41 citations of: On some issues of maintaining water quality and self-purification; Examples of citations of this article, by 24.04.2018. Data from Google Scholar; citations in Italy, Russia, Greece, Poland, Slovakia, Croatia, China, India, Brazil, Argentina, Iran, et al.; https://5bio5.blogspot.com/2018/04/41_24.html

41 citations of: On some issues of maintaining water quality and self-purification;
https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sergei_Ostroumov/publication/259485340 ;

Examples of citations of this article, by 24.04.2018. Data from Google Scholar;
citations in Italy, Russia, Greece, Poland, Slovakia, Croatia, China, India, Brazil, Argentina, Iran, et al.;


[BOOK] Biological effects of surfactants
SA Ostroumov - 2005 - books.google.com
Understanding the role of aquatic biota and the impact of pollution and chemical substances
that enter aquatic ecosystems is crucial to the assessment, prevention, and remediation of
damaged environments. Biological Effects of Surfactants synthesizes the most important …
Cited by 130 Related articles All 6 versions
[HTML] scienceblog.com

Inhibitory analysis of top-down control: new keys to studying eutrophication, algal blooms, and water self-purification
SA Ostroumov - Hydrobiologia, 2002 - Springer
Top-down control is an important type of interspecies interactions in food webs. It is
especially important for aquatic ecosystems. Phytoplankton grazers contribute to the top-
down control of phytoplankton populations. The paper is focused on the role of benthic filter …
Cited by 99 Related articles All 16 versions Web of Science: 26
[PDF] researchgate.net

Impact of dam construction on water quality and water self-purification capacity of the Lancang River, China
GL Wei, ZF Yang, BS Cui, B Li, H Chen, JH Bai… - Water resources …, 2009 - Springer
Along with the sequent completion of Manwan and Dachaoshan Dam, the river continuum of
the middle and lower reaches of the Lancang River was separated into three types of
segments: reservoir, below-dam segment and downstream flowing segment. The long-term …
Cited by 90 Related articles All 17 versions Web of Science: 52
[PDF] rae.ruFull View

Biocontrol of water quality: Multifunctional role of biota in water self-purification
SA Ostroumov - Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2010 - Springer
The experimental data analysis, concepts, and generalizations in this article provide the
fundamental elements of the qualitative theory of biocontrol of water quality in a
systematized form. The theory covers water self-purification in freshwater and marine …
Cited by 21 Related articles All 14 versions Web of Science: 5

Using gray water footprint to verify economic sectors' consumption of assimilative capacity in a river basin: model and a case study in the Haihe River Basin, China
Y Zhi, Z Yang, X Yin, PB Hamilton, L Zhang - Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015 - Elsevier
Assessing the consumption of assimilative capacity (AC) caused by wastewater discharge is
an effective guide in the development of sustainable water use. Conventional studies only
considered each economic sector's direct wastewater discharge as their consumption of AC …
Cited by 19 Related articles All 3 versions Web of Science: 11
[PDF] pjoes.com

[PDF] Transport of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Urban Cascade Reservoirs: Levels, Sources and Correlation to Environmental Conditions.
M Urbaniak, A Skowron, W Frątczak… - Polish Journal of …, 2010 - pjoes.com; Poland;
Intensified human impact in urban catchments is reflected through degradation of
hydrological cycles and acceleration of matter, energy and pollutants flows. In this study the
comparative analysis of occurrence, concentrations and transfer of twelve dioxin-like PCBs …
Cited by 18 Related articles All 9 versions Web of Science: 15
[PDF] ebscohost.com

Assessment of the water self-purification capacity on a river affected by organic pollution: application of chemometrics in spatial and temporal variations
SO González, CA Almeida, M Calderón… - … Science and Pollution …, 2014 - Springer; Argentina;
Water pollution caused by organic matter is a major global problem which requires
continuous evaluation. Multivariate statistical analysis was applied to assess spatial and
temporal changes caused by natural and anthropogenic phenomena along Potrero de los …
Affiliation of authors:
1.Área de Química Analítica, Facultad de Química, Bioquímica y FarmaciaUniversidad Nacional de San LuisSan Luis, Argentina
2.Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)Buenos Aires, Argentina
3.Instituto de Química de San Luis (CCT-San Luis)—Área de Química Analítica, Facultad de Química Bioquímica y FarmaciaUniversidad Nacional de San LuisSan Luis, Argentina
4.Área de Biología, Departamento de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas, Facultad de Química Bioquímica y FarmaciaUniversidad Nacional de San LuisSan Luis, Argentina
Cited by 17 Related articles All 9 versions
[PDF] ebscohost.com

Research on self-purification capacity of Lake Taihu
T Han, H Zhang, W Hu, J Deng, Q Li, G Zhu - Environmental Science and …, 2015 - Springer
An effective measure to cope with eutrophication of lakes is to remove nutrients that can
cause algal blooming by taking advantage of natural water purification processes. Here, the
term “purification” is defined, in a wide sense, as the potential role of a water body to …
Cited by 15 Related articles All 8 versions Web of Science: 8
[PDF] researchgate.net

Environmental capacity of petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants in Jiaozhou Bay, China: Modeling and calculation
K Li, Y Su, J Ying, X Wang, J Mu - Journal of Ocean University of China, 2013 - Springer
An environmental capacity model for the petroleum hydrocarbon pollutions (PHs) in
Jiaozhou Bay is constructed based on field surveys, mesocosm, and parallel laboratory
experiments. Simulated results of PHs seasonal successions in 2003 match the field surveys …
Cited by 14 Related articles All 11 versions Web of Science: 4;
[PDF] academia.edu
Water quality index calculated from biological, physical and chemical attributes
FC Rocha, EM Andrade, FB Lopes - Environmental monitoring and …, 2015 - Springer; Brazil;
To ensure a safe drinking water supply, it is necessary to protect water quality. To classify
the suitability of the Orós Reservoir (Northeast of Brazil) water for human consumption, a
Water Quality Index (WQI) was enhanced and refined through a Principal Component … Cited by 12 Related articles All 10 versions Web of Science: 6


On some issues of maintaining water quality and self-purification

[PDF] vliz.be

Identification of the self-purification stretches of the Pinios River, Central Greece
Y Chatzinikolaou, M Lazaridou - Mediterranean Marine Science, 2007 - vliz.be; Greece;
Abstract The Pinios River basin in Thessaly, Greece, is intensively farmed and heavily
polluted with poorly treated domestic and industrial waste. The river was divided into 35
homogenous stretches. We investigated the self-purification capacity along the different …
Cited by 8 Related articles All 12 versions Web of Science: 4

陈丁江, 吕军, 金树权, 沈晔娜 - 环境科学, 2007 - cqvip.com
通过河流相应集水区内氮磷的各污染源分析(包括农地, 畜禽养殖和生活排污等),
利用输出系数模型估算各非点源的氮磷投(排) 放量和入河量; 采用河段氮磷输入一输出平衡关系
分析方法, 估算河流对氮磷的每月自净量. 以此为基础, 参照水功能区划所要求的水质目标 …
Cited by 20 Related articles All 3 versions
[HTML] biomedcentral.com

[HTML] Influence of dissolved organic matter in natural and simulated water on the photochemical decomposition of butylparaben
M Gmurek, M Olak-Kucharczyk… - … Health Science and …, 2015 - jehse.biomedcentral.com; Poland;
In the last few decades the quality of natural water has often deteriorated as a variety of
novel pollutants have contaminated rivers and lakes. Trace amounts of some man-made
chemicals can be hazardous to plants, animals as well as human health as carcinogens …
Cited by 8 Related articles All 15 versions Web of Science: 7
[PDF] hjkx.ac.cn

[PDF] 南太湖地区小型浅水湖泊自净能力季节变化研究
许磊, 李华, 陈英旭, 姚玉鑫, 梁新强, 周李, 章献忠 - 2010 - hjkx.ac.cn
< N 占TN 的主要部分. 主成分分析结果表明, 影响南太湖地区小型浅水湖泊自净能力的3
个主成分分别为浮游植物因子(水温, pH, 高锰酸盐指数和Chl< a), 农田排水因子(pH, DO 和TN)
和营养因子(TN 和TP). 聚类分析结果表明, 3 个湖泊11 个采样点4 个季节的水质可聚为两大类 …
Cited by 18 Related articles All 4 versions

陈丁江, 吕军, 沈晔娜, 金树权 - 水利學報, 2007 - airitilibrary.com
本文应用非点源污染河流水质的BP 人工神经网络模型, 模拟长乐江水体的总氮,
总磷和溶解氧浓度的变化. 通过模拟的水质参数相关性分析, 协同非点源污染河流的机理性水质
模型分析, 确定适当的BP 网络模型结构. 采用实测的水质, 水文逐月数据资料, 对不同结构的BP …
Cited by 10 Related articles All 6 versions

Towards the general theory of ecosystem-depended control of water quality
SA Ostroumov - Ecologica, 2009 - elibrary.ru;
Generalizations presented in this paper represent, in a systematized form, the basic
elements of the qualitative theory of biotic control of water quality and water self-purification
in freshwater and marine ecosystems. The theory contributes to a better understanding of …
Cited by 4 Related articles
[PDF] researchgate.net

Ecohydrology: Understanding and maintaining ecosystem services for iwrm
AK Saha, SG Setegn - Sustainability of Integrated Water Resources …, 2015 - Springer
Since historical times, natural ecosystems such as forests and wetlands are known to
regulate water flow and maintain water quality. The past half a century however has
witnessed unplanned and rapid development with widespread ecosystem degradation …
Cited by 3 Related articles All 5 versions

太湖氮, 磷自净能力的实验与模型模拟
韩涛, 翟淑华, 胡维平, 张红举, 李钦钦 - 环境科学, 2013 - cqvip.com
于2011 年9 月对太湖竺山湖开展了1 次湖区实验, 根据质量平衡原理, 通过进出竺山湖湖区河道
以及竺山湖湾心, 湾口水量, 水质测量, 弄清了竺山湖湖区营养物质进出以及消纳规律,
从而为完善水量-水质模型参数提供依据, 也为进一步研究太湖水体自净能力提供了基础资料 …
Cited by 4 Related articles All 2 versions

Quantitative identification of riverine nitrogen from point, direct runoff and base flow sources
H Huang, B Zhang, J Lu - Water Science and Technology, 2014 - wst.iwaponline.com;
We present a methodological example for quantifying the contributions of riverine total
nitrogen (TN) from point, direct runoff and base flow sources by combining a recursive digital
filter technique and statistical methods. First, we separated daily riverine flow into direct …
Cited by 2 Related articles All 5 versions Web of Science: 2

Temporal changes in the abiotic/biotic drivers of selfpurification in a temperate river
I Wagner, M Zalewski - Ecological Engineering, 2016 - Elsevier;
Riverine selfpurification regulates concentrations of phosphorus (P) and suspended matter
(SM) in rivers, thus determine water quality in the rivers, downstream reservoirs and
estuaries. This study tests a hypothesis, that ecohydrological dynamics of aquatic …'
Department of Applied Ecology, University of Lodz, 12/16 Banacha Str., 90-237 Łódź, Poland;
European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology under the auspices of UNESCO, Polish Academy of Sciences, 3 Tylna Str., 90-364 Łódź, Poland;

Cited by 3 Related articles All 3 versions Web of Science: 3
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On some issues of maintaining water quality and self-purification

孙井梅, 刘晶晶, 史文霞, 席兆胜, 唐先权 - 生态环境学报, 2012 - cqvip.com
扰动能够强化水体溶解氧的恢复并加快传质, 增强水体的自净作用, 有利于水体和底泥COD
的降解, 是一种常用的污染水体的修复方法. 文章通过人工模拟的水体, 构建搅拌和曝气两种上
覆水扰动条件, 研究了在这两种条件下水体中有机物含量以及底泥中微生物量的变化情况 …
Cited by 3 Related articles All 2 versions
[PDF] cnjournals.com

[PDF] 典型城市河道氮, 磷自净能力影响因素
王蓉, 黄天寅, 吴玮 - J. Lake Sci, 2016 - hpkx.cnjournals.com
以典型城市河道(苏州官渎花园内河) 为研究对象, 通过室内和室外模拟实验,
研究不同污染物浓度, 流速, 曝气复氧, 渗滤作用和温度对氮, 磷自净能力的影响, 结果表明:
水体中氮, 磷的自净作用受污染物浓度, 流速, 溶解氧浓度, 温度和微生物等多种因素的影响 …
Cited by 2 Related articles All 6 versions
[HTML] cyberleninka.ru

[HTML] Biological factors in control of water quality
SA Ostroumov - Самарская Лука: Проблемы региональной и …, 2010 - cyberleninka.ru
В статье в систематизированном виде представлены обобщения, которые содержат
основные элементы качественной теории биотического контроля качества воды и
самоочищения воды в пресноводных и морских экосистем. Теория способствует …
Cited by 1 Related articles All 2 versions

Impact of floodgates operation on water environment using one-dimensional modelling system in river network of Wuxi city, China
L Feng, X Sun, X Zhu - Ecological Engineering, 2016 - Elsevier; China;
Floodgates operation is one of the major forms of river regulation in basin development and
utilization, and have changed natural structures, processes of running water and associated
environments. However, there are few analysis on the impacts of multiple floodgates …
Cited by 3 Related articles All 3 versions Web of Science: 1
[PDF] ucs.br

Potential for attenuation of a stream in a subtropical region-Rio Grande do Sul-Brazil
D Peresin, NC Vieceli, TA Bortolin, G Bavaresco… - Scientia cum Industria, 2015 - ucs.br
The study and knowledge of the depuration capacity of the water resources, is necessary to
preserve them. This study was objective identify the attenuation capacity of the Belo stream-
Caxias do Sul-RS/Brazil, through the evaluation of physicochemical parameters, distance …
Cited by 1 Related articles All 3 versions
[PDF] researchgate.net

ЕА Криксунов, СВ Котелевцев, АП Садчиков… - Ecology, 2015 - researchgate.net
Эти публикации внесли существенный новый вклад в разработку вопросов экологии,
гидробиологии, экотоксикологии, экологической безопасности и устойчивого
использования природных ресурсов. За прошедшие 10 лет эти публикации, в том числе …
Cited by 1 Related articles All 3 versions

陈丁江, 孙嗣旸, 贾颖娜, 陈佳勃, 吕军 - 环境科学, 2013 - cqvip.com
基于流域或区域点源和非点源磷入河过程的水文学差异, 以及影响河流持留作用的主要机制,
建立了描述河流段末磷负荷量与流量和水温之间定量关系的二元统计模型; 通过逐月的河流水文
水质监测数据对模型中4 个系数的有效校正和验证, 实现了对点源和非点源磷入河过程的准确 …
Cited by 1 Related articles All 2 versions

[CITATION] Мультифункциональная экологическая роль водных высших растений
СА Остроумов, АП Садчиков… - Растения. Экология …, 2016 - elibrary.ru
ПОИСК. Найти. Расширенный поиск …
Cited by 1 Related articles
[PDF] rmhh.com.cn

[PDF] 爱伊河水环境容量与水体自净能力研究
邱小琮, 赵红雪, 尹娟, 张维江 - 人民黄河, 2015 - rmhh.com.cn
爱伊河的补水水源主要为农田灌溉排水, 水体逐渐呈现富营养化趋势. 选取总氮, 氨氮, 总磷,
高锰酸盐指数及五日生化需氧量作为代表性水质指标, 采用一维水质模型估算爱伊河水环境容量
, 同时分析计算爱伊河水体自净率及其与主要影响因素的相关系数. 结果表明 …
Cited by 1 Related articles All 4 versions
Seasonal characteristics of surface water quality in the wastewater catchment system of an urbanizing basin
M Kimura, K Noda, T Makino, H Yamagata… - Paddy and Water … - Springer; Japan, Laos;
Vientiane, Lao PDR, has been subject to extensive and ongoing urbanization plans,
including development of natural marshes and residentialization of paddy fields into
suburban areas, despite natural marshes playing a vital role in treating wastewater from …

On some issues of maintaining water quality and self-purification
[PDF] researchgate.net

M PANSINI, R MANCONI, R PRONZATO - researchgate.net; Italy;
The study on the sponges of the Italian Seas spans more than four centuries, beginning with
pioneer naturalists, such as Olivi, Esper and Nardo, who, in the second half of the sixteenth
century, mainly investigated the fauna of the Adriatic Sea. This study continued in the 1800's …
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[DOC] researchgate.net

[DOC] Ostroumov SA Towards the general theory of ecosystem-dependent control of water quality.-Ecologica, 2009, vol. 16, No. 54, p. 25-32.
SA OSTROUMOV - researchgate.net
Generalizations presented in this paper represent, in a systematized form, the basic
elements of the qualitative theory of biotic control of water quality and water self-purification
in freshwater and marine ecosystems. The theory contributes to a better understanding of …
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[PDF] Measuring TN and TP Degradation Coefficients With Different Treatment Enclosures at Meiliang Bay of Lake Taihu ;
Y Liu, L Luo, J Lan, M Chen, M Qiu, H Li, S Dai, Z Xiao - ijscience.org; China;
Based on enclosure experiments, we measured time-serial total nitrogen (TN) and total
phosphate (TP) concentrations at the open waters of Meiliang Bay of Lake Taihu, the
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Biological index and pollution assessment of Damghanroud river in the Semnan province
K Rezaei Tavabe, A Malekian, A Afzali, A Taya - Desert, 2017 - jdesert.ut.ac.ir; Iran;
Abstract Fresh Water Rivers are one of the most important aquatic ecosystems in arid and
semi-arid regions of Iran in point of biodiversity and drinking water views. Damghanroud
River is one of these rivers at Semnan province that during past years has been threatened …
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MPDA Gharia - International Journal of Innovation in Engineering …, 2018 - ijierm.co.in
Polluted water is a threat to human and environmental health. Contaminations have also
influence on the condition and population sizes of animals and plants in natural waters.
Such substances are often not removed in traditional wastewater treatment, are not easily …
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ВВ Ермаков - Успехи наук о жизни, 2013 - elibrary.ru
Данная публикация представляет собой краткий обзор и анализ текущего состояния в
исследованиях качества воды в водных экосистемах. Новый важный шаг был сделан в
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Шестакова Т.В., Зимнюков В.А., Зборовская М.И.//.
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Review, opinion paper. The experimental data analysis, concepts, and generalizations in
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by the MIKE 11 river-modeling tool. The aim of this model was to analyze the river water
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Research and Education Center, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing
100044, China;

College of Resource Environment and Tourism, Capital Normal
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Beijing Municipal Climate Center, Beijing 100089, China;