When did Summer become Winter?

When young Summer Spellman first arrived on the cobbles, she was a bright and witty young girl. Sure, she was facing some pretty life-changing challenges, but she remained optimistic and older than her years. She was a breath of fresh air.

Matilda Freeman has been absolutely brilliant in the role and broken the spell of former Corrie kid actors who have been reduced to smiling sweetly because they have no acting experience. 

But, Summer has since gotten very cold.  Gone is her upbeat approach to life. She carries the weight of the world on her shoulders. Everyone she trusts leaves or lets her down. 

She has smoked Spice, lived with a killer and her new dad got hooked on heroin. Now she has gone all 'Kevin the teenager.' This happened to sulky Simon who began life like an old Northern Vaudeville comedian, cracking jokes and charming people, And now he sits there, grimacing and turning milk sour. 

The logical side of your brain says Summer is a teen and they go through changes and get a tad moody and withdrawn. But this poor kid is starting to resemble the late Pauline Fowler from Eastenders, she almost sighs whenever she has to do something simple, such as breathe. The sassiness is gone, the humour has disappeared and even Amy is sweeter than her. 

Not every character in Corrie can stay the same, I get that. But if Summer remains this bloody miserable, I think Billy is better off getting her name changed by deed poll to Winter. 

Guest blog post by Glenn Meads who is on Twitter and LinkedIn
You can read all of Glenn's guest blog posts here.
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