Interesting article. English absract: ; 
Ostroumov S.A. Response of test-organisms to water pollution with quaternary ammonia compounds. - Water Resources (USA; ISSN 0097-8078) 1992, v. 18(2) p. 171-175. 
In English. 

Bibliogr. 17 refs [without co-authors; Translated from the Russian original: Reagirovanie test-organizmov na zagrjaznenie vodnoj sredy chetvertichnym ammonievym soedineniem. - Vodnye Resursy, v. 18 (2), 1991, p.112-116; 

AVAILABILITY IN U.S.: NAL/USDA (United States of America); Availability number 9176736; water pollution, quaternary ammonium compounds, testing, Fagopyrum esculentum, phytotoxicity, leeches, Hirudo medicinalis]. AGRIS record number US9176736. 

Purpose: To better characterize the possible effects of pollution of water by surface-active agents (surfactants, detergents). We studied the effects of the quaternary ammonium compound, cationic surfactant tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide (TDTMA) on the test organisms. It is the first study in which the cationic surfactant TDTMA was tested in leeches Hirudo medicinalis. As a result, we identified new effects: changes in the behavior of the test organisms (leeches). It is the first study of the effects of this surfactant on the seedlings of the plants, buckweat Fagopyrum esculentum. As a result, we revealed some inhibition of seedling elongation. This paper establishes the following: relatively low concentrations of the pollutant (the cationic surfactant, quaternary ammonium compound) changed the behavior of the test organisms (medical leech Hirudo medicinalis). Leeches detached from the substrate, on which they previously sat. In the case of a river or stream, the detachment means that the flow of water will carry off the leeches. As a result, the ecosystem will lose these leeches. Thus, the final result is the same as if they were killed. It turns out that the sublethal effects on the organisms leads to the same final result as some large and highly toxic, lethal concentrations. Loss of leeches means a material breach of the food chain, i.e. a hazard of some harm to the structure of ecosystems. Keywords: Phytotoxicity, bioassay, Hydrobiology (hydrobiology). Water pollution (water pollution). Contamination of the environment (Environmental pollution). ** COMMENT: At Moscow State University, Dr. Sergey A. Ostroumov discovered that the official maximum acceptable concentrations (MACs) of some synthetic surfactants are actually too high to be environment-friendly. This benefits detergent-producing companies such as Proctor & Gamble. At concentrations below the MAC level, such surfactants (washing detergents, cosmetics, or toiletries) do not kill living organisms. However, as Dr. S. Ostroumov discovered, they significantly change their behavior. His experiments demonstrated that low surfactant concentrations in the water made freshwater leeches (Hirudo medicinalis) detach from their usual sites of attachment to solid surfaces. The detachment from the sites of their attachment in a river or a stream means that as a result, the leeches drift away from their native local ecosystems with the water current. Therefore, the freshwater ecosystems of rivers and streams lose the leeches, which constitute an important link of their food chains, and a part of their biodiversity. This example demonstrates the harm that can be done by relatively low (sublethal) surfactant concentrations to natural ecosystems and their biodiversity (Ostroumov, 1992). The Russian version of this publications is online here: Sergei A. Ostroumov, Остроумов С.А: [PDF] Реагирование тест-организмов на загрязнение водной среды четвертичным аммониевым соединением // Водные ресурсы. 1991. № 2. С. 112-116. Sergei A. Ostroumov, Остроумов С.А: Реагирование тест-организмов на загрязнение водной среды четвертичным аммониевым соединением.; пиявки Hirudo medicinalis; проростки гречихи Fagopyrum esculentum; катионное ПАВ; KEYWORDS: water pollution, quaternary ammonium compounds, testing, Fagopyrum esculentum, phytotoxicity, leeches, Hirudo medicinalis, Phytotoxicity, bioassay, hydrobiology, water pollution, Contamination, environment, Environmental pollution, tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide, TDTMA, available, U.S.A., library, hazard assessment, behavior changes, seedlings, plant biology, aquatic toxicology, surfactant, tensides, surface-active agent, detergent, ecotoxicology, water quality,
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