el propósito de disminuir la contaminación en la quebrada los Arrayanes, se desarrolló una propuesta de mejora de la planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales del Club y Urbanización los Arrayanes. El estudio se basó en el levantamiento de información para Related articles All 2 versions

    [PDF] kpi.ua [PDF] Біотехнологія рамноліпідних поверхнево-активних продуктів штаму pseudomonas sp. PS-17 та їх застосування для олійних рослин ІВ Карпенко - 2017 - ela.kpi.ua Актуальність теми. Розроблення екологічно безпечних агропрепаратів нового покоління з використанням біологічно активних речовин, нешкідливих для людей і довкілля, є актуальною проблемою сучасної біотехнології. Зважаючи на специфічні фізико-хімічні All 5 versions

     ** [CITATION] Иммобилизация некоторых химических элементов в системе с мортмассой водных макрофитов Myriophyllum aquaticum СА Остроумов, МЕ Джонсон, ДФ Тайсон… - Об изучении некоторых …, 2017 - elibrary.ru ПОИСК. Найти. Расширенный поиск … [PDF] irbis-nbuv.gov.ua

    [PDF] Стан системи мікросомального окиснення під впливом азотовмісних детергентів ІВ Сахарова, ЛІ Данильченко… - Медицина сьогодні і …, 2015 - irbis-nbuv.gov.ua Вивчено вплив азотовмісних детергентів на два мікросомальні електронно-транспортні ланцюги: НАДФ• Н-зв'язуючу систему з цитохромом Р450 як кінцевою ланкою і НАД• Н- систему, пов'язану з цитохромом В5 як акцептором електронів. Дослідженню Related articles [HTML] scienceblog.com [HTML] http://link. springer. com/article/10.1134% 2FS1070363210130086 SA Ostroumov - Russian Journal of General …, 2010 - sergostroumov.scienceblog.com Abstract: Review, opinion paper. The experimental data analysis, concepts, and generalizations in this article provide the fundamental elements of the qualitative theory of biocontrol(biological control, biological regulation, role of biological community) of water Related articles [PDF] irbis-nbuv.gov.ua

    [PDF] Комплексна токсиколого-гігієнічна характеристика азотвмісних детергентів у зв'язку з проблемою санітарної охорони водоймищ ВВ Бабієнко, ІВ Сахарова - Експериментальна і клінічна …, 2015 - irbis-nbuv.gov.ua Спрогнозовано потенційну небезпеку азотвмісних детергентів для людини та навколишнього середовища і розроблено їх нешкідливий рівень вмісту у воді водних об'єктів. Показана можливість їхньої несприятливої дії на різні процеси самоочищення. Related articles [DOC] researchgate.net [DOC] Дополненный, обновленный список.

    ОКРУЖАЮЩАЯ СРЕДА И ЭКОЛОГИЯ. ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ И РУССКОЯЗЫЧНЫЕ ПУБЛИКАЦИИ по вопросам … СА Остроумов - researchgate.net Аннотация: Дано концептуальное изложение основных фактов и концепций на стыке экологии, биохимии и химии, закладывающее основы новой научной дисциплины, биохимической экологии. Анализируются факты о химических веществах, Related articles [PDF] elpub.ru

    [PDF] BECHAVIORAL EFFECT OF SOYMORPHIN-5 IN RAT EA Chesnokova, NJ Saricheva… - Вестник …, 2014 - vestnik-bio-msu.elpub.ru The behavioral effects of YPFVV-NH2 (an analogue of soymorphin-5, an exorphin derived from soy protein) in rat were investigated for the first time. Rats of different sex and age were tested. It was shown that in adult rats the stimulation of locomotion (in males) was the main Related articles All 2 versions [PDF] researchgate.net

    [PDF] МУЛЬТИФУНКЦИОНАЛЬНОСТЬ ВОДНЫХ МАКРОФИТОВ В ЭКОСИСТЕМАХ СА Остроумов, АП Садчиков, СВ Котелевцев… - ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ … - researchgate.net Аннотация/РЕЗЮМЕ. Проведен анализ функциональности водных макрофитов в экосистемах. Выявлена мультифункциональность прибрежноводной растительности в поддержании качества воды, повышении продуктивности водных экосистем. Ключевые [PDF] researchgate.net

    [PDF] ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКОЙ РЕПАРАЦИИ СA Остроумов - researchgate.net Впресноводных и морских экосистемах происходят процессы самоочищения [1-7], благодаря которым система поддерживает качество воды [3, 5]. Биоти чес кие процессы самоочищения являются природной биоремедиацией экосистемы [6–10]. В Related articles All 2 versions [HTML] cyberleninka.ru [HTML] Современное развитие некоторых идей ВИ Вернадского СА Остроумов - Известия Самарского научного центра …, 2013 - cyberleninka.ru В статье представлены новые экспериментальные результаты автора по изучению взаимодействия ряда химических элементов с биогенным материалом из водных макрофитов. В экспериментах были получены новые данные по иммобилизации Related articles All 2 versions Previous
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

     ** [PDF] researchgate.net [PDF] ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫХ СИСТЕМ С CERATOPHYLLUM DEMERSUM: ПОТЕНЦИАЛ ФИТОРЕМЕДИАЦИИ СИК Cu, C Zn - ДОКЛАДЫ АКАДЕМИИ НАУК, 2009 - researchgate.net Из инкубационных сосудов отбирали образцы воды для проведения химического анализа. Опре деление массовых концентраций ионов металлов в растворе проводили методом инверсионной вольтамперометрии. Анализ проводили на инвер Related articles All 2 versions [CITATION] ВПЛИВ СТЕАРАТУ НАТРІЮ НА БІЛКОВОУТВОРЮЮЧУ ФУНКЦІЮ В ОРГАНІЗМІ ПІДДОСЛІДНИХ ТВАРИН HAOFUM WATERS Related articles [PDF] irbis-nbuv.gov.ua [PDF] Вплив азотовмісних детергентів на стан антиоксидантної системи ІВ Сахарова - Актуальні проблеми транспортної медицини …, 2015 - irbis-nbuv.gov.ua У роботі проаналізовано вплив азотовмісних детергентів на стан антиоксидан тної системи. Результати дослідів дозволяють судити про подібний характер дії дос ліджуваних сполук, що виражалося стимуляцією вільнорадикального перекисного Related articles [CITATION] О некоторых аспектах влияния планктонных организмов на химизм гидросферы СВ Котелевцев, СА Остроумов, АП Садчиков - Экологическая химия, 2016 - elibrary.ru ПОИСК. Найти. Расширенный поиск. НАВИГАТОР. Начальная страница. Каталог журналов. Авторский указатель. Список организаций. Тематический рубрикатор. Поисковые запросы. Новые поступления. Настройка. СЕССИЯ. Имя Cited by 2 Related articles [CITATION] ЖИДКОЕ МОЮЩЕЕ СРЕДСТВО «КРАСНАЯ ЛИНИЯ» СА Остроумов - Токсикологический вестник, 2006 - elibrary.ru ПОИСК. Найти. Расширенный поиск … Related articles [PDF] gums.ac.ir Journal of Guilan University of Medical Sciences: حذف سورفکتانت کاتیونی ستیل تری متیل آمونیوم برومید (آلایندۀ موجود در پسابهای صنعتی) با استفاده از پوستۀ برنج‎ محمدخواه, انصاری, آروند, غیاثی - مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی گیلان, 2014‎ - journal.gums.ac.ir چکیده مقدمه: سورفکتانتها در صنایع شیمیایی مختلف نظیر صنایع شوینده و پاک کنندهها کاربرد دارند؛ در تولیدات گوناگونی از قبیل روغن موتورها، محصولات وابسته به صنایع دارویی، شویندهها و عوامل شناورساز نمایان میشوند. متاسفانه به کار بردن سورفکتانتها می تواند به آلودگی محیط Note: Gilan University of Medical Sciences, is a medical school in Gilan Province of Iran. Located in the city of Rasht, the university fell under the Ministry of Health and Medical Education in 1986, the same year it was established. [Wikipedia] Address: Gilan Province, Fouman - Saravan Rd., Iran; Number of students: 5,150; Founded: 1986‎; Related articles All 2 versions [PDF] researchgate.net [PDF] О СООТНОШЕНИИ КАЛЬЦИЯ К СТРОНЦИЮ В ПОЧВАХ, ПРИРОДНЫХ ВОДАХ И РАСТЕНИЯХ РЯДА РАЙОНОВ РОССИИ; УА Гуляева, СФ Тютиков, ВВ Ермаков…. - СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ … - researchgate.net Представлены данные по содержанию и соотношению кальция и стронция в почвах, водах и растениях Восточного Забайкалья, Байкальского региона, Восточной Мещеры и Белгородской области. Содержание кальция в почвах, водах и растениях эндемичных; Related articles All 2 versions ; [PDF] irbis-nbuv.gov.ua; [PDF] Вивчення кумулятивної та шкірно-резорбтивної дії азотовмісних детергентів в умовах підгострого досліду; ВВ Бабієнко, ІВ Сахарова… - Досягнення біології та …, 2015 - irbis-nbuv.gov.ua; УДК 616.717. 41-089.28; ЮВ Сухин, ВА Логай, ПВ Данилов, ДВ Лазарева. АНАЛИЗ НАПРЯЖЕННО-ДЕФОРМИРОВАННОГО СОСТОЯНИЯ ПЛЕЧЕВОЙ КОСТИ ПРИ НАГРУЗКЕ НА АНКЕРНЫЙ ФИКСАТОР, ИСПОЛЬЗУЕМЫЙ ДЛЯ ПОДВЕШИВАНИЯ; Related articles; **

  • 15 Reads

  • Sergei A. Ostroumov

  • 10 selected publications on ecology, protection of environment, environmental science, at the best international library catalog WorldCat. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/260981615; http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/03/10-selected-publications-on-ecology.html;

     ** WorldCat is the largest international catalog of libraries worldwide. Almost all of these publications were acquired by libraries of Harvard University, Oxford, Cambridge, Massachusetts Technological Institution, Library of Congress, other top university and national libraries;

    ** 1. Conservation of living nature and resources : problems, trends, and prospects by S A Ostroumov; Aleksej Vladimirovich Jablokov; Book; Language: English ; Publisher: Berlin : Springer-Verlag, cop. 1991; Database: WorldCat; • Reviews: http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/03/reviews-favorable-of-book-conservation.html ; New softcover reprint of the book : http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/03/new-softcover-reprint-of-classical-book.html; 2. Biological Effects of Surfactants. by S A Ostroumov; eBook : Document; Language: English ; Publisher: Hoboken, U.S.A. : CRC Press, 2005; Database: WorldCat; • Published reviews of the book: All reviews are favorable: http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/03/published-reviews-of-book-biological.html;

    ** 3. Biologicheskiie effekty pri vozdeistvii poverkhnostno-aktivnykh veshchestv na organizmy; by S A Ostroumov; Book; Publisher: Moskva : MAX Press, 2001. Database: WorldCat; Published Reviews (favorable) : http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/03/reviews-of-book-biological-effects-of.html ; 4. The Functions of Living Substances in the Biosphere; by S A Ostroumov Article Language: Russian Publication: Vestnik Rossiĭskoĭ akademii nauk. (2003) Vol. 73 (3 ) : 232-238; Editor-in-Chief: President of Russian Academy of Sciences; Publisher: Moskva : Nauka, 1992- Database: ArticleFirst Review (favorable) of the article: http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/03/review-of-article-functions-of-living.html 5. The Geochemical Apparatus of Aqueous Ecosystems: The Biocos Regulation by S A Ostroumov Article Language: Russian Publication: Vestnik Rossiĭskoĭ akademii nauk. 74, no. 9, (2004): 785-791; Editor-in-Chief: President of Russian Academy of Sciences; Publisher: Moskva : Nauka, 1992- Database: ArticleFirst 6. An Aquatic Ecosystem: A Large-Scale Diversified Bioreactor with a Water Self-Purification Function by S A Ostroumov Article Language: English Publication: Doklady. Biological sciences : Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, biological sciences sections. 374, no. 1, (2000): 514 Publisher: New York, N.Y. : Consultants Bureau Enterprises, c1965- Database: ArticleFirst 7. A New Type of Effect of Potentially Hazardous Substances: Uncouplers of Pelagial-Benthal Coupling by S A Ostroumov Article Language: English Publication: Doklady. Biological sciences : Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, biological sciences sections. 383, no. 1, (2002): 127 Publisher: New York, N.Y. : Consultants Bureau Enterprises, c1965- Database: ArticleFirst 8. The Concept of Aquatic Biota as a Labile and Vulnerable Component of the Water Self-Purification System by S A Ostroumov Article Language: English Publication: Doklady. Biological sciences : Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, biological sciences sections. 372, no. 1, (2000): 286 Publisher: New York, N.Y. : Consultants Bureau Enterprises, c1965- Database: ArticleFirst 9. Effect of Amphiphilic Chemicals on Filter-Feeding Marine Organisms by S A Ostroumov Article Language: English Publication: Doklady. Biological sciences : Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, biological sciences sections. 378, no. 1, (2001): 248 Publisher: New York, N.Y. : Consultants Bureau Enterprises, c1965- Database: ArticleFirst Review (favorable) of the article : http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/03/effect-of-amphiphilic-chemicals-on.html 10. The Hazard of a Two-Level Synergism of Synecological Summation of Anthropogenic Effects by S A Ostroumov Article Language: English Publication: Doklady. Biological sciences : Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, biological sciences sections. 380, no. 1, (2001): 499 Publisher: New York, N.Y. : Consultants Bureau Enterprises, c1965- Database: ArticleFirst; Review: http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/03/the-hazard-of-two-level-synergism-of.html
    ** Many other relevant, related publications - references, links, comments - see here: article: Biological filters are an important part of the biosphere // Science in Russia. 2009. No. 2, p. 30-36. This paper reviews the multi-year research of aquatic organisms: the organisms which are filter-feeders. The research was done by Dr. Sergei A. Ostroumov in U.K., Russia, Ukraine, Moldova. New facts on the substancial role of the filter-feeders in improving water quality. New aspects of environmental hazards from chemical pollution, especially by surfactants and detergents. http://5bio5.blogspot.ru/2014/04/biological-filters-are-important-part.html https://www.researchgate.net/publication/261554265_ ;

    Published reviews of books on environmental science, ecology, biology.https://www.researchgate.net/publication/266082161; http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/09/published-reviews-of-books-on.html; Published reviews (favorable) of the books on environmental science, ecology, biology (selected). 6-page list. The list is presented here as an extended abstract. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/266082161_ ; http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/09/published-reviews-of-books-on.html Author, co-author of the books: Dr. Sergei A. Ostroumov (Moscow University). Published review of the book: Innovative Aspects of Biogeochemistry. (authors of the book: Ermakov V.V., Korzh V.D., Karpova E.A., Ostroumov S.A.). Geokhi RAN Publishers, Moscow, 340 p. The review is published in the journal titled: Ecologica, 2014, 21 (73), p.103-104. Authors of the review: L. Jovanovic, M.Krupina. Language of the review: English. http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/05/review-of-book-innovative-aspects-of.html Published review of the book: Bio-humanities and Environment. Book review. Bio-humanities and Environment (Ed. A. Oleskin). Review in English; the book in Russian. Updated post: http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/09/book-review-bio-humanities-and.html Published reviews of the book: Yablokov A.V., and Ostroumov S.A. Nature Conservation. Problems and Prospects: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/266137746_ Prof. Lavrenko Е.М. (Academician, Full Member, Academy of Sciences; Ex-President, the Russian Botanical Society) Review // Botanical Journal. - 1984. - No. 12. - P. 1706 – 1710; Book and Art in the USSR [Kniga I Iskusstvo v SSSR]. 1983. No. 2/37. P.23; ISSN 0201 8543; (in Rus.); Books and Art in the USSR. 1983. No. 2/37, P.23; ISSN 0201 8500 (in English); Buch und Kunst in der UdSSR. 1983. No.2. P.21; ISSN 0201 8527 (in German); El libro y el arte en la URSS. 1983. No.2, p. 21; (in Spanish); Amstislavsky A. To think globally, to act locally. Review of the book 'Conservation of Living Nature: Problems and Prospects' // Man and Nature. 1984. No. 9. p. 81-85; [annotation of the book] 'Conservation of Living Nature: Problems and Prospects' // Nature (Priroda). 1984. No.7. p. 123; Pleshakov A. Review of the book ‘Conservation of Living Nature: problems and prospects. 1983 // Moskovskaya Pravda. 1984. June 15, p.3. Vostrikov L. Review of the book ‘Conservation of Living Nature: Problems and Prospects. 1983 // Biology in School (Biologiya v Schkole). 1985. No. 3. p.72-73. Komarovskiy F.L. Review of the book ‘Conservation of Living Nature: problems and prospects. 1983 // Nauchnye Doklady Vysshei Shkoly. Biol. Nauki 1986. No. 4. p. 111-112. Published reviews of the book: Yablokov A.V. and Ostroumov S.A. Levels of Living Nature Conservation. 1985. Nauka Press. Moscow. 176 p.: Full text free : https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259894148_ Chesnokov N.I. Review of the book ‘Levels of Conservation of Living Nature’. 1985 // Priroda (Nature, Moscow, in Russian) 1986. No. 7. с. 124-125. Published reviews of the book Ostroumov S.A. Introduction to Biochemical Ecology: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259800839_Vvedenie_v_biokhimicheskuyu_ekologiyu_%28Introduction_to_Biochemical_Ecology%29_Moscow_Moscow_University_Press_1986?ev=prf_pub Priroda (Nature). 1987. No. 1. p.125. Professor Telitchenko M.M. Review of the book 'Introduction to Biochemical Ecology' // Bulletin of Moscow University. Ser. 16. Biology. 1986. No. 4. P. 58. Prof. Stavskaya S.S. // Physiology and Biochemistry of Cultivated Plants (published in Ukraine). 1988. v. 20, No. 1. p. 99 - 100. Prof. Pokarzhevsky А.D., Semenova N.L. // Ecology. 1988. No. 2. p. 89 - 90. Prof. Sokolov М.S. // Аgrochemistry. 1987. No. 7. p. 135 -136. Prof. Laskorin B.N. (Full Member, Acad. Sci.) // Izvestia Acad. Sci. Ser. Biol. (Bulletin of Acad. Sci., Biological Series) 1991. No. 5. p. 799 - 800. Prof. Gusev М.V. (Dean, the School of Biology, Moscow University) // Plant Physiology. V. 35. No. 2. p.412 - 413. Prof. Dubinin N.P. (Full Member, Acad. Sci.) // Izvestia Acad. Sci. Ser. Biol. (Bulletin of Acad. Sci., Biological series). 1988. No. 1. p. 799 - 800. Prof. B. Stugren [Romania]. 'Introduction to Biochemical Ecology' by S.A. Ostroumov (review) // Studia Univ. Babes-Bolyai. Biologia (published in Romania, in English). 1987. No 2. P. 96 – 97. Dr. E. Symonides [Poland] // Wiadomosci Ecologiczne (published in Poland, in Polish), V. 33. No. 2. P. 199-201. Review // Journal of General Biology (Moscow). 1989. V. 50. No. 3. p. 429. Published reviews of the book Telitchenko M.M., Ostroumov S.A. Introduction to Problems of Biochemical Ecology: Prof. Sirenko L.A. // Hydrobiological Journal (published in Ukraine). 1992. - V. 28. No. 5. p. 108 - 109. Prof. Romanenko V.D. (Full Member, Acad. Sci. of Ukraine; Director, Institute of Hydrobiology; President of Hydroecological Society of Ukraine), Romanenko A.V. // Hydrobiological Journal (published in Kiev, Ukraine). 1992. V.28. No.2. p. 82-83. Published reviews of the book Yablokov A.V. and Ostroumov S.A. Conservation of Living Nature and Resources: Problems, Trends, Prospects. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, London, Paris, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Barcelona, Budapest. Springer. (1991). XII. 272 p.: Hartshorn G. S. A Russian "Silent Spring".- BioScience, 1992, Vol. 42, No. 7, p. 559-560. [‘BioScience’ is published by: American Institute of Biological Sciences] [on the book: ‘Conservation of Living Nature and Resources: Problems, Trends, and Prospects’ by A. V. Yablokov; S. A. Ostroumov]. [Gary S. Hartshorn, World Wildlife Fund Washington, DC 20037]; Goldsmith F. B. Review: Conservation of Living Nature and Resources, by A. V. Yablokov; S. A. Ostroumov. - The Journal of Ecology, 1992. Vol. 80, No. 1, p. 186-187; Book review: Conservation of Living Nature and Resources: Problems Trends and Prospects, by A. V. Yablokov, S.A.Ostroumov. - Biological Conservation. 1993, Vol. 63, Issue 3, P. 271 [doi:10.1016/0006-3207(93)90728-J]; Dokumentation Natur und Landschaft (DNL) (Germany), 32 (1992) 1 (in German); Revista Espanola de Fisiologia (Spain). 48 (1992), 1 (in Spanish); Alauda (France). 61 (1993) 1 (in French); Mammalia (France). 57 (1993) 2, p. 304 (in French); Published reviews of the book Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants on Organisms (Moscow, 2001): Prof. Yakovlev S.V. (Full Member, Acad. Sci.) Review of the book: Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants on Organisms (2001) // Vestnik Russian Academy of Sciences. 2002. v.72, No.11, p. 1038-1039. http://www.ras.ru/en/publishing/rasherald/rasherald_articleinfo.aspx?articleid=50a4f815-7de7-413f-b2b7-f1489d99f4cb [Review of the book: S.A. Ostroumov, Biologicheskie effekty pri vozdeistvii poverkhnostno-aktivnykh veshchestv na organismy (The Impact of Surface Active Substances upon the Organisms: The Biological Effects). Author of the review: Academician, Prof. S.V.Yakovlev (Full Member, Russian Academy of Sciences; Director, VODGEO Institute)]. Prof. Vasiliev О.F. (Full Member, Acad. Sci.) Review of the book: Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants on Organisms (2001) // Vestnik Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, 2002, v.2, No.3, p. 65. Prof. Braginsky L.P., Prof. Sirenko L.A. Review of the book: Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants on Organisms (2001) // Hydrobiological Journal (published in Kiev, Ukraine). 2003, v.39, No.3, p.115-118. Prof. Rozenberg G.S. (Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Institute of Ecology of the Volga Basin, Russ. Academy of Sciences) Review of the book: Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants on Organisms (2001) // Uspekhi Sovremennoi Biologii (Advances of Modern Biology). 2003. No. 6, p. 618-619. Published reviews of the book Ostroumov S.A. Biotic Mechanism of Self-Purification of Freshwater and Marine Water (2004) [Diploma to the book 'Biotic Mechanism of Self-purification of Freswater and Marine Water' was awarded at the 7th International Conference ‘Aquatic Ecosystems, Organisms, Innovations’ (2005)]: Malakhov V.V. (Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Chair of the Dept. of Zoology of Invertebrates, Moscow State University), Review of the book (Ostroumov, S.A., 2004. Biotic Mechanism of Self-purification of Freshwater and Marine Water. MAX Press, Moscow) // Ecol. Sci. Haz. Solutions. 2004. Vol.10. p.138. Rozenberg G.S. (Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Institute of Ecology of the Volga Basin, Russ. Acad. Sci.) Review of the book (Ostroumov, S.A., 2004. Biotic Mechanism of Self-purification of Freshwater and Marine Water. MAX Press, Moscow) // Advances of Modern Biol. 2005. No.3. P. 317-318.

     Published reviews of the book Ostroumov S.A. 'Pollution, Self-purification and Restoration of Aquatic Ecosystems' (2005): Fedorov V.D. Ecological sciences: from theory to practice and sustainable development. Review of the books by S.A.Ostroumov 'Pollution, Self-purification and Restoration of Aquatic Ecosystems' and 'Ecology and Hydrobiology'. - Ecological Systems and Instruments. 2006. No. 4. P. 38-39. [on the author: Prof. Fedorov V.D. is the Chairperson, Department of Hydrobiology, Moscow State University].

    Prof. Rumyantzev I.S., Zimnyukov V.A. Review of the book: Ostroumov S.A. Pollution, Self-Purification, and Restoration of Aquatic Ecosystems. Moscow. MAX Press, 2005, 100 p. ISBN 5-317-01213-9. – Ecological Chemistry, 2006, v. 15, No. 3, p. 211-212 [on the author: Prof. I.S. Rumyantzev is the President, The Academy of Water Science]. Prof. Abakumov V.A. Review of the book "Pollution, Self-Purification, and Restoration of Aquatic Ecosystems". Moscow. MAX Press, 2005, 100 p. – Ecology of the Environment and Safety of Life Activity, No.4 (34), 2006, p. 88-89 [the reviewer recommended to publish a new edition of the book]. Prof. Ermakov V.V. Review of the book "Pollution, Self-Purification, and Restoration of Aquatic Ecosystems. Moscow. MAX Press, 2005, 100 p." and of the collection of educational programs "Ecology and Hydrobiology" (Moscow. MAX Press, 2005). – Problems of Biogeochemistry and Geochemical Ecology. 2007. v. 1(3). p.122-124.

    Prof. Braginsky L.P., Kalenichenko K.P., Ignatyuk A.A. (Л.П. Брагинский, К.П. Калениченко, А.А. Игнатюк). Generalized mechanisms of self-purification of natural waters. Review of the book: Ostroumov S.A. Pollution, Self-Purification, and Restoration of Aquatic Ecosystems. Moscow. MAX Press, 2005, 100 p. // Hydrobiological Journal. 2007 - 43, No. 6. P.111-113. Published reviews of the book Ostroumov S.A. 'Ecology and Hydrobiology: Curricula of Lecture Courses (2005)': Fedorov V.D. (Chair of the Dept. of Hydrobiology, Moscow University). Ecological sciences: from theory to practice and sustainable development. Review of the books by S.A.Ostroumov 'Pollution, Self-purification and Restoration of Aquatic Ecosystems' and 'Ecology and Hydrobiology'. - Ecological Systems and Instruments. 2006. No. 4. P. 38-39.

    Rozenberg G.S. (Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Director, Institute of Ecology of Volga Basin of Russian Academy of Sciences) [Review]. —Water and Ecology. 2006. No.3. P. 70-75. Published reviews of the book Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants (2006): Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC / Taylor & Francis. Boca Raton, London, New York. 2006, 279 p., ISBN 0-8493-2526-9. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200637626_Biological_Effects_of_Surfactants?ev=prf_pub SciTech Book News, 2006 (March), Vol.30, No.1, p.58; [ISSN 0196-6006] http://www.booknews.com/issues/sci-0603.pdf [a mini-review of the book; publisher: Book News, Inc.; 5739 NE Sumner St.; Portland Oregon, 97218, U.S.A.
    Formal description of the journal:
     Reviews of new high-level books in all fields of science. Encompasses graduate level texts, serious scholarly treatises, and professional references; http://library.vtc.edu.hk/ejournalsearch/Detail.do?query=SciTech+Book+News];

     Toderas I.K. (Academician-Secretary of the Section of the Biological, Chemical, and Ecological Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova), Ermakov V.V (Professor, head of the laboratory, Institute of Geochemistry, RAS). Novelty about ecological hazards of the chemicals that pollute aquatic environment.
    A review of the book: Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis. Boca Raton, London, New York. 2006. 279 p.). – // Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. Life Sciences (Buletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Moldovei. Stiintele Vietii). 2007, No. 2, p.169-172. Bibliogr. 10 refs. ["The book is a new significant step toward better knowledge and understanding the effects of chemical pollution on the biosphere" (p. 172)].

    Petrosyan V.S. Review of the book: Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis. - Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, 2007. vol. 12, p.117-119 (in English).

    Review of the book: Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis. Boca Raton, London, New York. 2006. 279 p.). – Bulletin Samarskaya Luka. - 2007. - V. 16, No. 4(22). - P. 864-867. Bibliogr. 10 refs. http://www.ssc.smr.ru/media/journals/samluka/2007/16_4_22.pdf

    Review of the book: Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis. Boca Raton, London, New York. 2006. 279 p. // Problems of Biogeochemistry and Geochemical Ecology. 2007. No. 2 (4). p.108.

     Review of the book: S.A. Ostroumov. Biological Effects of Surfactants (2006). - Ecologica, 2008. т.15, No. 51, p. 71-72. (YU ISSN 0354-3285; Belgrade; in English).
    Ermakov V.V. Review of the book: Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis. Boca Raton, London, New York. 2006. 279 p. – Toxicological Review [Toksikologicheskij Vestnik], 2009, No. 2, p. 40 (=Ермаков В.В. Рец. на книгу: Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis. Boca Raton, London, New York. 2006. 279 p. // Токсикологический вестник, 2009, № 2, с.40). Also, a note was published: PROTECTING WATER QUALITY *BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF SURFACTANTS*, a 2006 technical monograph, begins with a chapter entitled, "Anthropogenic Impacts and Synthetic Surfactants as Pollutants of Aquatic Ecosystems," a clear signal as to author S. Ostroumov's concerns and focus. The hardbound work is said to provide a foundation for exploration of how hazardous wastes are absorbed in both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. The text presents information on actions required for remediation and restoring water quality. Approaches to counteract "toxic effects of man made surfactants using biological methods, including phytoremediation," are also discussed in the 296-page work, as well as protection measures to improve water quality. - IPMnet NEWS, October/November 2006, Issue no. 150 (ISSN: 1523-7893):

    Reviews of the book: S.A.Ostroumov. Aquatic organisms in water self-purification and biogenic migration of elements. (С.А.Остроумов. Гидробионты в самоочищении вод и биогенной миграции элементов. М. МАКС-Пресс. 2008, 200 с.): https://www.researchgate.net/publication/265553832_Aquatic_Organisms_in_Water_Self-Purification_and_Biogenic_Migration_of_Elements?ev=prf_pub Zimnyukov V.A. Review of the book: S.A.Ostroumov. Gidrobionty v samoochischenii vod i biogennoy migratsii elementov // Water Sector of Russia: Problems, Technologies, Management (=Vodnoe Khozyaystvo Rossii; ISSN 1999-4508) 2009. No. 1. p.103-106. (with the photo of the cover of the book). Kapitsa A.P. (Prof., Corr. Member, Russ. Acad. Sci.)
    Review of the book: S.A. Ostroumov. Aquatic organisms in water self-purification and biogenic migration of elements. Moscow. MAX Press. 2008. 200 p. - Ecologica, 2009. V.16. No. 53 (March). P.8. Rozenberg G.S. (Prof., Corr. Member, Russ. Acad. Sci.)
    Book Review: S. A. Ostroumov. Gidrobionty v samoochishchenii vod i biogennoj migracii elementov // Biologiya morya. 2009. V. 35, No. 3, P.237-238. The journal is translated in English and published as "Russian Journal of Marine Biology"(ISSN print: 1063-0740; ISSN online: 1608-3377).
    Ermakov V.V. (Prof., Head of Lab. of Biogeochemistry, Institute of Geochemistry, Russ. Acad. Sci.)
    About the book S.A. Ostroumov «Aquatic organisms in self-purification of water and the biogenic migration of elements» // Water: Chemistry and Ecology. 2009. No. 8. p.25-29. Bibliogr. 26 refs. A new theory for the biomechanisms for water self-purification is presented in the S.A. Ostroumov’s book ‘Aquatic Organisms in Water Self-Purification and Biogenic Migration of Elements’ (2008, 200 p.). Hydrobionts (aquatic organisms) are actively involved in various processes leading to water purification. Almost all main groups of organisms are involved, which is discussed and analyzed in the paper. In the theory, the results of the author's experiments on the effects of various pollutants on aquatic organisms were used. The theory is an innovative basis for new ecological technologies to clean water and to upgrade its quality by using aquatic organisms.

    Other reviews:
    Kreneva S.V.,
    Kocharyan A.G. Review of: Ostroumov S.A. On the ecological-biochemical mechanism of maintenance of water quality and water self-purification. From theory to applications. М.: МАX-Press. 2006 - 24 p. (Series: Science. Education. Innovations. Vol. 5) . — Ecol. Studies, Hazards, Solutions, 2006, v. 11, p. 201.

    Abakumov V.A. (Prof.) Review of the series: 'Aquatic Ecosystems and Organisms', 1999-2005. Editor S.A.Ostroumov. — Ecol. Studies, Hazards, Solutions, 2006, v. 11, p. 199-200. Kapitsa A.P. (Member, Russian Academy of Sciences, and Chair of the Dept. of Sustainable Use of Natural Resources, Moscow University). Review of the series: "Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions", 1999-2005. Editor S.A.Ostroumov. — Ecol. Studies, Hazards, Solutions, 2006, v. 11, p. 201-202. Kriksunov E.A. (Member, Russian Academy of Sciences) The new in studying the contemporary issues of ecology, hydrobiology and environmental sciences. Review of volume 11 of the series "Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions" (Moscow, MAX-Press, 2006, 208 p., under the editorship of S.A.Ostroumov)]. – Ecology of Environment and Safety of Life Activity (=Экология окружающей среды и безопасность жизнедеятельности). 2006, No. 6. p. 93. Review of the series "Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions" (volumes 1-11). - Ecological Chemistry, 2007, v. 16, issue 1, p. 67.

    Published Reviews of the S.A.Ostroumov's books Published reviews of the book Yablokov A.V. and Ostroumov S.A. Nature Conservation. Problems and Prospects: Prof. Lavrenko Е.М. (Academician, Full Member, Academy of Sciences; Ex-President, the Russian Botanical Society) Review // Botanical Journal. - 1984. - No. 12. - P. 1706 – 1710; Book and Art in the USSR [Kniga I Iskusstvo v SSSR]. 1983. No. 2/37. P.23; ISSN 0201 8543; (in Rus.); Books and Art in the USSR. 1983. No. 2/37, P.23; ISSN 0201 8500 (in English); Buch und Kunst in der UdSSR. 1983. No.2. P.21; ISSN 0201 8527 (in German); El libro y el arte en la URSS. 1983. No.2, p. 21; (in Spanish); Amstislavsky A. To think globally, to act locally. Review of the book 'Conservation of Living Nature: Problems and Prospects' // Man and Nature. 1984. No. 9. p. 81-85; [annotation of the book] 'Conservation of Living Nature: Problems and Prospects' // Nature (Priroda). 1984. No.7. p. 123; Pleshakov A. Review of the book ‘Conservation of Living Nature: problems and prospects. 1983 // Moskovskaya Pravda. 1984. June 15, p.3. Vostrikov L. Review of the book ‘Conservation of Living Nature: Problems and Prospects. 1983 // Biology in School (Biologiya v Schkole). 1985. No. 3. p.72-73. Komarovskiy F.L. Review of the book ‘Conservation of Living Nature: problems and prospects. 1983 // Nauchnye Doklady Vysshei Shkoly. Biol. Nauki 1986. No. 4. p. 111-112. Published reviews of the book Yablokov A.V. and Ostroumov S.A. Levels of Living Nature Conservation. 1985. Nauka Press. Moscow. 176 p., fig, tab.: Chesnokov N.I. Review of the book ‘Levels of Conservation of Living Nature’. 1985 // Priroda (Nature, Moscow, in Russian) 1986. No. 7. с. 124-125. Published reviews of the book Ostroumov S.A. Introduction to Bio-Chemical Ecology: Priroda (Nature). 1987. No. 1. p.125. Professor Telitchenko M.M. Review of the book 'Introduction to Biochemical Ecology' // Bulletin of Moscow University. Ser. 16. Biology. 1986. No. 4. P. 58. Prof. Stavskaya S.S. // Physiology and Biochemistry of Cultivated Plants (published in Ukraine). 1988. v. 20, No. 1. p. 99 - 100. Prof. Pokarzhevsky А.D., Semenova N.L. // Ecology. 1988. No. 2. p. 89 - 90. Prof. Sokolov М.S. // Аgrochemistry. 1987. No. 7. p. 135 -136. Prof. Laskorin B.N. (Full Member, Acad. Sci.) // Izvestia Acad. Sci. Ser. Biol. (Bulletin of Acad. Sci., Biological Series) 1991. No. 5. p. 799 - 800. Prof. Gusev М.V. (Dean, the School of Biology, Moscow University) // Plant Physiology. V. 35. No. 2. p.412 - 413. Prof. Dubinin N.P. (Full Member, Acad. Sci.) // Izvestia Acad. Sci. Ser. Biol. (Bulletin of Acad. Sci., Biological series). 1988. No. 1. p. 799 - 800. Prof. B. Stugren. 'Introduction to Biochemical Ecology' by S.A. Ostroumov (review) // Studia Univ. Babes-Bolyai. Biologia (published in Romania, in English). 1987. No 2. P. 96 – 97. Dr. E. Symonides // Wiadomosci Ecologiczne (published in Poland, in Polish), V. 33. No. 2. P. 199-201. Review // J. General Biology. 1989. V. 50. No. 3. p. 429. Published reviews of the book Telitchenko M.M., Ostroumov S.A. Introduction to Problems of Bio-chemical Ecology: Prof. Sirenko L.A. // Hydrobiological Journal (published in Ukraine). 1992. - V. 28. No. 5. p. 108 - 109. Prof. Romanenko V.D. (Full Member, Acad. Sci. of Ukraine; Director, Institute of Hydrobiology; President of Hydroecological Society of Ukraine), Romanenko A.V. // Hydrobiological Journal (published in Kiev, Ukraine). 1992. V.28. No.2. p. 82-83. Published reviews of the book Yablokov A.V. and Ostroumov S.A. Conservation of Living Nature and Resources: Problems, Trends, Prospects. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, London, Paris, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Barcelona, Budapest. Springer. (1991). XII. 272 p.: Hartshorn G. S. A Russian "Silent Spring".- BioScience, 1992, Vol. 42, No. 7, p. 559-560. [‘BioScience’ is published by: American Institute of Biological Sciences] [on the book: ‘Conservation of Living Nature and Resources: Problems, Trends, and Prospects’ by A. V. Yablokov; S. A. Ostroumov]. [Gary S. Hartshorn, World Wildlife Fund Washington, DC 20037]; Goldsmith F. B. Review: Conservation of Living Nature and Resources, by A. V. Yablokov; S. A. Ostroumov. - The Journal of Ecology, 1992. Vol. 80, No. 1, p. 186-187; Book review: Conservation of Living Nature and Resources: Problems Trends and Prospects, by A. V. Yablokov, S.A.Ostroumov. - Biological Conservation. 1993, Vol. 63, Issue 3, P. 271 [doi:10.1016/0006-3207(93)90728-J]; Dokumentation Natur und Landschaft (DNL) (Germany), 32 (1992) 1 (in German); Revista Espanola de Fisiologia (Spain). 48 (1992), 1 (in Spanish); Alauda (France). 61 (1993) 1 (in French); Mammalia (France). 57 (1993) 2, p. 304 (in French); Published reviews of the book Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants on Organisms (2001): Prof. Yakovlev S.V. (Full Member, Acad. Sci.) Review of the book: Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants on Organisms (2001) // Vestnik Russian Academy of Sciences. 2002. v.72, No.11, p. 1038-1039. http://www.ras.ru/en/publishing/rasherald/rasherald_articleinfo.aspx?articleid=50a4f815-7de7-413f-b2b7-f1489d99f4cb [Review of the book: S.A. Ostroumov, Biologicheskie effekty pri vozdeistvii poverkhnostno-aktivnykh veshchestv na organismy (The Impact of Surface Active Substances upon the Organisms: The Biological Effects). Author of the review: Academician,
    Prof. S.V.Yakovlev (Full Member, Russian Academy of Sciences; Director, VODGEO Institute)].

    Prof. Vasiliev О.F. (Full Member, Acad. Sci.) Review of the book: Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants on Organisms (2001) // Vestnik Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, 2002, v.2, No.3, p. 65.

    Prof. Braginsky L.P., Prof. Sirenko L.A. Review of the book: Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants on Organisms (2001) // Hydrobiological Journal (published in Kiev, Ukraine). 2003, v.39, No.3, p.115-118.

    Prof. Rozenberg G.S. (Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Institute of Ecology of the Volga Basin, Russ. Academy of Sciences) Review of the book: Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants on Organisms (2001) // Uspekhi Sovremennoi Biologii (Advances of Modern Biology). 2003. No. 6, p. 618-619.

     Published reviews of the book Ostroumov S.A. Biotic Mechanism of Self-Purification of Freshwater and Marine Water (2004) [Diploma to the book 'Biotic Mechanism of Self-purification of Freswater and Marine Water' was awarded at the 7th International Conference ‘Aquatic Ecosystems, Organisms, Innovations’ (2005)]:

    Malakhov V.V. (Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Chair of the Dept. of Zoology of Invertebrates, Moscow State University),
    Review of the book (Ostroumov, S.A., 2004. Biotic Mechanism of Self-purification of Freshwater and Marine Water. MAX Press, Moscow) // Ecol. Sci. Haz. Solutions. 2004. Vol.10. p.138. Rozenberg G.S. (Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Institute of Ecology of the Volga Basin, Russ. Acad. Sci.) Review of the book (Ostroumov, S.A., 2004. Biotic Mechanism of Self-purification of Freshwater and Marine Water. MAX Press, Moscow) // Advances of Modern Biol. 2005. No.3. P. 317-318.

    Published reviews of the book Ostroumov S.A. 'Pollution, Self-purification and Restoration of Aquatic Ecosystems' (2005): Fedorov V.D. Ecological sciences: from theory to practice and sustainable development.
    Review of the books by S.A.Ostroumov 'Pollution, Self-purification and Restoration of Aquatic Ecosystems' and 'Ecology and Hydrobiology'. - Ecological Systems and Instruments. 2006. No. 4. P. 38-39. [on the author: Prof. Fedorov V.D. is the Chairperson, Department of Hydrobiology, Moscow State University].

     Prof. Rumyantzev I.S., Zimnyukov V.A.
    Review of the book: Ostroumov S.A. Pollution, Self-Purification, and Restoration of Aquatic Ecosystems. Moscow. MAX Press, 2005, 100 p. ISBN 5-317-01213-9. – Ecological Chemistry, 2006, v. 15, No. 3, p. 211-212 [on the author: Prof. I.S. Rumyantzev is the President, The Academy of Water Science].

    Prof. Abakumov V.A. Review of the book "Pollution, Self-Purification, and Restoration of Aquatic Ecosystems". Moscow. MAX Press, 2005, 100 p. – Ecology of the Environment and Safety of Life Activity, No.4 (34), 2006, p. 88-89 [the reviewer recommended to publish a new edition of the book].

    Prof. Ermakov V.V. Review of the book "Pollution, Self-Purification, and Restoration of Aquatic Ecosystems. Moscow. MAX Press, 2005, 100 p." and of the collection of educational programs "Ecology and Hydrobiology" (Moscow. MAX Press, 2005). – Problems of Biogeochemistry and Geochemical Ecology. 2007. v. 1(3). p.122-124. Prof. Braginsky L.P., Kalenichenko K.P., Ignatyuk A.A. (Л.П. Брагинский, К.П. Калениченко, А.А. Игнатюк). Generalized mechanisms of self-purification of natural waters. Review of the book: Ostroumov S.A. Pollution, Self-Purification, and Restoration of Aquatic Ecosystems. Moscow. MAX Press, 2005, 100 p. // Hydrobiological Journal. 2007 - 43, No. 6. P.111-113.

    Published reviews of the book Ostroumov S.A. 'Ecology and Hydrobiology: Curricula of Lecture Courses (2005)': Fedorov V.D. (Chair of the Dept. of Hydrobiology, Moscow University). Ecological sciences: from theory to practice and sustainable development.

    Review of the books by S.A.Ostroumov 'Pollution, Self-purification and Restoration of Aquatic Ecosystems' and 'Ecology and Hydrobiology'. - Ecological Systems and Instruments. 2006. No. 4. P. 38-39. Rozenberg G.S. (Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Director, Institute of Ecology of Volga Basin of Russian Academy of Sciences) [Review]. —Water and Ecology. 2006. No.3. P. 70-75.

    Published reviews of the book Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants (2006): Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC / Taylor & Francis. Boca Raton, London, New York. 2006, 279 p., ISBN 0-8493-2526-9. - SciTech Book News, 2006 (March), Vol.30, No.1, p.58; [ISSN 0196-6006] http://www.booknews.com/issues/sci-0603.pdf [a mini-review of the book; publisher: Book News, Inc.; 5739 NE Sumner St.; Portland Oregon, 97218, U.S.A. Formal description of the journal: Reviews of new high-level books in all fields of science. Encompasses graduate level texts, serious scholarly treatises, and professional references; http://library.vtc.edu.hk/ejournalsearch/Detail.do?query=SciTech+Book+News];

    Toderas I.K. (Academician-Secretary of the Section of the Biological, Chemical, and Ecological Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova), Ermakov V.V (Professor, head of the laboratory, Institute of Geochemistry, RAS). Novelty about ecological hazards of the chemicals that pollute aquatic environment.
    A review of the book: Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis. Boca Raton, London, New York. 2006. 279 p.). – // Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. Life Sciences (Buletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Moldovei. Stiintele Vietii). 2007, No. 2, p.169-172. Bibliogr. 10 refs. ["The book is a new significant step toward better knowledge and understanding the effects of chemical pollution on the biosphere" (p. 172)].

    Petrosyan V.S. Review of the book: Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis. - Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, 2007. vol. 12, p.117-119 (in English).

    Review of the book: Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis. Boca Raton, London, New York. 2006. 279 p.). – Bulletin Samarskaya Luka. - 2007. - V. 16, No. 4(22). - P. 864-867. Bibliogr. 10 refs. http://www.ssc.smr.ru/media/journals/samluka/2007/16_4_22.pdf Review of the book: Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis. Boca Raton, London, New York. 2006. 279 p. // Problems of Biogeochemistry and Geochemical Ecology. 2007. No. 2 (4). p.108.

    Review of the book: S.A. Ostroumov. Biological Effects of Surfactants (2006). - Ecologica, 2008. т.15, No. 51, p. 71-72. (YU ISSN 0354-3285; Belgrade; in English). Ermakov V.V. Review of the book: : Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis. Boca Raton, London, New York. 2006. 279 p. – Toxicological Review [Toksikologicheskij Vestnik], 2009, No. 2, p. 40 (=Ермаков В.В. Рец. на книгу: Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis. Boca Raton, London, New York. 2006. 279 p. // Токсикологический вестник, 2009, № 2, с.40). Also, a note was published: PROTECTING WATER QUALITY *BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF SURFACTANTS*, a 2006 technical monograph, begins with a chapter entitled, "Anthropogenic Impacts and Synthetic Surfactants as Pollutants of Aquatic Ecosystems," a clear signal as to author S. Ostroumov's concerns and focus. The hardbound work is said to provide a foundation for exploration of how hazardous wastes are absorbed in both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. The text presents information on actions required for remediation and restoring water quality. Approaches to counteract "toxic effects of man made surfactants using biological methods, including phytoremediation," are also discussed in the 296-page work, as well as protection measures to improve water quality. - IPMnet NEWS, October/November 2006, Issue no. 150 (ISSN: 1523-7893):

     Reviews of the book: S.A.Ostroumov. Aquatic organisms in water self-purification and biogenic migration of elements. (С.А.Остроумов. Гидробионты в самоочищении вод и биогенной миграции элементов. М. МАКС-Пресс. 2008, 200 с.):

    Zimnyukov V.A. Review of the book: S.A.Ostroumov. Gidrobionty v samoochischenii vod i biogennoy migratsii elementov // Water Sector of Russia: Problems, Technologies, Management (=Vodnoe Khozyaystvo Rossii; ISSN 1999-4508) 2009. No. 1. p.103-106. (with the photo of the cover of the book). Kapitsa A.P. (Prof., Corr. Member, Russ. Acad. Sci.)

    Review of the book: S.A. Ostroumov. Aquatic organisms in water self-purification and biogenic migration of elements. Moscow. MAX Press. 2008. 200 p. - Ecologica, 2009. V.16. No. 53 (March). P.8. Rozenberg G.S. (Prof., Corr. Member, Russ. Acad. Sci.)
    Book Review: S. A. Ostroumov. Gidrobionty v samoochishchenii vod i biogennoj migracii elementov // Biologiya morya. 2009. V. 35, No. 3, P.237-238. The journal is translated in English and published as "Russian Journal of Marine Biology"(ISSN print: 1063-0740; ISSN online: 1608-3377). Ermakov V.V. (Prof., Head of Lab. of Biogeochem., Russ. Acad. Sci.)

    About the book S.A. Ostroumov «Aquatic organisms in self-purification of water and the biogenic migration of elements» // Water: Chemistry and Ecology. 2009. No. 8. p.25-29. Bibliogr. 26 refs. A new theory for the biomechanisms for water self-purification is presented in the S.A. Ostroumov’s book ‘Aquatic Organisms in Water Self-Purification and Biogenic Migration of Elements’ (2008, 200 p.). Hydrobionts (aquatic organisms) are actively involved in various processes leading to water purification. Almost all main groups of organisms are involved, which is discussed and analyzed in the paper. In the theory, the results of the author's experiments on the effects of various pollutants on aquatic organisms were used. The theory is an innovative basis for new ecological technologies to clean water and to upgrade its quality by using aquatic organisms.

    Other reviews:
    Kreneva S.V., Kocharyan A.G. Review of: Ostroumov S.A. On the ecological-biochemical mechanism of maintenance of water quality and water self-purification. From theory to applications. М.: МАX-Press. 2006 - 24 p. (Series: Science. Education. Innovations. Vol. 5) . — Ecol. Studies, Hazards, Solutions, 2006, v. 11, p. 201. Abakumov V.A. (Prof.) Review of the series: 'Aquatic Ecosystems and Organisms', 1999-2005. Editor S.A.Ostroumov. — Ecol. Studies, Hazards, Solutions, 2006, v. 11, p. 199-200. Kapitsa A.P. (Member, Russian Academy of Sciences, and Chair of the Dept. of Sustainable Use of Natural Resources, Moscow University). Review of the series: "Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions", 1999-2005. Editor S.A.Ostroumov. — Ecol. Studies, Hazards, Solutions, 2006, v. 11, p. 201-202. Kriksunov E.A. (Member, Russian Academy of Sciences) The new in studying the contemporary issues of ecology, hydrobiology and environmental sciences. Review of volume 11 of the series "Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions" (Moscow, MAX-Press, 2006, 208 p., under the editorship of S.A.Ostroumov)]. – Ecology of Environment and Safety of Life Activity (=Экология окружающей среды и безопасность жизнедеятельности). 2006, No. 6. p. 93. Review of the series "Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions" (volumes 1-11). - Ecological Chemistry, 2007, v. 16, issue 1, p. 67.

  • Short abstract of the published review of the book 'Introduction to Problems of Biochemical Ecology'. The review was written by Academician, Professor V.D.Romanenko (Ukraine). The new science of biochemical ecology was created in publications of Sergei A. Ostroumov, including this book.
    Отзыв зарубежных ученых на книгу “Введение в проблемы биохимической экологии: биотехнология, сельское хозяйство, охрана среды”.
    Научный журнал «Гидробиологический журнал» (Национальная академия наук Украины): «Книга проф. М.М.Телитченко и С.А.Остроумова заслуживает особого внимания, т.к. является одним из первых обобщений данных многочисленных разроненных работ в столь актуальной области исследований, как биохимическая экология….
    Рецензируемая книга содержит широкую информацию, в том числе полученную самими авторами, и представляет несомненный интерес для биологов, химиков, биотехнологов и других специалистов…» академик Национальной АН Украины (АН УССР) Романенко В.Д. (директор Института гидробиологии Национальной АН Украины - АН УССР, Президент Гидроэкологического общества Украины), Романенко А.В. На стыке наук.
    Романенко В.Д., Романенко А.В. Рецензия на книгу: “Введение в проблемы биохимической экологии: биотехнология, сельское хозяйство, охрана среды” // Гидробиол. журнал. 1992. -Т. 28. № 2. - С. 82 – 83.
     Об авторе, Романенко Виктор Дмитриевич: академик Национальной АН Украины (АН УССР), директор Института гидробиологии Национальной АН Украины - АН УССР, Президент Гидроэкологического общества Украины, автор многих книг и статей. Главный редактор международного “Гидробиологического журнала”. Исследования в области раскрытия механизмов адаптации водных организмов к абиотическим факторам отмечены премией НАН Украины им. В.Я. Юрьева (1984), а цикл работ “Экологические основы биотехнологий воспроизводства рыб и беспозвоночных в аквакультуре” - премией НАН Украины им. И.И.Шмальгаузена (2002). В.Д.Романенко дважды удостоен Государственной премии Украины в области науки и техники: в 1995 г. совместно с коллегами за разработку научных основ и подходов к экологической оценке влияния крупномасштабного гидротехнического строительства на водные объекты, их биопродуктивность и качество воды; в 2004 г. как автор учебника для вузов “Основы гидроэкологии”. Избирался народным депутатом и членом Верховного Совета СССР, заместителем главы Комитета по вопросам экологии и рационального использования природных ресурсов Верховного Совета СССР (1989).

    Prof. Dr. Viktor D. Romanenko - Director of the Institute of Hydrobiology, Editor-in-chief of the «Hydrobiological Journal», Doctor of biological sciences, professor (fresh-water hydrobiology), academician of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) of Ukraine, honoured worker of a science and technique of Ukraine. Awarded the Yuriev Premium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1984), and the Schmalhausen Premium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2002); awarded twice the State Premium of Ukraine in the field of a science and technique. President of the Hydroecological Society of Ukraine.

    Summary of current achievements. With references, links to materials, publications available online free. Key words: biosphere, ecology, environmental sciences ** Biosphere. Collection of electronic articles. 2014. http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/08/biosphere-collection-of-electronic.html https://manchester.academia.edu/Documents/in/Biosphere https://www.researchgate.net/publication/265053003_Biosphere._Sum_of_achievements ** On the concepts of biochemical ecology and hydrobiology: Ecological chemomediators by Sergei Ostroumov "The paper explained the new scientific terms (ecological chemomediators, ecological chemoregulators) that were coined in 1986 in the book S.A.Ostroumov ‘Introduction to Biochemical Ecology’. Since 1986, the book and the new terminology...more Research Interests: Chemical Communication, Book, Biosphere, New, Scientific Terms, and 6 more Download.pdf Download (.pdf)
    ** Biological filters are an important part of the biosphere by Sergei Ostroumov ; http://www.scribd.com/doc/84318765/; http://sites.google.com/site/ostroumovsa/ostroumov-sa-biological-filters-are-an-important-part-of-the-biosphere--science-in-russia-2009--2-p-30-36; Ostroumov S.A. Biological filters are an important...more Research Interests: Water, Ecosystem Services, Water quality, Environmental Sustainability, Water Supply, and 26 more Download.docx Download (.docx) 20 On the concepts of biochemical ecology and hydrobiology: Ecological chemomediators. by Sergei Ostroumov ""http://www.scribd.com/doc/63711272/; S.A. Ostroumov. On the concepts of biochemical ecology and hydrobiology: Ecological chemomediators. - Contemporary Problems of Ecology, 2008, Volume 1 (2), p. 238-244 [© Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.,... more More Info: New review (favorable) was published of this paper. New scientific discipline, new science was created. New concept, terminology proposed: ecological chemomediators. Rating: excellent. At World Catalog: http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/07/new-review-was-published-biochemical.html Research Interests: Pheromones, Regulation, Hydrobiology, Concepts, Information, and 12 more Download.pdf Download (.pdf) 12 О функциях живого вещества в биосфере by Sergei Ostroumov Остроумов С.А. О функциях живого вещества в биосфере // Вестник РАН. 2003. Т. 73. № 3. С.232-238. ; Инновационный анализ выявил и положительную, и отрицательную роль химических веществ - их участие в поддержании и нарушении механизма... more More Info: По-новому проведен анализ вопроса о роли живых организмов в формировании свойств окружающей среды и биосферы; Research Interests: Biosphere, новое определение термина феромоны, феромоны, гидроэкология, экология,биосфера, and 8 more 3 BIOLOGICAL FILTERS ARE AN IMPORTANT PART OF THE BIOSPHERE by Sergei Ostroumov Publications by the same author. Main Results. Публикации того же автора. Основные результаты: http://www.scribd.com/doc/59437439/; On the author. Об авторе (С.А.О.): http://www.famous-scientists.ru/3732/; Publisher: dlib.eastview.com ; Publication Date: Jan 1, 2009; Publication Name: Science in Russia; Research Interests: Water quality, Ecology, Biosphere, гидроэкология, Environment protection, and 4 more 11 Medium-term and long-term priorities in ecological studies by Sergei Ostroumov Medium-term and long-term priorities in ecological studies. Ostroumov S.A., Dodson S.I., Hamilton D., Peterson S.A., Wetzel R.G. Riv. Biol. 2003, 96(2):327-332. List of research priorities for ecology and environmental science of 21st... more Key words: priorities, fundamentals, ecology, environmental sciences, biospheric sciences, life and biomedical sciences, geosciences, ecosystems, biosphere, organisms, levels of life systems, man-made impacts, anthropogenic effects, terrestrial, aquatic, research topics Publisher: tilgher.it Publication Date: Jan 1, 2003 Publication Name: RIVISTA DI BIOLOGIA … Research Interests: Biology, Ecology, Research, Sciences, Terrestrial Ecology, and 28 more Download.pdf Download (.pdf) 7 Conservation of living nature and resources: problems, trends, and prospects. (book) by Sergei Ostroumov A unique monograph that became a key stone in forming the scientific basis for conservation of living nature. One of the first books that created the fundamentals of conservation biology. The book was bought by the library of Harvard... more More Info: Yablokov A.V., S.A.Ostroumov. Conservation of Living Nature and Resources: Problems, Trends, and Prospects. Berlin, New York et al. Springer. 1991. 272 p. Index of Authors: p. 249-251. Subject Index: p. 253-271. ISBN 3-540-52096-1; ISBN 0-387-52096-1. One of the authors of published reviews of the book called it ‘Russian Silent Spring’. On the book: http://www.scribd.com/doc/59415099/; Publisher: cabdirect.org Publication Date: Jan 1, 1991 Research Interests: Conservation Biology, Biodiversity, Environmental Sustainability, Biosphere, and Protection
    Review of Vaclav Smil Harvesting the Biosphere: What We Have Taken From Nature by Anna Krzywoszynska More Info: forthcoming Publication Name: Agriculture and Human Values Research Interests: Natural Resources, Ethics & Social Sustainability, Sustainable agriculture, Sustainable Development,Environment and natural resources conservation, and 7 more Download.pdf Download (.pdf) 3 Fire on the Mountain: Ecology Gets its Narrative Totem by Gavin Van Horn Research Interests: Ecology, Biosphere, and Wolves Download.pdf Download (.pdf) 5 Marine biodiversification in response to evolving phytoplankton stoichiometry by Victor Podkovyrov Research Interests: Evolutionary Biology, Oceanography, Paleontology, Climate Change, Macroevolution, and 13 more Download.pdf Download (.pdf) 5 Walden 2.1 Phase 3: Attracting Human Cell Avatar interest to Acheron LV426 2035 Martian Worlds Fair by Richard Courchesne Publication Date: Aug 19, 2013 Research Interests: Religion, Artificial Intelligence, Stem cell and Regenerative medicine, Earth, Second Life, and 23 more Download.pdf Download (.pdf) 8 Harvesting and Supply Chain Analysis of Ethnobotanical Species in the Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve of India by sciepub.com SciEP Realizing the historical importance of central Indian forests in terms of ecological, social and economical perspectives and the present socio-economic changes in the community due to several reasons, the present study was conducted. It... more More Info: American Journal of Environmental Protection, 2013 1 (2), pp 20-27
    DOI: 10.12691/env-1-2-2 Publisher: Science and Education Publishing Journal Name: American Journal of Environmental Protection Publication Date: Apr 2, 2013 Publication Name: American Journal of Environmental Protection Research Interests: Marketing, Conservation, Supply Chain, Collection Theory, Biosphere, and 2 more 4 Harvesting and Supply Chain Analysis of Ethnobotanical Species in the Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve of India by sciepub.com SciEP Realizing the historical importance of central Indian forests in terms of ecological, social and economical perspectives and the present socio-economic changes in the community due to several reasons, the present study was conducted. It... more More Info: American Journal of Environmental Protection, 2013 1 (2), pp 20-27
    DOI: 10.12691/env-1-2-2 Publisher: Science and Education Publishing Journal Name: American Journal of Environmental Protection Publication Date: Apr 2, 2013 Publication Name: American Journal of Environmental Protection Research Interests: Marketing, Conservation, Supply Chain, Collection Theory, Biosphere, and 2 more 57
    Biologically active substances of ecological importance and methodological aspects of the estimation of the biological activity of pollutants by Sergei Ostroumov S. A. Ostroumov. Biologically active substances of ecological importance and methodological aspects of the estimation of the biological activity of pollutants. - RUSS. CHEM. REV., 1991, 60 (3), 265–265. DOI:... more Research Interests: Environmental Science, Ecotoxicology, Ecology, Mediation, Regulation, and 14 more 180 9 Self-organization of the Earth's biosphere-geochemical or geophysiological? by Mark McMenamin We explore the implications of indicating the biosphere's self-organization by the trend over time of the net entropic flow from the Earth's surface, the actual physical boundary of virtually all biotic mass. This flow, derived from the... more Publication Date: Jan 1, 1994 Publication Name: Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres Research Interests: Geochemistry, Self-Organization, Gaia hypothesis, Biosphere, Hypersea, and Geophysiology Download.pdf Download (.pdf) 20 Out of the Cradle - Anthropological background and Process - 100 year Starship symposium by Thierry Lorho - Global Mutation Analysis and Prospective (GMAP) The study done in this prospective is based on an artificial intelligence system, Globe Expert, which is the only one capable of considering what could happen in a hundred years with objectivity and neutrality. To the question of the... more More Info: This article follows the lecture given by Valerie Fert at the symposium "100 Year Starship", jointly organized by DARPA and NASA in Orlando, from September 30, 2011 through October 2, 2011. Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence, Earth, International, Space, Civilization, and 15 more Download.pdf Download (.pdf) 17 Reconnecting to the Biosphere by Sturle Hauge Simonsen Humanity has emerged as a major force in the operation of the biosphere, with a significant imprint on the Earth System, challenging social—ecological resilience. This new situation calls for a fundamental shift in perspectives, world... more
    More Info:
    Full reference: Folke, C., Jansson, Å., Rockström, J., Olsson, P., Carpenter, S., Chapin, F., Crépin, A.S., Daily, G., Danell, K., Ebbesson, J., Elmqvist, T., Galaz, V., Moberg, F., Nilsson, M., Österblom, H., Ostrom, E., Persson, Å., Peterson, G., Polasky, S., Steffen, W., Walker, B., Westley, F. (2011) Reconnecting to the Biosphere. AMBIO, 0044-7447. Doi: 10.1007/s13280-011-0184-y Research Interests: Natural Resources, Planetary Science, Sustainable Human Development, Environmental Sustainability, Planetary Boundaries, and 2 more 60 84 Pressure-temperature Phase Diagram of the Earth by Eriita Jones Based on a pressure-temperature (P-T) phase diagram model of the Earth, Jones & Lineweaver (2010) described uninhabited terrestrial liquid water. Our model represents the atmosphere, surface, oceans and interior of the Earth - allowing... more More Info: Jones, E. & Lineweaver, C. (2010), Pressure Temperature Phase Diagram of Earth. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Proceedings: Pathways Towards Habitable Planets (Peer-Reviewed), 430, 145-151. Publisher: arxiv.org Publication Date: Jan 1, 2010 Publication Name: Arxiv preprint arXiv:1005.2440 Research Interests: Biosphere, Liquid water on other planets, and Water Activity Download.pdf Download (.pdf) 45 To What Extent Does Terrestrial Life 'Follow The Water'? by Eriita Jones Terrestrial life is known to require liquid water, but not all terrestrial water is inhabited. Thus, liquid water is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for life. To quantify the terrestrial limits on the habitability of water and... more More Info: Eriita G. Jones and Charles H. Lineweaver. Astrobiology. April 2010, 10(3): 349-361. doi:10.1089/ast.2009.0428. Publisher: liebertonline.com Publication Date: Jan 1, 2010 Publication Name: Astrobiology Research Interests: Biosphere and Liquid water on other planets 55 Analysis and resolution of protected area–people conflicts in Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve, India by Ravindra Gavali Conflicts between local people and protected area managers are a common problem in developing countries, but in many cases there has been little attempt to comprehensively characterize the underlying problems. Resource uses, management... more Research Interests: Environmental Education, Science Communication, Violence, Conservation Biology, Wildlife Ecology And Management, and 8 more **

    33 reviews, explanation of novelty, ecology, top publications on environmental science (selected). World Catalog, the best and largest global library catalog. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/264038202; Key words: reviews, publications, articles, ecology, environmental, top, water, quality, filtration, self-purification, toxicology, ecotoxicology, environment, protection, safety, biogeochemistry, gold, World Catalog, plants, macrophytes, phytotoxicity, 水 Full text of the 33 reviews see here: https://ru.scribd.com/doc/249333240/; http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/07/33-reviews-explanation-of-novelty.html ** 33 reviews, explanation of novelty, ecology, 33 top publications on environmental science (selected). The reviews were published by independent experts at the web-site World Catalog, the largest global library catalog. https://ru.scribd.com/doc/249333240/ Key words: reviews, publications, articles, ecology, environmental, top, water, quality, filtration, self-purification, toxicology, ecotoxicology, environment, protection, safety, biogeochemistry, gold, World Catalog, plants, macrophytes, phytotoxicity, 水 This was mentioned at the Facebook page of American Library Association; http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/07/33-reviews-explanation-of-novelty.html https://www.researchgate.net/publication/264038202_Sum_of_short_reviews_of_selected_articles_on_environmental_science the previous draft (32 reviews): http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/07/32-reviews-explanation-of-novelty.html Countries as diverse as Vatican, U.S., Germany, Spain needed, downloaded these articles on ecology, environment protection, environmental science, toxicology, water. Key words: anthropogenic effects, surfactants, biology, biogeochemistry, top, papers, downloads http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/07/vatican-us-germany-spain-needed-these.html ** Summary Review and explanation of 3 key innovations IN ECOLOGY, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, WATER SAFETY (with references, links to full texts of the papers, some posts with pictures). Links to posts in English, Japanese, Korean, Turkish, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese: http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/07/review-explanation-3-innovations.html Explanation, review in English: http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/06/3-innovative-steps-in-ecology.html 33 Reviews of top interesting innovative publications in the field. The reviews were published by independent experts at the web-site World Catalog, the largest global library catalog: **Review of the article: Tolerance of an aquatic macrophyte Potamogeton crispus L. to sodium dodecyl sulphate (authors of the paper under review E A Solomonova; S A Ostroumov, Moscow State University) Article; The title of the review: New toxic effect of surfactant on aquatic plant, pondweed (seconds ago) by Professor_S.K. This excellent article is first to report new toxic effects of a synthetic chemical, an anionic surfactant (sodium dodecyl sulphate) on the common species of Eurasia pondweed, Potamogeton crispus. This is a valuable contribution to a better understanding of negative consequences of chemical pollution of freshwater ecosystems: ponds, lakes and streams. Anionic surfactants are the key components of many laundry detergents, shampoos, and many other chemical products in everyday use. Therefore the anionic surfactants are discharged with wastewaters into all types of aquatic ecosystems. However, this interesting paper is more than that. There are two aspects in studying interactions between chemicals and organisms: (1) to find toxic effects concentrations; (2) by contrast, to find safe concentrations. The second aspect (to find safe concentrations, and safe loads of the chemicals) is especially important. The information on the safe concentrations and loads of chemical pollutants is needed to develop ecological technologies (phytotechnologies) for water treatment. This brilliant and innovative paper provides this new unique and needed information - namely, the new information on both toxic and safe concentrations and loads of the new chemical pollutant, an anionic surfactant. This valuable article is recommended to all who are involved in aquatic ecology, aquatic botany, plant science, water quality, water resources, environmental toxicology, phytoremediation, and modern green technologies for water treatment. Additional information: DOI:10.3103/S0096392507040074; Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin, 2007, Vol. 62, No. 4, p. 176–179. ISSN 0096-3925, © Allerton Press, Inc., 2007. Available at SpringerLink; Original Russian Text © E.A. Solomonova, S.A. Ostroumov, 2007, published in Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Biologiya, 2007, No. 4, pp. 39–42. Keywords: effects, surfactant, aquatic, macrophytes, Potamogeton, crispus, Concentrations, fragmentation, stems, plants, negative, pollution, detergents, phytoremediation, chemico-biotic interactions, water quality, sodium dodecyl sulphate, SDS Full text free: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/247887711_Tolerance_of_an_aquatic_macrophyte_Potamogeton_crispus_L._to_sodium_dodecyl_sulphate ** Review of: Article: On studying the hazards of pollution of the biosphere: Effects of sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) on planktonic filter-feeders. (the authors of the paper under review: I M Vorozhun; S A Ostroumov); http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/07/review-of-on-studying-hazards-of.html The title of the review: Discovery: pollutant (surfactant) inhibits water filtration by daphnia (seconds ago) by Professor K. This is a first paper to report the discovery: chemical pollutant (a surfactant) decreases the water filtration by zooplankton, namely, daphnia. This toxic effect took place at a relatively low concentration of the chemical (a surfactant, sodium dodecyl sulphate, or SDS). This discovery is in agreement with the previous publications and discoveries of Dr. Sergei Ostroumov (Moscow State University). His previous research demonstrated that the same chemical pollutant decreased (inhibited) water filtration by some other water invertebrate animals, namely, bivalve mollusks. The new discovery is important. The new fact demonstrated a new hazard from the chemical pollutants even at their low concentrations. The new fact confirmed the conclusions of the previous publications of Dr. S. Ostroumov. The new data added additional evidence on serious environmental hazards from synthetic surfactants. These chemicals pollute water ecosystems. Conclusion: This paper presented important new facts. These facts are really relevant. The publication is of outstanding interest to many scientists who study ecology, environmental pollution, environmental toxicology, aquatic ecotoxicology. I recommend this excellent article. Availability: The full text is available online free: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259579940_Paper_published_On_studying_the_hazards_of_pollution_of_the_biosphere_effects_of_sodium_dodecylsulfate_(SDS)_on_planktonic_filter-feeders ; and: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/216175249_On_studying_the_hazards_of_pollution_of_the_biosphere_effects_of_sodium_dodecylsulfate_(SDS)_on_planktonic_filter-feeders ; Key words: pollution, synthetic surfactants, daphnia, crustaceans, zooplankton, water filtration, sublethal concentrations, aquatic, water quality, ecotoxicology, environmental hazards, bioassay, green algae, Scenedesmus quadricauda, ** Review of the paper: The role of biodetritus in accumulation of elements in aquatic ecosystems (Co-authors of the paper under review: S A Ostroumov; G M Kolesov) Article The title of the review: First paper: gold, uranium, other chemical elements in biodetritus (seconds ago) by Professor_K. This is the first paper to report concentrations of gold, uranium, other valuable chemical elements in biodetritus (i.e., biological detritus) in sediments in aquatic system. The author, a Fulbright Award winner, conducted innovative and unique experiments. For a number of months, he has created a biological detritus in an experimental water ecosystem. This detritus was generated by both plant and animal aquatic organisms in this water ecosystem. After several months, he collected the detritus and measured the concentrations of a number of chemical elements including gold, uranium and some others (some interesting rare earth elements among them). As a result, he obtained absolutely new and unique data on the biogeochemical role of biological detritus in aquatic ecosystems. The chemical elements that were found and measured in the biological detritus were: Ca, Zn, Ba, Br, Ce, Se, Nd, La, U, Hf, Sb, Th, Sm, S, Cs, Au. This article is absolutely innovative. I recommend it for reading and citation. It will be very useful to all who study chemical ecology, aquatic ecology, biogeochemistry, sediments in water systems. ** Review of the book: Full text of the book is available here: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/263891524_Urovni_okhrany_zhivoi_prirody_(book_in_Russian_English_translation_of_the_title_Levels_of_Nature_Conservation) Urovni okhrany zhivoĭ prirody by A V I︠A︡blokov Book The title of the review: New ideas on nature conservation. ( the authors of the book under review: A.Yablokov, S.Ostroumov) (seconds ago) by Professor_K. Excellent book. New useful system of facts, ideas on nature conservation. The full and more correct reference is: Yablokov A.V., Ostroumov S.A. Levels of Living Nature Conservation. 1985. Nauka Press. Moscow. 176 p. DOI: 10.13140/2.1.1679.9366. The book presented a fresh, unique and innovative approach to analysis of issues of nature conservation. The authors invented a new productive conceptualization of the new science of conservation biology. They proposed and used a very efficient approach. This approach is based on the concept of levels of organization of living systems. As a result, the authors, prominent biologists, transformed a huge mass of facts on anthropogenic effects on nature (man-made impact on living organisms, the biota, the biosphere) into a well-organized system of scientifically treated data. The book presented also a unique system of axioms of nature conservation. The book was translated into some other languages. The citation of this book is excellent. This unique, innovative book was ahead of its time, it will be useful to many who are involved and interested in nature conservation and environmental protection. It is really very useful and recommended to scientists, professors and students. The full text of the book is available: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/263891524 ; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/263891524_Urovni_okhrany_zhivoi_prirody_(book_in_Russian_English_translation_of_the_title_Levels_of_Nature_Conservation); I would like to give this book my very strong recommendations. The key words: Nature Conservation, Conservation Biology, Biological Conservation, biodiversity protection, Environment Protection, Biology, Wildlife Conservation, Ecology, anthropogenic, man-made impact, Environmental Education ** MORE REVIEWS: **Review of the article: On Some Issues of Maintaining Water Quality and Self-Purification Article The title of the review: New step: creating theory of water self-purification in ecosystems (moments ago) full text free: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/215586879_On_some_issues_of_maintaining_water_quality_and_self-purification New step in creating theory of water self-purification in ecosystems - this is the short summary of this excellent innovative paper. The article under review is a well-balanced review, and an opinion paper with the 53-reference list of cited literature. The paper summarizes the author's research on... To read more, click the title of the review of this article. ** Review of the article: On the concepts of biochemical ecology and hydrobiology: Ecological chemomediators by S A Ostroumov; Article; The title of the review: Biochemical ecology: New scientific discipline, new science was created. (about 2 days ago) Full text free: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/201999918_On_the_concepts_of_biochemical_ecology_and_hydrobiology_Ecological_chemomediators ; In this paper and in the preceding publications by the same author (a Fulbright Award winning researcher at Moscow State University, Dr. Sergei A. Ostroumov) a new scientific discipline, new science was created. This new science is biochemical ecology. The author of this term and the farther... To read more, click the title of the review of this article. **Review of the article: Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in processes leading to water purification: current conceptualizations and concluding remarks By some imperfection, on the list of publications of this author at WorldCatalog, the reference is labeled as: No title available; The title of the article is: Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in processes leading to water purification: current conceptualizations and concluding remarks. The title of the review: Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in processes ... water purification (about 2 days ago) Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in processes leading to water purification: current conceptualizations and concluding remarks. This is the title of this excellent paper. It is a really outstanding and concise formulation of a new theory of aquatic ecosystem function, a vital aspect of ecosystem... (To read more, click the title of the review of this article). ** Review of the article: Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in processes leading to water purification: current conceptualizations and concluding remarks Article The title of the review: Outstanding, excellent, top paper on how ecosystem maintains water quality (about 2 weeks ago) Full text free: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200582742_Ostroumov_S.A._Polyfunctional_role_of_biodiversity_in_processes_leading_to_water_purification_current_conceptualizations_and_concluding_remarks This is an outstanding, excellent, top paper that presented a concise theory on how aquatic ecosystems maintain water quality (theory of water self-purification in freshwater and marine ecosystems). In 2014, Diploma was awarded to this publication and the other papers of the series of... (To read more, click the title of the review of this article). ** Review of the article: Inhibitory analysis of top-down control: new keys to studying eutrophication, algal blooms, and water self-purification By some imperfection, in the list of publications of this author at WorldCatalog, the reference is labeled as: No title available. Article titled: Inhibitory analysis of top-down control: new keys to studying eutrophication, algal blooms, and water self-purification The title of the review: Outstanding excellent contribution to aquatic ecology, water science (about 2 weeks ago) Full text free: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200587396_Inhibitory_analysis_of_top-down_control_new_keys_to_studying_eutrophication_algal_blooms_and_water_self-purification Paper (titled: Inhibitory analysis of top-down control: new keys to studying eutrophication, algal blooms, and water self-purification) is an outstanding excellent contribution to aquatic ecology, water science, and environmental safety. The full text and citation: http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/07/inhibitory-analysis-of-top-down-control.html... (To read more, click the title of the review of this article). ** Review of the article: Influence of Some Amphyphilic Substances and Mixtures on Marine Mollusks Article; The title of the review: Discovery of toxicity of detergents to marine mussels and oysters (about a month ago) This paper is the first to report toxicity of 2 surfactants and several detergents to the marine bivalve mollusk, namely, marine mussels (the Latin name: Mytilus galloprovincialis) and oysters (the Latin name: Crassostrea gigas). The influence of some synthetic surfactants (=surface active substances = amphyphilic substances. (To read more, click the title of the review of this article). **Review of the article: The Concept of Aquatic Biota as a Labile and Vulnerable Component of the Water Self-Purification System by S A Ostroumov; Article; 1 of 1 people found this review helpful. The title of the review: I will cite this excellent top paper. (about a month ago) I will cite this excellent top paper entitled: The Concept of Aquatic Biota as a Labile and Vulnerable Component of the Water Self-Purification System. - Doklady Biological Sciences [proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Biological sciences sections; in English, translated from Russian]... (To read more, click the title of the review of this article). ** Review of the article: An Aquatic Ecosystem: A Large-Scale Diversified Bioreactor with a Water Self-Purification Function by S A Ostroumov ; Article; 1 of 1 people found this review helpful. The title of the review: Superb article. New step in ecology (about a month ago) Superb article. New step in ecology. The paper is available at ResearchGate. Reference: ... (To read more, click the title of the review of this article). ** Review of the article: Inhibitory analysis of top-down control: new keys to studying eutrophication, algal blooms, and water self-purification ; Article; The title of the review: Well-cited excellent article, fresh deep insight into water ecology (about a month ago) **Well-cited excellent article, fresh deep insight into aquatic ecology: both freshwater and marine ecology. The paper is unique in providing a better understanding of several hot issues in studying... (To read more, click the title of the review of this article). ** Review of the article: On the Biotic Self-purification of Aquatic Ecosystems: Elements of the Theory by S A Ostroumov ; Article; The title of the review: Fundamental top paper: a new useful theory of water ecosystem function. (about a month ago) This is a fundamental top paper. The paper presented fundamental elements of a new useful theory of water ecosystem function. This is a theory of how aquatic ecosystem functions towards improving water quality (water self-purification). In terms of fundamental ecology and pure science, it is a solid... (To read more, click the title of the review of this article). ** Review of the article: Filtration Inhibition Induced by two Classes of Synthetic Surfactants in the Bivalve Mollusk Mytilus edulis by S A Ostroumov; P Donkin; F Staff ; Article; 1 of 1 people found this review helpful. The title of the review: Discovery: surfactants inhibit water filtration by marine mussels M.edulis (about a month ago) Explanation of terminology: surfactants are a broad class of organic chemicals that are key components of all detergents, liquid soaps, washing liquids, and shampoos, and therefore they pollute water in huge quantities; 'Mytilus edulis' is the scientific Latin name for a common species of marine mollusks... Read more... See at ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/264039568_Filtration_inhibition_induced_by_two_classes_of_synthetic_surfactants_in_the_bivalve_mollusk_Mytilus_edulis ** Review of the article: Responses of Unio tumidus to Mixed Chemical Preparations and the Hazard of Synecological Summation of Anthropogenic Effects ; Article; The title of the review: 1 of 1 people found this review helpful. Top paper, discoveries on freshwater ecotoxicology of detergents. (about a month ago) This top paper reports new discoveries on freshwater ecotoxicology of detergents. Explanation of terminology used in this article: 'Unio tumidus' is a scientific Latin name for a common species of freshwater mussels (bivalve... (To read more, click the title of the review of this article). ** Review of the article: Imbalance of Factors Providing Control of Unicellular Plankton Populations Exposed to Anthropogenic Impact; Article; 1 of 1 people found this review helpful. The title of the review: Unique, top article. In-depth analysis of hazards of pollution to plankton (2014-05-22) A unique, top article. In-depth analysis of hazards of aquatic pollution to plankton. The paper discovered a new type of environmental hazard of pollution to plankton populations. It is interesting that the immediate target of some pollutants that were studied in this innovative paper is not plankton... (To read more, click the title of the review of this article). ** Review of the article: The Synecological Approach to the Problem of Eutrophication by S A Ostroumov; Article; 2 of 2 people found this review helpful. The title of the review: Top paper, new useful solution to eutrophication problem (2014-05-22) Top paper, new useful solution to eutrophication problem. This paper is absolutely innovative. The paper reported experiments and their analysis that lead to a fundamentally new solution to the problem of euthrophication. I recommend this paper. It will be used and cited by many who are involved in... (To read more, click the title of the review of this article). ** Review of the article: System of Principles for Conservation of the Biogeocenotic Function and the Biodiversity of Filter-Feeders ; by S A Ostroumov; Article; 2 of 2 people found this review helpful. The title of the review: Fundamental innovation in conservation biology (2014-05-28) This paper (titled: System of principles...) presents a fundamental innovation in conservation biology. The traditional concept in conservation biology is that these 2 things are the priorities: (1) conservation of species (genetic pool of all biological species); and (2) protection of habitats.... (To read more, click the title of the review of this article, or go to the web site of WorldCat). ** Review of the article: Pellets of Some Mollusks in the Biogeochemical Flows of C, N, P, Si, and Al by S A Ostroumov; M P Kolesnikov; Article; 1 of 1 people found this review helpful. The title of the review: First paper to link biogeochemistry,ecology of freshwater mollusks (2014-05-23) Unique, top article. Linking ecology and biogeochemistry. First paper to report the new facts: (1) first quantitative data on fluxes of chemical elements with the pellets of mollusks, per 1 m2 of bottom of freshwater ecosystems; (2) discovery of the fact that chemical pollutants... (To read more, click the title of the review of this article, or go to the web site of WorldCat). ** Review of the book: Biological Effects of Surfactants. by S A Ostroumov; eBook : Document 3 of 3 people found this review helpful. Title of the review: The title of the review: Excellent useful book (about a month ago) I predict that the citation of this useful book will increase in future. This is a unique book. This is a first world-level monograph on ecotoxicology of detergents and the main components of detergents, namely, synthetic... (To read more, click the title of the review of this book, or go to the web site of WorldCat). **Review of the article: The Functions of Living Substances in the Biosphere ; by S A Ostroumov ; Article; 3 of 3 people found this review helpful. The title of the review: Very useful paper. It is worth citing (2014-05-23) Very useful paper. It is worth citing. There are many innovations in this article, e.g.: A new modernized definition of the term 'pheromones', p.232-233; comments on the new concepts that were proposed by the author... (To read more, click the title of the review of this article, or go to the web site of WorldCat). See also: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/262184572_The_Functions_of_Living_Substances_in_the_Biosphere?ev=srch_pub&_sg=GcNVymEdEEVbkNU7pa3xdiFMNQwsvxBxrGSIfBF3NWvpZDNHzQ8wQ8EUvnjb5HEh_sO7QOllevM9Con5rA3yV1loqJ1tDUBxAtDCk6cpl2c64QC3PfRWVVQM2j8VFxp8b_pdzfzcMcePe5W%2Bdz%2FledwkQCDuh2B6GLO61kTKYWCAXHdlWXmUXQL7AzlegrMT9A ** Review of the article: A New Type of Effect of Potentially Hazardous Substances: Uncouplers of Pelagial-Benthal Coupling by S A Ostroumov ; Article; 1 of 1 people found this review helpful. The title of the review: I will cite this superb top paper (2014-05-21) I will cite this superb top paper. The author of the paper proposed a new fundamental concept: uncoupling pelagial-benthal coupling. This concept is useful in environmental toxicology. The paper discovered a specific example of the uncoupling of pelagial-benthal coupling. New facts supported... (To read more, click the title of the review of this article, or go to the web site of WorldCat). **Review of the article: Inhibitory Analysis of Regulatory Interactions in Trophic Webs ; Article; 1 of 1 people found this review helpful. The title of the review: Really excellent article, top paper on ecology (2014-05-24) Review of the paper: Inhibitory analysis of regulatory interactions in trophic webs. - Doklady Biological Sciences, 2001, Vol. 377, p. 139–141. This paper reports absolutely new facts. The new facts... (To read more, click the title of the review of this article, or go to the web site of WorldCat). ** Review of the article: New Definitions of the Concepts and Terms Ecosystem and Biogeocenosis by S A Ostroumov; Article; 1 of 1 people found this review helpful. The title of the review: Excellent contribution to ecology, top paper (2014-05-24) Review. Ecosystem definition. New Definitions of the Concepts and Terms Ecosystem and Biogeocenosis. This is a fundamental contribution to ecology, a top paper. Prior to this paper no satisfactory ecosystem definition existed.... (To read more, click the title of the review of this article, or go to the web site of WorldCat). ** Review of the article: Natural photolysis by ultraviolet irradiance of recalcitrant dissolved organic matter to simple substrates for rapid bacterial metabolism by R G WETZEL; P G HATCHER; T S BIANCHI; Article; The title of the review: Good useful publication (2014-05-21) Good useful article. Useful new scientific facts on what happens with dissolved organic matter in aquatic ecosystems. A good contribution to aquatic ecology. The science of Aquatic Ecology was advanced by the outstanding scientist Hutchinson. Innovative useful publications - papers and... ** Review of the article: Dissolved organic matter and lake metabolism: Biogeochemistry and controls of nutrient flux dynamics in lakes: Technical progress report, 1 July 1986-30 June 1987 by R Wetzel; Book; The title of the review: Useful contribution (2014-05-21) This is a useful publication. Useful new scientific facts. The topic is important. A good contribution to aquatic biogeochemistry. The science of biogeochemistry was advanced by the outstanding scientist V.Vernadsky. Publications by R.Wetzel, S. A.Ostroumov, and some other scientists represent new... (To read more, click the title of the review of this article, or go to the web site of WorldCat). ** Review of the article: The Geochemical Apparatus of Aqueous Ecosystems: The Biocos Regulation; Article; The title of the review: Innovative excellent article on environmental science (2014-05-18) Innovative excellent article on environmental science. Title of the article: The Geochemical Apparatus of Aqueous Ecosystems: The Biocos Regulation. Author: ... (To read the text of this review, click the title of the review of this article, or go to the web site of WorldCat). Reference: Ostroumov, S.A. The geochemical apparatus of aqueous ecosystems: The Biocos regulation Vestnik Rossijkoj Akademii Nauk 2004 74 (9) , pp. 785-791 See: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/264039958_The_Geochemical_Apparatus_of_Aqueous_Ecosystems_The_Biocos_Regulation ** WorldCat is the world's largest library catalog, helping you find library materials online. Tags: Articles, ecology, ecotoxicology ,environment, environmental, protection, publications,Reviews, science ,top, toxicology, water quality, water safety, World catalog, 水, **

    2015 - 2017 (beginning of 2017). Publications in reviewed journals, Environmental science, ecology, biosorption, interactions of chemicals with organisms, water quality, aquatic, toxicology, selected articles, from Moscow University database Istina, author: S.A.Ostroumov : https://5bio5.blogspot.com/2017/08/2017.html; ** 2017 Discovering new aspects of the role of biota in ecological mechanisms of water self-purification Ostroumov S.A. в журнале Newsletter of the Fullbright Program in Russia 2017 Изучение количества детритных частиц и размерной структуры детрита в пресноводных водоемах Садчиков А.П., Котелевцев С.В., Остроумов С.А. в журнале The Caucasus, том 18, № 3, с. 50-53 2017 Исследование количественных характеристик детрита в водных экосистемах Садчиков А.П., Котелевцев С.В., Остроумов С.А. в журнале В печ. (Сам.Л.) 2017 Количественные исследования детрита в водной среде пресноводных экосистем в связи с вопросами качества воды Садчиков А.П., Котелевцев С.В., Остроумов С.А. в журнале ВОДА MAGAZINE, № 7 (119), с. 8-11 2017 Некоторые методические подходы к изучению ферментативной активности в водной среде в связи с качеством воды Садчиков А.П., Остроумов С.А. в журнале В печ. (Вод.Маг.) 2017 Новые аспекты роли организмов и детрита в детоксицирующей системе биосферы Остроумов С.А. в журнале Экологическая химия, издательство Теза (СПб.), том 26, № 3, с. 164-173 2017 Экологическое и трофическое значением детрита в водоемах (в печати) Садчиков А.П., Остроумов С.А. в журнале Рыбное хозяйство, издательство Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение "Центральное управление по рыбохозяйственной экспертизе и нормативам по сохранению, воспроизводству водных биологических ресурсов и акклиматизации" (Москва) 2017 Экология: влияние человека на окружающую среду и ее охрана. Водные ресурсы и мониторинг Остроумов С.А. в журнале Трубопроводный транспорт нефти Информация о цитировании статьи получена из внешних систем 2016 Toxicity Testing of Chemicals without Use of Animals Ostroumov S.A. в журнале Russian Journal of General Chemistry, издательство Maik Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing (Russian Federation), том 86, № 13, с. 2933-2941 2016 Биохимическая экология регенерации растворенного фосфора зоопланктоном Садчиков А.П., Котелевцев С.В., Остроумов С.А. в журнале BLACK SEA SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH, том 28, № 2, с. 33-39 2016 Влияние наночастиц металлов на жизнеспособность и морфофункциональные характеристики культивируемых клеток человека и животных Суетина И.А., Мезенцева М.В., Гущина Е.А., Лисицин Ф.А., Руссу Л.И., Лопатина О.А., Фирсова Е.Л., Тайсон Д.Ф., Джонсон М.Е., Хинг B., Остроумов С.А. в журнале Клеточные культуры, том 32, с. 43-53 2016 Водные макрофиты в экосистемах природных водоемов и водотоков Садчиков А.П., Котелевцев С.В., Остроумов С.А. в журнале BLACK SEA SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH, том 28, № 2, с. 40-44 2016 Выявление тяжелых металлов (Pb, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cd, Cr) в биогенном детрите микрокосмов с пресноводными организмами Остроумов С.А., Демина Л.Л. в журнале Экологическая химия, издательство Теза (СПб.), том 19, № 1, с. 44-48 2016 Изучение некоторых вопросов экологии планктона и его роли в переносе энергии в водных экосистемах: биологические и экотоксикологические аспекты Садчиков А.П., Котелевцев С.В., Остроумов С.А. в журнале BLACK SEA SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH, том 27, № 1, с. 37-44 2016 Качество и кондиционирование воды в природных экосистемах: разработка теории биологических механизмов самоочищения воды20160924 Остроумов С.А. в журнале В печати (submitted) 2016 О некоторых аспектах влияния планктонных организмов на химизм гидросферы Котелевцев С.В., Остроумов С.А., Садчиков А.П. в журнале Экологическая химия, издательство Теза (СПб.), № 25 (3), с. 163-171 2016 Прибрежно-водна растителност, като компонент на системата на водоемите за самостоятелно пречистване Садчиков А.П., Остроумов С.А. в журнале Парадигма, том 2, № 1, с. 55-61 2016 Содержание химических элементов, глутатиона и металлотионеинов в элодее канадской (Elodea canadensis) в связи с экологическим мониторингом Остроумов С.А., Данилова В.Н., Хушвахтова С.Д., Ермаков В.В., Тютиков С.Ф., Тропин И.В., Котелевцев С.В. в журнале Экологическая химия, издательство Теза (СПб.), том 25, № 4, с. 197-204 2016 Содержание химических элементов, глутатиона и металлотионеинов в элодее канадской (Elodea canadensis) Остроумов С.А., Данилова В.Н., Хушвахтова С.Д., Ермаков В.В., Тютиков С.Ф., Тропин И.В., Котелевцев С.В. в журнале Экологическая химия, издательство Теза (СПб.), том 25, № 4, с. 197-204 2016 Содержание химических элементов, глутатиона и металлотионеинов в элодее канадской (Elodea canadensis) Остроумов С.А., Данилова В.Н., Хушвахтова С.Д., Ермаков В.В., Тютиков С.Ф., Тропин И.В., Котелевцев С.В. в журнале Экологическая химия, издательство Теза (СПб.), том 25, № 4, с. 197-204 DOI 2016 Тестирование токсичности химических веществ без использования животных Остроумов С.А. в журнале Экологическая химия, издательство Теза (СПб.), том 25, № 1, с. 5-15 2016 Экологическая значимость размерной структуры фитопланктона и ее влияние на продуктивность водоемов Садчиков А.П., Котелевцев С.В., Остроумов С.А. в журнале Рыбное хозяйство, издательство Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение "Центральное управление по рыбохозяйственной экспертизе и нормативам по сохранению, воспроизводству водных биологических ресурсов и акклиматизации" (Москва), № 1, с. 14-17 2016 Эколого-биохимические аспекты функционирования планктонного сообщества: новое о роли планктона в самоочищении воды Котелевцев С.В., Остроумов С.А., Садчиков А.П. в журнале BLACK SEA SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH, том 29, № 3, с. 55-61 2015 A new lecture course: biochemical and molecular ecology (in English) Ostroumov S.A., Kotelevtsev S.V. в журнале Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, том 20, с. 85-87 2015 AQUATIC ECOSYSTEM SERVICE: IMPROVING WATER QUALITY. MULTIFUNCTIONAL ROLE OF THE BIOTA IN WATER SELF-PURIFICATION IN MARINE AND FRESHWATER ECOSYSTEMS Ostroumov S.A. в журнале The Caucasus, том 7, № 1, с. 38-41 2015 Assessing environmental hazards of chemicals: the efficient method with higher plants Ostroumov S.A., Kotelevtsev S.V. в журнале BLACK SEA SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH, том 25, № 7, с. 8-11 Информация о цитировании статьи получена из внешних систем 2015 Biosorption of copper by biomass of extremophilic algae Ostroumov S.A., Shestakova T.V., Tropin I.V. в журнале Russian Journal of General Chemistry, издательство Maik Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing (Russian Federation), том 85, № 13, с. 2961-2964 Информация о цитировании статьи получена из внешних систем 2015 Immobilization of scandium and other chemical elements in systems with aquatic macrophyte Ostroumov S.A., Johnson M.E., Tyson J.F., Xing B. в журнале Russian Journal of General Chemistry, издательство Maik Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing (Russian Federation), том 85, № 13, с. 2929-2932 2015 Interaction of Biogenic Materials Derived from Myriophyllum Aquaticum with Palladium, Zirconium, Titanium and Other Elements in Aqueous Solutions or as Nanoparticles Ostroumov S.A. в журнале in press 2015 Nature conservation and biodiversity protection in aquatic habitats: developing a new system of principles Ostroumov S.A. в журнале BLACK SEA SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH, том 25, № 7, с. 12-16 2015 Program of the lecture course. Environmental safety (the lectures in English) Ostroumov S.A. в журнале Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, том 20, с. 88-92 2015 Program of the lecture course. Modern approach to environmental monitoring (the lectures in English) Ostroumov S.A. в журнале Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, том 20, с. 92-95 2015 Using stripping voltammetry to analyse the interactions of metals with the biomass of acidophilic algae Shestakova T.V., Tropin I.V., Ostroumov S.A. в журнале Achievements in the Life Sciences, том 9, № 1, с. 61-64 DOI 2015 Альтернативные (non-animal) методы биотестирования экотоксикантов Остроумов С.А. в журнале Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, том 20, с. 165-173 2015 Биосорбция меди биомассой экстремофильных водорослей Остроумов С.А., Шестакова Т.В., Тропин И.В. в журнале Экологическая химия, издательство Теза (СПб.), том 24, № 3, с. 148-152 Доступен полный текст статьи 2015 Биосорбция металлов эукариотными микроорганизмами – анализ методом ICP-MS Пухов В.В., Лубкова Т.Н., Шестакова Т.В., Тропин И.В., Котелевцев С.В., Остроумов С.А. в журнале BLACK SEA SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH, том 21, № 3, с. 10-15 Доступен полный текст статьи 2015 Детализация концепций В.И.Вернадского о роли живого вещества в биогеохимии биосферы Остроумов С.А. в журнале Биогеохимия техногенеза и современные проблемы геохимической экологии, том 1, с. 30-32 DOI Доступен полный текст статьи 2015 Изучение взаимодействия некоторых химических элементов с водорослями: проверка способности к биосорбции Лубкова Т.Н., Пухов В.В., Шестакова Т.В., Тропин И.В., Котелевцев С.В., Остроумов С.А. в журнале Самарская лука: проблемы региональной и глобальной экологии, том 24, № 4, с. 25-31 Доступен полный текст статьи 2015 Изучение взаимодействия токсичных металлов с биомассой одноклеточных водорослей методом ICP-MS Лубкова Т.Н., Пухов В.В., Шестакова Т.В., Тропин И.В., Котелевцев С.В., Остроумов С.А. в журнале Токсикологический вестник, издательство [б.и.] (М.), № 6, с. 41-45 2015 Иммобилизация скандия и других химических элементов в системах с водным макрофитом Остроумов С.А., Джонсон М.Е., Тайсон Дж Ф., Шин Б. в журнале Экологическая химия, издательство Теза (СПб.), том 24, № 2, с. 93-97 2015 Инструменты Интернета в научных исследованиях. Учебно-методическая разработка программы нового цикла лекций Остроумов С.А. в журнале Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, том 20, с. 173-174 Доступен полный текст статьи 2015 К разработке биотехнологии очищения воды c использованием ацидофильных водорослей: результаты анализа методом ICP-MS Пухов В.В., Лубкова Т.Н., Шестакова Т.В., Тропин И.В., Котелевцев С.В., Остроумов С.А. в журнале Экология промышленного производства, № 3, с. 28-32 2015 Лекционные курсы «Охрана природы», «Сохранение биоразнообразия». Учебно-методическая разработка Остроумов С.А. в журнале Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, том 20, с. 174-179 Доступен полный текст статьи 2015 Новые факты о биотическом самоочищении воды и нормирование нагрузок токсикантов на водные системы Остроумов С.А. в журнале Биогеохимия техногенеза и современные проблемы геохимической экологии, том 2, с. 8-10 DOI Доступен полный текст статьи 2015 Новые экспериментальные данные о взаимодействии химических элементов с образцами биогенного материала Остроумов С.А. в журнале Биогеохимия техногенеза и современные проблемы геохимической экологии, том 1, с. 124-126 2015 Новые экспериментальные данные о взаимодействии химических элементов с образцами биогенного материала Остроумов С.А. в журнале in press 2015 О достижениях в области наук о жизни и окружающей среде Остроумов С.А. в журнале Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, том 20, с. 214-216 2015 О новых фундаментальных работах в области наук о жизни и окружающей среде Котелевцев С.В., Остроумов С.А. в журнале Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, том 20, с. 211-214 2015 Развитие наук о биосфере и геохимическая среда: четвертый биогеохимический принцип Остроумов С.А. в журнале Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, том 20, с. 161-165 2015 ТЕРМОФИЛЬНЫЕ ВОДОРОСЛИ: ВЗАИМОДЕЙСТВИЕ С МЕТАЛЛАМИ КАК ФАКТОР ВОЗДЕЙСТВИЯ НА ГЕОХИМИЧЕСКУЮ СРЕДУ Тропин И.В., Шестакова Т.В., Остроумов С.А. в журнале BLACK SEA SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH, том 20, № 2, с. 27-30 2015 Теория самоочищения воды в экосистемах: Основы новых биотехнологий очищения загрязненных вод Остроумов С.А. в журнале in press 2015 Фитотест и фитотоксичность синтетического моющего средства Остроумов С.А., Ломоченкова К.И. в журнале BLACK SEA SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH, том 22, № 4, с. 51-58 2015 Эволюция концепции В.И.Вернадского (биогенная миграция атомов) и новые факты Остроумов С.А. в журнале Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, том 20, с. 155-161 2015 Экологическая и техносферная безопасность: новые направления в разработке научных основ. Учебно-методическая разработка Остроумов С.А., Зимнюков В.А., Зборовская М.И. в журнале Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, том 20, с. 179-183 2015 Экологическая теория очищения и детоксикации воды. Научные основы инновационных технологий улучшения и восстановления качества воды Остроумов С.А. в журнале Прикладная токсикология, том 6, № 1 (12), с. 24-43 **

    images of the biological species: mussels Mytilus edulis, oysters Crassostrea gigas, plants, euglens, algae, Pistia stratiotes, etc. ** on the book: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200637626_Biological_Effects_of_Surfactants [book] Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis. Boca Raton, London, New York. 2006. 279 p., tab. Bibliogr. on pages 203-243 and 250-253. Subject Index: p.255-279. Image of the cover of the book: http://www.ozon.ru/multimedia/books_covers/0849325269.01._sclzzzzzzz_.jpg ISBN 0-8493-2526-9. ISBN 13: 9780849325267. [Electronic book text: ISBN: 6610517002; ISBN 13: 9786610517008; Publication date: 15 December 2005]; (Diploma of the Academy of Aquatic Sciences, awarded in 2006). http://www.booknews.com/issues/sci-0603.pdf http://scipeople.com/publication/67906/ http://www.deastore.com/book/biolo-eff-of-surf-ostroumov-s-a-taylor-e-francis-ltd/9780849325267.html http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/results.asp?ATH=S.A.+Ostroumov&SZE=10&SRT=A; The book summarizes the 20-year research done by the author and over 90 author's research publications in many Russian and international editions as well as hundreds of publications of other scientists. The book contains new detailed information on the results of the author’s studies of the biological effects of synthetic surfactants and detergents on autotrophic and heterotrophic, prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. The chemicals included anionic, non-ionic and cationic surfactants, as well as several types of detergents. The freshwater and marine organisms studied included bacteria and cyanobacteria, algae, flagellates, seedlings of higher plants, and invertebrates (mollusks, annelids). The results are discussed and analyzed in connection with new priorities in assessing the ecological hazards of chemical pollution and xenobiotics on the biosphere and hydrosphere, studying water purification in aquatic ecosystems, and setting new priorities in the area of environmental protection. The book is of interest to scientists who conduct research in relevant areas of ecology, limnology, oceanography, hydrobiology, environmental sciences, water sciences, geosciences, the science of the biosphere and global change, ecotoxicology, as well as to university professors, graduate students and educators. The book is also of interest to those who are involved in environmental management and assessment, environmental law and regulation. The book is also of interest to companies that make dispersants to clean oil spills, shampoos, laundry detergents, detergents for cars, and other detergents. Opinion of Dr. Steven C. McCutcheon about the book, from his Preface: "I am pleased to have this opportunity to comment on the scientific leadership of Sergei A. Ostroumov. The book is highly recommended to those who are involved in studying ecology and solving environmental problems". - Steven C. McCutcheon, Ph.D., University of Georgia and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; President of the American Society of Ecological Engineering. PUBLISHER'S NOTE: Biological Effects of Surfactants examine the effects of anionic, non-ionic, cationic surfactants, and detergents on a wide range of organisms-including bacteria, cyanobacteria, flagellates, algae, higher plants, and invertebrates-populations, communities, and ecosystems. The author establishes new quantitative characteristics of the effects and presents study results on newly discovered phenomena. While proposing and substatiating new approaches for testing, assessing, and characterizing the biological activities and hazards of substances, the book illustrates how the data obtained can be used to develop effective environmental remediation and protection measures to improve water quality. Published reviews of the book: Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC / Taylor & Francis. Boca Raton, London, New York. 2006, 279 p., ISBN 0-8493-2526-9. - SciTech Book News, 2006 (March), Vol.30, No.1, p.58; [ISSN 0196-6006] http://www.booknews.com/issues/sci-0603.pdf [a mini-review of the book; publisher: Book News, Inc.; 5739 NE Sumner St.; Portland Oregon, 97218, U.S.A. Formal description of the journal: Reviews of new high-level books in all fields of science. Encompasses graduate level texts, serious scholarly treatises, and professional references; http://library.vtc.edu.hk/ejournalsearch/Detail.do?query=SciTech+Book+News]; Novelty about ecological hazards of the chemicals that pollute aquatic environment. A review of the book: Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants. (CRC Press, Taylor & Francis. Boca Raton, London, New York. 2006. 279 p.). – Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. Life Sciences (Buletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Moldovei. Stiintele Vietii). 2007, No. 2, с.169-172. Bibliogr. 10 refs. ["The book is a new significant step toward better knowledge and understanding the effects of chemical pollution on the biosphere" (p. 172)]. Review of the book: Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis. - Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, 2007. vol. 12, p.117-119 (in English). Review of the book: Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis. Boca Raton, London, New York. 2006. 279 p. – Bulletin Samarskaya Luka. - 2007. - V. 16, No. 4(22). - P. 864-867. Bibliogr. 10 refs. Review of the book: Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis. Boca Raton, London, New York. 2006. 279 p. // Problems of Biogeochemistry and Geochemical Ecology. 2007. No. 2 (4). p.108. Review of the book: S.A.Ostroumov. Biological Effects of Surfactants (2006). - Ecologica, 2008. т.15, No. 51, p. 71-72. ( ISSN 0354-3285; in English). Review of the book: Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis. Boca Raton, London, New York. 2006. 279 p. – Toxicological Review [Toksikologicheskij Vestnik], 2009, No. 2, p. 40 ( Рец. на книгу: Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis. Boca Raton, London, New York. 2006. 279 p. // Токсикологический вестник, 2009, No.2, с.40). keywords: biological effects of synthetic surfactants and detergents, autotrophic and heterotrophic, prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms, anionic, non-ionic and cationic surfactants, freshwater and marine bacteria and cyanobacteria, algae, flagellates, seedlings of higher plants, invertebrates (mollusks, annelids), assessing ecological hazards of chemical pollution, xenobiotics, water purification in aquatic ecosystems, ecotoxicology,

    7.11.2015. Citation by U.S. scientists of publications of the series of articles, books of the researcher in environmental science, ecology, water quality, biology. Examples, selected. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/283538509; http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2015/11/7112015-citation-by-us-scientists-of.html 31.07.2015.Citation in USA, US researchers cited ... - 5bio5 5bio5.blogspot.com/2015/.../31072015citation-in-usa-us-researchers.htm... researchers cited these scientific publications. ... by Dr. S.A. O., examples (citation in USA, Germany, United Kingdom ... 29.07.2015. Citation of S.A.O.. Google search, for ... 5bio5.blogspot.com/2015/.../29072015-citation-of-saostroumov-google.ht... Jul 29, 2015 - Jul 17, 2015 - World-wide and international citing of publications authored by Dr. S.A. O., examples (citation in USA, Germany, United ... Attention, interest of U.S. researchers... - Sergei Ostroumov https://www.facebook.com/BritishEcolSoc/posts/782132108542395 Attention, interest of U.S. researchers to the scientific publications of the ... and international citing of publications authored by Dr. S.A. O., examples ... new citation of S.A.O., by U.S. researchers at ... https://plus.google.com/.../posts/hWxekaGHpVo Sep 11, 2015 - new citation of S.A.O., by U.S. researchers at Florida International University, in: Ecohydrology: Understanding and Maintaining Ecosystem Services for ... ** _ Table.worldWideCiting3.05.-World-wide and international ... https://www.scribd.com/.../Table-worldWideCiting3-05-World-wide-and-in... _ Table.worldWideCiting3.05.-World-wide and international citing of publications authored by Dr. S.A. O., examples (citation in USA, Germany, France, ... Belarus state university.citation of: ostroumov sa introduction ... scipeople.ru/group/3011/topic/6337/ Jun 28, 2012 - www.scribd.com/doc/81500941/; Bibliography of Dr. S.A.O..... Biology, updated; Citation of Dr. S.A. O.'s works in the U.S.A. ... 2013 Citation of the book: Ostroumov SA (2006) Biological ... moscow-university2.blogspot.com/.../2013-citation-of... Jul 13, 2013 - CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, USA: 279 p. ... Citation of the book: ...... List of publications that cited S.A.O. (M.V.. [DOC]The U.S.A. and other countries: citing of the works (ecology ... cdn.scipeople.com/.../U.S.A.cited.Ostroumov)Table.WorldWideCiting20... Jul 28, 2011 - Science in the U.S.A. and World-wide: international citing of ... of citation of the papers authored and coauthored by Dr. S.A. O.. Biological effects of surfactants / S.A. O. - Version ... trove.nla.gov.au/work/15812036?versionId=46689854 2005, English, Book edition: Biological effects of surfactants / S.A. O.. .....Also see on the citation of the works of this author in the U.S.A. by U.S. ... Citation of Moscow scholar Sergei O. in Italy, U.S. ... 5bio5.blogspot.ru/2015/02/citation-of-moscow-scholar-sergei.html Feb 22, 2015 - Citation of Moscow scholar Dr. Sergei A. O. in Italy, U.S., China, Egypt, Brazil, Russia, Greece, Austria, India, Spain, France, Germany, ... Citation Cited in USA Examples, With Addendum Citation of ... www.uujza.win/.../Citation.%20Cited%20in%20USA.%20Examples,%20... Oct 28, 2015 - Fast free download of Citation Cited in USA Examples, With Addendum ... conceptualizations presented in publications of Dr S A Ostroumov ... http://www.scri­bd.com/doc/7959­7306/Cited-in-U­SA-list-of-Exam­ples-With-Adden­dum Citation of­ Dr. S. Ostroum­ov’s works in U­.S.A., reviews,­ evaluations (e­xamples listed)­. Ecology, Envi­ronmental Scien­ces, Biology. ** Citation in U.S.A., U.S. researchers cited S.A.O. ... https://plus.google.com/.../posts/finHZ2UmvZa
