Abstract: Issues of the Study of Detritus in Aquatic Systems; ISSN 1070-3632, Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2017, Vol. 87, No. 13, pp. 3244–3249. A.P. Sadchikov, S.A. Ostroumov, Article published in English, in reviewed journal. https://5bio5.blogspot.com/2018/05/d.html

Abstract: Issues of the Study of Detritus in Aquatic Systems;
ISSN 1070-3632, Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2017, Vol. 87, No. 13, pp. 3244–3249. 
A.P. Sadchikov, S.A. Ostroumov,
Article published in English, 
in reviewed journal.


Translated and published in English;
Original Russian Text © A.P. Sadchikov, S.A. Ostroumov, 2017, published in Ekologicheskaya Khimiya, 2017, Vol. 26, No. 5, pp. 262–270. 

 A. P. Sadchikov, and S. A. Ostroumov*;
 Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991 Russia ; 
Received March 9, 2017; 
 —In this paper, we present the analysis of the ecological roles of detritus and suspended particulate matter in aquatic ecosystems. New data that have been obtained for freshwater ecosystems of the central part of Russian Federation (Moscow Region, e.g., Mozhaiskoe Reservoir) have been included in the analysis. These new data include the results of studies of samples of water and detritus from the aquatic ecosystems. The review analysis addresses both freshwater and marine ecosystems. The multifunctional important role of detritus in aquatic ecosystems has been shown and exemplified using data for aquatic bodies of different trophic level, from oligotrophic to eutrophic. 

detritus, aquatic ecosystems, particulate organic matter, particulate organic carbon, freshwater ecosystems, marine ecosystems, ocean, oligotrophic, mesotrophic, eutrophic;

Beginning of the text of the article:
The study of ecological role of diverse types of organic matter found in the biosphere and hydrosphere is among interesting issues of ecological chemistry. The studies by V.I. Vern adskii have addressed the features of diverse types of the substances in the biosphere [1–4]. Organic matter produced by living organisms but no longer being living takes an important part in the biosphere. Detritus is an example of such matter [5–9]. The study of detritus has attracted considerable research interest [10–35] and has led to the development of a wide range of chemical, biochemical, biological, microbiological, and hydrobiological methods. This paper aimed to briefly review certain prominent issues of the study of detritus in aquatic ecosystems. Organic matter in natu ral surface ecosystems. A major part of organic matter in water of natural water objects (water bodies and streams) consists of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and detritus. The content of particulate organic matter in water is measured by determining the content of carbon (particulate organic carbon, POC). The average value of POC in some rivers and eutrophic lakes is about 2 mg/L [33]. Transformation of organic matter occurs in solution as well as at the phases interface, where the concentra- tion of organic matter is higher than in bulk water due to adsorption [13, 36, 37]. The important interfaces in water are detritus, air bubbles, and the water surface. Sometimes thermocline (referred to as “the second bottom”) is included in the water interfaces. Thermal stratification of water column leads to the concentration of living and organic matter in this layer, enhancing the decomposition processes [38, 39]. In many freshwater bodies and streams (outside the algae bloom period), detritus mass predominates over that of living plankton matter and is therefore among the most important components of ecosystems [5–7]. Along with algae and bacteria, detritus is one of the nutrients sources for zooplankton. It is the trophic reserve of an ecosystem, accumulating large amount of energy [40]. Detritus is regarded as the stabilizing component of ecosystems [6, 41]. On the other hand, detritus has a high sorption capacity and therefore it accumulates the organic molecules of DOM on the surface of detrital particles. Enzymatic hydrolysis of the adsorbed organic molecules occurs at the detritus surface, and then the hydrolysis products are utilized by plankton organisms [42–45]. ... 

DOI: 10.1134/S1070363217130199; 

detritus, aquatic ecosystems, particulate organic matter, particulate organic carbon, freshwater ecosystems, marine ecosystems, ocean, oligotrophic, mesotrophic, eutrophic;