great and a new idea : Comment (favorable) of international scientist on list of publications of Sergei, 3 Reads Comment on ResearchGate: Dlshad Ali Omer Dlshad Ali Omer, · University of Sulaymaniyah; Dear Dr. Sergei A. Your search is great and a new idea . Congratulations. Best regards,

Comment (favorable) of international scientist on list of publications of Sergei,

3 Reads
Comment on ResearchGate: 
Dlshad Ali Omer
· University of Sulaymaniyah;

Dear Dr. Sergei A.
Your search is great and a new idea .
Best regards,
The comment above is about this post:

Journal publications: environmental science, ecology, water, biology, biomembranes, results of research at Moscow State University, selected,
Journal Publications: НЕКОТОРЫЕ ВОПРОСЫ ИЗУЧЕНИЯ ДЕТРИТА В ВОДНЫХ СИСТЕМАХ. Первая страница статьи.;; Modernizing education in environmental science and ecology;.
S. A. Ostroumov: Water Quality and Conditioning in Natural Ecosystems: Biomachinery Theory of Self-Purification of Water;; Russian Journal of General Chemistry 12/2017; 87(13):3199-3204., DOI:10.1134/S107036321713014X ;
New Aspects of the Role of Organisms and Detritus in the Detoxification System of the Biosphere. Russian Journal of General Chemistry 12/2017; 87(13):3190-3198., DOI:10.1134/S1070363217130138
Issues of the Study of Detritus in Aquatic Systems. Russian Journal of General Chemistry 12/2017; 87(13):3244-3249., DOI:10.1134/S1070363217130199 ;
Об одной из концепций В.И.Вернадского и предложениях по ее дополнению и уточнению.; - Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, 2017, 24:106-109. [типология вещества, живое вещество, косное вещество, бывшее живое вещество, БЖВ, ex-living matter, ELM, детрит, мортмасса, поствитальное вещество].
Kiryushin A.V., Tropin I.V., Ostroumov S.A.: Биомасса (биоматериал ЕС-1) уменьшает концентрацию меди в воде: измерение методом ААС. - Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, 2017, 24:87-92;; Biomass (EC-1 biomaterial) reduces copper (Cu) content in water: measurement using AAS;.
S A Ostroumov, Kotelevtsev S.V.: New material, lecture course on environmental monitoring. Summary of papers published in 2017.; - Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, 2017, 24: 6-17..
Sergei A. Ostroumov, Kotelevtsev S.V.: New material, lecture course, environmental safety. Summary of papers published in 2017;; Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, 2017, 24: 18-29..
Новые аспекты роли организмов и детрита в детоксицирующей системе биосферы.; Экологическая химия 2017, 26(6); 301–311. New Aspects of the Role of…

1 Comment
3 Reads
Comment on ResearchGate:
Dlshad Ali Omer
5.83 · University of Sulaymaniyah

Dear Dr. Sergei A.
Your search is great and a new idea .
Best regards