Citation in 2018. Date: 09.05.2018. ** Citations of Sergei Ostroumov's work for 2018, in Italy, Japan, Russia, Indonesia, et al.:

Citation in 2018.
Date: 09.05.2018.
Citations of Sergei Ostroumov's work for 2018, in Italy, Japan, Russia, Indonesia, et al.:
The publication has 2 new citations; Inhibitory analysis of top-down control: New keys to studying eutrophication, algal blooms, and water self-purification. Hydrobiologia; DOI: 10.1023/A:1015559123646;
... They form an important link between dissolved and suspended solids and the higher levels of the food chain, contributing to nutrient cycling and regulation of the metabolism of freshwater ecosystems (Ostroumov, 2005). Any loss of filter feeders caused by the introduction of environmental contaminants, allochthonous species or by removal of suitable habitats, seriously threatens the functioning and stability of freshwater environments (Ostroumov, 2002a(Ostroumov, , b, 2003a. Consequently, several studies investigated clearance rate (CR) of sponges, cladocera, rotifers, bivalves and polychaetes (Gauld, 1951;Monakov, 1998). ...
... Samples taken in the QDL wetland in the upstream region of the Heilong River showed higher values for EFs of heavy metals than those taken in HXZ after 1980 CE This pattern could indicate that human activities started to lead to the deposition of more heavy metals into the QDL wetland starting in 1980 CE However, the EFs of heavy metals in the HXZ wetland in the downstream region of the Heilong River almost showed stable patterns in all stages, with only a gradual increasing from 1965 CE ( Fig. 4a). This pattern might be due to the fact that heavy metal concentrations can decrease gradually with the water flow because of the self-purification of the water body and sedimentation processes ( Ostroumov, 2002;Vagnetti et al., 2003). There were fairly similar increasing trends of EFs from 1954 CE in the DFH and ZJ wetlands, which are both situated along the Wusuli River. ...
Your publication has 2 new citations; Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in processes leading to water purification: Current conceptualizations and concluding remarks; DOI: 10.1023/A:1015555022737;
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Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders.; Hydrobiologia. Vol. 542.
... Phytoplankton Jun-GC Jun-FP Jun-E Jun-A Jul-GC Jul-FP Jul-E Jul-A Aug-GC Aug-FP Aug-E Aug-A Ostroumov, 2005), and up to 30 ml ind À1 day À1 for Plumatella emarginata ( Vohmann et al., 2009). Interaction between aquatic vegetation and water level are factors determining prey abundance, distribution and their accessibility in the Colfiorito Marsh. ...
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Studying effects of some surfactants and detergents on filter-feeding bivalves. Hydrobiologia.;
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Anthropogenic effects on the biota: Towards a new system of principles and criteria for analysis of ecological hazards.;
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On the Biotic Self-purification of Aquatic Ecosystems: Elements of the Theory.;
... As an important component of aquatic environment, river sediments accommodate plentiful inorganic/organic matters and microbial communities. Microbial consortium in sediment is an important element for the self-sustaining stability of the entire aquatic ecosystem [1]. Currently, rapid industrialization and urbanization have led to the release of toxic pollutants, such as persistent organic pollutants, pesticides, and emerging pollutants (e.g....
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Basics of the molecular-ecological mechanism of water quality formation and water self-purification;;
... However, the self-purification capacity of a river allows it to restore (partially or fully) its quality through re-aeration and natural processes of biodegradation [14]. The mechanisms of self-purification can be in the form of dilution of polluted water with an influx of surface or groundwater or through certain complex hydrological, micro-biological and chemical processes [15,16]. Under step three, measures can be introduced that stimulate the 'self-purification' capacity of a water resource, for instance by introducing eco-hydrology interventions. ...
... However, the self-purification capacity of a river allows it to restore (partially or fully) its quality through re-aeration and natural processes of biodegradation [14]. The mechanisms of self-purification can be in the form of dilution of polluted water with an influx of surface or groundwater or through certain complex hydrological, micro-biological and chemical processes [15,16]. Under step three, measures can be introduced that stimulate the 'self-purification' capacity of a water resource, for instance by introducing eco-hydrology interventions. ...
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The Effect of Synthetic Surfactants on the Hydrobiological Mechanisms of Water Self-Purification;;
... It can affect the deoxygenation rate. An experimental substantiation was given to the potential environmental significance of the effect caused by the influence of synthetic surfactants on hydrobionts and the relationship between these effects and the hazard of anthropogenic impact on the processes of water self-purification [23]. Surfactants are diverse and amphiphilic compounds which can reduce surface and interfacial tensions [24]. ...
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Biological Effects of Surfactants.S.A.Ostroumov.Cover
... It is also known that synthetic detergents has an extremely wide range of negative effects on environmental, 'cause practically not prone to natural decomposition. The study of the influence of xenobiotics on metabolic processes in living organisms is a prerequisite for the substantiation of harmless levels of detergents contents in environmental objects, including water of fishery ponds (Ostroumov, 2006). As a result of human impacts on water, fish, as one of the most highly organized groups of aquatic organisms, forced to use various mechanisms of adaptation to the changed environmental conditions (Moon, Mommsen, 2005). ...
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Гидробионты в самоочищении вод и биогенной миграции элементов / Aquatic organisms in water self-purification and biogenic migration of elements / Gidrobionty v samoochischenii vod i biogennoy migratsii elementov (Book).;
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Aquatic ecosystem as a bioreactor: Water purification and some other functions.;
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Biodiversity protection and quality of water: the role of feedbacks in ecosystems.
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Biological filters are an important part of the biosphere;; (filter-feeders, suspension feeders, bivalves, surfactants, filtration activity, mussels, Mytilus edulis, rotifers, Brachionus calyciflorus , water quality, self-purification, aquatic, pollutants, filtration rates, zebra mussels, Dreissena, Black Sea, pollution control, oysters),
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Новые варианты определений понятий и терминов "экосистема" и "биогеоценоз".
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Модельная система в условиях рекуррентных (реитерационных) добавок ксенобиотика или поллютанта: инновационный метод изучения толерантности, ассимиляционной емкости системы, предельно допустимых поступлений загрязняющих веществ и потенциала фиторемедиации.
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Biodiversity protection and water quality: the role of feedbacks in ecosystems. Doklady Biological Sciences, in English,
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Chapter 6. Глава 6 книги. Биологические эффекты при воздействии поверхностно-активных веществ на организмы. На русском языке. Chapter of Book Biological Effects of Surfactants, in Russian:;
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Новые варианты определений понятий и терминов "экосистема" и "биогеоценоз".; // ДАН 2002, т.383, № 4, с. 571-574.
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О воздействии детергентов на Vigna radiata и Lens culinaris в условиях биотеста. Токсикологический вестник (Toksikologicheskiy Vestnik). 2012. № 5. с.49-53.
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On the biogeochemistry and geochemical ecology of nanotechnology products: interactions of metal oxide nanoparticles with macrophytes and plant-derived materials
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A new type of effect of potentially hazardous substances: uncouplers of pelagial–benthal coupling.
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book: Conservation of Living Nature and Resources: Problems, Trends, Prospects.; (nature conservation, biodiversity protection, conservation biology, protection of ecosystems, endangered species of animals and plants, protection of environment);
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Экспериментальное изучение реакции проростков Fagopyrum esculentum на загрязнение водной среды детергентами.;
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Protection of the animal world: problems and prospects.; Охрана животного мира: проблемы и перспективы / Okhrana zhivotnogo mira: problemy i perspektivy; (на русском яз.)
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Book: Innovative aspects of biogeochemistry / Инновационные аспекты биогеохимии ;
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Эколого-биохимические аспекты функционирования планктонного сообщества: новое о роли планктона в самоочищении воды;
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Elements of the theory of biocontrol of water quality: a factor in the ecological safety of the sources of water;; Элементы теории биоконтроля качества воды: фактор экологической безопасности источников водоснабжения.
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Trends in modernizing the fundamental concept of ecosystem: self-repairing, self-cleaning, self-reforming, energy-saving, and labile biomachinery.;
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Biological effects of surfactants on organisms (book). Chapter 6. ; Гл.6. Изучение биологических эффектов ПАВ-содержащих смесевых и других препаратов. Studying the biological effects of mixtures that contain surfactants, and the effects of some other chemicals and samples.
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Investigation of the interaction of sodium dodecyl sulfate with water macrophytes under experimental conditions.;
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Aquatic ecosystem service: Improving water quality. Multifunctional role of the biota in water self-purification in marine and freshwater ecosystems;;
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Некоторые вопросы химико-биотических взаимодействий и новое в учении о биосфере.; Some issues of chemico--biotic interactions and the new in the teaching on the biosphere. S.A.Ostroumov.
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Введение в проблемы биохимической экологии: Биотехнология, сельское хозяйство, охрана среды.; Introduction to Problems of Biochemical Ecology: Biotechnology, Agriculture, Environment / Vvedeniye v problemy biokhimicheskoy ekologii: Biotekhnologiya, sel'skoye khozyaystvo, okhrana sredy.
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Biological Effects of Surfactants:; (environmental hazards of detergents, non-animal methods, toxicity assessment, synthetic surfactants, environmental toxicology, aquatic toxicology, bestseller in ecotoxicology);
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Role of biogenic detritus of aquatic systems in accumulation of metals and metalloids as exemplified by eight heavy metals and arsenic;;
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Биологические эффекты при воздействии поверхностно-активных веществ на организмы. Обложка книги.
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Current development of some ideas of V.I. Vernadsky / Sovremennoye razvitiye nekotorykh idey V.I. Vernadskogo / Современное развитие некоторых идей В.И.Вернадского.;
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Изучение фиторемедиационного потенциала трех видов макрофитов: взаимодействие с додецилсульфатом натрия // Экологические системы и приборы. 2007. No. 5, p. 20-22.
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System of principles for conservation of the biogeocenotic function and the biodiversity of filter-feeders.; [environmental protection; protection of ecosystem's service in improving water quality]
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On Some Issues of Maintaining Water Quality and Self-Purification;;
