Sum of last posts, environmental science, lots of information. 481 pages. Results of research at Lomonosov Moscow State University. Unformatted file. Posts on Blogger (Google), 2018, April 15 - April 22: ;

Sum of  last posts, environmental science, lots of information. 481 pages. Results of research at Lomonosov Moscow State University.  Unformatted file.
Posts on Blogger (Google), 2018, April 15 - April 22: ; ;
Apr 22;

This is a part of the large file.
The full text of the file - see the link:

50 last links; comments, environmental science, water, ecology; 

50 last links; comments, environmental science, water, ecology;
nature #water, natural #environment #beauty #science; 400 #publications #links, ; on nature, water, natural environment: beauty and science; 400+ publications with links, selected, by 12.04.2018, files online free, the list generated by ResearchGate; Keywords: water, aquatic, ecology, environmental, science, toxicology, water quality, water self-purification, ecotoxicology, nature conservation, biogeochemistry, ;
                at 10:42 AM

Pictures #photos, images #Organisms, were studied in book Biological Effects #Surfactants. ; on Pictures, photos, images of Organisms that were studied in the book: Dr. S.A.Ostroumov, Biological Effects of Surfactants. Effetti biologici di tensioattivi. Efectos Biológicos de surfactantes. Les effets biologiques des agents tensio-actifs. Efeitos biológicos dos surfactantes. Biologische Wirkung von Tensiden. 表面活性剂的生物效应。 界面活性剤の生物学的効果。 ;

at 10:30 AM

List of #Achievements #Environmental science #ecology #water quality, on Achievements. Environmental science, ecology, water quality, aquatic ecology, ecotoxicology, biogeochemistry; Notifications from web to Sergei Ostroumov; ResearchGate; Moscow State University results: Week ending April 15th, 2018;

at 10:18 AM

5 #most read posts, last #environmental science #ecology #citation in #Japan, on 5 most read posts, last day; environmental science, ecology, Moscow University, citation in Japan, cited by researchers at Tokyo university;

at 12:24 AM

О концепциях #биохимической #экологии #гидробиологии: #экологические #хемомедиаторы, on О концепциях биохимической экологии и гидробиологии: экологические хемомедиаторы / // Сибирский экологический журнал. - 2006. - Т. 13, N 1. - С. 73-82; ** о создании новой экологической дисциплины.

on 4/21/18

Apr 22, 2018 #Attention to results, publications #environmental sci.; on Report for week ending April 22 2018; Attention to results, publications on environmental science; Summary: notes from web, ResearchGate, to Sergei Ostroumov:

on 4/21/18

Citation of #Sergei: #Japan #Laos University of #Tokyo, on new Citation of Sergei: Japan, Laos,University of Tokyo, Gifu University, International Water Management Institute, National University of Laos, cited water ecology publication of Sergei Ostroumov; translation of the post into Japanese and Lao; ;

on 4/21/18

5 top: #Last week - 5 #most #viewed posts, #environmental science. on 5 top: Champs of week; Last week - 5 most viewed posts, environmental science.

on 4/21/18

Somebody necessarily help to make severely posts I might state. This is the first time I frequented your website page and to this point? I surprised with the research you made to create this particular post extraordinary. Well done admin.. Online 3d printing 3D printing in Coimbatore 3D printing service in Coimbatore 3D printing in Chennai on new citation in Japan. Cited article: On Some Issues of Maintaining Water Quality and Self-Purification;; 2018;
Kaashvi mohan
on 4/20/18

Interesting projects and publications #environmental sci., ecology, water; on Interesting projects and publications, environmental science, ecology, water;

on 4/19/18

5 most read online #environmental science #water quality #ecology, on 5 most read: 5 documents that are among most read online, environmental science, water quality, ecology,

on 4/18/18

most read publications, #environmental sci. available online free; on Most read List of most read publications, environmental science, available online free; set 1 from scibd;

on 4/18/18

30 #публикаций #цитировали #статьи и книги #экология #охрана #среды, on 30 публикаций, которые цитировали статьи и книги -экология, охрана окружающей среды - сотрудника МГУ, доктора биологических наук Сергея Остроумова. Данные eLibrary.

on 4/18/18

20 Useful files online #environmental sci.#Ecology #water #toxicology, biology ; on 20 Useful files online, environmental science: Ecology, environment, water, ecotoxicology, biology ;

on 4/18/18

100 posts Feb 4, 2013; #environmental sci., S. #Ostroumov #water #ecology, on 113; 100 posts on and prior to February 4, 2013; environmental sci., Sergei Ostroumov, environmental science, water, ecology, biology, экология, СОХРАНЕНИЕ БИОРАЗНООБРАЗИЯ, КАЧЕСТВО ВОДЫ, водные экосистемы, самоочищение воды, охрана природы,

on 4/18/18

Inhibitory analysis of #regulatory #interactions in #trophic #webs. on Inhibitory analysis of regulatory interactions in trophic webs. S.A.Ostroumov; DOI: 10.1023/A:1019218026198; New approach and innovative methodology to experimentally analyze interactions of organisms.

on 4/18/18

100 posts, #environmental sci, 2/24/13; #water, #ecology, #экология, on 112; 100 posts, environmental science, prior to and on 2/24/13; Feb 24, 2013; environmental science, water, ecology, biology, экология, СОХРАНЕНИЕ БИОРАЗНООБРАЗИЯ, КАЧЕСТВО ВОДЫ, водные экосистемы, самоочищение воды, охрана природы,

on 4/17/18

Citation #success: these publications of S.Ostroumov were #cited #environmental sci.#water, on Citation and success: on current week, these publications of Sergei were cited, according to ResearchGate notifications: environmental science, water purification,

on 4/16/18

Citations, who #cited publications, #environmental sci., of S.Ostroumov, cited in Europe #U.S. #China, on Citations , who cited publications, environmental science, of a Moscow University researcher, Sergei Ostroumov, they cited him in Europe (e.g. in Spain, U.K., Netherlands, Sweden, France, Italy, Belgium, Germany, Australia, et al.), U.S., Asia (China, India, ), Australia,... ; ResearchGate, selected examples;

on 4/16/18

Report, week April 15, 2018; #environmental scientist, S. #Ostroumov, on Report for week ending April 15th, 2018; Note from web, ResearchGate, to a Moscow University environmental scientist, Sergei Ostroumov, Summary

on 4/16/18

400 publications #links, online #free #water #ecology #environmental, on 400 + publications with links, by 12.04.2018, files online free, the list generated by ResearchGate; Keywords: water, aquatic, ecology, environmental, science, toxicology, water quality, water self-purification, ecotoxicology, nature conservation, biogeochemistry, ; 400+ Publikationen mit Links, bis zum 12.04.2018, Dateien online frei, die von ResearchGate generierte Liste; Schlüsselwörter: Wasser, Wasser, Ökologie, Umwelt, Wissenschaft, Toxikologie, Wasserqualität, Wasser-Selbstreinigung, Ökotoxikologie, Naturschutz, Biogeochemie,

on 4/15/18

50 last links, #environmental science, on 50 last links, environmental science, water,

on 4/15/18

100 last posts #publications online #environmental science #water quality improvement; on 100 last posts, publications online, environmental science, water quality improvement;

on 4/15/18

О научных разработках МГУ. Газета "Поиск"; ; on О научных разработках биофака МГУ. Газета "Поиск" 28 августа 2010. ; Открытие новых фактов в области познания биосферы и гидросферы. Создание теории самоочищения воды в природной экосистеме. О научных разработках выпускников биофака МГУ. Газета "Поиск" (Москва). Газета «Поиск» 28 августа 2010. Интервью с ведущим научным сотрудником биофака МГУ доктором биологических наук Сергеем Остроумовым. ;

on 4/14/18

Last day #updates #environmental science #ecology #Moscow #University, on Last day updates, environmental science, ecology, biology, research of Sergei Ostroumov, Moscow State University, all these questions and updates are on ResearchGate, all are welcome;

on 4/14/18

citation: Some aspects #water #filtering activity of #filter-feeders, on New citation of: "Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders" This is a message from Google Scholar: Key words: filter feeding organisms , Bryozoans, organic matter, freshwater, ecosystems, food particles,

on 4/14/18

citation: Polyfunctional role of #biodiversity ...#water #purification, on New citation of: "Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in processes leading to water purification: current conceptualizations and concluding ..." full text free: ; Новые ссылки на статью, цитирование,

on 4/14/18

citation: Inhibitory keys... #eutrophication, algal #blooms #water self-purification; on New citation of "Inhibitory analysis of top-down control: new keys to studying eutrophication, algal blooms, and water self-purification"; Full text online free: ;

on 4/14/18

new #hazards of synthetic #surfactants #aquatic #pollutants, on new hazards of synthetic surfactants as dangerous aquatic pollutants in freshwater and marine ecosystems: one of 3 major discoveries / innovations in aquatic ecology, during the period of time: 1990 – 2010; the 3 discoveries made by Sergei Ostroumov: in Spanish, French, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Turkish, Arabic; list of 30 publications, WorldCatalog; ; ;

on 4/14/18

41 #Citations of S.A.#Ostroumov's work for 2017, the data from ResearchGate: #environmental science, #ecology, #water, biology,; 41 #Citations of S.A.#Ostroumov's work for 2017, the data from ResearchGate: #environmental science, #ecology, #water, biology, on 41 Citations of S.A.Ostroumov's work for 2017, the data from ResearchGate: environmental science, ecology, water, biology, Affiliation of Sergei Ostroumov: Lomonosov Moscow State University;

on 4/14/18

Huge interest of users: attention to environmental research S#Ostroumov #ecology #water #ecotoxicology, 14.04.2018; on Huge attention, interest of users: Report for week ending April 15th, 2018; attention to environmental research results of a scientist at Moscow State University, Sergei Ostroumov, Fulbright Award winner, ecology, water, ecotoxicology, water quality improvement, ecotoxicology, Notification from web, ResearchGate, to Sergei, on 14.04.2018; ;

on 4/14/18

Huge attention, interest of users: attention to environmental research S#Ostroumov #ecology #water #ecotoxicology, 14.04.2018; on Huge attention, interest of users: Report for week ending April 15th, 2018; attention to environmental research results of a scientist at Moscow State University, Sergei Ostroumov, Fulbright Award winner, ecology, water, ecotoxicology, water quality improvement, ecotoxicology, Notification from web, ResearchGate, to Sergei, on 14.04.2018; ;

on 4/14/18

Who interested #Citation of #Sergei #France #Italy, Russia #India, on Citation: Who is interested in Citation of results of Sergei , France, Italy, Russia, India, et al. (followers; who read recently this project; recommendations to updates to the project); ; ;

on 4/13/18

8 key links #water #ecology #environmental #ecotoxicology, on 8 key links: Freshwater, marine, ecology, environmental, ecotoxicology, Пресноводные, экология, 淡水海洋água doce, ecologia, ambiente, Eau douce, écologie, environnement, Agua dulce, ecología, medio ambiente, ambientale, ecotossicologia, 生態学、生物学、 담수, 해양, , المياه العذبة والبحرية والبيئة والبيولوجيا والبيئية والسمية الإيكولوجية: Varswater,

on 4/12/18

8 key links #Freshwater #marine #ecology #environmental #toxicology, on 8 key links, on: Freshwater, marine, ecology, biology, environmental, ecotoxicology,, Пресноводные, морские, экология, биология, охрана окружающей среды, экотоксикология,, 淡水海洋生態生物環境生態毒理學,, 生物态毒理学,, água doce, marinha, ecologia, biologia, ambiente, ecotoxicologia,, Eau douce, écologie, biologie, environnement, , Agua dulce, marina, ecología, biología, medio ambiente, ecotoxicología,, ambientale, ecotossicologia,, 生態学、生物学、環境、生態毒性,, 담수, 해양, 생태학, 생물학, 환경, 생태 독성학,, المياه العذبة والبحرية والبيئة والبيولوجيا والبيئية والسمية الإيكولوجية: Varswater, mariene, ekologie, omgewing, ekotoksikologie

on 4/12/18

2018; 45 citations of S#Ostroumov, #environmental sci., #ecology, #water quality, on 45 citations: 2018; 45 citations of Sergei Ostroumov, environmental science, ecology, water quality, first 3 months of 2018; data from ResearchGate, on 12.04.2018; citations in Italy, China, Russia, Netherlands ( IHE Delft Institute for Water Education), Belgium (Ghent University (Gent); Indonesia, et al. Location Delft, Netherlands

on 4/12/18

400+ #publications #ecology #environment #water; on 400+ publications of Sergei, 12.04.2018, the list generated by ResearchGate;

on 4/12/18

Who #read what, S.#Ostroumov #environmental sci. on Who read what, 1457 pageviews this week, notification from web, ResearchGate, to a Moscow University researcher, Sergei Ostroumov, environmental science: People who read your work:

on 4/11/18

Successful First day, week ending April 15, 2018; #environmental sci. #water, on Successful start of the week. First day of week ending April 15th, 2018; environmental science, water,

on 4/9/18

questions #answers ResearchGate #environmental sci. #water #ecology #toxicology, aquatic, on Questions: Recommended questions and answers on ResearchGate, environmental science, water, ecology, toxicology, aquatic,

on 4/9/18

Questions #answers, ResearchGate #environmental sci.#water #ecology #ecotoxicology, on Questions, answers on ResearchGate: environmental science, water, ecology, ecotoxicology, and related issues,

on 4/9/18

beauty #water #nature #video, music #environmental sci. #environment, on beauty of water, nature, video, music; link to environmental science publications that help to protect beauty of environment, beauty of natural water

on 4/9/18

Last week #recommendations and updates #environmental sci. #water, on Last week recommendations and updates, selected examples, environmental science, general and aquatic ecology, selected issues of biology, useful publications, ecology, aquatic ecology, water quality,

on 4/8/18

by 3 pm, 8.4.2018, the total number of reads of works of this researcher (Sergei) on this week is more than 2076. This is more than the number of reads during all weeks since Feb 25. It means that the works of this scientist attracted the highest level of attention since february 25. on sum of updates, week ending April 8, 2018, report on activities on ResearchGate, attention to results of a Moscow University researcher, award winner, Sergei Ostroumov, environmental science,
Remove content | Delete | Spam

on 4/8/18

New #Hazard #Chemicals: Inhibition #Ecological #Remediation. ; on Identification of a New Type of Ecological Hazard of Chemicals: Inhibition of Processes of Ecological Remediation. ;

on 4/8/18

April 8, activities #ResearchGate #attention, results S#Ostroumov #environmental sci., on sum of updates, week ending April 8, 2018, report on activities on ResearchGate, attention to results of a Moscow University researcher, award winner, Sergei Ostroumov, environmental science,

on 4/8/18

#last #recommendations, updates on #ResearchGate #environmental sci. #results of S.#Ostroumov, on last day recommendations, updates on ResearchGate, environmental science, results of Sergei Ostroumov,

on 4/8/18

in #Chinese #Japanese #Malay #Indonesian, English, #citation by experts #Asia #water quality, on in Chinese, Japanese, Malay, Indonesian, English, citation by experts in Asia, water quality improvement, new results,

on 4/7/18

Citation #Цитирование #Cited ... #water #filtering activity of #filter-feeders. #Hydrobiologia; on Citation Цитирование Cited Ostroumov S.A. 2005. Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders. Hydrobiologia 542: 275-286. Full text free:;

on 4/7/18

цитирование книги #Яблоков А., #Остроумов С.#Уровни #охраны #живой #природы. on цитирование книги: член-корр. РАН Яблоков А.В., Остроумов С.А. (МГУ) Уровни охраны живой природы. Полный текст книги бесплатно: ;
Опубликовано 14 hours ago  
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Achievements. Environmental science, ecology, water quality, aquatic ecology, ecotoxicology, biogeochemistry; Notifications from web to Sergei Ostroumov; ResearchGate; Moscow State University results: Week ending April 15th, 2018;

Achievements. Environmental science, ecology, water quality, aquatic ecology, ecotoxicology, biogeochemistry;

Notifications from web to Sergei Ostroumov;


Moscow State University results:

Week ending April 15th, 2018;

Your article reached 20 reads
New material, lecture course on environmental monitoring. Summary of papers published in 2017.; - Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, 2017, 24: 6-17.

Your article reached 50 reads
Качество и кондиционирование воды в природных экосистемах ( разработка теории биологических механизмов самоочищения воды.

Your article reached 20 reads
Новые аспекты роли организмов и детрита в детоксицирующей системе биосферы.; Экологическая химия 2017, 26(6); 301–311. New Aspects of the Role of Organisms and Detritus in the Detoxification System of the Biosphere. Ecological Chemistry. Ekologicheskaya Khimiya.

Your article reached 400 reads
Phytotoxicity of a surfactant-containing product towards macrophytes; [Article in English];;

Your question reached 30 reads
I invite you to my project Who wants to follow, read it?

Your question reached 100 reads
How could man-made effects on ecosystems distort the normal way of how the organisms of the adjacent trophic levels interact with each other?

Your question reached 20 reads
Which ecology publications of Lomonosov Moscow State University worth being recommended by international experts?

Your question reached 10 reads
I invite you to my project Who wants to follow, read it?

Your article reached 400 reads
The synecological approach to the problem of eutrophication.;

Your conference paper reached 20 reads
Ecological factors of water purification and the role of zooplankton.; Экологические факторы очищения воды ироль зоопланктона.

Your article reached 300 reads
Biodiversity protection and quality of water: the role of feedbacks in ecosystems.

Your data reached 20 reads
in 2016, recommended publications of Moscow University, environmental science,; biology, ecology, water, ecotoxicology, pollution control, protection of the environment, bibliography, references, in Russian, in English, S.A.Ostroumov; 2016, рекомендуемые публикации МГУ, науки обокружающей среде, биология, вода, сохранение окружающей среды, охрана природы, экологическая безопасность, С.А.Остроумов;

Your data reached 600 reads
Cost of water in many countries, per 1 m3. France, Switzerland, Sweden, Hungary, Germany, Malaysia, Thailand, Algeria, Netherlands, Indonesia. Online discussion on ResearchGate.

Your data reached 200 reads
Article full text: Ostroumov S.A. 2016. Toxicity Testing of Chemicals without Use of Animals. - Russian Journal of General Chemistry, Vol. 86, № 13, p. 2933-2941.; (non-animal research, assessment of toxicity of chemicals, chemical pollutants, phytotest, phytotoxicity, plant seedlings, synthetic surfactants, detergents, environmental toxicology);

Your article reached 20 citations
Anthropogenic effects on the biota: Towards a new system of principles and criteria for analysis of ecological hazards.

Your question reached 350 reads
Who can help me in translating these 8 keywords (on water) from English into any other language?

Your question reached 50 reads
Were maximum acceptable toxicant concentrations (MATC) for bottom sediments calculated in aquatic toxicology?

Your question reached 250 reads
Which term do you like better when describing environmental issues : 1)pollutant, 2)ecotoxicant, 3)contaminant?

Your question reached 40 reads
Can shampoo be an environmental hazard to aquatic organisms?

Your question reached 10 reads
Where data on ecotoxicology of detergents could be found?

Your question reached 200 reads
Which term do you like better when describing environmental issues : 1)pollutant, 2)ecotoxicant, 3)contaminant?

Your question reached 10 reads
Which ecology publications of Lomonosov Moscow State University worth being recommended by international experts?

Your article reached 600 reads
О биотическом самоочищении водных экосистем. Элементы теории.; качество воды, очищение воды, улучшение качества воды, функционирование водных экосистем,

Your article reached 300 reads
Aquatic ecosystem as a bioreactor: Water purification and some other functions.;

Your data reached 20 reads
165 articles. Ecology, environment, water, ecotoxicology, biology, Moscow University, environmental sciences, list was prepared by Google Scholar, 28.08.2014.;

Your book reached 2,000 reads
Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, Vol. 20, 2015;; (environmental science, ecology, biology, aquatic systems);

With 1,853 new reads, your contributions were the most read contributions from your department

With 1,853 new reads, your contributions were the most read contributions from your institution

With 1,853 new reads, your contributions were the most read contributions from Semantics

With 149 new reads, your project updates were the most read project updates from Russia

With 350 new reads, your questions were the most read questions from your department

With 149 new reads, your project updates were the most read project updates from your institution

With 983 new reads, your research items were the most read research items from your department

With 183 new reads, your question was the most read question from your institution
Which term do you like better when describing environmental issues : 1)pollutant, 2)ecotoxicant, 3)contaminant?

With 149 new reads, your project updates were the most read project updates from your department

With 69 new reads, your book was the most read research item from your department
Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, Vol. 20, 2015;; (environmental science, ecology, biology, aquatic systems);

With 350 new reads, your questions were the most read questions from your institution

With 1,853 new reads, your contributions were the most read contributions from Phonology

With 183 new reads, your question was the most read question from your department
Which term do you like better when describing environmental issues : 1)pollutant, 2)ecotoxicant, 3)contaminant?

Your question reached 150 reads
Which variant of Chinese is more readable in the world - traditional or simplified?
Week ending April 8th, 2018

Your chapter reached 200 reads
Глава 3. Эколого-биохимические взаимодействия высших растений. Аллелопатия. В книге: Введение в проблемы биохимической экологии (авторы М.М.Телитченко, С.А.Остроумов, МГУ), Москва: Наука.;

Your data reached 100 reads
More than 100 full text ecology articles, environment, water, biology, full texts.

Your article reached 50 reads
Impact of anionic detergent on green protococcal algae and seedlings of some angiosperm plants.

Your question reached 150 reads
Which term do you like better when describing environmental issues : 1)pollutant, 2)ecotoxicant, 3)contaminant?

Your question reached 100 reads
Which term do you like better when describing environmental issues : 1)pollutant, 2)ecotoxicant, 3)contaminant?

Your book reached 100 reads
CHALLENGES OF GREEN ECONOMY: International Monograph: ;

Your conference paper reached 20 reads; V.I.Vernadsky's Principles of biogeochemistry as applied to hydrosphere and search for new princliples. Принципы биогеохимии В.И.Вернадского в приложении к гидросфере и поиск новых принципов.

Your article reached 200 reads
Criteria of ecological hazards due to anthropogenic effects on the biota: searching for a system.

Your question reached 50 reads
Which term do you like better when describing environmental issues : 1)pollutant, 2)ecotoxicant, 3)contaminant?

Your article reached 100 reads
Новые варианты определений понятий и терминов "экосистема" и "биогеоценоз".; // ДАН 2002, т.383, № 4, с. 571-574.

Your data reached 50 reads
Citation, Цитирование, environmental science, ecology,, об окружающей среде, экология, биология; 1006 publications. Who cited S.A.Ostroumov (his articles that were indexed by Web of Science and Scopus). Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, China, Italy, Spain, Australia, Greece, U.K., U.S., et al. Data: eLibrary, 21.02.2017. 111 p.

Your question reached 10 reads
Who can volunteer in improving key words in Chinese, for publications on ecology, environmental science, water?

Your question reached 2,500 reads
How much do you pay for 1 cubic m of water (please specify your location)?

Your question reached 20 reads
Which term do you like better when describing environmental issues : 1)pollutant, 2)ecotoxicant, 3)contaminant?

Your data reached 300 reads
On the book published, titled: Biological Effects of Surfactants. much info.; (environmental hazards of detergents, non-animal methods, toxicity assessment, synthetic surfactants, environmental toxicology, aquatic toxicology, bestseller in ecotoxicology);

Your question reached 10 reads
Who can give examples of dramatic pollution of freshwater ?

With 825 new reads, your research items were the most read research items from your department

With 1,320 new reads, your contributions were the most read contributions from your department

With 101 new reads, your book was the most read research item from your department
Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, Vol. 20, 2015;; (environmental science, ecology, biology, aquatic systems);

With 201 new reads, your questions were the most read questions from your department

With 201 new reads, your questions were the most read questions from your institution

With 74 new reads, your question was the most read question from your department
How much do you pay for 1 cubic m of water (please specify your location)?

With 51 new reads, your project updates were the most read project updates from your department

With 1,320 new reads, your contributions were the most read contributions from your institution

With 74 new reads, your question was the most read question from your institution
How much do you pay for 1 cubic m of water (please specify your location)?

With 825 new reads, your research items were the most read research items from your institution

Your article reached 10 citations
Biodiversity protection and water quality: the role of feedbacks in ecosystems. Doklady Biological Sciences, in English,

Your article reached 10 citations
A new type of effect of potentially hazardous substances: uncouplers of pelagial–benthal coupling.

Your article reached 900 reads; Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in processes leading to water purification: Current conceptualizations and concluding remarks; DOI: 10.1023/A:1015555022737;

Your article reached 200 reads

Your question reached 10 reads
Do you think that cryopreservation of frozen human bodies and their returning to life is possible?
Week ending April 1st, 2018

Your article reached 1,500 reads
On the Biotic Self-purification of Aquatic Ecosystems: Elements of the Theory.;

Your question reached 40 reads
Where to get information on environmental science achievements in BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa)?

Your data reached 700 reads
103 full texts at Researchgate. Environment, ecology, biology

Your data reached 20 reads
Book. 1st page.; Orlov S.N., Kotelevtsev S.V., Novikov K.N., Selishcheva A.A., Akimova O.A., Ostroumov S.A. Biophysics, biochemistry, biosystem studies. Fundamental research and applications: Results and bibliography. - Moscow, 2014, 188 p. (Eds: Orlov S.N., Kotelevtsev S.V., Ostroumov S.A.);

Your article reached 1,000 reads; Inhibitory analysis of top-down control: New keys to studying eutrophication, algal blooms, and water self-purification. Hydrobiologia; DOI: 10.1023/A:1015559123646;

Your question reached 30 reads
What is the relation between terms: seston and suspended particles?

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How much do you pay for 1 cubic m of water (please specify your location)?

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Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, Vol. 20, 2015;; (environmental science, ecology, biology, aquatic systems);

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How much do you pay for 1 cubic m of water (please specify your location)?

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New citation of Russian and a joint Russian-U.S. research, Ostroumov S.A.;

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What is the relation between terms: seston and suspended particles?

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Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, Vol. 20, 2015;; (environmental science, ecology, biology, aquatic systems);

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What is the relation between terms: seston and suspended particles?
Week ending March 25th, 2018

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Aquatic ecosystem as a bioreactor: Water purification and some other functions.;

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Современные проблемы состояния и эволюции таксонов биосферы. М.: ГЕОХИ РАН, 2017. 495 с.; (Тр. Биогеохим. лаб.; Т. 26).

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Абакумов В.А. Новое в изучении современных проблем наук об окружающей среде и экологии, включая исследования водных экосистем и организмов // Успехи наук о жизни. 2012. No. 5, p. 121-126.; translation of title: New results in the study of modern problems of environmental science and ecol¬ogy, including research on water ecosystems and organisms.

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10 Discoveries, Innovations:; KEY DISCOVERIES in ecology, environmental sciences, water quality, hydrobiology, limnology, biological oceanography, selected: with links to full texts on ResearchGate; with keywords in En, Ru, Fr, Ge, Sp, Ch, and other languages; 12 pages;

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Организмы иметоды (Глава 2). В кн.: Biological effects of surfactants on organisms (book). Chapter 2. Organisms and methods.; текст Главы 2 книги «Биологические эффекты при воздействии поверхностно-активных веществ на организмы», Москва, МАКС-Пресс, 2001, с.37-56; [общее число страниц в книге 334 c.], С.А.Остроумов:

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The concept of aquatic biota as a labile and vulnerable component of the water self-purification system / Russian edition, in Russian language: Концепция водной биоты как лабильного и уязвимого звена системы самоочищения воды.

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380 articles and books; 380 top Publications, Awards.; S.A. Ostroumov, Moscow University; Publications (with links) and Awards, data from ResearchGate, updated 19.11.2017; environmental sciences, biology, ecology, water, biogeochemistry, экология, вода,

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How much do you pay for 1 cubic m of water (please specify your location)?

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How much do you pay for 1 cubic m of water (please specify your location)?

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Were maximum acceptable toxicant concentrations (MATC) for bottom sediments calculated in aquatic toxicology?

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What are future prospects for using sorption and biosorption for environmental technology to treat polluted water?
Week ending March 18th, 2018

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Electrogenesis by bacteriorhodopsin incorporated in a planar phospholipid membrane.

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Medium-Term and Long-Term Priorities in Ecological Studies.

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Глава 2. Эколого-биохимические взаимодействия с участием грибов и водорослей (и некоторых прокариот). В книге: Телитченко М.М., Остроумов С.А. Введение в проблемы биохимической экологии: биотехнология, сельское хозяйство, охрана среды. М.: Наука.;

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Which factors control the populations of plankton (including phytoplankton) in aquatic ecosystems?

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Оглавление книги: Современные тенденции развития биогеохимии (ред. В.В. Ермаков), 2016.;

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On the Multifunctional Role of the Biota in the Self-Purification of Aquatic Ecosystems. ; Russian Journal of Ecology ;

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40 publications complètes texte de l'écologie, titres des publications, en français, en anglais

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Making water supply sources more safe and sustainable

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Water self-purification + Ostroumov, 100 search results,; publications on ResearchGate; 100 publications of Sergei A. Ostroumov that mentioned water self-purification; these publications created a new productive and consistent theory;

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Who wants to give opinion on this article on biological detritus in water ecosystems??

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160+ articles - environmental sciences, life sciences;;

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How much do you pay for 1 cubic m of water (please specify your location)?

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How much do you pay for 1 cubic m of water (please specify your location)?

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Who can give examples of water pollution with chemicals that can induce cancer?

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CHALLENGES OF GREEN ECONOMY: International Monograph: ;

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Преобразование и детоксикация организмами среды обитания // Труды Биогеохимической лаборатории (Тр. Биогеохим. лаб.); 2016, Т. 25, с. 283-293.;

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CHALLENGES OF GREEN ECONOMY: International Monograph: ;
Week ending March 11th, 2018

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Who are the most prominent figures in environmental science and protection, water science, in South Korea?

Your article reached 900 reads; Inhibitory analysis of top-down control: New keys to studying eutrophication, algal blooms, and water self-purification. Hydrobiologia; DOI: 10.1023/A:1015559123646;

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Which publications on the role of filter-feeders in ecosystem services could be recommended?

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Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis. Boca Raton, London, New York. 2006. 279 p.,; Bibliogr. on pages 203-243 and 250-253. Subject Index: p.255-279. ISBN 0-8493-2526-9. ISBN 13: 9780849325267.

With 904 new reads, your contributions were the most read contributions from Russia

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Water self-purification, research results, Moscow State University, innovative theory, Sergei A. Ostroumov, Вода, очищение, воды, самоочищение, ** 📷ARTICLE: On the Biotic Self-purification of Aquatic Ecosystems: Elements of the Theory. On-the-biotic-self-purification-of-aquatic-ecosystems-elements-of-the-theory;; Data File available Jan 2014 📷 Sergei A. Ostroumov ; New conceptualization of how all biodiversity of the aquatic organisms functions together toward up-grading water quality; NEW THEORY OF AQUATIC ECOSYSTEM FUNCTION: KEY TO WATER SAFETY. Ostroumov S.A. On the Biotic Self-purification of Aquatic Ecosystems: Elements of the Theory. - Doklady Biological Sciences. 2004, v.396, No.1-6; pp.206-211. online free:; ** The conclusions of this article were confirmed in other publications of this author. Many other relevant, related publications - references, links, comments - see here: article: Biological filters are an important part of the biosphere // Science in Russia. 2009. No. 2, p. 30-36. This paper reviews the multi-year research of aquatic organisms: the organisms which are filter-feeders. The research was done by Dr. Sergei A. Ostroumov in U.K., Russia, Ukraine, Moldova. New facts on the substancial role of the filter-feeders in improving water quality. New aspects of environmental hazards from chemical pollution, especially by surfactants and detergents. ; Download 125 Reads 8 Citations 📷 Source On the Biotic Self-purification of Aquatic Ecosystems: Elements of the Theory.; Article Full-text available Nov 2004 Doklady Biological Sciences 📷Sergei A. Ostroumov ** Attention: there is a misprint in this article, the word 'pumps' was printed with a spelling mistake. The readers are advised to understand this. ** ABSTRACT: Ostroumov S.A. On the biotic self-purification of aquatic ecosystems: elements of the theory. - Doklady Biological Sciences, 2004, Vol. 396, Numbers 1-6, pp. 206-211. Available from: [accessed Jul 21, 2017]. PMID: 15354827 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]; ; This article ranks high among all papers in this peer-reviewed journal (ranking: altmetrics). This paper is on the short prestigious, honorable list 'Top papers, books on aquatic ecology, ecotoxicology' at the largest global catalog, WorldCatalog [source:]. This fundamental and innovative article was cited and commented favorably by scientists in many countries.A Diploma (Academy of Water Sciences) – a certificate of high scientific quality - was awarded to the series of publications (on ecology, environmental science) including this article:; The paper was bookmarked by members of ResearchGate. On the biotic self-purification of aquatic ecosystems: elements of the theory. - Doklady Biological Sciences, V. 396, 2004, p. 206–211. (Translated from Doklady Akademii Nauk, V.396, No.1, 2004, p.136–141). ** Attention: there is a misprint in this article, the word 'pumps' was printed with a spelling mistake. The readers are advised to understand this. ** ABSTRACT: On the biotic self-purification of aquatic ecosystems: elements of the theory. - Doklady Biological Sciences, 2004, Vol. 396, Numbers 1-6, pp. 206-211. This article presents a system of elements of a new theory of biotic maintaining the natural purification potential of aquatic ecosystems. The fundamental elements are formulated for a qualitative theory of the multifunctional (polyfunctional) role of the biota in improving water quality and doing self-purification of water in aquatic ecosystems. The elements of the theory covers the following: the sources of energy for the mechanisms of water self-purification; the main functional blocks of the system of self-purification; the system of the main processes that are involved; the analysis of the degree of participation of the main large taxa; the reliability of the mechanisms of water self-purification; regulation of the processes; the response of the mechanisms of water self-purification towards the external influences (man-made impacts, pollution); and some conclusions relevant to the practice of environment protection. In support of the theory, the results are given of the author's experiments which demonstrated the ability of some pollutants (surfactants, detergents, and some others) to inhibit the water filtration activity of aquatic invertebrate filter-feeders, namely, the bivalve mollusks, including mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis, Mytilus edulis, and oysters Crassostrea gigas. This paper is on the short prestigious, honorable list 'Top papers, books on aquatic ecology, ecotoxicology' at the largest global catalog, WorldCatalog [source:]. This article was cited and commented favorably by scientists in Europe, N.America and Asia. A Diploma (Academy of Water Sciences) – a certificate of high scientific quality - was awarded to the series of publications (on ecology, environmental science) including this article:; The paper was bookmarked by members of ResearchGate. DOI: 10.1023/B:DOBS.0000033278.12858.12;; full text free: ; On citation of the article: On the Biotic Self-purification of Aquatic Ecosystems: Elements of the Theory Citation Context (example, selected): ...Consequently, it is important to estimate the self-treatment potential of the natural water bodies exposed to such high technogenic loads [7]... B. M. Dolgonosov, et al. Kinetics of the enzymatic decomposition of macromolecules with a fract... ** This paper has a double impact as it is in the journal that is being published in 2 languages. The Russian version of this paper is published / русскоязычный вариант этой статьи опубликован здесь, в журнале "Доклады академии наук", полный текст: ; ** Review of article. On the Biotic Self-purification of Aquatic Ecosystems: Elements of the Theory. This is a review written by an independent expert, published online, on the web-site of WorldCatalog (WorldCat), the global biggest library catalog.; Key words: ECOLOGY, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, WATER SAFETY, toxicology, ecotoxicology, surfactants, detergents, filter-feeders, water, filtration, self-purification, water quality, aquatic, ecosystem, On the Biotic Self-purification of Aquatic Ecosystems: Elements of the Theory ( Article); Title of the review: Fundamental top paper: a new useful theory of water ecosystem function. (2014-06-10) [Rating of the paper: Excellent]; Review by Professor_S.K. (published on WorldCat): This is a fundamental top paper. The paper presented fundamental elements of a new useful theory of water ecosystem function. This is a theory of how aquatic ecosystem functions towards improving water quality (water self-purification). In terms of fundamental ecology and pure science, it is a solid contribution to finding secrets of ecosystem stability and self-organization. In terms of applied science, this is a useful contribution to scientific understanding of the vital ecosystem service, namely, maintaining water quality (making it clean and clear). This is a contribution to environmental safety, water sustainability. The paper created an ecological theory of biological self-purification of water, in other words, the theory of multi-functional role of the biota (sum of organisms) in water purification and pollution control. More recent publications by the same author, a Fulbright Award winning researcher with experience of doing research in best laboratories of U.S., U.K., Russia, and other countries, confirmed this theory. More detailed explanation of the useful role of this paper please find here: [3 Innovations IN ECOLOGY, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, WATER SAFETY (with references, links to full texts of the papers, many pictures)]:; The paper under the review was ahead of its time. I predict that it will be cited more and more in future. I give my very strong recommendations. I recommend this paper to all who are interested in innovations and future progress of ecology, water science, freshwater and marine biology, water quality, environmental safety and sustainability. The reference: On the biotic self-purification of aquatic ecosystems: elements of the theory. - Doklady Biological Sciences, V. 396, 2004, p. 206–211. The full text of this paper is available online free: ; Availability in libraries: According to WorldCat, this article is available in 707 libraries worldwide (from the U.S. to Netherlands, and New Zealand);; On the journal: Doklady Biological Sciences is a bimonthly journal presenting English translations of current Russian research in the anatomy, cytology, ecology, embryology, endocrinology, evolutionary morphology, experimental morphology, genetic, histology, hydrobiology, immunology, microbiology, morphology, parasitology, physiology, virology, and zoology sections of the Doklady Akademii Nauk (Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences). The Proceedings appear 36 times per year; articles from the selected biological sections are collected, translated, and published bimonthly. Editor-in-Chief: Vladimir E. Fortov, President, Russian Academy of Sciences; ISSN: 0012-4966 (print version); ISSN: 1608-3105 (electronic version); Journal no. 10630 (on list of Springer Press peer-reviewed journals);; ** key words: theory, polyfunctional role, biota, improving water quality, self-purification, aquatic ecosystems, sources of energy, mechanisms of water self-purification; functional blocks, reliability, man-made impacts, pollution; environment protection, pollutants, surfactants, detergents, filtration activity, marine, filter-feeders, suspension feeders, bivalve mollusks, mussels, Mytilus galloprovincialis, Mytilus edulis, oysters, Crassostrea gigas, environmental safety, sustainable use, aquatic resources, sustainability, Download 1,433 Reads 28 Citations Sergei A. Ostroumov commented on this data 📷Source Article published, titled: On the Biotic Self-purification of Aquatic Ecosystems: Elements of the Theory. Doklady Biological Sciences, V.396, 2004, p.206–211. Data File available Dec 2013 📷 Sergei A. Ostroumov Article published, titled: On the Biotic Self-purification of Aquatic Ecosystems: Elements of the Theory. Doklady Biological Sciences, V.396, 2004, p.206–211.; Approval of independent expert: Aissa Derhem upvoted this publication. doi: 10.1023/B:DOBS.0000033278.12858.12;; full text is online free: More than 4,000 views on January 10, 2014; Full text of an innovative publication: paper (opinion paper). In this paper, fundamentals of a new ecological theory were formulated. This theory explains how aquatic ecosystems contribute to improving water quality, making water clean and clear. FAQ on the paper: S. A. Ostroumov. On the Biotic Self-purification of Aquatic Ecosystems: Elements of the Theory. — Doklady Biological Sciences. 2004. v.396, pp.206-211.; full text is online free: •Question. Self-purification. What is self-purification? •Answer: Self-purification is the complex process, or, more precisely, a set of natural processes in aquatic ecosystems, which lead to improving or maintaining water quality. Another term with a similar, but not completely the same meaning: assimilative capacity. •Question. What kind of journal had published this paper? •Answer: This journal, Doklady Biological Sciences, is a high rank journal that is indexed by PubMed and Web of Science. More detail on the journal see at the site, free: •Question: How broad is the geographical range of the area of potential relevance and application of the conclusions that were made in the paper? •Answer: Just look on where the paper was cited: it was cited by the authors of other scientific articles who conducted their research in Europe, North America, and Asia (e.g., in China). •Question: Where the results and conclusions of the paper could be applied? •Answer: the results presented in the paper could be applied in explaining and predicting the behaviour of aquatic ecosystems, in securing the safety of the sources of water supply, in protecting biodiversity of aquatic organisms, in aquaculture, and in education. •Question: There is a question on the method that was used in some related publications of the same author. In some of his experiments, he studied how bivalve mollusks (mussels and others) remove suspended matter from aquatic environment. In some of these experiments the suspended matter was the cells of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Why? •Answer: This was just a matter of convenience in doing the experiment. Other authors used very unusual materials as suspended matter in analogous experiments. All types of suspended matter worked. It was shown that all types of suspended matter were being removed by bivalve mollusks from aquatic environment. In additional experiments with bivalve mollusks (mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis), the author of these series of papers compared the filtration and removal rate of two types of suspended matter: first, the cells of phytoplankton algae, and second, the cells of of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The result of the experiment: both types of suspended matter were removed with the same rate, the kinetics of the decrease of the amount of cells in water were the same. This experiment made a scientific rationale for using the suspension of the yeast cells. •Question: Is this paper available in other languages different from English? •Answer: Yes, it is available in Russian, see: On the biotic self-purification of aquatic ecosystems: elements of the theory. — DAN (Doklady Akademii Nauk), Vol. 396, 2004, No. 1, p. 136–141. [System of elements of the theory of biotic maintaining the natural purification potential of ecosystems]. The paper was awarded the honorary Diploma from the Academy of Water Sciences (2006). In Russ., (translated into Eng. and published in: Doklady Biological Sciences) •Question: which other publications provide more detail on the issues covered in this paper? •Answer: those publications are available on the sites that are listed here: •Online, Free. 24 Environmental science publications. Titles with links. (Tags: aquatic pollution, chemicals, ecology, ecosystem health, water filtration, environmental hazards, water self-purification, testing, toxicology): • SpringerLink: • •; •; •; •Question: where this paper was cited? Answer: Some examples are below: •Example 1: •Estimation of critical nutrient amounts based on input-output analysis in an agriculture watershed of eastern China [PDF] from DJ Chen, J Lu, YN Shen, RA Dahlgren… — Agriculture, Ecosystems & …, 2009 — Elsevier The concept of critical nutrient amounts (CNA) for a watershed was developed to address eutrophication in surface waters from diffuse (non-point) source pollution. CNA is defined as the maximum allowable applied or generated amount (AGA) of a nutrient from natural and human sources that ... — All 4 versions •Example 2: •Self-Purification of Water Current and the Role of Microbiological Transformation of Organic Matter in the System of the Selenga River and Its Delta EO Makushkin… — Doklady Biological Sciences, 2005 — Springer The purpose of this study was to determine the self- purification elements of the water current of the Selenga River, the main water source of Lake Baikal, in its lower reaches. For this purpose, we analyzed our own data on the effects of pollutants, including organic ... ** Download 209 Reads 2 Citations Sergei A. Ostroumov commented on this data 📷Source Review of article: On the Biotic Self-purification of Aquatic Ecosystems. Elements of the Theory.; DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.33633.10089; Data File available Apr 2015 📷Sergei A. Ostroumov 📷 WorldCat 📷independent expert; Review of article: On the Biotic Self-purification of Aquatic Ecosystems. Elements of the Theory.; DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.33633.10089; Review of article. On the Biotic Self-purification of Aquatic Ecosystems: Elements of the Theory. This is a review written by an independent expert, published online, on the web-site of WorldCatalog (WorldCat), the global biggest library catalog.; Key words: ECOLOGY, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, WATER SAFETY, toxicology, ecotoxicology, surfactants, detergents, filter-feeders, water, filtration, self-purification, water quality, aquatic, ecosystem, On the Biotic Self-purification of Aquatic Ecosystems: Elements of the Theory. Article. The title of the review of this article: Fundamental top paper: a new useful theory of water ecosystem function. (2014-06-10) [Rating of the paper: Excellent]; by Professor_S.K. The text of the review: This is a fundamental top paper. The paper presented fundamental elements of a new useful theory of water ecosystem function. This is a theory of how aquatic ecosystem functions towards improving water quality (water self-purification). In terms of fundamental ecology and pure science, it is a solid contribution to finding secrets of ecosystem stability and self-organization. In terms of applied science, this is a useful contribution to scientific understanding of the vital ecosystem service, namely, maintaining water quality (making it clean and clear). This is a contribution to environmental safety, water sustainability. The paper created an ecological theory of biological self-purification of water, in other words, the theory of multi-functional role of the biota (sum of organisms) in water purification and pollution control. More recent publications by the same author, a Fulbright Award winning researcher with experience of doing research in best laboratories of U.S., U.K., Russia, and other countries, confirmed this theory. More detailed explanation of the useful role of this paper please find here: [3 Innovations IN ECOLOGY, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, WATER SAFETY (with references, links to full texts of the papers, many pictures)]:; The paper under the review was ahead of its time. I predict that it will be cited more and more in future. I give my very strong recommendations. I recommend this paper. [the end of the review] Review of article: On the Biotic Self-purification of Aquatic Ecosystems. Elements of the Theory.. Available from: [accessed Apr 10, 2015]. Correction of a mistake in spelling of one of the words in this paper: in the title of the section 2.2 of this paper the word 'pumps' is incorrectly printed as 'pimps'. This is a mistake. The title of the section 2.2 is: 2.2. Mechanisms of transferring of pumping chemical substances from one ecological compartment to another (pumps). Download 67 Reads 1 Citation Sergei A. Ostroumov commented on this data 📷Source Citation, 2017, Japan, Indonesia:; 2 papers of S.Ostroumov (Mosc.Univ.). “Effect of Syntetic Surfactants on Hydrobiological Mechanisms of Water Self - Purification”; “ Biotic Self - purification of Aquatic Ecosystems: Elemen Data File available Apr 2017 📷 Yonik Meilawati Yustiani 📷 Imas Komariah 📷 Sergei A. Ostroumov Citation, 2017, Japan, Indonesia: Citation of 2 papers of researcher S.A.Ostroumov from Moscow University. “The Effect of Syntetic Surfactants on the Hydrobiological Mechanisms of Water Self - Purification”; “On the Biotic Self - purification of Aquatic Ecosystems: Elements of the Theory ”; Цитирование ученого МГУ. Russian papers (Ostroumov SA, “The Effect of Syntetic Surfactants on the Hydrobiological Mechanisms of Water Self - Purification”, Water Resources, September 2004, volume 31, Issue 5, pp 502 - 510; Ostroumov SA, “On the Biotic Self - purification of Aquatic Ecosystems: Elements of the Theory ”, Doklady Biological Sciences, Vol. 396, 2004, pp. 206-211); these 2 papers were cited in: International Journal of GEOMATE , June , 2017, Vol .12, Issue 34 , pp. 45 - 50; ** The 2 papers that were cited: Ostroumov SA, “The Effect of Syntetic Surfactants on the Hydrobiological Mechanisms of Water Self - Purification” Water Resources September 2004, volume 31, Issue 5, pp 502 - 510; Full text:; Ostroumov SA, “On the Biotic Self - purification of Aquatic Ecosystems: Elements of the Theory ”, Doklady Biological Sciences, Vol. 396, 2004, pp. 206-211;;; ** This Russian papers were cited in: INVESTIGATION ON THE BIODEGRADATION CAPACITY OF URBAN RIVERS IN JAKARTA, INDONESIA; *Yonik Meilawati Yustiani 1, and Imas Komariah 2; 1 Department of Environmental Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Pasundan University, Indonesia; 2 Faculty of Environmental Engineering, the University of Kitakyushu, Japan; *Corresponding Author, Received: 7 June2016, Revised:14 July 2016, Accepted: 27 Jan. 2017; ABSTRACT: Jakarta is a city with dense population and various activities causing the heavy pressure to the environment. Domestic and non-domestic activities are generating pollution to its rivers. The water bodyactually has itself a self natural purification capability. The characteristic of the river water quality will affectthis pollution degradation process. This research is conducted to examine the biodegradation capacity of Jakarta’s rivers. Water quality data of 23 rivers were collected for the time period of 2011 to 2015. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) concentrations are then beingused to calculate the BOD/COD ratio. The calculation results show that during the period time of 2011-2013 the ratio ranges between 0.36 and 0.63, which indicates that the rivers have average biodegradation capability. However, the 2014 year’s data show that almost all of the rivers have ratio less than 0.2, indicating the no-biodegradation capability. Existence of metals can also inhibit the biodegradation process. The water quality data shows significant increase of metals in the year of 2014, especially Copper and Zinc in several rivers. Surfactant was also observed in extremely high concentration. Thus, most of the Jakarta’s rivers have relatively low capability in biodegradation capacity and self purification capability. Although the latest yeardata shows an improvement, yet the BOD/COD ratio is still in the range of slow of biodegradation capacity. Keywords: biodegradation capacity, BOD/COD ratio, self purification, ** International Journal of GEOMATE , June , 2017 , Vol .12 Issue 34 , pp. 45 - 50; Geo tec., Const. Mat. & Env., ISSN:2186 - 2990 , Japan , DOI: 2017.34. 2665; ** Download 89 Reads 📷Source On the Biotic Self-purification of Aquatic Ecosystems: Elements of the Theory. - Doklady Biological Sciences, v.396, pp.206-211, Article Full-text available Jan 2004 Doklady Biological Sciences 📷 Sergei A. Ostroumov; This fundamental and innovative article was cited and commented favorably by scientists in many countries, and inter alia, by Professor V.A. Abakumov (2013), the leading expert in aquatic ecology in Russian Federation, and Chair, Department of Ecology, an international university in the Moscow Region. A Diploma (Academy of Water Sciences) – a certificate of high scientific quality - was awarded to the series of publications (on ecology, environmental science) including this article:; Ostroumov S.A. On the Biotic Self-purification of Aquatic Ecosystems: Elements of the Theory. - Doklady Biological Sciences.2004, v.396, p. 206-211. DOI: 10.1023/B:DOBS.0000033278.12858.12; Full text free:;; (Translated from DAN, V.396, No.1, 2004, p.136–141). Fundamental elements are formulated for a new qualitative theory of the polyfunctional role of the biota in improving water quality and doing self-purification of water in aquatic ecosystems. The elements of the theory covers the following: sources of energy for the mechanisms of water self-purification; the main functional blocks of the system of self-purification; the system of the main processes that are involved; the analysis of the degree of participation of the main large taxa; the reliability of the mechanisms of water self-purification; regulation of the processes; the response of the mechanisms of water self-purification towards the external influences (man-made impacts, pollution); and some conclusions relevant to the practice of environment protection. In support of the theory, the results are given of the author's experiments which demonstrated the ability of some pollutants (surfactants, detergents, and some others) to inhibit the water filtration activity of marine filter-feeders, namely, the bivalve mollusks Mytilus galloprovincialis, Mytilus edulis, and Crassostrea gigas. ISSN 0012-4966 (Print) 1608-3105 (Online). Distributed by Springer, DOI: 10.1023/B:DOBS.0000033278.12858.12;;;; See also: Download 134 Reads 3 Citations 📷 Source Citation of the top article on water self-purification, On the biotic self-purification of aquatic ecosystems: elements of the theory. Ostroumov S.A. Data File available Jan 2015 📷 Sergei A. Ostroumov 📷international scientists Citation of this article on aquatic ecology: On the biotic self-purification of aquatic ecosystems: elements of the theory **

With 108 new reads, your project updates were the most read project updates from your department

With 82 new reads, your question was the most read question from your department
How much do you pay for 1 cubic m of water (please specify your location)?

With 82 new reads, your question was the most read question from your institution
How much do you pay for 1 cubic m of water (please specify your location)?

With 269 new reads, your questions were the most read questions from your department

With 527 new reads, your research items were the most read research items from your department

Your question reached 10 reads
Who can give examples of surface aquatic ecosystems (water bodies, streams) that are used for water supply to provide freshwater for cities?
Week ending March 4th, 2018

Your article reached 800 reads; Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in processes leading to water purification: Current conceptualizations and concluding remarks; DOI: 10.1023/A:1015555022737;

Your book reached 200 reads
Охрана живой природы: проблемы и перспективы. Яблоков А.В., Остроумов С.А.

Your article reached 20 reads; Water Quality and Conditioning in Natural Ecosystems: Biomachinery Theory of Self-Purification of Water

Your question reached 10 reads
Who wants to give opinion on this article on biological detritus in water ecosystems??

Your question reached 50 reads
Who wants to join me on this project on water quality improvement, Making water supply sources more safe and sustainable?

Your question reached 40 reads
Who wants to join me on this project on water quality improvement, Making water supply sources more safe and sustainable?

Your data reached 20 reads
Myriophyllum aquaticum

Your question reached 30 reads
Who wants to join me on this project on water quality improvement, Making water supply sources more safe and sustainable?

Your article reached 20 reads
Issues of the Study of Detritus in Aquatic Systems, ;

Your project reached 350 reads
Creation of a new scientific discipline, a new ecological science, namely, biochemical ecology

Your question reached 10 reads
Who wants to join me on this project on water quality improvement, Making water supply sources more safe and sustainable?

With 60 new reads, your question was the most read question from your institution
How much do you pay for 1 cubic m of water (please specify your location)?

With 99 new reads, your project updates were the most read project updates from your institution

With 382 new reads, your research items were the most read research items from your department

With 178 new reads, your questions were the most read questions from your institution

With 659 new reads, your contributions were the most read contributions from your department

With 178 new reads, your questions were the most read questions from your department

With 99 new reads, your project updates were the most read project updates from your department

With 60 new reads, your question was the most read question from your department
How much do you pay for 1 cubic m of water (please specify your location)?

Your question reached 10 reads
Who can recommend top publications on ecotoxicology of Mytilus galloprovincialis?
Week ending February 25th, 2018

Your question reached 100 reads
What are the primary priorities in environmental science, and ecology in particular?

Your data reached 50 reads
Feachured 9 publications:; environmental science, ecology, improvement of water quality, biology, selected; a Moscow University researcher,

Your question reached 30 reads
Who are the most prominent figures in environmental science and protection, water science, in South Korea?

Your question reached 20 reads
Who are the most prominent figures in environmental science and protection, water science, in South Korea?

With 55 new reads, your question was the most read question from your department
How much do you pay for 1 cubic m of water (please specify your location)?

With 202 new reads, your questions were the most read questions from your department

With 654 new reads, your contributions were the most read contributions from your department

With 44 new reads, your project updates were the most read project updates from your department

With 55 new reads, your question was the most read question from your institution
How much do you pay for 1 cubic m of water (please specify your location)?

With 44 new reads, your project updates were the most read project updates from your institution

With 408 new reads, your research items were the most read research items from your department

With 202 new reads, your questions were the most read questions from your institution

Your question reached 20 reads
Do you agree with the prognostication that water issues will become even more urgent within next 10-15 years?

Your question reached 10 reads
Who are the most prominent figures in environmental science and protection, water science, in South Korea?

Your question reached 10 reads
Do you agree with the prognostication that water issues will become even more urgent within next 10-15 years?
Week ending February 18th, 2018

Your question reached 30 reads
Is it possible to apply the term 'detritus' to POM (particulate organic matter) and DOM (dissolved organic matter) in water?

Your article reached 400 reads
Водная экосистема: крупноразмерный диверсифицированный биореактор с функцией самоочищения воды. With addendum.

Your article reached 100 reads
Соломонова Е.А., Остроумов С.А. Воздействие додецилсульфата натрия на биомассу макрофитов Najas guadelupensis L. // Токсикологический вестник. 2009, № 2. с.32-34.;

Your book reached 200 reads
Загрязнение, самоочищение и восстановление водных экосистем.

With 757 new reads, your contributions were the most read contributions from your department

With 15 new reads, your project update was the most read project update from your department
Philippines: Citation of the article: Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders. Ostroumov S.A.,;

With 89 new reads, your project updates were the most read project updates from your department

With 173 new reads, your questions were the most read questions from your department

With 757 new reads, your contributions were the most read contributions from your institution

With 70 new reads, your question was the most read question from your department
How much do you pay for 1 cubic m of water (please specify your location)?

With 70 new reads, your question was the most read question from your institution
How much do you pay for 1 cubic m of water (please specify your location)?

With 495 new reads, your research items were the most read research items from your department

With 173 new reads, your questions were the most read questions from your institution

Your question reached 2,000 reads
How much do you pay for 1 cubic m of water (please specify your location)?

Your article reached 5 recommendations
The theory of the hydrobiological mechanism of water self-purification in water bodies: from theory to practice;; (water quality, aquatic biology, marine ecology, freshwater ecology);

Your data reached 20 reads
Feachured 9 publications:; environmental science, ecology, improvement of water quality, biology, selected; a Moscow University researcher,

Your article reached 300 reads

Your data reached 700 reads
The Comparative Roles of Suspension Feeders in Ecosystems.; (water quality, marine ecology, freshwater ecology, filter-feeders, water filtration by invertebrate animals),
Week ending February 11th, 2018

Your data reached 20 reads
Thalassiosira pseudonana

Your project reached 20 followers
Toward modernization, innovations in environmental science, ecology

Your chapter reached 400 reads
Глава 4. Некоторые аспекты эколого-биохимических взаимодействий растений и животных. В книге: Введение в проблемы биохимической экологии (авторы М.М.Телитченко, С.А.Остроумов, МГУ), Москва: Наука.

Your data reached 100 reads
Paper published,; Decreasing the Measurable Concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb in the Water of the Experimental Systems Containing Ceratophyllum demersum: The Phytoremediation Potential.

Your article reached 200 reads
An aquatic ecosystem: a large-scale diversified bioreactor with a water self-purification function. - Doklady Biological Sciences, 2000. Vol. 374, P. 514-516.; water quality improvement, water purification, self-purification, pollution control

With 752 new reads, your contributions were the most read contributions from your department

With 61 new reads, your question was the most read question from your department
How much do you pay for 1 cubic m of water (please specify your location)?

With 537 new reads, your research items were the most read research items from your institution

With 61 new reads, your question was the most read question from your institution
How much do you pay for 1 cubic m of water (please specify your location)?

With 157 new reads, your questions were the most read questions from your institution

With 752 new reads, your contributions were the most read contributions from your institution

With 58 new reads, your project updates were the most read project updates from your department

With 537 new reads, your research items were the most read research items from your department

With 157 new reads, your questions were the most read questions from your department

Your question reached 10 reads
Are there synonyms to the scientific term 'water self-purification', and which differences between these synonyms are important?

Your article reached 50 reads
New Aspects of the Role of Organisms and Detritus in the Detoxification System of the Biosphere; ; Russian Journal of General Chemistry, Ostroumov S.A.
Week ending February 4th, 2018

Your chapter reached 20 reads
Modernizing education in environmental science and ecology.;

Your data reached 5 recommendations
Studies Biosphere2017.79p.; Displaying results for “studies of the biosphere + 2017 + Ostroumov” under Publications, ResearchGate; 79 pages

Your data reached 50 reads
Загрязнение, самоочищение и восстановление водных экосистем. Книга.Аннотация.

Your book reached 100 reads
Роль биоты в экологических механизмах самоочищения воды. (Full text); Role of biota in ecological mechanisms of water self-purification. First page of the book, pages 1-4 of the book:;

Your data reached 600 reads
400 Рекомендуемых публикаций. Экология, окружающая среда. 2011-2015. Многие авторы. На русском языке, на английском языке. Библиография: цитирование, цитировали, автор цитируемых работ С.А.Остроумов:;

Your question reached 30 reads
Who can check and correct/edit the computer translation of this abstract from English into Chinese?

Your data reached 20 reads
Химические термины, chemical names, в главе 2 книги "Введение впроблемы биохимической экологии", Introduction to Problems of Biochemical Ecology. Название главы 2: Эколого-биохимические взаимодействия с участием грибов и водорослей (и некоторых прокариот); В книге: Телитченко М.М., Остроумов С.А. Введение в проблемы биохимической экологии: биотехнология, сельское хозяйство, охрана среды. М.: Наука.; Prokaryotes, fungi, algae,

With 62 new reads, your question was the most read question from your institution
How much do you pay for 1 cubic m of water (please specify your location)?

With 262 new reads, your questions were the most read questions from your institution

With 57 new reads, your project updates were the most read project updates from your department

With 531 new reads, your research items were the most read research items from your department

With 262 new reads, your questions were the most read questions from your department

With 850 new reads, your contributions were the most read contributions from your institution

With 62 new reads, your question was the most read question from your department
How much do you pay for 1 cubic m of water (please specify your location)?

With 850 new reads, your contributions were the most read contributions from your department

Your data reached 50 reads
In Chinese. 简短解释新结果简单格式):新事实谢尔盖环境科学出版物的新想法。 创新,主要成果。文章,Sergei Ostroumov.; Объяснение новых научных результатов в экологических публикациях. Сотрудник МГУ. Доктор биол. наук Сергей Андреевич Остроумов.

Your question reached 20 reads
What is the best global estimate of the amount of dead organic matter in water (in water column and on the bottom), in aquatic ecosystems?

Your question reached 30 reads
Shall future generations consider our negligent attitude to nature conservation as another form of barbarism?

Your data reached 300 reads
2762 автора в России цитировали публикации ученого МГУ (д.б.н. Сергея Андреевича Остроумова). Ктоцитировал. Who cited S.A.Ostroumov in Russia.; citation, цитирование;
Week ending January 28th, 2018

Your data reached 20 reads
Stats for the week. Environmental science,; Moscow University, S.Ostroumov, Report for week ending 12.11.2017; notification from Researchgate;

Your data reached 20 reads
Введение в проблемы биохимической экологии. Телитченко, С.А.Остроумов

Your data reached 20 reads

Your article reached 800 reads; Inhibitory analysis of top-down control: New keys to studying eutrophication, algal blooms, and water self-purification. Hydrobiologia; DOI: 10.1023/A:1015559123646;

With 104 new reads, your questions were the most read questions from your institution

With 502 new reads, your research items were the most read research items from your department

With 52 new reads, your question was the most read question from your department
How much do you pay for 1 cubic m of water (please specify your location)?

With 502 new reads, your research items were the most read research items from your institution

With 104 new reads, your questions were the most read questions from your department

With 27 new reads, your project updates were the most read project updates from your department

With 52 new reads, your question was the most read question from your institution
How much do you pay for 1 cubic m of water (please specify your location)?

With 633 new reads, your contributions were the most read contributions from your institution

With 633 new reads, your contributions were the most read contributions from your department

Your research items reached 100 recommendations

Your book reached 50 reads; Мелехова О.П., Сарапульцева Е.И., Евсеева Т.И., Глазер В.М., Гераськин С.А., Доронин Ю.К., Киташова А.А., Киташов А.В., Козлов Ю.П., Кондратьева И.А., Коссова Г.В., Котелевцев С.В., Маторин Д.Н., Остроумов С.А., Погосян С.И., Смуров А.В., Соловых Г.Н., Степанов, А.Л., Тушмалова Н.А., Цаценко Л.В. БИОЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ КОНТРОЛЬ ОКРУЖАЮЩЕЙ СРЕДЫ: БИОИНДИКАЦИЯ ИБИОТЕСТИРОВАНИЕ. М.: Академия, 2010. 228 с. Первые страницы книги.

Your data reached 20 reads
In Japanese, 40+ titles of ecology publications. 出版物のタイトル。 新規性と有用性の多くの説明では、 40+トップエコロジーペーパー、リンクRG、環境科学、毒物学、水の安全、水質、水生、生態毒性、公害防止、水の自己浄化、持続可能性、
Week ending January 21st, 2018

Your data reached 100 reads
Citation. 1006 publications cited S.Ostroumov's articles (ecology, water).; articles were indexed by Web of Science, Scopus. Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, China, Italy, U.K., U.S. List 111 pages. Data eLibrary. Цитирование. В 1006 публикациях упоминаются статьи С.Остроумова (экология, качество воды). Статьи проиндексированы Web of Science, Scopus. Россия, Украина, Беларусь, Китай, Италия, Испания, Австралия, США, США

Your data reached 20 reads
Daphnia magna image.;

Your article reached 20 reads
С. А. Остроумов. Тестирование токсичности химических веществ без использования животных // Экологическая химия. 2016, 25(1); 5–15;оценка токсичности химических веществ, химические загрязняющие вещества, фитотест, фитотоксичность, проростки растений, синтетические поверхностно-активные вещества, детергенты, токсикология окружающей среды, биоэтика, исследования, не связанные с животными);

Your data reached 50 reads
Citation in China. 4 Russian ecology papers (of S.A. Ostroumov) were cited in Journal of Ocean University of China:; DOI 10.13140/RG.2.1.3587.4721

Your data reached 300 reads
Inhibition of mussel suspension feeding by surfactants of three classes.; Hydrobiologia. 2006. Vol. 556. P. 381 – 386.

Your project reached 1,000 reads
Citation analysis of a series of relevant publications, topics: environmental science, general and aquatic ecology, selected issues of biology, authored, co-authored by Sergei A. Ostroumov

Your article reached 700 reads
The Role of Biodetritus in Accumulation of Elements in Aquatic Ecosystems:; DOI: 10.1134/S1995425510040016; [bottom sediments, gold, uranium];

Your question reached 100 reads
Which variant of Chinese is more readable in the world - traditional or simplified?

Your answer reached 5 recommendations
I liked this answer, see above: a day ago Isa Olalekan Elegbede Added an answer 1. Prepare 2. Look for relevant source of literature and information 3. Ensure you are mentally, physically and physiologically fit to conduct the lecture 4.Engage in proper planning and do rehearsals 5. Anticipate possible questions from the audience 6. Make sure the lecture is audience specific 7.Arrive at the lecture room early 8. Have a deep breath. 9. Start by creating informal atmosphere, by giving jokes, short films or familiarity with the audience . 10. At every point in time during the lecture ask for feedback and questions from the audience 11.Ask for input from the audience then simulate practical explanation . 12.. Give a summary of the lecture and possibly give out assignment ** However, I think the item 8 (see above) is optional, it is not necessary... Goog luck to all.

With 26 new reads, your project updates were the most read project updates from your department

With 47 new reads, your question was the most read question from your institution
How much do you pay for 1 cubic m of water (please specify your location)?

With 539 new reads, your contributions were the most read contributions from your institution

With 47 new reads, your question was the most read question from your department
How much do you pay for 1 cubic m of water (please specify your location)?

With 539 new reads, your contributions were the most read contributions from your department

With 399 new reads, your research items were the most read research items from your department

With 114 new reads, your questions were the most read questions from your institution

With 114 new reads, your questions were the most read questions from your department

With 399 new reads, your research items were the most read research items from your institution

Your question reached 50 reads
Are synthetic surfactants (key components of detergent mixtures) of environmental hazard?

Your question reached 20 reads
Who can recommend top publications on ecotoxicology of great pond snail, Lymnaea stagnalis?

Your data reached 20 reads
41 books: links, web-pages, conservation, ecotoxicology, biology, water, ecology, environmental science,; biogeochemistry, biosphere, Ostroumov S.A., in Russian, in English, in Spanish, in Polish, in Czech, in Bulgarian; книги (41), линки, веб-страницы, охрана природы, экология, биология, качество воды, Остроумов Сергей Андреевич,

Your book reached 50 reads
BIOLOGICAL Monitoring of ENVIRONMENT. BIOINDICATION and BIOTESTING;; Biologicheskii kontrol’ okruzhayushchei sredy. Bioindikatsiya i biotestirovanie; Биологический контроль окружающей среды: биоиндикация ибиотестирование; textbook for university students. Bibliography, References to three editions of the Russian book, with translation of the references into English.

Your article reached 300 reads
Decreasing the measurable concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb in the water of the experimental systems containing Ceratophyllum demersum: The phytoremediation potential.; DOI: 10.1134/S0012496609050159; water purification, heavy metal removal, pollution control;

Your data reached 50 reads
исследование напрудовиках Lymnaea stagnalis, объяснение:;
Week ending January 14th, 2018

Your book reached 400 reads
Современные проблемы состояния и эволюции таксонов биосферы. М.: ГЕОХИ РАН, 2017. 495 с.; (Тр. Биогеохим. лаб.; Т. 26).

Your book reached 2,500 reads
Biological Effects of Surfactants:; (environmental hazards of detergents, non-animal methods, toxicity assessment, synthetic surfactants, environmental toxicology, aquatic toxicology, bestseller in ecotoxicology);

Your question reached 30 reads
What are the most common New Year wishes in your country, especially when you send your wishes to colleagues in science?

Your data reached 100 reads
Ecological Studies Hazards Solutions. Vol. 19. 2013. pages 5-120.;

Your answer reached 5 recommendations
I enjoy teaching both practical courses and theoretical courses. I prefer both. Good luck and best wishes to all.

With 619 new reads, your contributions were the most read contributions from your institution

With 35 new reads, your question was the most read question from your department
How much do you pay for 1 cubic m of water (please specify your location)?

With 45 new reads, your project updates were the most read project updates from your department

With 35 new reads, your question was the most read question from your institution
How much do you pay for 1 cubic m of water (please specify your location)?

With 75 new reads, your questions were the most read questions from your department

With 499 new reads, your research items were the most read research items from your department

With 499 new reads, your research items were the most read research items from your institution

With 75 new reads, your questions were the most read questions from your institution

With 45 new reads, your project updates were the most read project updates from your institution

With 62 new reads, your article was the most read research item from your department
The Role of Biodetritus in Accumulation of Elements in Aquatic Ecosystems:; DOI: 10.1134/S1995425510040016; [bottom sediments, gold, uranium];

With 619 new reads, your contributions were the most read contributions from your department

With 619 new reads, your contributions were the most read contributions from Gaia Hypothesis
Week ending January 7th, 2018

Your book reached 200 reads
Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions. 2017. Volume 24,; Studies of Biosphere and Environment. Ed.: S.A.Ostroumov et al. Изучение биосферы и окружающей среды. Ред.: С.А.Остроумов идр.

Your data reached 20 reads
List of publications on ResearchGate; 06.09.2017,; with links. Sergei A. Ostroumov. Environmental science, Biology, Ecotoxicology.

Your data reached 20 reads
Simplified titles of 10 articles on water ecology, water quality improvement, aquatic ecotoxicology;;

Your article reached 900 reads
Биологический механизм самоочищения в природных водоемах и водотоках: теория и приложения.; (качество воды, очищение воды, самоочищение воды, борьба с загрязнением воды, охрана водных ресурсов);

Your answer reached 10 recommendations
I did not make all that I would like to do. Sorry, I am not satisfied 100%. However I worked hard. My publications are listed below. Good luck to all, my best wishes to all - Peace and Success in 2018!! ** 2017 Discovering new aspects of the role of biota in ecological mechanisms of water self-purification Ostroumov S.A. в журнале Newsletter of the Fullbright Program in Russia 2017 New material for the lecture course on environmental monitoring. A summary of some papers that were published in 2017 Ostroumov S.A., Kotelevtsev S.V. в журнале Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, том 24, с. 6-17 2017 New material for the lecture course on environmental safety. A summary of some papers that were published in 2017 Ostroumov S.A., Kotelevtsev S.V. в журнале Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, том 24, с. 18-29 2017 Биомасса (биоматериал ЕС-1) уменьшает концентрацию меди в воде: измерение методом ААСКирюшин А.В., Тропин И.В., Остроумов С.А. в журналеEcological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, том 24, с. 87-92 2017 Биохимические и биофизические подходы к анализу факторов, влияющих накачество воды. Исследования ферментативной активности Садчиков А.П., Котелевцев С.В., Орлов С.Н., Остроумов С.А. в журнале Экология промышленного производства Межотраслевой научно-практическийжурнал, № 4, с. 44-48 2017 Изучение альгогенного происхождения планктонного детрита Садчиков А.П., Котелевцев С.В., Остроумов С.А. в журнале BLACK SEA SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH, том 19, № 4, с. 31-36 2017 Изучение количества детритных частиц и размерной структуры детрита в пресноводных водоемах Садчиков А.П., Котелевцев С.В., Остроумов С.А. в журнале The Caucasus, том 18, № 3, с. 50-53 2017 Исследование количественных характеристик детрита в водных экосистемах Садчиков А.П., Котелевцев С.В., Остроумов С.А. в журнале В печ. (Сам.Л.) 2017 Качество воды в поверхностных экосистемах и протеолитическая активность в водной среде Садчиков А.П., Котелевцев С.В., Остроумов С.А. в журнале BLACK SEA SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH, том 19, № 4, с. 37-40 2017 Количественные исследования детрита в водной среде пресноводных экосистем в связи с вопросами качества воды Садчиков А.П., Котелевцев С.В., Остроумов С.А. в журнале ВОДА MAGAZINE, № 7 (119), с. 8-11 2017 Некоторые вопросы изучения детрита в водных экосистемах Садчиков А.П., Остроумов С.А. в журнале Экологическая химия, издательство Теза (СПб.), том 26, № 5, с. 262-270 2017 Некоторые методические подходы к изучению ферментативной активности в водной среде в связи с качеством воды Садчиков А.П., Остроумов С.А. в журнале ВОДА MAGAZINE, № 8, с. 36-38 2017 Новые аспекты роли организмов и детрита в детоксицирующей системе биосферы Остроумов С.А. в журнале Экологическая химия, издательство Теза (СПб.), том 26, № 3, с. 164-173 2017 Общая и прикладная экология Остроумов С.А., Котелевцев С.В., Новиков К.Н., Садчиков А.П., Тропин И.В. в журнале Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, том 24, с. 150-152 2017 ПОТЕРИ НАУКИ. Алексей Владимирович Яблоков Адрианов А.В., Алимов А.Ф., Богатов В.В., Ваганов Е.А., Васильев А.В., Воротеляк Е.А., Голубков С.М., Демаков В.А., Дюйзен И.В., Жиров В.К., Ивантер Э.В., Ившина И.Б., Исаев А.С., Кирпичников М.П., Коропачинский И.Ю., Котов А.А., Красильников П.В., Криксунов Е.А., Лопатин А.В.,Магомедов М.Р.Д, Макеев В.Ю., Малахов В.В., Москалёв А.А., Немова Н.Н., Остроумов С.А., Павлов Д.С., Рожнов В.В., Рожнов С.В., Розанов А.Ю., Розенберг Г.С., Соколов Д.Д., Соломонов Н.Г., Суров А.В., Шоба С.А., Юшин В.В. в журнале Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, том 24, с. 153-153 2017 Рец. на кн.: Розенберг Г.С., Краснощеков Г.П. Экология «в законе» (теоретические конструкции современной экологии в цитатах и афоризмах) / ИЭВБ РАН, Самарск. гос. экон. ун-т; «Полиграфическое объединение «Стандарт». – 2-е изд., испр. и доп КотелевцевС.В., Новиков К.Н., Остроумов С.А., Садчиков А.П., Тропин И.В. в журнале Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, том 24, с. 148-150 2017 Химико-биотические взаимодействия при изучении различных уровней живых систем, в том числе взаимодействия с участием мембранотропных веществ и биомембран Орлов С.Н., Котелевцев С.В., Новиков К.Н., Остроумов С.А. в журнале Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, том 24, с. 103-106 2017 Экологическое и трофическое значение детрита в водоемах Садчиков А.П., Остроумов С.А. в журнале Рыбное хозяйство, издательство Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение "Центральное управление по рыбохозяйственной экспертизе и нормативам по сохранению, воспроизводству водных биологических ресурсов и акклиматизации" (Москва), № 2, с. 65-69 2017 Экология: влияние человека на окружающую среду и ее охрана. Водные ресурсы и мониторинг Остроумов С.А. в журнале Трубопроводный транспорт нефти 2017 Эколого-биохимические аспекты изучения качества вод: внеклеточная ферментативная активность в воде водной экосистемы Садчиков А.П., Котелевцев С.В., Остроумов С.А. в журнале Рыбное хозяйство, издательство Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение "Центральное управление по рыбохозяйственной экспертизе и нормативам по сохранению, воспроизводству водных биологических ресурсов и акклиматизации" (Москва)

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Achievements, Week ending October 22nd, 2017;; environmental science; notifications sent from web (ResearchGate) to Sergei Ostroumov

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Mytilus edulis, S.A.Ostroumov; 77 publications with the key words Mytilus edulis; author Sergei Ostroumov; also, publications that cited his articles on M. edulis, marine mussels, blue mussel, common mussel, мидии, мидия; M. edulis was studied or mentioned in these publications.;

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Роль биоты в экологических механизмах самоочищения воды.; Book: Role of biota in ecological mechanisms of water self-purification. Abstract of the book. Аннотация книги (автор д.б.н. С.А. Остроумов, МГУ); цитируемая литература;

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Современные проблемы состояния и эволюции таксонов биосферы. М.: ГЕОХИ РАН, 2017. 495 с.; (Тр. Биогеохим. лаб.; Т. 26).

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How much do you pay for 1 cubic m of water (please specify your location)?

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Cost of water in many countries, per 1 m3. France, Switzerland, Sweden, Hungary, Germany, Malaysia, Thailand, Algeria, Netherlands, Indonesia. Online discussion on ResearchGate.

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Тестирование токсичности химических веществ без использования животных // Экологическая химия. 2016, 25(1); 5 – 15. С.А. Остроумов.;