Citation of publications.
Cited: publications authored and coauthored by Dr. S.A. Ostroumov. ; Цитирование публикаций с авторством и соавторством д.б.н. С.А.Остроумова.
environmental, science, ecology, aquatic, water, ecotoxicology, экология, окружающая среда, вода,
Цитируемый автор: ОСТРОУМОВ СЕРГЕЙ АНДРЕЕВИЧ, Биологический факультет МГУ, Москва)
Есть полный текст на eLibrary.Ru: ЭКОЛОГИЯ И ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ. Жуковский В.М., Неудачина Л.К. Аналитика и контроль, 2 (1998), 1 (весна), 4-7.
Есть полный текст на eLibrary.Ru: Dunaliella salina (Chlorophyta) как тест-объект для оценки загрязнения морской среды детергентами. Маркина Ж.В., Айздайчер Н.А. Биология моря, 31 (2005), 4 (июль), 274-279.
Нелинейная модель трансформации примесей в водной среде. Долгоносов Б.М., Губернаторова Т.Н. Водные ресурсы, 32 (2005), 3 (май), 322-336. Бюллетень Московского общества испытателей природы. Отдел геологический, 80 (2005), 5 (сентябрь), 58-68.
О самоочищении водотока и роли микробиологической трансформации органического вещества в системе река Селенга - ее дельта. Макушкин Э.О., Корсунов В.М. Доклады Академии наук, 404 (2005), 4 (октябрь), 567-569.
Есть полный текст на eLibrary.Ru: Токсическое действие детергентов на водоросль Plagioselmis prolonga (Cryptophyta). Айздайчер Н.А., Маркина Ж.В. Биология моря, 32 (2006), 1 (январь), 50-54.
Биоиндикация экологических условий сельхозугодий Батлуцкая И.В., Хорольская Е.Н. Аграрная наука, (2006), 4 (апрель), 12-15.
Динамика климатической системы Арктики как экстремальное проявление интерактивности ее компонентов: задачи космического мониторинга. Кондратьев К.Я., Савиных В.П. Исследование Земли из космоса, (2006), 3 (май), 3-14.
Природно-исторические аспекты лесистости территории Курской области. Выводцев В.Д., Лукьянчикова М.И. Лесное хозяйство, (2006), 5 (сентябрь), 17-19. Характеристика свойств фитопатогенных бактерий. Дегтерев М.Б., Погорельский И.П. Лесное хозяйство, (2007), 3 (май), 43-44.
Есть полный текст на eLibrary.Ru: Влияние детергентов на динамику численности и физиологическое состояние бентосной микроводоросли attheya ussurensis (bacillariophyta) в лабораторной культуре. Маркина Ж.В., Айздайчер Н.А. Биология моря, 33 (2007), 6 (ноябрь), 432-439.
Есть полный текст на eLibrary.Ru: КИНЕТИКА ФЕРМЕНТАТИВНОЙ ДЕСТРУКЦИИ ОРГАНИЧЕСКИХ МАКРОМОЛЕКУЛ С ФРАКТАЛЬНОЙ СТРУКТУРОЙ. Долгоносов Б.М., Губернаторова Т.Н. Теоретические основы химической технологии, 41 (2007), 6 (ноябрь), 671-680.
Адвентивные виды и изменение ареалов аборигенных гидробионтов в поверхностных водных объектах Украины. Сообщение 3. Итоговое обсуждение Жукинский В.Н., Харченко Т.А., Ляшенко А.В. Гидробиологический журнал, 44 (2008), 1, 1-25.
Фучеджи О.А., Коннова С.А., Бойко А.С., Игнатов В.В. Микробиология, 77 (2008), 1 (январь), 96-102.
Есть полный текст на eLibrary.Ru: Повышение и стабилизация продуктивности долголетних культурных сенокосов и пастбищ, создаваемых на пахотных землях.
Темирсултанов Э.Э., Васильева И.В., Рязанова Н.Е., Хоменко Н.Д., Пряхин В.Н. Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: Экология и безопасность жизнедеятельности, (2008), 2, 61-68.
ИЗУЧЕНИЕ ДЕГРАДАЦИИ ФЕНОЛЬНЫХ СОЕДИНЕНИЙ ПОД ВОЗДЕЙСТВИЕМ ПРЕСНОВОДНОГО СИМБИОТИЧЕСКОГО БИОЦЕНОЗА. Дмитриева Т.В., Коржавый А.П., Чернова М.В., Лапа Н.Н. Известия Тульского государственного университета. Серия: Естественные науки, (2008), 1, 239-245.
Есть полный текст на eLibrary.Ru: Экологическая информационная база повышения продуктивности культурных биогеофоитоцезов с целью обеспечения стабильного производства кормов в условиях нечерноземной зоны РФ.
Темирсултанов Э.Э., Васильева И.В., Рязанова Н.Е., Хоменко Н.Д., Рыков С.В. Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: Экология и безопасность жизнедеятельности, (2008), 4, 5-9;
Есть полный текст на eLibrary.Ru: СРАВНЕНИЕ ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТИ ИНТРОДУКЦИИ НЕФТЕОКИСЛЯЮЩЕГО ШТАММА Dietzia maris И СТИМУЛЯЦИИ ЕСТЕСТВЕННЫХ МИКРОБНЫХ СООБЩЕСТВ ДЛЯ РЕМЕДИАЦИИ ЗАГРЯЗНЁННОЙ ПОЧВЫ. Плешакова Е.В., Дубровская Е.В., Турковская О.В. Прикладная биохимия и микробиология, 44 (2008), 4 (июль), 430-437;
Характеристика свойств псевдомонад, вызывающих бактериальный ожог хвои и стволиков сеянцев сосны обыкновенной. Прохоров А.В., Погорельский И.П. Лесное хозяйство, (2008), 4 (июль), 46-48;
Есть полный текст на eLibrary.Ru: Экологические взаимоотношения агропопуляций экдистероидсодержащих растений Rhaponticum carthamoides (Willd.) Iljin и Serratula coronata L. с насекомыми-фитофагами Сообщение 2. Изменч
ивость состава фитоэкдистероидов в агроценозе и их роль в поражаемости растений вредителями. Тимофеев Н.П. Сибирский экологический журнал, (2009), 6, 827-842;
Есть полный текст на eLibrary.Ru: Пути экологизации орошения и применения удобрений. Темирсултанов Э.Э., Васильева И.В., Рязанова Н.Е., Хоменко Н.Д., Рыков С.В. Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: Экология и безопасность жизнедеятельности, (2009), 1, 32-41; Есть полный текст на eLibrary.Ru: Проблемы экоразвития современного общества Марков Ю.Г. Экология. Серия аналитических обзоров мировой литературы, (2009), 91, 1-163; Действие детергентов и поверхностно-активных веществ на рост, физиологические и биохимические показатели одноклеточных водорослей (обзор). Маркина Ж.В. Известия ТИНРО (Тихоокеанского научно-исследовательского рыбохозяйственного центра), 156 (2009), 125-134
Есть полный текст на eLibrary.Ru; Об управлении охраняемыми экологическими системами (практические аспекты). Дёжкин В.В., Авданин В.О., Буйволов Ю.А., Синицын М.Г. Аграрная Россия, (2009), 3 (июнь), 7-20;
Poulard C., Lafont M. , Lenar-Matyas A., Lapuszek M. Flood mitigation designs with respect to river ecosystem functions - a problem oriented conceptual approach. - Ecological Engineering, 2010, 36 (1), p. 69-77.
Chatzinikolaou Y., Ioannou A., Lazaridou M. Intra-basin spatial approach on pollution load estimation in a large Mediterranean river. – Desalination. 2010 (1 January) Volume 250, Issue 1,, Pages 118-129. ABSTRACT:
In order to find the segments of Pinios River which lack the retention capacity of the BOD and nutrient input, the difference of the estimated input and output pollution loads was compared at upstream and downstream clustered areas of a total of 73 segments. Catchment areas ranged from 1 to 11,300 km2. Emissions were always higher than the actual transport, therefore retention was assumed to take place. Specific runoff, percentage of the surface water area and the calculated input of pollution loads (BOD, P, N) varied between the different Pinios River basin catchment areas. The transport to the emission load ratio was different between large and small catchments. The rate of retention among consecutive segments revealed that four lowland segments lacked in their relative retention capacity. DOI:10.1016/j.desal.2008.12.062 []
water quality, freshwater aquatic ecosystem, Biochemical oxygen demand; Nutrient retention; Organic pollution load; Nutrient pollution load; large Mediterranean river, Pinios River, pollution loads (BOD, P, N), retention capacity of the BOD, nutrient input, Catchment areas, Specific runoff, percentage of the surface water area, different Pinios River basin catchment areas.
Mohneke, M., Rödel, M.-O. Declining amphibian populations and possible ecological consequences — A review. // Salamandra, 2009, 45 (4), pp. 203-210.
ABSTRACT: Amphibian declines likely result in measurable changes in aquatic and riparian ecosystems. Here, we concentrate on potential consequences of the loss of larval anurans for aquatic ecosystems. In rural savanna regions of West Africa, freshwater ecosystems are essential water resources for humans and cattle. Altering these ecosystems therefore may have important economic and health consequences. Prospective impacts on water chemistry, algae and aquatic invertebrate taxa are highlighted. [© 2009 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Herpetologie und Terrarienkundee. V. (DGHT).;]; Dafforn, K.A., Glasby, T.M., Johnston, E.L. Links between estuarine condition and spatial distributions of marine invaders // Diversity and Distributions 2009, v. 15 (5), pp. 807-821.
Vaughn, C.C., Nichols, S.J., Spooner, D.E. Community and foodweb ecology of freshwater mussels // Journal of the North American Benthological Society, 2008, 27 (2), pp. 409-423
Stabili, L., Licciano, M., Longo, C., Corriero, G., Mercurio, M. Evaluation of microbiological accumulation capability of the commercial sponge Spongia officinalis var. adriatica (Schmidt) (Porifera, Demospongiae) Water Research, 2008, vol. 42 (10-11), pp. 2499-2506.
Bussell, J.A., Gidman, E.A., Causton, D.R., Gwynn-Jones, D., Malham, S.K., Jones, M.L.M., Reynolds, B., Seed, R. Changes in the immune response and metabolic fingerprint of the mussel, Mytilus edulis (Linnaeus) in response to lowered salinity and physical stress Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology,2008, v. 358 (1), pp. 78-85. [];
Mussels, such as Mytilus edulis, are common keystone species on open coasts and in estuaries and are frequently used in environmental monitoring programmes. Mussels experience a wide range of environmental conditions at these locations, including rapid changes in salinity and physical disturbance (both natural and from aquaculture practices). This paper addressed the hypothesis that reduced salinity will lower mussel blood immune function and influence mussel blood metabolic responses, and that this will in turn increase the susceptibility of mussels to other stresses such as physical disturbance. To test these hypotheses, experiments were conducted in controlled laboratory tank conditions and mussel blood was analysed using a combination of metabolic fingerprinting with FT-IR and immunological assay techniques. Reducing seawater salinity to half that of normal caused a significant reduction in several measures of immune function, including the concentration of haemocytes, percentage of eosinophilic haemocytes and phagocytosis. Mechanical shaking of mussels for 10 min caused a reduction in the level of respiratory burst activity. However, there was no evidence of additive or interactive effects of lowered salinity with shaking on the immune response. Analysis of mussel blood metabolic fingerprints revealed differences in response to half salinity (vs. full salinity) but there were no detectable effects of shaking. Increasing frequency and magnitude of flood events at coastal sites due to climate change could lead to longer, and more frequent, periods of reduced salinity. The potential impact on the immune function of this keystone species within or near estuaries could have knock-on effects on the wider ecosystem including altered nutrient cycling, changes in biodiversity and aquaculture production..
Licciano, M., Terlizzi, A., Giangrande, A., Cavallo, R.A., Stabili, L. Filter-feeder macroinvertebrates as key players in culturable bacteria biodiversity control: A case of study with Sabella spallanzanii (Polychaeta: Sabellidae) // Marine Environmental Research, 2007, v.64 (4), pp. 504-513.
Stabili, L., Licciano, M., Giangrande, A., Longo, C., Mercurio, M., Marzano, C.N., Corriero, G. Filtering activity of Spongia officinalis var. adriatica (Schmidt) (Porifera, Demospongiae) on bacterioplankton: Implications for bioremediation of polluted seawater // Water Research 2006, v. 40 (16), pp. 3083-3090 .
Y. CHATZINIKOLAOU 1, 2 and M. LAZARIDOU1 [1Department of Zoology, School of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece; 2Institute of Inland Waters, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, 46.7 km Athinon — Souniou Av., 190 13, P.O. Box 712, Anavissos, Hellas; e-mail:] Identification of the self-purification stretches of the Pinios River, Central Greece . — Mediterranean Marine Science, 2007, Volume 8/2, p.19-32. ABSTRACT: The Pinios River basin in Thessaly, Greece, is intensively farmed and heavily polluted with poorly treated domestic and industrial waste. The river was divided into 35 homogenous stretches. We investigated the self-purification capacity along the different stretches of the Pinios based on the responses of the benthic macroinvertebrate community to municipal, industrial and agricultural pollution in the basin. Water quality was assessed by the performance of six diversity and biotic indices and scores for assessing water quality. Self-purification found by the downstream amelioration of water quality was evident at five stretches. These stretches should be safeguarded and priority should be given to restoration projects along the most water-quality-degraded stretches that lack the capacity for self-purification. KEYWORDS: Self-purification; benthic macroinvertebrates; The Pinios River basin in Thessaly, Greece, water quality, domestic and industrial waste, municipal, industrial and agricultural pollution in the basin, diversity and biotic indices and scores for assessing water quality, restoration projects along the most water-quality-degraded stretches that lack the capacity for self-purification, fresshwater aquatic ecosystems Dingjiang Chen 1, Jun Lu 1, 2 *, Yena Shen 3. Artificial neural network modelling of concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus and dissolved oxygen in a non-point source polluted river in Zhejiang Province, southeast China. // Hydrological Processes. Early View (Articles online in advance of print); Published Online: 21 Oct 2009; Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [1Department of Natural Resources, College of Environmental Science and Natural Resources, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310029, China; 2China Ministry of Education Key Lab of Environment Remediation and Ecological Health, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310029, China; 3Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Subtropical Soil and Plant Nutrition, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310029, China; email: Jun Lu (; *Correspondence to Jun Lu, Department of Natural Resources, College of Environmental Science and Natural Resources, Zhejiang University, Kaixuan Road 258#, Hangzhou 310029, Zhejiang Province, China]. KEYWORDS: artificial neural network, agricultural non-point source pollution, total nitrogen, total phosphorus ,dissolved oxygen, river water quality, freshwater aquatic ecosystem, A back-propagation algorithm neural network (BPNN), modelling tool for managers, spatiotemporal water quality variations, agricultural drainage river, Changle River, southeast China, Monthly river flow, water temperature, flow travel time, rainfall and upstream TN, TP and DO concentrations; ABSTRACT: A back-propagation algorithm neural network (BPNN) was developed to synchronously simulate concentrations of total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP) and dissolved oxygen (DO) in response to agricultural non-point source pollution (AGNPS) for any month and location in the Changle River, southeast China. Monthly river flow, water temperature, flow travel time, rainfall and upstream TN, TP and DO concentrations were selected as initial inputs of the BPNN through coupling correlation analysis and quadratic polynomial stepwise regression analysis for the outputs, i.e. downstream TN, TP and DO concentrations. The input variables and number of hidden nodes of the BPNN were then optimized using a combination of growing and pruning methods. The final structure of the BPNN was determined from simulated data based on experimental data for both the training and validation phases. The predicted values obtained using a BPNN consisting of the seven initial input variables (described above), one hidden layer with four nodes and three output variables matched well with observed values. The model indicated that decreasing upstream input concentrations during the dry season and control of NPS along the reach during average and flood seasons may be an effective way to improve Changle River water quality. If the necessary water quality and hydrology data are available, the methodology developed here can easily be applied to other case studies. The BPNN model is an easy-to-use modelling tool for managers to obtain rapid preliminary identification of spatiotemporal water quality variations in response to natural and artificial modifications of an agricultural drainage river. [Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.] Digital Object Identifier (DOI) 10.1002/hyp.7482. ELLEN KRACAUER HARTIG [Center for Climate Systems Research, Columbia University, and Stone & Webster Environmental Technology & Services ], OGNYAN GROZEV [Forest Research Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences], CYNTHIA ROSENZWEIG [NASA/Goddard Institute for Space Studies, and Center for Climate Systems Research, Columbia University ]. CLIMATE CHANGE, AGRICULTURE AND WETLANDS IN EASTERN EUROPE: VULNERABILITY, ADAPTATION AND POLICY // Climatic Change 36: 107–121, 1997. ABSTRACT. Naturally-occurring wetlands perform such functions as flood control, pollution filtration, nutrient recycling, sediment accretion, groundwater recharge and water supply, erosion control, and plant and wildlife preservation. A large concentration of wetlands is located in Eastern Europe. A significant amount of Eastern European wetlands has been converted to agricultural use in the past, and remaining wetlands are subject to agricultural drainage. Drained wetlands are used as prime agriculture lands for a variety of food crops. Other agricultural uses of wetlands range from growing Phragmites australis (common reed) for thatch and livestock feed, to collecting peat for heating and cooking fuel. Altered hydrologic regimes due to global climate change could further exacerbate encroachment of agricultural land use into wetlands. Timofeev N. P. Ecological relations of agricultural populations of ecdysteroid-containing plants Rhaponticum carthamoides (Willd.) Iljin and Serratula coronata L. with herbivorous insects report 2. Composition variability of phytoecdysteroids in agrocenoses and their role in the vulnerability of plants to phytophagans.. — Contemporary Problems of Ecology [MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica distributed exclusively by Springer Science+Business Media LLC.; ISSN 1995-4255 (Print) 1995-4263 (Online)] 2009 (December)] Volume 2, Number 6 p. 531-541. [DOI 10.1134/S1995425509060071]. translated from: Sibirskii Ekologicheskii Zhurnal, 2009, Vol. 16, No. 6, pp. 829–842. [Scientific-Production Enterprise Farm “BIO”, Koryazhma, Arkhangel’sk oblast, 165650, Russia]
The accumulation and variability of ecdysteroids, which are analogs of the insect molting hormones, were studied during ontogeny of agricultural populations of Rhaponticum carthamoides (Leuzea carthamoides DC.) and Serratula coronata with relation to the plant age and cultivation conditions. The physiological role of ecdysteroids in the ecological interactions with pests was evaluated. It was found that the enhancement of herbivore activity coincided with biochemical changes in the composition of ecdysteroids having different physiological activities and was accompanied by damage to reproductive organs. During ontogenetic (age-related) changes and seasonal development in the vegetation season, the content of the physiologically active ecdysteroid 20-hydroxyecdysone decreased and relatively moderately active inokosterone and weakly active ecdysone were accumulated in reproductive shoots. Accumulation of the weakly active ecdysone in phytomass is affected by environmental conditions and anthropogenic factors of cultivation. The factors contributing to the damage potential are environmental microclimate, relief features of population locations, and agrotechnical measures (frequency of phytomass removal, excessive moisture content in the rooting layer).
agricultural populations, Rhaponticum carthamoides (Leuzea carthamoides DC.) , Serratula coronata , analogs of the insect molting hormones, phytoecdysteroids ,20-hydroxyecdysone, ecdysteroid ecdysone — moderately active inokosterone, herbivore damage, cultivation conditions, biochemical ecology. Contact Information : N. P. Timofeev Email: Ali, A.M.M. 2007. Water quality enhancement in Sloterbinnenpolder (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) by adopting ecological engineering approaches. M.Sc.Thesis EC 07.17. UNESCO-IHE (Institute for Water Education). 92 p. Beacham W., C. J. Moseley. Beacham's Guide to Environmental Issues & Sources. Washington: Beacham Publishing, 1993. – 3335 p. [ISBN: 0933833318].
Brooks, B.W., Riley, T.M., Taylor, R.D. Water quality of effluent-dominated ecosystems: Ecotoxicological, hydrological, and management considerations. - Hydrobiologia, 2006, 556 (1), pp. 365-379.
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Danilov-Danil’yan V. I., M. V. Bolgov, V. G. Dubinina, V. S. Kovalevskii, A. G. Kocharyan and N. M. Novikova. Assessment of admissible runoff withdrawals in small river basins: Methodological principles // Water Resources (MAIK Nauka/ Interperiodica, distributed by Springer). 2006, Vol. 33, No. 2. P.205-218. (Original Russian Text: V.I. Danilov-Danil’yan, M.V. Bolgov, V.G. Dubinina, V.S. Kovalevskii, A.G. Kocharyan, N.M. Novikova, 2006, published in ‘Vodnye Resursy’ 2006, Vol. 33, No. 2, p. 224–238). Dobrovolsky G.V. About development of some concepts of the teaching on the biosphere (the 80th anniversary of the publication of the book 'Biosphere' by V.I.Vernadsky). — Water: Technology and Ecology. 2007. No. 1, p. 63-68..
Dobrovolsky G.V. On the 80th anniversary of the book 'The Biosphere' by V.I.Vernadsky. Developing some important parts of the teaching on the biosphere. – Ecological Chemistry (Ekologicheskaya Khimiya). 2007, v.16(3), p.135–143..
Dobrovolsky G.V., G.S.Rozenberg, I.K. Toderas (Editors). Discovery of a New Type of Hazardous Anthropogenic Impact in Ecology of Animals and the Biosphere: Inhibition of the Filtration Activity of Bivalves by Surfactants. 2nd edition. Moscow. MAX Press. 2008. 108 p.
Dolgonosov B.M., Gubernatorova, T.N. A nonlinear model of contaminant transformations in an aquatic environment, 2005, Water Resources, 32 (3), pp. 291-304 [MAIK Nauka/ Interperiodica distributed by Springer. ISSN 0097-8078 (Print) 1608-344X (Online)]; Translated from ‘Vodnye Resursy’, Vol. 32, No. 3, 2005, pp. 322–336.
Dolgonosov B.M., Gubernatorova, T.N. Kinetics of the enzymatic decomposition of macromolecules with a fractal structure. - Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering, 2007, 41 (6), pp. 868-877.
Fauvet, G., Claret, C., Marmonier, P. Influence of benthic and interstitial processes on nutrient changes along a regulated reach of a large river (Rhône River, France). -Hydrobiologia 2001, 445, pp. 121-131.
Ferk F., Misik M., Hoelzl C., Uhl M., Fuerhacker M., Grillitsch B., Parzefall W., Nersesyan A., Micieta K., Grummt T., Ehrlich V., Knasmüller S. Benzalkonium chloride (BAC) and dimethyldioctadecyl-ammonium bromide (DDAB), two common quaternary ammonium compounds, cause genotoxic effects in mammalian and plant cells at environmentally relevant concentrations // Mutagenesis. 2007 22(6): 363-370.
Filippenko, V. N. Gravi- and chemotropisms of the primary maize roots when affected by lead and cadmium.- Russian Journal of Plant Physiology 2001, Vol. 48; Part 1, p. 12-18. [Nauka/ Interperiodica Publishing, USA, ISSN 1021-4437] (translated from: Fiziologiia Rastenii).
Fisenko A. I. A new long-term on site clean-up approach applied to non-point sources of pollution // Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. 2004, Vol. 156, No. 1-4, p. 1-27. Fuchedzhi O. A., S. A. Konnova, A. S. Boiko, V. V. Ignatov. Rol' polisakharidov rdesta pronzennolistnogo v formirovanii ego bakterial'nogo okruzheniya. — Mikrobiologiya - 2008, Vol. 77, No. 1, P. 96-102. [MAIK «Nauka/Interperiodica» Russian Academy of Science]. Gaidin A. M. Formirovanie khimicheskogo sostava vody pri zatoplenii sernykh kar'erov. -Geoekologiya. Inzhenernaya geologiya. Gidrogeologiya.Geokriologiya - 2008, No. 2, P. 118-123.
Gifford, S., Dunstan, R.H., O'Connor, W., Koller, C.E., MacFarlane, G.R. Aquatic zooremediation: deploying animals to remediate contaminated aquatic environments. - 2007 Trends in Biotechnology 25 (2), pp. 60-65.
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Experimental membranes and mechanisms of bioenergy transductions M Montal - Annual Review of Biophysics and Bioengineering, 1976 - Annual Reviews I Abbreviations used (alphabetical order): A, molecular area; ACH, acetylcholine; ACH-esterase, acetylcholinesterase; ACHR, acetylcholine receptor; activity of water; C, compressibility; CL, cardiolipin; Cm, membrane capacity; CMC, critical micelle ... Цитируется: 46 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2) Ion transport in membranes: incorporation of biological ion-translocating proteins in … JI Korenbrot - Annual Review of Physiology, 1977 - Annual Reviews The flow of ions across cell membrane is many orders of magnitude faster than would be predicted by the low solubility of ions in lipids (140). Whereas lipid phase:aqueous phase partition coefficients predict the rate of membrane transport of non-electrolyte molecules, the small partition ... Цитируется: 43 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2)
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Reconstitution of bacteriorhodopsin in a millipore filter system. MC Blok, KJ Hellingwerf, K Van Dam - FEBS letters, 1977 - 1: FEBS Lett. 1977 Apr 1;76(1):45-50. Reconstitution of bacteriorhodopsin in a millipore filter system. Blok MC, Hellingwerf KJ, Van Dam K. Mesh Terms: Bacteriorhodopsins*; Carotenoids*; Drug Stability; Electric Conductivity; ... Цитируется: 39 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2) [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ] Charge transfer between water and octane phases by soluble … LI Boguslavsky, AA Kondrashin, IA Kozlov, ST … - FEBS letters, 1975 - 1. FEBS Lett. 1975 Feb 1;50(2):223-6. Charge transfer between water and octane phases by soluble mitochondrial ATPase (F1), bacteriorhodopsin and respiratory chain enzymes. Boguslavsky LI, Kondrashin AA, Kozlov IA, Metelsky ST, Skulachev VP, Volkov AG. ... Цитируется: 40 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2)
Interfacial photochemistry of retinal proteins* 1 [PDF] FT Hong - Progress in Surface Science, 1999 - Elsevier Retinal proteins are membrane-bound protein pigments that contain vitamin A aldehyde (retinal) as the chromophore. They include the visual pigment rhodopsin and four additional ones in the plasma membrane of Halobacterium salinarium (formerly Halobacterium ... Цитируется: 38 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (9) Mechanism of generation and regulation of photopotential by bacteriorhodopsin in … P Ormos, Z Dancshazy, B Karvaly - Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)- …, 1978 - Elsevier Photoelectric properties of bacteriorhodopsin incorporated into a bimolecular lipid membrane were investigated with special regard to the mechanism of photoelectric field generation. It was shown that besides its proton pump and electric generator functions bacteriorhodopsin ... Цитируется: 37 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2)
Asymmetric membranes resulting from the fusion of two black lipid bilayers E Neher - Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Biomembranes, 1974 - Elsevier When two black lipid bilayers are brought into close contact in the presence of divalent ions they interact, a process termed “fusion”. The resulting structure is suggested to be another bilayer with a multitude of intercalated solvent lenses and micelles. This is corroborated by the ... Цитируется: 35 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2) [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ]
Conversion of light energy into electric energy by … VP Skulachev - FEBS letters, 1976 - 1: FEBS Lett. 1976 Apr 15;64(1):23-5. Conversion of light energy into electric energy by bacteriorhodopsin. Skulachev VP. Mesh Terms: Bacteriorhodopsins/metabolism*; Carotenoids/metabolism*; Electricity; Energy Transfer; Light; Phosphatidylcholines/metabolism; ... Цитируется: 33 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2) [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ] Generation of electric potential by reaction center complexes … LA Drachev, AA Kondrashin, VD Samuilov, VP … - FEBS letters, 1975 - 1: FEBS Lett. 1975 Feb 1;50(2):219-22. Generation of electric potential by reaction center complexes from Rhodospirillum rubrum. Drachev LA, Kondrashin AA, Samuilov VD, Skulachev VP. Mesh Terms: Antimycin A/pharmacology; ... Цитируется: 32 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2) [КНИГА]
Biomolecular electronics: an introduction via photosensitive proteins NN Vsevolodov - 1998 - BlOENGINEERING OF MATERIALS Biomolecular Electronics An Introduction via Photosensitive Proteins Nikolai Vsevolodov Birkhauser ... Bioengineering of Materials Series Editor David Kaplan Biotechnology Center, Tufts University Editorial Advisory Board Hat>an Bayley Buddy D. ... Цитируется: 33 - Похожие статьи [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ] … : a molecular photoelectric regulator. Quenching of photovoltaic … B Karvaly, Z Dancsházy - FEBS letters, 1977 - 1: FEBS Lett. 1977 Apr 1;76(1):36-40.
Bacteriorhodopsin: a molecular photoelectric regulator. Quenching of photovoltaic effect of bimolecular lipid membranes containing bacteriorhodopsin by blue light. Karvaly B, Dancsházy Z. ... Цитируется: 32 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2) [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ] Irreversible thermodynamic description of energy transduction in … HV Westerhoff, K Van Dam - Current Topics in Bioenergetics, 1979 Цитируется: 28 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2)
Photoelectric and magneto-orientation effects in pigmented biological membranes* … FT Hong - Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 1977 - Elsevier Photoelectric and magneto-orientation effects in pigmented biological membranes are analyzed and discussed with special reference to three different levels of order in the membrane structures. The kinetic results of photoelectric responses from an artificial pigmented ... Цитируется: 27 - Похожие статьи [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ] Demonstration of coupling between the protonmotive force …
KJ Hellingwerf, JJ Schuurmans, HV Westerhoff - FEBS letters, 1978 - 1.
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Turnover and vectorial properties of cytochrome c oxidase in reconstituted vesicles JM Wrigglesworth, P Nicholls - Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)- …, 1979 - Elsevier 3. Oxidation of ascorbate by externally added cytochrome c results in an electrogenic production of OH − inside the vesicles, which can be monitored using entrapped phenol red. Polylysine inhibits, but does not abolish, the internal alkalinity change in reconstituted vesicles ... Цитируется: 21 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2) Ultracytochemical localization of Ca++-ATPase activity in the paraphyseal … S Ueno, H Umar, HJ Bambauer, M Ueck - Cell and tissue research, 1984 - Springer Summary. Ca + +-ATPase activity was studied ultracyto- chemically (cf. Ando et al. 1981) in the paraphysis cerebri of the frog. An intense reaction was demonstrated on the plasmalemma of the microvilli at the apical pole of para- physeal cells; in contrast, the basolateral ... Цитируется: 20 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (3) Photocurrents generated by bacteriorhodopsin adsorbed on nano-black lipid … [HTML]
C Horn, C Steinem - Biophysical journal, 2005 - Elsevier Purple membranes were adsorbed on freestanding lipid bilayers, termed nano-black lipid membranes (nano-BLMs), suspending the pores of porous alumina substrates with average pore diameters of 280 nm. Nano-BLMs were obtained by first coating the upper surface of the highly ... Цитируется: 19 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (13) The purple membrane of Halobacterium halobium: a new system for light energy … D Oesterhelt - Ciba Foundation symposium, 1975 - Patches of a distinctly different structure from the rest of the cell membrane occur in Halobacterium halobium. The isolated patches are called the purple membrane. It derives its colour from a retinal-protein complex, bacteriorhodopsin, which is the only protein species in this ... Цитируется: 18 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (4) Interaction of charged lipid vesicles with planar bilayer lipid membranes: detection …
JA Cohen, MM Moronne - Journal of Supramolecular …, 2004 - A technique has been developed for monitoring the interaction of charged phospholipid vesicles with planar bilayer lipid membranes (BLM) by use of the antibiotics Valinomycin, Nonactin, and Monazomycin as surface-charge probes. Anionic phosphatidylserine vesicles, when ... Цитируется: 17 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (3) Elementary steps of proton translocation in the catalytic cycle of cytochrome … [PDF] MI Verkhovsky, I Belevich, DA Bloch, M … - Biochimica et Biophysica …, 2006 - Elsevier The one-electron carrier cytochrome c serves as a donor for the enzyme and delivers electrons, via the metal centres Cu A , and heme a to the binuclear heme a 3 /Cu B catalytic site, which cycles through intermediate states (Fig. 1) [1] and [2]. The “relaxed” oxidized ... Цитируется: 15 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (9) [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ] Reconstitution of membrane transport functions C Miller, E Racker - The Receptors: General principles and …, 1979 - Plenum Pub Corp Цитируется: 14 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2) [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ] Bacteriorhodopsin as a light-driven ion exchanger? D Oesterhelt - FEBS letters, 1976 - 1: FEBS Lett. 1976 Apr 15;64(1):20-2. Bacteriorhodopsin as a light-driven ion exchanger? Oesterhelt D. Mesh Terms: Bacteriorhodopsins/metabolism*; Carotenoids/metabolism*; Chlorides/metabolism; Dialysis; Light; Membranes, Artificial; Models, Biological; ... Цитируется: 14 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2) Langmuir-Blodgett films of photosensitive proteins IM Pepe, C Nicolini - Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: …, 1996 - Elsevier The striking properties of monolayers and multilayers of photosensitive proteins obtained by using the Langmuir-Blodgett technique are described. The close packing of the protein molecules, which preserve most of the properties found in solution, seems to be the main ... Цитируется: 14 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (5) Molecular mechanism of proton translocation by cytochrome c oxidase I Belevich, MI Verkhovsky - Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, 2008 - Page 1. ANTIOXIDANTS & REDOX SIGNALING Volume 10, Number 1, 2008 © Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. DOI: 10.1089/ars.2007.1705 Comprehensive Invited Review Molecular Mechanism of Proton Translocation by Cytochrome c Oxidase ... Цитируется: 13 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (6) Demonstration of the electrogenicity of proton translocation during the … H Van der Hijden, E Grell, J De Pont, E … - Journal of Membrane …, 1990 - Springer Summary. Membrane fragmems conlainmg 1he HK -A'FPase from parietal cells have been adsorbed to a phmur lipid membrane. The transport activity of the enzyme was determined by measuring electrical currents via the capacitive coupling between the membrane sheets and the ... Цитируется: 12 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (4) [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ] Calcium uptake by cytochrome oxidase vesicles. RN Rosier, TE Gunter - FEBS letters, 1980 - 1:
FEBS Lett. 1980 Jan 1;109(1):99-103. Calcium uptake by cytochrome oxidase vesicles. Rosier RN, Gunter TE. Publication Types: Research Support, US Gov't, Non-PHS; Research Support, US Gov't, PHS. Mesh Terms: Animals; Calcium/metabolism*; Cattle; ... Цитируется: 12 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2) Fusion of small unilamellar liposomes with phospholipid planar bilayer membranes …
N Düzgünes, S Ohki - Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Biomembranes, 1981 - Elsevier Small unilamellar phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylcholine liposomes incubated on one side of planar phosphatidylserine bilayer membranes induced fluctuations and a sharp increase in the membrane conductance when the Ca 2+ concentration was increased to a threshold ... Цитируется: 12 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2) Charge displacements during ATP-hydrolysis and synthesis of the Na+- … [HTML]
C Burzik, G Kaim, P Dimroth, E Bamberg, K Fendler - Biophysical journal, 2003 - Elsevier Transient electrical currents generated by the Na + -transporting F o F 1 -ATPase of Ilyobacter tartaricus were observed in the hydrolytic and synthetic mode of the enzyme. Two techniques were applied: a photochemical ATP concentration jump on a planar lipid membrane and ... Цитируется: 11 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (13) Calcium-induced interaction of phospholipid vesicles and bilayer lipid membranes N Düzgünes, S Ohki - Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes, 1977 - Elsevier The interaction of unilamellar phospholipid vesicles with bilayer lipid membranes has been studied by observing the electrical conductance of the planar membrane. The presence of phosphatidylcholine vesicles as well as phosphatidylcholine / phosphatidylserine (1 : 1) vesicles on one side ... Цитируется: 11 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (3) Photoelectric studies of the transmembrane charge transfer reactions in …
AY Semenov, MD Mamedov, SK Chamorovsky - FEBS letters, 2003 - Elsevier The results of studies of charge transfer in cyanobacterial photosystem I (PS I) using the photoelectric method are reviewed. The electrogenicity in the PS I complex and its interaction with natural donors (plastocyanin, cytochrome c 6 ), natural acceptors (ferredoxin, flavodoxin), or ... Цитируется: 11 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (7) [HTML] The role of the native lipids and lattice structure in bacteriorhodopsin … [HTML] CD Heyes, MA El-Sayed - Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2002 - ASBMB We report the effect of partial delipidation and monomerization on the protein conformational changes of bacteriorhodopsin (bR) as a function of temperature. Removal of up to 75% of the lipids is known to have the lattice structure of the purple membrane, albeit as a smaller ... Цитируется: 9 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (5) Time-resolved measurements of photovoltage generation by bacteriorhodopsin …
E Muneyuki, C Shibazaki, H Ohtan, D … - Journal of …, 1999 - Jpn Biochemical Soc We constructed a time-resolved photovoltage measurement system and examined the photovoltage kinetics of wild-type bacteriorhodopsin, its D96N mutant, and halorhodop- sins from Halobacterium salinarum and Natronobacterium pharaonis. Upon illumination with a laser flash, ... Цитируется: 9 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (6) Component analysis of the fast photoelectric signal from model bacteriorhodopsin … S Michaile, FT Hong - Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, 1994 - Elsevier We used a technique originally developed by Trissl and Montal to reconstitute a bacteriorhodopsin (BR) model membrane which gives rise to a photosignal that is pH- and temperature-sensitive. We interpreted it as being composed of two components: B1, a pH- ... Цитируется: 9 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2) Functions of carotenoids in xanthorhodopsin and archaerhodopsin, from action … [HTML] VA Boichenko, JM Wang, J Antón, JK Lanyi, SP … - … et Biophysica Acta (BBA …, 2006 - Elsevier The recent discovery of a carotenoid light-harvesting antenna in xanthorhodopsin, a retinal-based proton pump in Salinibacter ruber, made use of photoinhibition of respiration in whole cells to obtain action spectra [Balashov et al. Science 309, (2005) 2061–2064]. Here we provide ... Цитируется: 9 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (7) [HTML]
The proton donor for OO bond scission by cytochrome c oxidase [HTML] EA Gorbikova, I Belevich, M Wikström, MI … - Proceedings of the …, 2008 - Cytochrome c oxidase is the main catalyst of oxygen consumption in mitochondria and many aerobic bacteria. The key step in oxygen reduction is scission of the O O bond and formation of an intermediate P R of the binuclear active site composed of heme a 3 and Cu B . The ... Цитируется: 8 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (11) A new system for the measurement of electrogenicity produced by ion pumps using … E Muneyuki, D Okuno, M Yoshida, A Ikai, H Arakawa - FEBS letters, 1998 - Elsevier We developed a new assay system for the measurement of capacitive electric currents generated by ion pumps using the thin polymer film 'Lumirror' (Toray Co., Japan). This system enables us to examine the electrogenicity of ion pumps over a wide range of experimental conditions ... Цитируется: 8 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (6)
Electrogenic transport properties of bacteriorhodopsin containing chemically … K Fendler, W Gärtner, D Oesterhelt, E … - Biochimica et Biophysica …, 1987 - Elsevier The electrical activity of bacteriorhodopsin (BR) containing the 13-substituted retinal analogues 13-demethyl and 13-methoxy as well as the naturally occurring retinal carrying a methyl group at C13 is compared. White membrane patches reconstituted with the different retinals are ... Цитируется: 8 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2)
A pathway for protons in nitric oxide reductase from Paracoccus denitrificans J Reimann, U Flock, H Lepp, A Honigmann, P … - … et Biophysica Acta (BBA …, 2007 - Elsevier Nitric oxide reductase (NOR) from P. denitrificans is a membrane-bound protein complex that catalyses the reduction of NO to N 2 O (2NO + 2e − + 2H + → N 2 O + H 2 O) as part of the denitrification process. Even though NO reduction is a highly exergonic reaction, and NOR belongs to ... Цитируется: 7 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (4)
Time-resolved single-turnover of ba3 oxidase from Thermus thermophilus SA Siletsky, I Belevich, A Jasaitis, AA … - … et Biophysica Acta (BBA …, 2007 - Elsevier The four-electron reduction of oxygen to water in living organisms is catalyzed by terminal oxidases [1] and [2], which convert redox energy into a transmembrane difference of proton electrochemical potential (Δμ H + ) [3]. Cytochrome ba 3 from Thermus thermophilus belongs to the large ... Цитируется: 8 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (5)
Electrogenic reactions associated with electron transfer in photosystem I AY Semenov, MD Mamedov, SK Chamorovsky - Photosystem I - Springer Summary ...............................................................................................................................319 I. Structure and Function of PS I ............................................................... ... ... Photoelectric methods to study charge transfer processes in photosynthetic organisms are reviewed along with ... Цитируется: 7 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2) Hexane-solubilised reaction centre proteolipid complexes of Rhodopseudomonas … MW Kendall-Tobias, H Celis, S Almanza de … - … et Biophysica Acta (BBA …, 1981 - Elsevier The yield of the extracted complex varied with the ratios of protein, phospholipid and cations, species of phospholipid, and sonication time. The spectral characteristics of the complex in the organic phase were similar to those of detergent-solubilised reaction centres. The stability ... Цитируется: 7 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2) [КНИГА]
Smart biosensor technology GK Knopf, AS Bassi - 2007 - 28. Optical Components, Systems, and Measurement Techniques, Rajpal S. Sirohi and MP Kothiyal 29. Electron and Ion Microscopy and Microanalysis: Principles and Applications, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded, Lawrence E. Murr 30. Handbook of Infrared Optical ... Цитируется: 8 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2)
Component analysis of the fast photoelectric signal from model bacteriorhodopsin … FH Hong, FT Hong - Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, 1995 - Elsevier Thin films formed from oriented purple membranes of Halobacterium halobium exhibit fast photoelectric signals upon pulsed light stimulation. These signals are generated by light-induced rapid charge separation and recombination. The fast photosignal consists of several components. We ... Цитируется: 6 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (3) On the kinetics of voltage formation in purple membranes of Halobacterium … RW Hendler, LA Drachev, S Bose, … - European Journal of …, 2001 - The kinetics of the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle, measured by voltage changes in a closed membrane system using the direct electrometrical method (DEM) of Drachev, LA, Jasaitus, AA, Kaulen, AD, Kondrashin, AA, Liberman, EA, Nemecek, IB, Ostroumov, SA, Semenov, Yu, A. & ... Цитируется: 6 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (6)
Reconstitution of electrogenic function in isolated pigment-protein complexes of … EL Barsky, MV Gusev, AA Kondrashin, VD … - Biochimica et Biophysica …, 1982 - Elsevier Treatment of Anabaena variabilis membranes with lauryldimethylamine N-oxide yielded two fractions of pigment-protein complexes which were separable by gel filtration on Sepharose 6B. A green fraction was characterized which had a maximum of the chlorophyll ... Цитируется: 6 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2) Analysis of the dc photoelectric signal from model bacteriorhodopsin membranes: …
BE Fuller, TL Okajima, FT Hong - Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, 1995 - Elsevier On illumination by continuous light, a reconstituted bacteriorhodopsin membrane exhibits a stationary photocurrent under short-circuit conditions. It has been widely reported that this photocurrent is linearly dependent on the applied transmembrane potential, and that the photocurrent ... Цитируется: 5 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (3)
Association of bacteriorhodopsin with lipid-impregnated filters. Evidence for fusion … MC Blok, K Van Dam - Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)- …, 1979 - Elsevier Bacteriorhodopsin vesicles were associated with cellulose-nitrate filters impregnated with a solution of phospholipids in hexadecane. The generation of (photo)potentials upon illumination of the filter was studied in the absence and presence of ionophores, phospholipase A 2 , EDTA ... Цитируется: 5 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2) Bacteriorhodopsin-mediated photoelectric responses in lipid/water systems
LA Drachev, AD Kaulen, VP Skulachev, VM … - Journal of Membrane …, 1982 - Springer Summary. Bacteriorhodopsin-mediated photopotential generation has been studied in two kinds of lipid/water systems: (1) decane solution of asolectin was used as the lipid phase; (2) a mixture of bacteriorhodopsin sheets and hexane solution of phosphatidyl choline was ... Цитируется: 5 - Похожие статьи
Charge transfer in P-type ATPases investigated on planar membranes F Tadini-Buoninsegni, G Bartolommei, MR … - Archives of biochemistry …, 2008 - Elsevier Planar lipid bilayers, e.g., black lipid membranes (BLM) and solid supported membranes (SSM), have been employed to investigate charge movements during the reaction cycle of P-type ATPases. The BLM/SSM method allows a direct measurement of the electrical ... Цитируется: 4 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (5) Pump and displacement currents of reconstituted ATP synthase on black lipid … B Christensen, M Gutweiler, E Grell, N Wagner, … - Journal of Membrane …, 1988 - Springer Summary. Purified ATP synthase (FoFI) from Rhodospirillum rubrum was reconstituted into asolectin liposomes which were than adsorbed to a planar lipid bilayer. After the addition of an inactive photolabile ATP derivative (caged ATP), ATP was released after illumination with UV ... Цитируется: 5 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (3)
Correlation of electron transfer rate in photosynthetic reaction centers with … SK Chamorovsky, DA Cherepanov, CS … - … et Biophysica Acta (BBA …, 2007 - Elsevier A number of the electrogenic reactions in photosystem I, photosystem II, and bacterial reaction centers (RC) were comparatively analyzed, and the variation of the dielectric permittivity (ε) in the vicinity of electron carriers along the membrane normal was calculated. The value of ε ... Цитируется: 3 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (3) Electron and proton transport in biologicalmembranes G Hauska, G Orlich - Journal of Membrane Science, 1980 - Elsevier Journal of Membrane Science, 6 (1980) 7-18 7 Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands ELECTRON AND PROTON TRANSPORT IN BIOLOGICAL MEMBRANES* GUNTER HAUSKA** and GABRIELE ORLICH Institute of Botany, ... Цитируется: 3 - Похожие статьи [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ]
Light-Energy Conversion by the Purple Membrane from … T Schreckenbach - Microbial Energy Conversion: The Proceedings of a …, 1977 - Pergamon Цитируется: 3 - Похожие статьи [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ] The bacterial photosynthetic apparatus as a photoelectric … VD Samuilov - 1984 - Routledge Цитируется: 2 - Похожие статьи
Light-induced generation of electric potential difference in membranes of purple … N.P. Krasinskaya, V.D. Samuilov - Journal of Bioenergetics and …, 1977 - Springer When associated with a planar phospholipid membrane, chromatophores isolated from photosynthetic sulfur bacteria Chromatium minutissimum, Ectothiorhodospira shaposhnikovii, and Chlorobium limicolaf thiosulfatophilum were shown to generate a light- induced transmembrane ... Цитируется: 2 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2) Participation of chloroplasts and mitochondria in virus reproduction and the … SA Ostroumov - Journal of theoretical biology, 1977 - Elsevier The similarity of prokaryotic cells and the organelles of eukaryotes can be explained not only by the ordinary form of the endosymbiosis hypothesis, but also by another evolutionary model presented here. This model postulates that portions of DNA of an ancient prokaryote were ... Цитируется: 2 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (4)
Dielectric and photoelectric properties of photosynthetic reaction centers [PDF] CS Chamorovsky, SK Chamorovsky, AY … - Biochemistry (Moscow), 2005 - Springer The processes of charge separation in photosynthetic reaction centers (RC) and further transfer of electron and proton along the photosynthetic chain are accompanied by generation of electric potential (∆ψ), which can be detected using instrumental methods. The direct elec ... Цитируется: 2 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (11) A stable planar bilayer membrane of phospholipid supported by cellulose sheets M SETAKA, T YAMAMOTO, N SATO, M … - Journal of …, 1982 - Jpn Biochemical Soc A new method is reported for preparing a thin planar membrane of 1,2-distearoyl- .wz-glycero-3-phosphocholine and egg yolk lecithin-cholesterol (molar ratio of 1 : 1) between a pair of cellulose sheets. This technique, developed from the method of the multilayer ... Цитируется: 2 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (3)
Biotechnological applications of thermophilic ATP synthase: membrane electronics … Y Kagawa, S Ohta, M Yohda, T Hamamoto, H … - Journal of Membrane …, 1989 - Elsevier Thermophilic membrane proteins are stable and can be incorporated into artificial membranes to carry out special functions. ATP synthase is a central enzyme for energy transformation in biomembranes. Thermophilic ATP synthase was incorporated into a planar lipid bilayer, ... Цитируется: 1 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (3) A study of the incorporation of cytochrome oxidase into planar synthetic … RH Tredgold, M Elgamal - Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)- …, 1979 - Elsevier Cytochrome oxidase molecules were incorporated into black lipid membranes and into a new form of planar synthetic membrane. Studies of these membranes indicated that the incorporation of large membrane bound enzymes into black lipid membranes involves difficulties ... Цитируется: 1 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2)
Bacteriorhodopsin as a Possible Element of Membrane Bioreactors AV Maksimychev, SK Chamorovskii - Russian Chemical Reviews, 1988 - The application of membrane technology in modern industry makes it possible to economise on resources and energy and to reduce greatly the influence of unfavourable factors on the environment. In recent years a tendency has arisen in membrane research to combine ... Цитируется: 1 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (4) Fusion of liposomes with planar lipid bilayers M Razin, H Ginsburg - Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)- …, 1980 - Elsevier The fusion of liposomes with planar lipid bilayers was monitored by two different methods. (a) Liposomes consisting of phospholipids and cholesterol were added to the aqueous phase bathing the cholesterol-deficient planar lipid bilayers in the presence of nystatin. The ... Цитируется: 1 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2) The adenine nucleotide translocase—a carrier protein potentially required for … [PDF] M Ziegler - Biochemistry (Moscow), 2005 - Springer Just about 20 years ago I learned what bioenergetics is and “what it is eaten with” (“C чeм eё eдят”—one of VP Skulachev's favorite expressions that I remember). I took a one semester course on the subject at Moscow State University. Being a student at the Biochemistry division of ... Цитируется: 1 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (9) [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ] Transduction of Light into Electric Energy in Bacterial … V.P. 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MF 0 F 1 was inserted in preformed reverse phase evaporation vesicles of large diameters prepared from asolectin (MF 0 F 1 –REV). Reconstitution was mediated by Triton X-100, which was ... Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (4) [HTML] Charge Displacements during ATP-Hydrolysis and Synthesis of the Na $# … [HTML] C Burzik, G Kaim, P Dimroth, E Bamberg, K … - Biophysical …, 2003 - Transient electrical currents generated by the Na + -transporting F o F 1 -ATPase of Ilyobacter tartaricus were observed in the hydrolytic and synthetic mode of the enzyme. Two techniques were applied: a photochemical ATP concentration jump on a planar lipid membrane and ... Похожие статьи C Pfister, R Pougeois - Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)- …, 1980 - Elsevier 2. The transmembrane electrical potential generated by ATP hydrolysis reaches values up to 80 mV. The half-time required to attain the plateau of potential is paradoxically long (5 to 10 min at room temperature) and is temperature-dependent. 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Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2) [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ] VP SKULACHEV B Photosynthesis - Photosynthesis in relation to …, 1979 - Elsevier Science & Technology Похожие статьи [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ] ION TRANSPORT IN MEMBRANES:* ii62 IT Proteins - Annual Review of Physiology, 1939 - Annual Reviews Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2) [PDF] Proton Translocation Coupled to Electron Transfer Reactions in Terminal … [PDF] I BELEVICH - To be presented for public criticism, with permission of the Faculty of Biosciences, University of Helsinki in the auditorium 1041 of Biocenter 2 (Viikinkaari 5) on November 8 th , 2007 at 12 noon ... Supervisors: Dr. Michael I. Verkhovsky Institute of Biotechnology University of ... Похожие статьи - В виде HTML - Все версии статьи (2) Rhodopsin and other proteins in artificial lipid membranes E Bamberg - European Biophysics Journal, 1977 - Springer Abstract. 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Похожие статьи - В виде HTML [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ] Функции почв в биосфере и экосистемах:(Экологическое … GV Dobrovolʹskiĭ, ED Nikitin, VA Kovda - 1990 - Наука Похожие статьи [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ] КРАСНЫЕ КНИГИ ПОЧВ—ВАЖНОЕ ЗВЕНО ОXРАНЕНИЯ … ЕД Никитин, ЕБ Скворцова, … - Культурное …, 2007 - … науч.-иссл. ин-т культурного и … Похожие статьи [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ] Problema zemelʹnoĭ renty v rossiĭskoĭ ėkonomike AV Ryzhenkov, ЕИ Семен - 1997 - Российская Академия Наук … Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2) [PDF] БАГАТОРІЧНА ДИНАМІКА ПТЕРИГОМОРФІЗМУ У КЛОПІВ-ВОДОМІРОК ( … [PDF] ВМ Титар - Результати та обговорення Розподіл 8 зібраних видів клопів-водомірок по стану птеригоморфізму та біорегіонам показав, що є ми маємо дві групи видів – мономорфні та поліморфні. Перша представлена 3 видами, інша – 5. До першої належать, насамперед, Limnoporus ... 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Похожие статьи [PDF] Общая экология [PDF] ОВ Тарасова - 2001 - В методическое руководство включены программа лекций по курсу «Общая экология», примерные планы семинарских занятий (30 основных тем, включающих вопросы по программе курса общей экологии, решение задач по экологии, экологические игры), вопросы для ... Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (3) [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ] Редундансий оф лифе СВ Пучковский - 1998 - Удмуртский гос. университет Похожие статьи [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ] Е (11 (ог1 а! СоипсП Ь О115ОУ, АР ОУВА1Ч, КО САгАКУАМ, ОР … - Онтогенез, 1987 - Наука Похожие статьи Биоиндикация экологических условий сельхозугодий ИВ Батлуцкая, ЕН Хорольская - Аграрная наука, 2006 - Разработка экологических принципов формирования и функционирования региональных систем мониторинга окружающей среды, основанных на биоиндикации с привлечением широко распространенных видов насекомых, в настоящее время приобретает свою ... [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ] Микроэлементы, экология и здоровье человека СП Торшин, ТМ Удельнова, БА … - Успехи современной …, 1990 - Академия наук СССР Цитируется: 10 - Похожие статьи [RTF] … диверсифицированный биореактор с функцией самоочищения воды [RTF] СА Остроумов - Докл. РАН, 2000 - В число основных биологических процессов, участвующих в самоочищении воды, входят: (1) биодеградация контаминантов; (2) аккумуляция (бионакопление) токсических веществ, их секвестрирование в водных организмах и связанное с этим извлечение ... Цитируется: 7 - Похожие статьи - В виде HTML - Все версии статьи (2) [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ] Об отрицательных последствиях применения пестицидов АВ Яблоков - Сельскохозяǐственная биология, 1988 - Изд-во" Колос" Цитируется: 2 - Похожие статьи [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ] Экологические аспекты рыбохозяйственной токсикологии … МА Перевозников - Влияние биологически активных веществ на …, 1988 - Промрыбвод Цитируется: 1 - Похожие статьи [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ] Feromonȳ: spravochnik A Skirkevičius - 1988 - … of Zoology and Parasitology of the … Похожие статьи [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ] Функции почв в биосфере и экосистемах:(Экологическое … GV Dobrovolʹskiĭ, ED Nikitin, VA Kovda - 1990 - Наука Похожие статьи [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ] … БИОГЕННЫХ АМИНОВ ФИТОФАГОВ С УСТОЙЧИВОСТЬЮ К … ЛС ИВАЩЕНКО - … в условиях научно-технического прогресса в …, 1988 - ВИЗР Похожие статьи [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ] Политический потенциал современной биологии: … АВ Олескин, СБ Проблем Похожие статьи … КАК ДЕТЕРРЕНТЫ НАСЕКОМЫХ-ФИТОФАГОВ: ДЕЙСТВИЕ РАСТЕНИЯ … КГ Уфимцев, ТИ Ширшова, ВВ … - Успехи современной …, 2009 - Показано детеррентное влияние диеты, включающей сухие части растения серпухи венценосной (Serratula coronata) с различным содержанием экдистероидов и выделенных из него индивидуальных соединений – 20Е и Е, на личинок египетской хлопковой совки Spodoptera littoralis, ... Похожие статьи - Сохраненная копия [PDF] ВСТУПНИХ ФАХОВИХ ВИПРОБОВУВАНЬ [PDF] М освіти і науки України, СО Гнатуш - Page 1. Міністерство освіти і науки України Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка Біологічний факультет «Затверджую» Декан біологічного факультету доц. С.О. Гнатуш «___»_____2007р. ПРОГРАМА ... Похожие статьи - В виде HTML - Все версии статьи (2) … ФЕРМЕНТНЫЙ КОМПЛЕКС ТКАНЕЙ ДВУСТВОРЧАТОГО МОЛЛЮСКА Mytilus … АА Солдатов, ОЛ Гостюхина, ИВ … - Прикладная биохимия и …, 2007 - Обобщены результаты исследований тканевой специфики антиоксидантного (АО) ферментного комплекса двустворчатого моллюска Mytilus galloprovincialis Lam. Показано, что наибольшую окислительную нагрузку испытывают жабры. АО комплекс этой ткани в большей ... Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2) … В ПРОЦЕССАХ САМООЧИЩЕНИЯ РОТКОВЕЦКИХ ОЗЕР (КОНОШСКИЙ … ЛС Широкова, ЛК Добродеева - Вестник Поморского университета. …, 2006 - ВВЕДЕНИЕ Бактериопланктон водоемов является основным фактором самоочищения, выполняя функцию первичного окисления или восстановления поступающих в водоем загрязняющих веществ. В процессах самоочищения воды участвуют представители ... Похожие статьи ИНГИБИРОВАНИЕ NАDН-ОКСИДОРЕДУКТАЗЫ СОЕДИНЕНИЯМИ … ЕА Саратовских, ЛА Коршунова, ОС Рощупкина, … - Химическая …, 2007 - Изучено действие солей двухвалентных металлов и комплексов тех же металлов с 3, 6-дихлорпиколиновой кислотой на активность NADН-оксидоредуктазы из метилотрофов Methylococcus capsulatus (штамм М). В области концентраций 10-6 10-2 М соли Mg ... Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2) [PDF] INTRODUCERE [PDF] ASP DE ANALIZĂ - Page 1. III Cuprins PREFAŢĂ INTRODUCERE 1 Capitolul I. PROBLEME DE PROTECŢIE A MEDIULUI AMBIANT 5 1.1.Biosfera şi originea vieţii pe Pămînt 5 1.2.Echilibrul energetic şi material al biosferei 9 1.3.Acţiunea antropică asupra mediului ambiant 15 ... Похожие статьи - В виде HTML - Все версии статьи (3) ВЛИЯНИЕ ХЛОРСОДЕРЖАЩИХ ФЕНОЛОВ НА СТАБИЛЬНОСТЬ ДНК ЕА Саратовских, ЕВ Штамм - Химическая физика, 2007 - Исследовано действие трихлорфенола и продуктов его фотолиза на вторичную структуру ДНК. Показано изменение температуры плавления и гиперхромного эффекта в зависимости от концентрации. Однако плавление остается кооперативным во всем диапазоне ... Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2) Агроэкологические проблемы серного питания озимой пшеницы, … ВН Слюсарев - Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного …, 2007 - Агроэкологические проблемы серного питания озимой пшеницы, выращиваемой различными технологиями на чернозёме выщелоченном Северо-Западного Предкавказья. ВН Слюсарев Труды Кубанского государственного ... Похожие статьи Эколого-биохимические особенности накопления биологически активных … ВС Никитина, ОЭ Оразов, ГВ Шендель - Сибирский экологический …, 2004 - ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО Сибирского отделения Российской академии наук. ... Похожие статьи - Сохраненная копия - Все версии статьи (5) [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ] О БИОИНДИКАЩОННОЙ РОЛИ ГРИБОВ ПРИ ОЦЕНКЕ … ИА Авессаломова, РС … - …, 1989 - Ин-т минералогии, геохимии и … [PDF] … сезонной динамики водорастворимых фенольных соединений в … [PDF] ЛМ Кавеленова, СН Лищинская, ЛН … - Химия растительного …, 2001 - Page 1. Химия растительного сырья. 2001. №3. С. 91–96. УДК 581.133 ОСОБЕННОСТИ СЕЗОННОЙ ДИНАМИКИ ВОДОРАСТВОРИМЫХ ФЕНОЛЬНЫХ СОЕДИНЕНИЙ В ЛИСТЬЯХ БЕРЕЗЫ ПОВИСЛОЙ В УСЛОВИЯХ ... Цитируется: 5 - Похожие статьи - В виде HTML - Все версии статьи (6) [HTML] Методологические аспекты управления качеством водной среды с … [HTML] БГ Александров - Экологическая безопасность прибрежной …, 2000 - Академия Google 4. Биотехнологии воспроизводства качества среды и биоресурсов УДК 573.2 БГ Александров МЕТОДОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ АСПЕКТЫ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ КАЧЕСТВОМ ВОДНОЙ СРЕДЫ С ПОМОЩЬЮ ОБРАСТАНИЯ ТВЕРДЫХ СУБСТРАТОВ Проведенные исследования были ... Цитируется: 3 - Похожие статьи Введение в экологию Черного моря. [PDF] ЮП Зайцев - 2006 - В книге дается монографическое описание экологии современного Черного моря. Излагаются и систематизируются имеющиеся в литературе и еще не опубликованные данные о характеристике моря как среды обитания и жизненных формах водных организмов. На конкретных ... Цитируется: 2 - Похожие статьи - В виде HTML [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ] Радиоэкология паразитов-история вопроса, теоретические и … МД Сонин, АН Пельгунов, АЛ … - Bioindikat︠s︡ii︠a︡ …, 1999 - Наука Публишерс Цитируется: 1 - Похожие статьи [DOC] Рецензент: зав. каф. ихтиологии и экологии КГТУ, д-р биол. наук, … [DOC] Э ХИМИЯ - В учебном пособии объединены основные положения экологической химии. Актуальный материал, посвященный экологии и охране природы, ориентирован на интеграцию химических знаний со знаниями смежных естественнонаучных дисциплин. Рассмотрены ... Похожие статьи - В виде HTML [КНИГА] Экологическая химия [PDF] НВ Чибисова, ЕК Долгань - 1998 - В учебном пособии объединены основные положения экологической химии. Актуальный материал, посвященный экологии и охране природы, ориентирован на интеграцию химических знаний со знаниями смежных естественнонаучных дисциплин. Рассмотрены ... Похожие статьи - В виде HTML - Все версии статьи (7) [PDF] ОСОБЕННОСТИ ХИМИЧЕСКОГО СОСТАВА ОПАДА ДУБА И ЛИПЫ В … [PDF] ЕА Долгих, ЛМ Кавеленова - Химия растительного сырья, 1999 - В двух лесных массивах на территории Самарской области, первый из которых располагался в долине р. Самары (граница лесостепи и степи), а второй – в южной части области, в пределах степной зоны, были собраны и проанализированы по ряду показателей ... Похожие статьи - В виде HTML - Все версии статьи (8) [HTML] … СВЯЗИ АКТИВНОСТИ НЕЙТРАЛЬНОЙ ПРОТЕАЗЫ В КИШЕЧНИКЕ … [HTML] ВИ Егорова, СН Егоров - Вестник Астраханского ГТУ. …, 1998 - Академия Google УДК 591+ 639.371. 52.043. 2: 597 ВИ Егорова, СН Егоров КОРРЕЛЯЦИОННЫЕ СВЯЗИ АКТИВНОСТИ НЕЙТРАЛЬНОЙ ПРОТЕАЗЫ В КИШЕЧНИКЕ КАРПА И НЕКОТОРЫХ ФАКТОРОВ СРЕДЫ ПРИ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИИ В РАЦИОНАХ ПРОДУКТОВ МИКРОБИАЛЬНОГО СИНТЕЗА ... Похожие статьи [DOC] УЧЕБНО-МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЙ КОМПЛЕКС ПО ДИСЦИПЛИНЕ [DOC] П ДОКУМЕНТОВ - (должность, учёное звание, степень) (подпись) (Ф.И.О.) ... УМКД рассмотрен и утверждён на заседании кафедры от ______________ 2007 г. ... УМКД согласован с Методической комиссией БХФ ___________________ 2007 г. ... – Основной целью курса является ... Похожие статьи - В виде HTML - Все версии статьи (2) [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ] НОВЫЕ ДАННЫЕ О МОРФОЛОГИИ ЧЕТЫРЕХ ВИДОВ … ИВ Макарова, РМ Гогорев - Журнал де …, 2000 - Изд-во" Наука" Ленинградское … Похожие статьи … КАК ДЕТЕРРЕНТЫ НАСЕКОМЫХ-ФИТОФАГОВ: ДЕЙСТВИЕ РАСТЕНИЯ … КГ Уфимцев, ТИ Ширшова, ВВ … - Успехи современной …, 2009 - Показано детеррентное влияние диеты, включающей сухие части растения серпухи венценосной (Serratula coronata) с различным содержанием экдистероидов и выделенных из него индивидуальных соединений – 20Е и Е, на личинок египетской хлопковой совки Spodoptera littoralis, ... Похожие статьи - Сохраненная копия [PDF] К методологии экофизиологических исследований листьев древесных … [PDF] ЛМ Кавеленова, ЕВ Малыхина, СА Розно, … - Поволжский …, 2008 - Page 1. ПОВОЛЖСКИЙ ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ. 2008. № 3. С. 200 – 210 © Л.М. Кавеленова, Е.В. Малыхина, С.А. Розно, Ю.В. Смирнов, 2008 УДК 582.091:574.24 К МЕТОДОЛОГИИ ЭКОФИЗИОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЙ ... Похожие статьи - В виде HTML [PDF] Влияние мутантных изменений кукурузы на взаимоотношение в … [PDF] ЯА Арчиловская, ВВ Заболотских - Современная биология превратилась в науку, которая дала начало технологиям, преобразившим производство. Биотехнологии стали реальной производительной силой. Львиную долю продуктов, созданных на основе современных биотехнологий (генетической ... Похожие статьи - В виде HTML - Все версии статьи (3) [PDF] Химическое исследование флавоноидов лекарственных и пищевых … [PDF] ЭХ Ботиров, АА Дренин, АВ Макарова - Химия растительного …, 2006 - [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ]
Экологическая биофизическая химия АЛ Васнецова, ГП Гладышев - 1989 - Наука Цитируется: 6 - Похожие статьи [HTML]
Некоторые последствия использования пестицидов для степных птиц … [HTML] ВП Белик - Беркут, 1997 - Применение пестицидов в противоэпидемической службе, а также в сельском и лесном хозяйстве нередко вызывает катастрофические побочные последствия для диких животных (Чуркина, 1964, 1967, 1969; Воронова, Пушкарь, 1968; Гусев, 1968; Корольченко, ... Цитируется: 4 - Похожие статьи - Сохраненная копия - Все версии статьи (2) [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ] … флористики: материалы IV Рабочего совещания по … БА Юрцев - 1998 - Спб. Гос. Ун-Т (Ниих) Цитируется: 1 - Похожие статьи [PDF] Р 835
Ресурсоведение: учебное пособие [PDF] ВВ Рудский - Р 835 Ресурсоведение: учебное пособие / В.В. Рудский. – Смоленск: Издательство СГУ. - 143 ... Данное пособие предназначено для студентов, обучающихся по специальности 013400 – ... Глава 1. Основные понятия и термины курса………………………………...5 ... Похожие статьи - В виде HTML [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ]
Fundamentals of algosozology НВ Кондратьева, ПМ Царенко - 2008 - … nauk Ukrainy, Institut Botaniki im. NG … Похожие статьи [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ] Мир растений и люди АМ Семенова-Тян-Шанская, ВН Тихомиров - 1986 - Изд-во" Наука," Ленинградское отд … Похожие статьи
Природно-исторические аспекты лесистости территории Курской области ВД Выводцев, МИ Лукьянчикова - Лесное хозяйство, 2006 - Выводцев В.Д., Лукьянчикова М.И.//Лесное хозяйство, 2006. Похожие статьи [DOC]
РАБОЧАЯ ПРОГРАММА Учебная дисциплина–Экологическая … [DOC] V Курс - Цель дисциплины – формирование знаний и умений по экологической безопасности, что способствует воспитанию экологической грамотности инженеров сельского хозяйства, умению правильно оценить экологическую ситуацию и формирует профессиональный ... Похожие статьи - В виде HTML Ключевые слова: биология, экология, публикации, С.А. Остроумов, цитирование, охрана окружающей среды, инновации, экологическая безопасность, охрана природы, самоочищение, качество воды, антропогенные воздействия, биосфера, биохимическая экология, преподавание, обучение, новые научные дисциплины, мониторинг, учебные дисциплины, биомембраны, химико-биотические взаимодействия, membranes, ecology, environment, conservation, biochemical, S.A.Ostroumov
Cited: publications authored and coauthored by Dr. S.A. Ostroumov. ; Цитирование публикаций с авторством и соавторством д.б.н. С.А.Остроумова.
environmental, science, ecology, aquatic, water, ecotoxicology, экология, окружающая среда, вода,
Цитируемый автор: ОСТРОУМОВ СЕРГЕЙ АНДРЕЕВИЧ, Биологический факультет МГУ, Москва)
Есть полный текст на eLibrary.Ru: ЭКОЛОГИЯ И ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ. Жуковский В.М., Неудачина Л.К. Аналитика и контроль, 2 (1998), 1 (весна), 4-7.
Есть полный текст на eLibrary.Ru: Dunaliella salina (Chlorophyta) как тест-объект для оценки загрязнения морской среды детергентами. Маркина Ж.В., Айздайчер Н.А. Биология моря, 31 (2005), 4 (июль), 274-279.
Нелинейная модель трансформации примесей в водной среде. Долгоносов Б.М., Губернаторова Т.Н. Водные ресурсы, 32 (2005), 3 (май), 322-336. Бюллетень Московского общества испытателей природы. Отдел геологический, 80 (2005), 5 (сентябрь), 58-68.
О самоочищении водотока и роли микробиологической трансформации органического вещества в системе река Селенга - ее дельта. Макушкин Э.О., Корсунов В.М. Доклады Академии наук, 404 (2005), 4 (октябрь), 567-569.
Есть полный текст на eLibrary.Ru: Токсическое действие детергентов на водоросль Plagioselmis prolonga (Cryptophyta). Айздайчер Н.А., Маркина Ж.В. Биология моря, 32 (2006), 1 (январь), 50-54.
Биоиндикация экологических условий сельхозугодий Батлуцкая И.В., Хорольская Е.Н. Аграрная наука, (2006), 4 (апрель), 12-15.
Динамика климатической системы Арктики как экстремальное проявление интерактивности ее компонентов: задачи космического мониторинга. Кондратьев К.Я., Савиных В.П. Исследование Земли из космоса, (2006), 3 (май), 3-14.
Природно-исторические аспекты лесистости территории Курской области. Выводцев В.Д., Лукьянчикова М.И. Лесное хозяйство, (2006), 5 (сентябрь), 17-19. Характеристика свойств фитопатогенных бактерий. Дегтерев М.Б., Погорельский И.П. Лесное хозяйство, (2007), 3 (май), 43-44.
Есть полный текст на eLibrary.Ru: Влияние детергентов на динамику численности и физиологическое состояние бентосной микроводоросли attheya ussurensis (bacillariophyta) в лабораторной культуре. Маркина Ж.В., Айздайчер Н.А. Биология моря, 33 (2007), 6 (ноябрь), 432-439.
Есть полный текст на eLibrary.Ru: КИНЕТИКА ФЕРМЕНТАТИВНОЙ ДЕСТРУКЦИИ ОРГАНИЧЕСКИХ МАКРОМОЛЕКУЛ С ФРАКТАЛЬНОЙ СТРУКТУРОЙ. Долгоносов Б.М., Губернаторова Т.Н. Теоретические основы химической технологии, 41 (2007), 6 (ноябрь), 671-680.
Адвентивные виды и изменение ареалов аборигенных гидробионтов в поверхностных водных объектах Украины. Сообщение 3. Итоговое обсуждение Жукинский В.Н., Харченко Т.А., Ляшенко А.В. Гидробиологический журнал, 44 (2008), 1, 1-25.
Фучеджи О.А., Коннова С.А., Бойко А.С., Игнатов В.В. Микробиология, 77 (2008), 1 (январь), 96-102.
Есть полный текст на eLibrary.Ru: Повышение и стабилизация продуктивности долголетних культурных сенокосов и пастбищ, создаваемых на пахотных землях.
Темирсултанов Э.Э., Васильева И.В., Рязанова Н.Е., Хоменко Н.Д., Пряхин В.Н. Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: Экология и безопасность жизнедеятельности, (2008), 2, 61-68.
ИЗУЧЕНИЕ ДЕГРАДАЦИИ ФЕНОЛЬНЫХ СОЕДИНЕНИЙ ПОД ВОЗДЕЙСТВИЕМ ПРЕСНОВОДНОГО СИМБИОТИЧЕСКОГО БИОЦЕНОЗА. Дмитриева Т.В., Коржавый А.П., Чернова М.В., Лапа Н.Н. Известия Тульского государственного университета. Серия: Естественные науки, (2008), 1, 239-245.
Есть полный текст на eLibrary.Ru: Экологическая информационная база повышения продуктивности культурных биогеофоитоцезов с целью обеспечения стабильного производства кормов в условиях нечерноземной зоны РФ.
Темирсултанов Э.Э., Васильева И.В., Рязанова Н.Е., Хоменко Н.Д., Рыков С.В. Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: Экология и безопасность жизнедеятельности, (2008), 4, 5-9;
Есть полный текст на eLibrary.Ru: СРАВНЕНИЕ ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТИ ИНТРОДУКЦИИ НЕФТЕОКИСЛЯЮЩЕГО ШТАММА Dietzia maris И СТИМУЛЯЦИИ ЕСТЕСТВЕННЫХ МИКРОБНЫХ СООБЩЕСТВ ДЛЯ РЕМЕДИАЦИИ ЗАГРЯЗНЁННОЙ ПОЧВЫ. Плешакова Е.В., Дубровская Е.В., Турковская О.В. Прикладная биохимия и микробиология, 44 (2008), 4 (июль), 430-437;
Характеристика свойств псевдомонад, вызывающих бактериальный ожог хвои и стволиков сеянцев сосны обыкновенной. Прохоров А.В., Погорельский И.П. Лесное хозяйство, (2008), 4 (июль), 46-48;
Есть полный текст на eLibrary.Ru: Экологические взаимоотношения агропопуляций экдистероидсодержащих растений Rhaponticum carthamoides (Willd.) Iljin и Serratula coronata L. с насекомыми-фитофагами Сообщение 2. Изменч
ивость состава фитоэкдистероидов в агроценозе и их роль в поражаемости растений вредителями. Тимофеев Н.П. Сибирский экологический журнал, (2009), 6, 827-842;
Есть полный текст на eLibrary.Ru: Пути экологизации орошения и применения удобрений. Темирсултанов Э.Э., Васильева И.В., Рязанова Н.Е., Хоменко Н.Д., Рыков С.В. Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: Экология и безопасность жизнедеятельности, (2009), 1, 32-41; Есть полный текст на eLibrary.Ru: Проблемы экоразвития современного общества Марков Ю.Г. Экология. Серия аналитических обзоров мировой литературы, (2009), 91, 1-163; Действие детергентов и поверхностно-активных веществ на рост, физиологические и биохимические показатели одноклеточных водорослей (обзор). Маркина Ж.В. Известия ТИНРО (Тихоокеанского научно-исследовательского рыбохозяйственного центра), 156 (2009), 125-134
Есть полный текст на eLibrary.Ru; Об управлении охраняемыми экологическими системами (практические аспекты). Дёжкин В.В., Авданин В.О., Буйволов Ю.А., Синицын М.Г. Аграрная Россия, (2009), 3 (июнь), 7-20;
Poulard C., Lafont M. , Lenar-Matyas A., Lapuszek M. Flood mitigation designs with respect to river ecosystem functions - a problem oriented conceptual approach. - Ecological Engineering, 2010, 36 (1), p. 69-77.
Chatzinikolaou Y., Ioannou A., Lazaridou M. Intra-basin spatial approach on pollution load estimation in a large Mediterranean river. – Desalination. 2010 (1 January) Volume 250, Issue 1,, Pages 118-129. ABSTRACT:
In order to find the segments of Pinios River which lack the retention capacity of the BOD and nutrient input, the difference of the estimated input and output pollution loads was compared at upstream and downstream clustered areas of a total of 73 segments. Catchment areas ranged from 1 to 11,300 km2. Emissions were always higher than the actual transport, therefore retention was assumed to take place. Specific runoff, percentage of the surface water area and the calculated input of pollution loads (BOD, P, N) varied between the different Pinios River basin catchment areas. The transport to the emission load ratio was different between large and small catchments. The rate of retention among consecutive segments revealed that four lowland segments lacked in their relative retention capacity. DOI:10.1016/j.desal.2008.12.062 []
water quality, freshwater aquatic ecosystem, Biochemical oxygen demand; Nutrient retention; Organic pollution load; Nutrient pollution load; large Mediterranean river, Pinios River, pollution loads (BOD, P, N), retention capacity of the BOD, nutrient input, Catchment areas, Specific runoff, percentage of the surface water area, different Pinios River basin catchment areas.
Mohneke, M., Rödel, M.-O. Declining amphibian populations and possible ecological consequences — A review. // Salamandra, 2009, 45 (4), pp. 203-210.
ABSTRACT: Amphibian declines likely result in measurable changes in aquatic and riparian ecosystems. Here, we concentrate on potential consequences of the loss of larval anurans for aquatic ecosystems. In rural savanna regions of West Africa, freshwater ecosystems are essential water resources for humans and cattle. Altering these ecosystems therefore may have important economic and health consequences. Prospective impacts on water chemistry, algae and aquatic invertebrate taxa are highlighted. [© 2009 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Herpetologie und Terrarienkundee. V. (DGHT).;]; Dafforn, K.A., Glasby, T.M., Johnston, E.L. Links between estuarine condition and spatial distributions of marine invaders // Diversity and Distributions 2009, v. 15 (5), pp. 807-821.
Vaughn, C.C., Nichols, S.J., Spooner, D.E. Community and foodweb ecology of freshwater mussels // Journal of the North American Benthological Society, 2008, 27 (2), pp. 409-423
Stabili, L., Licciano, M., Longo, C., Corriero, G., Mercurio, M. Evaluation of microbiological accumulation capability of the commercial sponge Spongia officinalis var. adriatica (Schmidt) (Porifera, Demospongiae) Water Research, 2008, vol. 42 (10-11), pp. 2499-2506.
Bussell, J.A., Gidman, E.A., Causton, D.R., Gwynn-Jones, D., Malham, S.K., Jones, M.L.M., Reynolds, B., Seed, R. Changes in the immune response and metabolic fingerprint of the mussel, Mytilus edulis (Linnaeus) in response to lowered salinity and physical stress Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology,2008, v. 358 (1), pp. 78-85. [];
Mussels, such as Mytilus edulis, are common keystone species on open coasts and in estuaries and are frequently used in environmental monitoring programmes. Mussels experience a wide range of environmental conditions at these locations, including rapid changes in salinity and physical disturbance (both natural and from aquaculture practices). This paper addressed the hypothesis that reduced salinity will lower mussel blood immune function and influence mussel blood metabolic responses, and that this will in turn increase the susceptibility of mussels to other stresses such as physical disturbance. To test these hypotheses, experiments were conducted in controlled laboratory tank conditions and mussel blood was analysed using a combination of metabolic fingerprinting with FT-IR and immunological assay techniques. Reducing seawater salinity to half that of normal caused a significant reduction in several measures of immune function, including the concentration of haemocytes, percentage of eosinophilic haemocytes and phagocytosis. Mechanical shaking of mussels for 10 min caused a reduction in the level of respiratory burst activity. However, there was no evidence of additive or interactive effects of lowered salinity with shaking on the immune response. Analysis of mussel blood metabolic fingerprints revealed differences in response to half salinity (vs. full salinity) but there were no detectable effects of shaking. Increasing frequency and magnitude of flood events at coastal sites due to climate change could lead to longer, and more frequent, periods of reduced salinity. The potential impact on the immune function of this keystone species within or near estuaries could have knock-on effects on the wider ecosystem including altered nutrient cycling, changes in biodiversity and aquaculture production..
Licciano, M., Terlizzi, A., Giangrande, A., Cavallo, R.A., Stabili, L. Filter-feeder macroinvertebrates as key players in culturable bacteria biodiversity control: A case of study with Sabella spallanzanii (Polychaeta: Sabellidae) // Marine Environmental Research, 2007, v.64 (4), pp. 504-513.
Stabili, L., Licciano, M., Giangrande, A., Longo, C., Mercurio, M., Marzano, C.N., Corriero, G. Filtering activity of Spongia officinalis var. adriatica (Schmidt) (Porifera, Demospongiae) on bacterioplankton: Implications for bioremediation of polluted seawater // Water Research 2006, v. 40 (16), pp. 3083-3090 .
Y. CHATZINIKOLAOU 1, 2 and M. LAZARIDOU1 [1Department of Zoology, School of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece; 2Institute of Inland Waters, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, 46.7 km Athinon — Souniou Av., 190 13, P.O. Box 712, Anavissos, Hellas; e-mail:] Identification of the self-purification stretches of the Pinios River, Central Greece . — Mediterranean Marine Science, 2007, Volume 8/2, p.19-32. ABSTRACT: The Pinios River basin in Thessaly, Greece, is intensively farmed and heavily polluted with poorly treated domestic and industrial waste. The river was divided into 35 homogenous stretches. We investigated the self-purification capacity along the different stretches of the Pinios based on the responses of the benthic macroinvertebrate community to municipal, industrial and agricultural pollution in the basin. Water quality was assessed by the performance of six diversity and biotic indices and scores for assessing water quality. Self-purification found by the downstream amelioration of water quality was evident at five stretches. These stretches should be safeguarded and priority should be given to restoration projects along the most water-quality-degraded stretches that lack the capacity for self-purification. KEYWORDS: Self-purification; benthic macroinvertebrates; The Pinios River basin in Thessaly, Greece, water quality, domestic and industrial waste, municipal, industrial and agricultural pollution in the basin, diversity and biotic indices and scores for assessing water quality, restoration projects along the most water-quality-degraded stretches that lack the capacity for self-purification, fresshwater aquatic ecosystems Dingjiang Chen 1, Jun Lu 1, 2 *, Yena Shen 3. Artificial neural network modelling of concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus and dissolved oxygen in a non-point source polluted river in Zhejiang Province, southeast China. // Hydrological Processes. Early View (Articles online in advance of print); Published Online: 21 Oct 2009; Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [1Department of Natural Resources, College of Environmental Science and Natural Resources, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310029, China; 2China Ministry of Education Key Lab of Environment Remediation and Ecological Health, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310029, China; 3Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Subtropical Soil and Plant Nutrition, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310029, China; email: Jun Lu (; *Correspondence to Jun Lu, Department of Natural Resources, College of Environmental Science and Natural Resources, Zhejiang University, Kaixuan Road 258#, Hangzhou 310029, Zhejiang Province, China]. KEYWORDS: artificial neural network, agricultural non-point source pollution, total nitrogen, total phosphorus ,dissolved oxygen, river water quality, freshwater aquatic ecosystem, A back-propagation algorithm neural network (BPNN), modelling tool for managers, spatiotemporal water quality variations, agricultural drainage river, Changle River, southeast China, Monthly river flow, water temperature, flow travel time, rainfall and upstream TN, TP and DO concentrations; ABSTRACT: A back-propagation algorithm neural network (BPNN) was developed to synchronously simulate concentrations of total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP) and dissolved oxygen (DO) in response to agricultural non-point source pollution (AGNPS) for any month and location in the Changle River, southeast China. Monthly river flow, water temperature, flow travel time, rainfall and upstream TN, TP and DO concentrations were selected as initial inputs of the BPNN through coupling correlation analysis and quadratic polynomial stepwise regression analysis for the outputs, i.e. downstream TN, TP and DO concentrations. The input variables and number of hidden nodes of the BPNN were then optimized using a combination of growing and pruning methods. The final structure of the BPNN was determined from simulated data based on experimental data for both the training and validation phases. The predicted values obtained using a BPNN consisting of the seven initial input variables (described above), one hidden layer with four nodes and three output variables matched well with observed values. The model indicated that decreasing upstream input concentrations during the dry season and control of NPS along the reach during average and flood seasons may be an effective way to improve Changle River water quality. If the necessary water quality and hydrology data are available, the methodology developed here can easily be applied to other case studies. The BPNN model is an easy-to-use modelling tool for managers to obtain rapid preliminary identification of spatiotemporal water quality variations in response to natural and artificial modifications of an agricultural drainage river. [Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.] Digital Object Identifier (DOI) 10.1002/hyp.7482. ELLEN KRACAUER HARTIG [Center for Climate Systems Research, Columbia University, and Stone & Webster Environmental Technology & Services ], OGNYAN GROZEV [Forest Research Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences], CYNTHIA ROSENZWEIG [NASA/Goddard Institute for Space Studies, and Center for Climate Systems Research, Columbia University ]. CLIMATE CHANGE, AGRICULTURE AND WETLANDS IN EASTERN EUROPE: VULNERABILITY, ADAPTATION AND POLICY // Climatic Change 36: 107–121, 1997. ABSTRACT. Naturally-occurring wetlands perform such functions as flood control, pollution filtration, nutrient recycling, sediment accretion, groundwater recharge and water supply, erosion control, and plant and wildlife preservation. A large concentration of wetlands is located in Eastern Europe. A significant amount of Eastern European wetlands has been converted to agricultural use in the past, and remaining wetlands are subject to agricultural drainage. Drained wetlands are used as prime agriculture lands for a variety of food crops. Other agricultural uses of wetlands range from growing Phragmites australis (common reed) for thatch and livestock feed, to collecting peat for heating and cooking fuel. Altered hydrologic regimes due to global climate change could further exacerbate encroachment of agricultural land use into wetlands. Timofeev N. P. Ecological relations of agricultural populations of ecdysteroid-containing plants Rhaponticum carthamoides (Willd.) Iljin and Serratula coronata L. with herbivorous insects report 2. Composition variability of phytoecdysteroids in agrocenoses and their role in the vulnerability of plants to phytophagans.. — Contemporary Problems of Ecology [MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica distributed exclusively by Springer Science+Business Media LLC.; ISSN 1995-4255 (Print) 1995-4263 (Online)] 2009 (December)] Volume 2, Number 6 p. 531-541. [DOI 10.1134/S1995425509060071]. translated from: Sibirskii Ekologicheskii Zhurnal, 2009, Vol. 16, No. 6, pp. 829–842. [Scientific-Production Enterprise Farm “BIO”, Koryazhma, Arkhangel’sk oblast, 165650, Russia]
The accumulation and variability of ecdysteroids, which are analogs of the insect molting hormones, were studied during ontogeny of agricultural populations of Rhaponticum carthamoides (Leuzea carthamoides DC.) and Serratula coronata with relation to the plant age and cultivation conditions. The physiological role of ecdysteroids in the ecological interactions with pests was evaluated. It was found that the enhancement of herbivore activity coincided with biochemical changes in the composition of ecdysteroids having different physiological activities and was accompanied by damage to reproductive organs. During ontogenetic (age-related) changes and seasonal development in the vegetation season, the content of the physiologically active ecdysteroid 20-hydroxyecdysone decreased and relatively moderately active inokosterone and weakly active ecdysone were accumulated in reproductive shoots. Accumulation of the weakly active ecdysone in phytomass is affected by environmental conditions and anthropogenic factors of cultivation. The factors contributing to the damage potential are environmental microclimate, relief features of population locations, and agrotechnical measures (frequency of phytomass removal, excessive moisture content in the rooting layer).
agricultural populations, Rhaponticum carthamoides (Leuzea carthamoides DC.) , Serratula coronata , analogs of the insect molting hormones, phytoecdysteroids ,20-hydroxyecdysone, ecdysteroid ecdysone — moderately active inokosterone, herbivore damage, cultivation conditions, biochemical ecology. Contact Information : N. P. Timofeev Email: Ali, A.M.M. 2007. Water quality enhancement in Sloterbinnenpolder (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) by adopting ecological engineering approaches. M.Sc.Thesis EC 07.17. UNESCO-IHE (Institute for Water Education). 92 p. Beacham W., C. J. Moseley. Beacham's Guide to Environmental Issues & Sources. Washington: Beacham Publishing, 1993. – 3335 p. [ISBN: 0933833318].
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Turnover and vectorial properties of cytochrome c oxidase in reconstituted vesicles JM Wrigglesworth, P Nicholls - Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)- …, 1979 - Elsevier 3. Oxidation of ascorbate by externally added cytochrome c results in an electrogenic production of OH − inside the vesicles, which can be monitored using entrapped phenol red. Polylysine inhibits, but does not abolish, the internal alkalinity change in reconstituted vesicles ... Цитируется: 21 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2) Ultracytochemical localization of Ca++-ATPase activity in the paraphyseal … S Ueno, H Umar, HJ Bambauer, M Ueck - Cell and tissue research, 1984 - Springer Summary. Ca + +-ATPase activity was studied ultracyto- chemically (cf. Ando et al. 1981) in the paraphysis cerebri of the frog. An intense reaction was demonstrated on the plasmalemma of the microvilli at the apical pole of para- physeal cells; in contrast, the basolateral ... Цитируется: 20 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (3) Photocurrents generated by bacteriorhodopsin adsorbed on nano-black lipid … [HTML]
C Horn, C Steinem - Biophysical journal, 2005 - Elsevier Purple membranes were adsorbed on freestanding lipid bilayers, termed nano-black lipid membranes (nano-BLMs), suspending the pores of porous alumina substrates with average pore diameters of 280 nm. Nano-BLMs were obtained by first coating the upper surface of the highly ... Цитируется: 19 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (13) The purple membrane of Halobacterium halobium: a new system for light energy … D Oesterhelt - Ciba Foundation symposium, 1975 - Patches of a distinctly different structure from the rest of the cell membrane occur in Halobacterium halobium. The isolated patches are called the purple membrane. It derives its colour from a retinal-protein complex, bacteriorhodopsin, which is the only protein species in this ... Цитируется: 18 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (4) Interaction of charged lipid vesicles with planar bilayer lipid membranes: detection …
JA Cohen, MM Moronne - Journal of Supramolecular …, 2004 - A technique has been developed for monitoring the interaction of charged phospholipid vesicles with planar bilayer lipid membranes (BLM) by use of the antibiotics Valinomycin, Nonactin, and Monazomycin as surface-charge probes. Anionic phosphatidylserine vesicles, when ... Цитируется: 17 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (3) Elementary steps of proton translocation in the catalytic cycle of cytochrome … [PDF] MI Verkhovsky, I Belevich, DA Bloch, M … - Biochimica et Biophysica …, 2006 - Elsevier The one-electron carrier cytochrome c serves as a donor for the enzyme and delivers electrons, via the metal centres Cu A , and heme a to the binuclear heme a 3 /Cu B catalytic site, which cycles through intermediate states (Fig. 1) [1] and [2]. The “relaxed” oxidized ... Цитируется: 15 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (9) [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ] Reconstitution of membrane transport functions C Miller, E Racker - The Receptors: General principles and …, 1979 - Plenum Pub Corp Цитируется: 14 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2) [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ] Bacteriorhodopsin as a light-driven ion exchanger? D Oesterhelt - FEBS letters, 1976 - 1: FEBS Lett. 1976 Apr 15;64(1):20-2. Bacteriorhodopsin as a light-driven ion exchanger? Oesterhelt D. Mesh Terms: Bacteriorhodopsins/metabolism*; Carotenoids/metabolism*; Chlorides/metabolism; Dialysis; Light; Membranes, Artificial; Models, Biological; ... Цитируется: 14 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2) Langmuir-Blodgett films of photosensitive proteins IM Pepe, C Nicolini - Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: …, 1996 - Elsevier The striking properties of monolayers and multilayers of photosensitive proteins obtained by using the Langmuir-Blodgett technique are described. The close packing of the protein molecules, which preserve most of the properties found in solution, seems to be the main ... Цитируется: 14 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (5) Molecular mechanism of proton translocation by cytochrome c oxidase I Belevich, MI Verkhovsky - Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, 2008 - Page 1. ANTIOXIDANTS & REDOX SIGNALING Volume 10, Number 1, 2008 © Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. DOI: 10.1089/ars.2007.1705 Comprehensive Invited Review Molecular Mechanism of Proton Translocation by Cytochrome c Oxidase ... Цитируется: 13 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (6) Demonstration of the electrogenicity of proton translocation during the … H Van der Hijden, E Grell, J De Pont, E … - Journal of Membrane …, 1990 - Springer Summary. Membrane fragmems conlainmg 1he HK -A'FPase from parietal cells have been adsorbed to a phmur lipid membrane. The transport activity of the enzyme was determined by measuring electrical currents via the capacitive coupling between the membrane sheets and the ... Цитируется: 12 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (4) [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ] Calcium uptake by cytochrome oxidase vesicles. RN Rosier, TE Gunter - FEBS letters, 1980 - 1:
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N Düzgünes, S Ohki - Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Biomembranes, 1981 - Elsevier Small unilamellar phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylcholine liposomes incubated on one side of planar phosphatidylserine bilayer membranes induced fluctuations and a sharp increase in the membrane conductance when the Ca 2+ concentration was increased to a threshold ... Цитируется: 12 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2) Charge displacements during ATP-hydrolysis and synthesis of the Na+- … [HTML]
C Burzik, G Kaim, P Dimroth, E Bamberg, K Fendler - Biophysical journal, 2003 - Elsevier Transient electrical currents generated by the Na + -transporting F o F 1 -ATPase of Ilyobacter tartaricus were observed in the hydrolytic and synthetic mode of the enzyme. Two techniques were applied: a photochemical ATP concentration jump on a planar lipid membrane and ... Цитируется: 11 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (13) Calcium-induced interaction of phospholipid vesicles and bilayer lipid membranes N Düzgünes, S Ohki - Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes, 1977 - Elsevier The interaction of unilamellar phospholipid vesicles with bilayer lipid membranes has been studied by observing the electrical conductance of the planar membrane. The presence of phosphatidylcholine vesicles as well as phosphatidylcholine / phosphatidylserine (1 : 1) vesicles on one side ... Цитируется: 11 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (3) Photoelectric studies of the transmembrane charge transfer reactions in …
AY Semenov, MD Mamedov, SK Chamorovsky - FEBS letters, 2003 - Elsevier The results of studies of charge transfer in cyanobacterial photosystem I (PS I) using the photoelectric method are reviewed. The electrogenicity in the PS I complex and its interaction with natural donors (plastocyanin, cytochrome c 6 ), natural acceptors (ferredoxin, flavodoxin), or ... Цитируется: 11 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (7) [HTML] The role of the native lipids and lattice structure in bacteriorhodopsin … [HTML] CD Heyes, MA El-Sayed - Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2002 - ASBMB We report the effect of partial delipidation and monomerization on the protein conformational changes of bacteriorhodopsin (bR) as a function of temperature. Removal of up to 75% of the lipids is known to have the lattice structure of the purple membrane, albeit as a smaller ... Цитируется: 9 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (5) Time-resolved measurements of photovoltage generation by bacteriorhodopsin …
E Muneyuki, C Shibazaki, H Ohtan, D … - Journal of …, 1999 - Jpn Biochemical Soc We constructed a time-resolved photovoltage measurement system and examined the photovoltage kinetics of wild-type bacteriorhodopsin, its D96N mutant, and halorhodop- sins from Halobacterium salinarum and Natronobacterium pharaonis. Upon illumination with a laser flash, ... Цитируется: 9 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (6) Component analysis of the fast photoelectric signal from model bacteriorhodopsin … S Michaile, FT Hong - Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, 1994 - Elsevier We used a technique originally developed by Trissl and Montal to reconstitute a bacteriorhodopsin (BR) model membrane which gives rise to a photosignal that is pH- and temperature-sensitive. We interpreted it as being composed of two components: B1, a pH- ... Цитируется: 9 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2) Functions of carotenoids in xanthorhodopsin and archaerhodopsin, from action … [HTML] VA Boichenko, JM Wang, J Antón, JK Lanyi, SP … - … et Biophysica Acta (BBA …, 2006 - Elsevier The recent discovery of a carotenoid light-harvesting antenna in xanthorhodopsin, a retinal-based proton pump in Salinibacter ruber, made use of photoinhibition of respiration in whole cells to obtain action spectra [Balashov et al. Science 309, (2005) 2061–2064]. Here we provide ... Цитируется: 9 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (7) [HTML]
The proton donor for OO bond scission by cytochrome c oxidase [HTML] EA Gorbikova, I Belevich, M Wikström, MI … - Proceedings of the …, 2008 - Cytochrome c oxidase is the main catalyst of oxygen consumption in mitochondria and many aerobic bacteria. The key step in oxygen reduction is scission of the O O bond and formation of an intermediate P R of the binuclear active site composed of heme a 3 and Cu B . The ... Цитируется: 8 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (11) A new system for the measurement of electrogenicity produced by ion pumps using … E Muneyuki, D Okuno, M Yoshida, A Ikai, H Arakawa - FEBS letters, 1998 - Elsevier We developed a new assay system for the measurement of capacitive electric currents generated by ion pumps using the thin polymer film 'Lumirror' (Toray Co., Japan). This system enables us to examine the electrogenicity of ion pumps over a wide range of experimental conditions ... Цитируется: 8 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (6)
Electrogenic transport properties of bacteriorhodopsin containing chemically … K Fendler, W Gärtner, D Oesterhelt, E … - Biochimica et Biophysica …, 1987 - Elsevier The electrical activity of bacteriorhodopsin (BR) containing the 13-substituted retinal analogues 13-demethyl and 13-methoxy as well as the naturally occurring retinal carrying a methyl group at C13 is compared. White membrane patches reconstituted with the different retinals are ... Цитируется: 8 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2)
A pathway for protons in nitric oxide reductase from Paracoccus denitrificans J Reimann, U Flock, H Lepp, A Honigmann, P … - … et Biophysica Acta (BBA …, 2007 - Elsevier Nitric oxide reductase (NOR) from P. denitrificans is a membrane-bound protein complex that catalyses the reduction of NO to N 2 O (2NO + 2e − + 2H + → N 2 O + H 2 O) as part of the denitrification process. Even though NO reduction is a highly exergonic reaction, and NOR belongs to ... Цитируется: 7 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (4)
Time-resolved single-turnover of ba3 oxidase from Thermus thermophilus SA Siletsky, I Belevich, A Jasaitis, AA … - … et Biophysica Acta (BBA …, 2007 - Elsevier The four-electron reduction of oxygen to water in living organisms is catalyzed by terminal oxidases [1] and [2], which convert redox energy into a transmembrane difference of proton electrochemical potential (Δμ H + ) [3]. Cytochrome ba 3 from Thermus thermophilus belongs to the large ... Цитируется: 8 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (5)
Electrogenic reactions associated with electron transfer in photosystem I AY Semenov, MD Mamedov, SK Chamorovsky - Photosystem I - Springer Summary ...............................................................................................................................319 I. Structure and Function of PS I ............................................................... ... ... Photoelectric methods to study charge transfer processes in photosynthetic organisms are reviewed along with ... Цитируется: 7 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2) Hexane-solubilised reaction centre proteolipid complexes of Rhodopseudomonas … MW Kendall-Tobias, H Celis, S Almanza de … - … et Biophysica Acta (BBA …, 1981 - Elsevier The yield of the extracted complex varied with the ratios of protein, phospholipid and cations, species of phospholipid, and sonication time. The spectral characteristics of the complex in the organic phase were similar to those of detergent-solubilised reaction centres. The stability ... Цитируется: 7 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2) [КНИГА]
Smart biosensor technology GK Knopf, AS Bassi - 2007 - 28. Optical Components, Systems, and Measurement Techniques, Rajpal S. Sirohi and MP Kothiyal 29. Electron and Ion Microscopy and Microanalysis: Principles and Applications, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded, Lawrence E. Murr 30. Handbook of Infrared Optical ... Цитируется: 8 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2)
Component analysis of the fast photoelectric signal from model bacteriorhodopsin … FH Hong, FT Hong - Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, 1995 - Elsevier Thin films formed from oriented purple membranes of Halobacterium halobium exhibit fast photoelectric signals upon pulsed light stimulation. These signals are generated by light-induced rapid charge separation and recombination. The fast photosignal consists of several components. We ... Цитируется: 6 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (3) On the kinetics of voltage formation in purple membranes of Halobacterium … RW Hendler, LA Drachev, S Bose, … - European Journal of …, 2001 - The kinetics of the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle, measured by voltage changes in a closed membrane system using the direct electrometrical method (DEM) of Drachev, LA, Jasaitus, AA, Kaulen, AD, Kondrashin, AA, Liberman, EA, Nemecek, IB, Ostroumov, SA, Semenov, Yu, A. & ... Цитируется: 6 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (6)
Reconstitution of electrogenic function in isolated pigment-protein complexes of … EL Barsky, MV Gusev, AA Kondrashin, VD … - Biochimica et Biophysica …, 1982 - Elsevier Treatment of Anabaena variabilis membranes with lauryldimethylamine N-oxide yielded two fractions of pigment-protein complexes which were separable by gel filtration on Sepharose 6B. A green fraction was characterized which had a maximum of the chlorophyll ... Цитируется: 6 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2) Analysis of the dc photoelectric signal from model bacteriorhodopsin membranes: …
BE Fuller, TL Okajima, FT Hong - Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, 1995 - Elsevier On illumination by continuous light, a reconstituted bacteriorhodopsin membrane exhibits a stationary photocurrent under short-circuit conditions. It has been widely reported that this photocurrent is linearly dependent on the applied transmembrane potential, and that the photocurrent ... Цитируется: 5 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (3)
Association of bacteriorhodopsin with lipid-impregnated filters. Evidence for fusion … MC Blok, K Van Dam - Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)- …, 1979 - Elsevier Bacteriorhodopsin vesicles were associated with cellulose-nitrate filters impregnated with a solution of phospholipids in hexadecane. The generation of (photo)potentials upon illumination of the filter was studied in the absence and presence of ionophores, phospholipase A 2 , EDTA ... Цитируется: 5 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2) Bacteriorhodopsin-mediated photoelectric responses in lipid/water systems
LA Drachev, AD Kaulen, VP Skulachev, VM … - Journal of Membrane …, 1982 - Springer Summary. Bacteriorhodopsin-mediated photopotential generation has been studied in two kinds of lipid/water systems: (1) decane solution of asolectin was used as the lipid phase; (2) a mixture of bacteriorhodopsin sheets and hexane solution of phosphatidyl choline was ... Цитируется: 5 - Похожие статьи
Charge transfer in P-type ATPases investigated on planar membranes F Tadini-Buoninsegni, G Bartolommei, MR … - Archives of biochemistry …, 2008 - Elsevier Planar lipid bilayers, e.g., black lipid membranes (BLM) and solid supported membranes (SSM), have been employed to investigate charge movements during the reaction cycle of P-type ATPases. The BLM/SSM method allows a direct measurement of the electrical ... Цитируется: 4 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (5) Pump and displacement currents of reconstituted ATP synthase on black lipid … B Christensen, M Gutweiler, E Grell, N Wagner, … - Journal of Membrane …, 1988 - Springer Summary. Purified ATP synthase (FoFI) from Rhodospirillum rubrum was reconstituted into asolectin liposomes which were than adsorbed to a planar lipid bilayer. After the addition of an inactive photolabile ATP derivative (caged ATP), ATP was released after illumination with UV ... Цитируется: 5 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (3)
Correlation of electron transfer rate in photosynthetic reaction centers with … SK Chamorovsky, DA Cherepanov, CS … - … et Biophysica Acta (BBA …, 2007 - Elsevier A number of the electrogenic reactions in photosystem I, photosystem II, and bacterial reaction centers (RC) were comparatively analyzed, and the variation of the dielectric permittivity (ε) in the vicinity of electron carriers along the membrane normal was calculated. The value of ε ... Цитируется: 3 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (3) Electron and proton transport in biologicalmembranes G Hauska, G Orlich - Journal of Membrane Science, 1980 - Elsevier Journal of Membrane Science, 6 (1980) 7-18 7 Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands ELECTRON AND PROTON TRANSPORT IN BIOLOGICAL MEMBRANES* GUNTER HAUSKA** and GABRIELE ORLICH Institute of Botany, ... Цитируется: 3 - Похожие статьи [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ]
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Dielectric and photoelectric properties of photosynthetic reaction centers [PDF] CS Chamorovsky, SK Chamorovsky, AY … - Biochemistry (Moscow), 2005 - Springer The processes of charge separation in photosynthetic reaction centers (RC) and further transfer of electron and proton along the photosynthetic chain are accompanied by generation of electric potential (∆ψ), which can be detected using instrumental methods. The direct elec ... Цитируется: 2 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (11) A stable planar bilayer membrane of phospholipid supported by cellulose sheets M SETAKA, T YAMAMOTO, N SATO, M … - Journal of …, 1982 - Jpn Biochemical Soc A new method is reported for preparing a thin planar membrane of 1,2-distearoyl- .wz-glycero-3-phosphocholine and egg yolk lecithin-cholesterol (molar ratio of 1 : 1) between a pair of cellulose sheets. This technique, developed from the method of the multilayer ... Цитируется: 2 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (3)
Biotechnological applications of thermophilic ATP synthase: membrane electronics … Y Kagawa, S Ohta, M Yohda, T Hamamoto, H … - Journal of Membrane …, 1989 - Elsevier Thermophilic membrane proteins are stable and can be incorporated into artificial membranes to carry out special functions. ATP synthase is a central enzyme for energy transformation in biomembranes. Thermophilic ATP synthase was incorporated into a planar lipid bilayer, ... Цитируется: 1 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (3) A study of the incorporation of cytochrome oxidase into planar synthetic … RH Tredgold, M Elgamal - Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)- …, 1979 - Elsevier Cytochrome oxidase molecules were incorporated into black lipid membranes and into a new form of planar synthetic membrane. Studies of these membranes indicated that the incorporation of large membrane bound enzymes into black lipid membranes involves difficulties ... Цитируется: 1 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2)
Bacteriorhodopsin as a Possible Element of Membrane Bioreactors AV Maksimychev, SK Chamorovskii - Russian Chemical Reviews, 1988 - The application of membrane technology in modern industry makes it possible to economise on resources and energy and to reduce greatly the influence of unfavourable factors on the environment. In recent years a tendency has arisen in membrane research to combine ... Цитируется: 1 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (4) Fusion of liposomes with planar lipid bilayers M Razin, H Ginsburg - Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)- …, 1980 - Elsevier The fusion of liposomes with planar lipid bilayers was monitored by two different methods. (a) Liposomes consisting of phospholipids and cholesterol were added to the aqueous phase bathing the cholesterol-deficient planar lipid bilayers in the presence of nystatin. The ... Цитируется: 1 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2) The adenine nucleotide translocase—a carrier protein potentially required for … [PDF] M Ziegler - Biochemistry (Moscow), 2005 - Springer Just about 20 years ago I learned what bioenergetics is and “what it is eaten with” (“C чeм eё eдят”—one of VP Skulachev's favorite expressions that I remember). I took a one semester course on the subject at Moscow State University. Being a student at the Biochemistry division of ... Цитируется: 1 - Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (9) [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ] Transduction of Light into Electric Energy in Bacterial … V.P. 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Похожие статьи - В виде HTML - Все версии статьи (3) [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ] Mitochondrial Membrane Y KAGAWA - The Enzymes of Biological Membranes: Electron …, 1976 - Plenum Press Похожие статьи Direct transmembraneous reconstitution of bacteriorhodopsin into planar … E Muneyuki, M Ikematsu, M Iseki, Y Sugiyama, … - … et Biophysica Acta (BBA …, 1993 - Elsevier A new method of incorporating bacteriorhodopsin molecules into planar lipid bilayers was developed and compared with a conventional system where purple membranes were adsorbed onto planar bilayers. By the new method, purple membrane sheets were first solubilized with a ... Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2) [PDF] Nitric Oxide Reductase from Paracoccus denitrificans [PDF] APT Pathway - 2008 - Frontpage; “Ullis and Pia in the laser-lab” by Johan and Erik Flock. Photographer Per Flock. ... Typesetting: Intellecta Docusys Printed in Sweden by Intellecta Docusys, Stockholm 2008 Distributor: Stockholm University Library ... 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[ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ] Микроэлементы, экология и здоровье человека СП Торшин, ТМ Удельнова, БА … - Успехи современной …, 1990 - Академия наук СССР Цитируется: 10 - Похожие статьи [RTF] … диверсифицированный биореактор с функцией самоочищения воды [RTF] СА Остроумов - Докл. РАН, 2000 - В число основных биологических процессов, участвующих в самоочищении воды, входят: (1) биодеградация контаминантов; (2) аккумуляция (бионакопление) токсических веществ, их секвестрирование в водных организмах и связанное с этим извлечение ... Цитируется: 7 - Похожие статьи - В виде HTML - Все версии статьи (2) [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ] Об отрицательных последствиях применения пестицидов АВ Яблоков - Сельскохозяǐственная биология, 1988 - Изд-во" Колос" Цитируется: 2 - Похожие статьи [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ] Экологические аспекты рыбохозяйственной токсикологии … МА Перевозников - Влияние биологически активных веществ на …, 1988 - Промрыбвод Цитируется: 1 - Похожие статьи [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ] Feromonȳ: spravochnik A Skirkevičius - 1988 - … of Zoology and Parasitology of the … Похожие статьи [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ] Функции почв в биосфере и экосистемах:(Экологическое … GV Dobrovolʹskiĭ, ED Nikitin, VA Kovda - 1990 - Наука Похожие статьи [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ] … БИОГЕННЫХ АМИНОВ ФИТОФАГОВ С УСТОЙЧИВОСТЬЮ К … ЛС ИВАЩЕНКО - … в условиях научно-технического прогресса в …, 1988 - ВИЗР Похожие статьи [ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ] Политический потенциал современной биологии: … АВ Олескин, СБ Проблем Похожие статьи … КАК ДЕТЕРРЕНТЫ НАСЕКОМЫХ-ФИТОФАГОВ: ДЕЙСТВИЕ РАСТЕНИЯ … КГ Уфимцев, ТИ Ширшова, ВВ … - Успехи современной …, 2009 - Показано детеррентное влияние диеты, включающей сухие части растения серпухи венценосной (Serratula coronata) с различным содержанием экдистероидов и выделенных из него индивидуальных соединений – 20Е и Е, на личинок египетской хлопковой совки Spodoptera littoralis, ... 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Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2) … В ПРОЦЕССАХ САМООЧИЩЕНИЯ РОТКОВЕЦКИХ ОЗЕР (КОНОШСКИЙ … ЛС Широкова, ЛК Добродеева - Вестник Поморского университета. …, 2006 - ВВЕДЕНИЕ Бактериопланктон водоемов является основным фактором самоочищения, выполняя функцию первичного окисления или восстановления поступающих в водоем загрязняющих веществ. В процессах самоочищения воды участвуют представители ... Похожие статьи ИНГИБИРОВАНИЕ NАDН-ОКСИДОРЕДУКТАЗЫ СОЕДИНЕНИЯМИ … ЕА Саратовских, ЛА Коршунова, ОС Рощупкина, … - Химическая …, 2007 - Изучено действие солей двухвалентных металлов и комплексов тех же металлов с 3, 6-дихлорпиколиновой кислотой на активность NADН-оксидоредуктазы из метилотрофов Methylococcus capsulatus (штамм М). В области концентраций 10-6 10-2 М соли Mg ... Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2) [PDF] INTRODUCERE [PDF] ASP DE ANALIZĂ - Page 1. III Cuprins PREFAŢĂ INTRODUCERE 1 Capitolul I. PROBLEME DE PROTECŢIE A MEDIULUI AMBIANT 5 1.1.Biosfera şi originea vieţii pe Pămînt 5 1.2.Echilibrul energetic şi material al biosferei 9 1.3.Acţiunea antropică asupra mediului ambiant 15 ... Похожие статьи - В виде HTML - Все версии статьи (3) ВЛИЯНИЕ ХЛОРСОДЕРЖАЩИХ ФЕНОЛОВ НА СТАБИЛЬНОСТЬ ДНК ЕА Саратовских, ЕВ Штамм - Химическая физика, 2007 - Исследовано действие трихлорфенола и продуктов его фотолиза на вторичную структуру ДНК. Показано изменение температуры плавления и гиперхромного эффекта в зависимости от концентрации. Однако плавление остается кооперативным во всем диапазоне ... Похожие статьи - Все версии статьи (2) Агроэкологические проблемы серного питания озимой пшеницы, … ВН Слюсарев - Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного …, 2007 - Агроэкологические проблемы серного питания озимой пшеницы, выращиваемой различными технологиями на чернозёме выщелоченном Северо-Западного Предкавказья. ВН Слюсарев Труды Кубанского государственного ... 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