2017 Citation of publications of Sergei Ostroumov in 2017. Environmental science, ecology, water. Цитирование публикаций Сергея Остроумова в 2017 году. Экология, экология, вода. Citación de las publicaciones de Sergei Ostroumov en 2017. Ciencia ambiental, ecología, agua. 引证谢尔盖奥斯特鲁莫夫2017年的出版物。环境科学,生态学,水。 2017年のSergei Ostroumovの出版物の引用。環境科学、生態学、水。 https://5bio5.blogspot.com/2018/05/2017.html

Citation of publications of Sergei Ostroumov in 2017. Environmental science, ecology, water.
Цитирование публикаций Сергея Остроумова в 2017 году. Экология, экология, вода.
Citación de las publicaciones de Sergei Ostroumov en 2017. Ciencia ambiental, ecología, agua.
2017年のSergei Ostroumovの出版物の引用。環境科学、生態学、水。

Notifications from the web, ResearchGate, to Sergei:
43 Citations of your work for 2017 (in China, Poland, Turkey, et al.)
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Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/226902807; Hydrobiologia. Vol. 542.
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  • ... This difference becomes more distinct after 12, 18 and 22 months, with the extensive development of bryozoans, sponges, oysters, bivalves, and barnacles, mainly on the ECO panels. These organisms are known as filter feeders that have the ability to remove various particles of a broad range of sizes from the water column, with a significant part of the removed material serving no useful function to the filter-feeder itself, but benefit the ecosystem as a whole (Ostroumov 2005). As mentioned, another benefit of these developing communities arises from biogenic buildup of ecosystem engineers providing the structure with bioprotection (Risinger2012;Coombes et al., 2013Coombes et al., , 2015Coombes et al., , 2016). ...

    Chinese: 研究生物圈的污染危害:十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)的影响,对滤食性浮游动物的影响; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/320685388 ; On Studying the Hazards of Pollution of the Biosphere: Effects of Sodium Dodecylsulfate (SDS) on Planktonic Filter-Feeders; Chinese translation; in Chinese;
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    Phytotoxicity of a surfactant-containing product towards macrophytes; [Article in English]; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/263456086;
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    Biological Effects of Surfactants.S.A.Ostroumov.Cover

  • ... Ernstoff et al. (2016) también analizaron el grado de penetración de algunas sustancias de champús en el cuerpo humano. Estudios conocidos del impacto ambiental de los productos cosméticos de aseo, por diversos métodos, en particular el método de bioindicación ( Ostroumov, 2003Ostroumov, , 2006Tomanova & Tedesco, 2007;Strukova, 2013;Del Angel Martinez-Rodriguez & Pinilla-A, 2014), muestran el impacto negativo de los productos cosméticos en los organismos vivos. La ventaja del método de bioindicación es que muestra el efecto de varias sustancias directamente en el desarrollo de la vida y los organismos, tal como se muestra en RoldánPérez (1999). ...
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    Биологические эффекты при воздействии поверхностно-активных веществ на организмы ( Остроумов С.А., Москва, МАКС-Пресс, 2001, 334 c.). Книга. Список таблиц в этой книге. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/283420752;
    ... Есть указания на аналогичное действие и других поллютантов на моллюсков и фильтраторов зоопланктона[7]. Это свидетельствует об опасности снижения эффективности механизма самоочищения воды в условиях антропогенных воздействий на водные экосистемы[7,11,14,16]. Большой объем полученных нами в экспериментах новых фактов о негативном воздействии химических загрязняющих веществ на организмы, участвующие в очищении воды, суммирован в[7,18,19].Большая сложность, многокомпонентность биомеханизмов самоочищения воды, важность их КАЧЕСТВО И КОНДИЦИОНИРОВАНИЕ ВОДЫ В ПРИРОДНЫХ ЭКОСИСТЕМАХ регуляции и комплексное участие в этой регуляции многих факторов, все множество вышеуказанных особенностей этих механизмов привели нас к целесообразности предложить и использовать термин biomachinery при описании процессов биотического самоочищения воды на английском языке (например, в работе[19]на стр. ...
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    Immobilization of scandium and other chemical elements in systems with aquatic macrophyte. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/292950214;
    ... The interaction of detritus and mortmass with chemical elements in aqueous medium was studied. As a result, the ability of those forms of organic matter to immobilize chemical elements was revealed and characterized [22,23,28,29,30,35]. That evidenced the contribution of biogenic detritus particles and mortmass to detoxication of aqueous medium. ...
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    Aquatic ecosystem as a bioreactor: Water purification and some other functions. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/8083617;
    ... The great functional significance of biogenic material in natural ecosystems is clearly manifested in the case of freshwater and marine ecosystems. The biogenic organic matter constituting bottom sediments contributes significantly to pollutant binding to bottom sediments, which is one of the processes of selfpurification of water in aquatic ecosystems [28,63,64,[67][68][69]. An additional array of data on biogenic organic material in ecosystems, especially in aquatic ones, has been reported in many other publications, including [73,75]. ...
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    Basics of the molecular-ecological mechanism of water quality formation and water self-purification. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200583098
    ... The great functional significance of biogenic material in natural ecosystems is clearly manifested in the case of freshwater and marine ecosystems. The biogenic organic matter constituting bottom sediments contributes significantly to pollutant binding to bottom sediments, which is one of the processes of selfpurification of water in aquatic ecosystems [28,63,64,[67][68][69]. An additional array of data on biogenic organic material in ecosystems, especially in aquatic ones, has been reported in many other publications, including [73,75]. ...
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    On the Biotic Self-purification of Aquatic Ecosystems: Elements of the Theory. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200567576;
    ... The great functional significance of biogenic material in natural ecosystems is clearly manifested in the case of freshwater and marine ecosystems. The biogenic organic matter constituting bottom sediments contributes significantly to pollutant binding to bottom sediments, which is one of the processes of selfpurification of water in aquatic ecosystems [28,63,64,[67][68][69]. An additional array of data on biogenic organic material in ecosystems, especially in aquatic ones, has been reported in many other publications, including [73,75]. ...
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    Toxicity of Gold Nanoparticles for Plants in Experimental Aquatic System; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/265551300;

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    Biocontrol of water quality: Multifunctional role of biota in water self-purification; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/227303635;
    ... Большая функциональная значимость биогенного материала в природных экосистемах ярко проявляется в случае пресноводных и морских экосистем. Биогенное органическое вещество, которое входит в состав донных отложений, вносит существенный вклад в связывание загрязняющих веществ донными отложениями, что является одним из процессов самоочищения воды в водных экосистемах [28,63,64,[67][68][69]. Дополнительный массив данных о биогенном органическом материале в экосистемах, в особенности водных, содержится во многих других публикациях, в том числе в [73,75]. ...
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    Responses of Unio tumidus to mixed chemical preparations and the hazard of synecological summation of anthropogenic effects. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/10614386; [discovery of toxic effects of detergents on freshwater mussels];

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    Direct measurement of electric current generation by cytochrome oxidase, H+ ATPase and bacteriorhodopsin. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/18798933

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    On the Multifunctional Role of the Biota in the Self-Purification of Aquatic Ecosystems. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/227317445 ; Russian Journal of Ecology ;

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    https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200587396; Inhibitory analysis of top-down control: New keys to studying eutrophication, algal blooms, and water self-purification. Hydrobiologia; DOI: 10.1023/A:1015559123646;
    ... CPs by benthic organisms 防止或减速生物物质与化学污染物从底沉积物中释放 到水中;通过底栖生物完成生物物质与化学污染物的 结合与积累 Removal of C, N, and P from the ecosystem as a result of The emergence of imago insects may take away from the the emergence of imago insects after the completion of lake 0.5 g C/m2 water surface per year [15] larval development in water 成虫的出现每年可能会带走湖中每平米水表面 0.5 克 水中幼虫发展期结束后成虫的出现可以除去生态系 的碳 统中的碳、氮、磷元素 Removal of C, N, and P from the ecosystem by fish-eating Depends on the state of the biota in the adjacent area and other birds feeding on aquatic organisms 取决于邻近区域的生物群 通过鱼类食用以及鸟类捕食水生生物来除去生态系 中的碳、氮、磷 Removal of C, N, and P from the ecosystem when the See the previous comment amphibians that have completed their metamorphosis in 查看前面的注释 water go to land 当完成变态的两栖动物从水中到陆地时除去生态系统 中的碳、氮、磷 CP biotransformation and sorption in soils of farmlands [7] supplied with polluted water 被供给污染水质的农田土壤中化学污染物的生物转化 与吸附作用 Regulation of the numbers and activity of organisms [14,15]; ecological chemoregulators ecological involved in water purification as a result of interactions chemotrans-mitters [3] are involved in the regulation between organisms 生态化学调节与生态化学转化都参与了这种调节 通过生物体之间的彼此相互作用来调节参与净水的 生物体的活性与数量 Note: Many factors are interrelated and overlap, so it is often impossible to distinguish individual factors. In the conceptual analysis, factors are regarded as individual for convenience. ...
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    https://www.researchgate.net/publication/12375514; The concept of aquatic biota as a labile and vulnerable component of the water self-purification system.
    ... 这项研究由 McArthur 基金会以及开放社会学院赞助。 Table 1. Some factors and processes of water self-purification (from [6,7], with substantial additions). Designations: CP, chemical pollutant; DOC, dissolved organic compound; SOC, suspended organic compound 表 1. 水的自我净化的影响因素与过程(CP:化学污染物;DOC:溶解的有机化合物;SOC:悬 浮的有机化合物) Factors and processes of environment purification 环境净化的影响因素与过程 Reference and comment 参考文献与注释 1. Physical and physicochemical 1.有关物理与物理化学的部分 Dissolving and dilution [7] 溶解与稀释 Washing ashore [7] 冲到岸上 Drifting into adjacent water bodies and waterways The export of the carbon contained in dissolved compounds 漂流到邻近水体或水路 and suspended particles carried by outflowing water depends on the DOC and SOC concentrations 溶解化合物中的含碳物质与有流出的水带出的悬浮颗粒 物的输出取决于 DOC 和 SOC 的浓度 ...
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    Identification of a New Type of Ecological Hazard of Chemicals: Inhibition of Processes of Ecological Remediation
    ... (4) 对于陆地或者水体的环境保护措施不仅要保护他们的人口及基因池,还要保护这些 物种的功能能力(尤其是对水质甚至整个生态系统稳定性的功能活力) [10]。 (5) New hazards related to the chemical pollution of aquatic ecosystems have been identified [11]. (5) 被证实的对生生生态系统有新的危害的化学污染 [11]。 (6) When solving the problem of the eutrophication of aquatic ecosystems, my earlier suggestions on the synecological approach [this terminology underlines involvement of biological community, role of interactions among several biological species-recent comment of S. Ostroumov] should be taken into account [8]. (6) 当解决水生生态系统富营养化的问题是,我之前提出的合成生态学的建议应该被考 虑 [8]。 (7) The assessment of the anthropogenic damage to the environment should take into account, among other factors, the damage due to the decrease in the self-purification capacity of water bodies and waterways. ...
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    Biodiversity protection and water quality: the role of feedbacks in ecosystems. Doklady Biological Sciences, in English, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259497389
    ... 5 + Unio tumidus [7] 聚乙二醇辛基苯基醚 珠蚌属动物 1-5 + U. tumidus [4] 珠蚌属动物 0.5M. edulis [7]; after 30-60 min of incubation 贝壳类 孵化 30-60 分钟后 0.5 + M. edulis [7]; after 90 min of incubation 贝壳类 孵化 90 分钟后 1-4 + M. edulis [7]; after 30-90 min of incubation 贝壳类 孵化 30-90 分钟后 5 SD1 (OMO) 50 + U. tumidus [10] 洗涤剂 1 (甲基催产素) 珠蚌属动物 6 SD2 (Tide) 50 + M. galloprovincialis [7] 洗涤剂 2(汰渍) 紫贻贝 7 SD3 (Losk) 7 + M. galloprovincialis [7] 洗涤剂 3(Losk) 紫贻贝 8 SD4 (IXI) 10 + M. galloprovincialis [7] 洗涤剂 4(IXI) 紫贻贝 20 + M. galloprovincialis [9,10] 紫贻贝 9 SD5 (Deni) 30 + C. gigas [9,10] 洗涤剂 5(德利) 长牡蛎 10 LD1 (E) 2 + M. galloprovincialis [7] 洗涤液 1(E) 紫贻贝 2 + C. gigas [7] 长牡蛎 11 LD (Fairy) 2 + C. gigas [7] 洗涤液(Fairy) 长牡蛎 2 + M. galloprovincialis [8] 紫贻贝 ...
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    An aquatic ecosystem: a large-scale diversified bioreactor with a water self-purification function. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/215907363; - Doklady Biological Sciences, 2000. Vol. 374, P. 514-516. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/215907363; water quality improvement, water purification, self-purification, pollution control
    ... xlviii. 在确定的方面它被证实是有用的 [4];然而对于整个水生生态系统中他的多样性和 可变性的理解是没有意义的。 xlix. Note that the regulation of many important processes involved in the transfer of chemical elements in aquatic ecosystems is bioinert [this is a unique word invented and used by V.I.Vernadsky; it means an integrated complex or mix of both biotic and abiotic processes in ecological context-the recent comment of S.Ostroumov], i.e., combines the effects of biotic and abiotic factors. ...
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    The synecological approach to the problem of eutrophication. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/10614405;
    ... 5 + Unio tumidus [7] 聚乙二醇辛基苯基醚 珠蚌属动物 1-5 + U. tumidus [4] 珠蚌属动物 0.5M. edulis [7]; after 30-60 min of incubation 贝壳类 孵化 30-60 分钟后 0.5 + M. edulis [7]; after 90 min of incubation 贝壳类 孵化 90 分钟后 1-4 + M. edulis [7]; after 30-90 min of incubation 贝壳类 孵化 30-90 分钟后 5 SD1 (OMO) 50 + U. tumidus [10] 洗涤剂 1 (甲基催产素) 珠蚌属动物 6 SD2 (Tide) 50 + M. galloprovincialis [7] 洗涤剂 2(汰渍) 紫贻贝 7 SD3 (Losk) 7 + M. galloprovincialis [7] 洗涤剂 3(Losk) 紫贻贝 8 SD4 (IXI) 10 + M. galloprovincialis [7] 洗涤剂 4(IXI) 紫贻贝 20 + M. galloprovincialis [9,10] 紫贻贝 9 SD5 (Deni) 30 + C. gigas [9,10] 洗涤剂 5(德利) 长牡蛎 10 LD1 (E) 2 + M. galloprovincialis [7] 洗涤液 1(E) 紫贻贝 2 + C. gigas [7] 长牡蛎 11 LD (Fairy) 2 + C. gigas [7] 洗涤液(Fairy) 长牡蛎 2 + M. galloprovincialis [8] 紫贻贝 ...

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    https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200582742; Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in processes leading to water purification: Current conceptualizations and concluding remarks; DOI: 10.1023/A:1015555022737;
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    Biological Filtering and Ecological Machinery for Self-Purification and Bioremediation in Aquatic Ecosystems: Towards a Holistic View; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/13429633;
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    Ostroumov S.A. Anthropogenic effects on the biota: Towards a new system of principles and criteria for analysis of ecological hazards.- Rivista di Biologia/Biology Forum. 2003. 96: 159-170.https://www.researchgate.net/publication/299442335
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    On the Biotic Self-purification of Aquatic Ecosystems: Elements of the Theory. - Doklady Biological Sciences, v.396, pp.206-211, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/216167144
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    Studying effects of some surfactants and detergents on filter-feeding bivalves. Hydrobiologia. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/226127394

  • ... Ernstoff et al. (2016) también analizaron el grado de penetración de algunas sustancias de champús en el cuerpo humano. Estudios conocidos del impacto ambiental de los productos cosméticos de aseo, por diversos métodos, en particular el método de bioindicación ( Ostroumov, 2003Ostroumov, , 2006Tomanova & Tedesco, 2007;Strukova, 2013;Del Angel Martinez-Rodriguez & Pinilla-A, 2014), muestran el impacto negativo de los productos cosméticos en los organismos vivos. La ventaja del método de bioindicación es que muestra el efecto de varias sustancias directamente en el desarrollo de la vida y los organismos, tal como se muestra en RoldánPérez (1999). ...
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    Some books; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200837585;
    ... Along with various ways of accelerating physical bodies [1][2][3][4][5], it makes sense to consider the reverse process, i.e., the process of braking a physical body from some initial velocity to a complete stop. Below, we consider the braking of the bodies having no special features: it means that they are not electrically charged and have neither electric nor magnetic dipole moments. ...
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    О РОЛИ БИОГЕННОГО ДЕТРИТА В АККУМУЛЯЦИИ ЭЛЕМЕНТОВ В ВОДНЫХ СИСТЕМАХ. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259484692; Сибирский экологический журнал. 2010. No 4. C. 525–531. Ostroumov S.A., Kolesov G.M., Sib. Ekol. Zh., 2010, no. 4, p. 525.
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    The aquatic macrophyte Ceratophyllum demersum immobilizes Au nanoparticles after their addition to water. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/44634488; DOI: 10.1134/S0012496610020158; gold, nanomaterials, aquatic vegetation, plant biomass;
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    Decreasing the measurable concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb in the water of the experimental systems containing Ceratophyllum demersum: The phytoremediation potential. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/40481671; DOI: 10.1134/S0012496609050159; water purification, heavy metal removal, pollution control;