О концепциях биохимической экологии и гидробиологии: экологические хемомедиаторы / // Сибирский экологический журнал. - 2006. - Т. 13, N 1. - С. 73-82; ** о создании новой экологической дисциплины. https://5bio5.blogspot.com/2018/04/4.html

С. А. Остроумов. О концепциях биохимической экологии и гидробиологии: экологические хемомедиаторы / // Сибирский экологический журнал. - 2006. - Т. 13, N 1. - С. 73-82;
о создании новой экологической дисциплины.


Новая экологическая дисциплина - биохимическая экология.
Эта новая отрасль экологии возникла в 1986 году, смотри ниже информацию о соответствующих научных публикациях.

Новая экологическая дисциплина, инновационный учебный курс:
Введение в биохимическую экологию.

Введение в биохимическую экологию (Introduction to Biochemical Ecology),  Москва, Издательство МГУ, 176 с.

Введение в проблемы биохимической экологии. Москва: Изд-во Наука.
Автор, соавтор
Доктор биологических наук С.А. Остроумов;
Key words: conceptual foundations, new scientific discipline, ecological role of chemical substances, interorganismal interactions, chemical communication, regulation, supraorganismal systems, biotransformation, natural compounds,  man-made compounds, basic concepts, ecological chemomediators, ecological chemoregulators, pheromones, secondary metabolites, plant toxins, natural toxic substances, bioactives, chemical signals, attractants, repellents;

This new discipline started with publication of the book [1], and some other publications that followed it [2-7].
Relevant information on the publications that formulated the fundamentals of the new  ecological science of biochemical ecology is available online.
Information online:
Introduction to Biochemical Ecology. Vvedenie v biohimičeskuju èkologiju. Vvedenie v biokhimicheskuyu ekologiyu. Введение в биохимическую экологию; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259800839

Book · January 1986;
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3445.9688 ;
Publisher: Moscow University Press, Moscow /
Издательство Московского университета, Москва;
The main concepts of this book were additionally substantiated and developed in more recent publications, e.g.:
Остроумов С.А. Новые научные дисциплины в системе экологических и биосферных наук: биохимическая экология и биохимическая гидробиология // Экологическая химия, 2009, 18(2): с.102-110.  http://scipeople.ru/publication/69429/;

Book Телитченко М.М., Остроумов С.А. Введение в проблемы биохимической экологии - ResearchGateAvailable from:  https://www.researchgate.net/post/book [accessed May 6, 2016].
The book by S.A.Ostroumov (1986) was translated and published in Poland and Bulgaria.
The Polish edition of the book Введение в биохимическую экологию:
Ostroumow S. A. Wprowadzenie do ekologii biochemicznej. [=Introduction to Biochemical Ecology] Warszawa: Wydaw. Naukowe PWN [= PWN Press], 1992. 205 pages [translated from Russian by Dr. J. Kurylowicz = tł. z jęz. ros. Jerzy Kuryłowicz] ISBN-13: 9788301104542. ISBN-10: 8301104546. Format: 20,5/14,5 cm.  In Polish language. 

Key words in Polish: pojęciowe fundamenty, nowa dyscyplina naukowa, ekologiczna rola substancji chemicznych, interorganismal interakcji, komunikacji chemicznej, regulacji, systemów supraorganismal, biotransformacji, naturalnych związków, związków człowieka, podstawowych pojęć, chemomediators ekologicznych, chemoregulators ekologicznych, feromony, metabolitów wtórnych, toksyn roślinnych naturalne substancje toksyczne, Bioactives, sygnały chemiczne, wabiące, repelenty;

The book is recommended and used at several Polish universities, including: The Technical University of Lodz (Politechnika Łódzka); The Jan Kochanowski University of Humanities and Sciences in Kielce; University of Wrocław; University in Bialymstok (Uniwersytet w Bialymstoku); University in Opole (Wydział Przyrodniczo – Techniczny Uniwersytetu Opolskiego); Akademia im. Jana Długosza, Instytut Chemii i Ochrony Środowiska, Częstochowa; Uniwersytet Kardynala Stefana Wyszynskiego, Warsaw; and other universities]. [https://opac.buw.uw.edu.pl/cgi-bin/gw_46_6/chameleon?] 

Also, the book was translated by Bulgarian scientists and published in Bulgaria. This is the reference to Bulgarian edition:
Сергей Остроумов. Увод в биохимичната екология / Uvod v biokhimichnata ekologii︠a︡ . Sofia (София). Publishers Наука и изскуство. 1990. 155 pages.
Key words in Bulgarian: концептуалните основи, нова научна дисциплина, екологична роля на химични вещества,  химическа комуникация, регулация,  биотрансформация, природни съединения, изкуствени съединения, основни понятия, екологични chemomediators, екологични chemoregulators, феромони, вторични метаболити, растителни токсини , естествени токсични вещества,  химически сигнали, атрактанти, репеленти;

The further development of the new concepts and principles of biochemical ecology that were formulated in the book (1986)was made in the paper: О концепциях биохимической экологии и гидробиологииэкологические хемомедиаторы // Сибирский экологический журнал - 2006. - 13, №1. - С. 73-82. Резюме на англязБиблиогр. 32 назв. ISSN 0869-8619. The English translation of that reference: On concepts of biochemical ecology and hydrobiology: ecological chemomediators. - Siberian Ecological Journal (Sibirsky Ekologichesky Zhurnal). 2006. - 13, No.1. - P. 73-82. Bibliogr. 32 refs. [ = Siberian Journal of Ecology = Sibirskiy ekologicheskiy zhurnal; ISSN 0869-8619;   http://www.sibran.ru/English/SECJE.HTM]. 
That paper was translated into English: 
On the concepts of biochemical ecology and hydrobiology: Ecological chemomediators. - Contemporary Problems of Ecology, 2008, Volume 1 (2), p. 238-244. 
[© Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2008; distributed by Springer Science+Business Media LLC.; ISSN 1995-4255 (Print) 1995-4263 (Online)]; 
DOI 10.1134/S1995425508020100. 
Original Russian Text © S.A. Ostroumov, 2006, published in Sibirskii Ekologicheskii Zhurnal, 2006, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 73–82]. 
Abstract of that paper: 
Earlier, the author published two books (including 'Introduction to Biochemical Ecology', 1986) and some papers, in which he described conceptual foundations of new scientific disciplines — biochemical ecology and biochemical hydrobiology. These trends in research include studies of the role of chemical substances in interorganismal interactions, in communication and regulation of supraorganismal systems. Another part of biochemical ecology concerns studies of the fate and transformation of external chemical substances when they interact with the organisms. Both natural and man-made compounds are interesting for biochemical ecology. The basic concepts of biochemical ecology include ecological chemomediators and ecological chemoregulators. They were suggested by S.A.Ostroumov and since then, they have already been included in the body of modern concepts and are used in modern ecological literature. Application of biochemical ecology to aquatic ecosystems creates the basis for development of biochemical hydrobiology. The full text of the paper see at: http://scipeople.com/users/2943391/ 

ABSTRACT of the original Russian book (1986) IN ENGLISH: S.A.Ostroumov. Introduction to Biochemical Ecology. 1986. Moscow. Moscow University Press. 176 p. Figures, tables. Bibliogr.: pp. 168-174. [New interdisciplinary issues were analyzed and conceptualized in an innovative way, including ecological roles of natural and man-made chemicals. Inter alia, some problems of chemical communication and regulation in natural populations and ecosystems, environmental toxicology and chemistry and QSAR. Ecological functions of secondary metabolites of bacteria, fungi, algae, plants, invertebrates and vertebrates. There are no other books on biochemical ecology in the international literature that analyzes so broad diversity of data on metabolites of various taxa. Several published reviews indicated that the book broke a fresh ground and extended the frontiers of ecology. New concepts suggested: ecological chemomediators and ecological chemoregulators in ecosystems]. 

A number of reviews of this book (1986) were published in scientific journal of a number of countries.

Published favorable/positive reviews of the book (1986): 

Priroda (Nature). 1987. No. 1. p.125;
Professor Telitchenko M.M. Review of the book 'Introduction to Biochemical Ecology'. – Bulletin of Moscow University. Ser. 16. Biology. 1986. No. 4. P. 58;
Prof. Stavskaya S.S. // Physiology and biochemistry of cultivated plants. 1988. v. 20, No. 1. p. 99 - 100. - Review of the book: 'Introduction to Bio-Chemical Ecology';
Prof. Pokarzhevsky 
А.D., Semenova N.L. // Ecology. 1988, No. 2, p. 89 - 90. - Review;
Prof. Sokolov 
М.S. // Аgrochemistry. 1987, No. 7, p. 135-136. - Review;
Prof. Gusev 
М.V. (Dean, School of Biology, Moscow Univ) // Plant Physiology. V. 35. No. 2, p.412 - 413. - Review of the book: 'Introduction to Biochemical Ecology';
Prof. Dubinin N.P. (Full Member, Academician of the Acad.Sci., ex-Director of Inst. General Genetics) // Izvestia Acad. Sci. Ser. Biol. (Bulletin of Acad. Sci. Biological series). 1988, No. 1. p. 799 - 800. - Review;
Prof. B. Stugren. Introduction to Biochemical Ecology by S.A. Ostroumov (a review) // Studia Univ. Babes-Bolyai. Biologia (Romania). 1987. N 2. P. 96 – 97 (in English);
Dr. E. Symonides // Wiadomosci Ecologiczne (Poland), V. 33. No. 2. P. 199-201. - Review (in Polish);
Review // Journal of General Biology (Moscow, Russian Academy of Sciences). 1989. V. 50. No. 3, p. 429.
About the Russian edition of the book see: 
The book was also translated into Bulgarian language.
The book is used as the educational material and basis for new lecture courses in universities in Russia, Belorussia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Georgia, and other countries.

The Polish edition of the book was cited in a number of scientific publications.
Citation of the book ‘Wprowadzenie do ekologii biochemicznej’. (S.A. Ostroumow - 1992 - Publisher: PWN, Warsaw, Warszawa), selected examples:
T. SUDOL, T. KRZYSKO-LUPICKA, EWA NOWAKOWSKA. PRÒBA OCENY WZROSTU BAKTERII W OBECNOSCI. - XXXVI Seminarium Fizykochemiczne Problemy Mineralurgii, 1999, 111-116 (=Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing, XXXVI Symposium, 1999, 111-116).
R. Krzyżanowski, B. Leszczyński, A. Gadalińska-Krzyżanowska Application of DI-SPME/GC-MS method for the analysis of MCPA residues in winter wheat tissues (ROBERT KRZYŻANOWSKI*, BOGUSŁAW LESZCZYŃSKI, ANNA GADALIŃSKA- KRZYŻANOWSKA). - Herba Polonica. 2008. 54(3): 24-31.
JANKOWSKA B. Impact of intercropping white cabbage with Pot Marigold (Calendula officinalis L.) and French Marigold (Tagetes patula nana) on the occurrence of cabbage aphid (Brevicoryne brassicae L.), its parasitoid Diaeretiella rapae M'Intosh and predatory Syrphidae. - APHIDS AND OTHER HEMIPTEROUS INSECTS, 2008. VOL. 13 199-209
Wojcieszynska D., Wilczek A. Związki fenolowe pochodzenia naturalnego. - Chemia w Szkole. 
2006. 6, 1-7.
Book Телитченко М.М., Остроумов С.А. Введение в проблемы биохимической экологии - ResearchGateAvailable from: https://www.researchgate.net/post/book [accessed May 6, 2016].
A second edition of the book (1986) was published under the title:

Введение в проблемы биохимической экологии: биотехнология, сельское хозяйство, охрана среды. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/274137829

Book · January 1990;

Publisher: Наука (Nauka Press, Moscow), ISBN: 5-02-004062-2;
the co-authors of the book:
(affiliation of the both authors: Lomonosov Moscow State University);



Введение в проблемы биохимической экологии: биотехнология, сельское хозяйство, охрана среды. 

Введение в проблемы биохимической экологии: биотехнология, сельское хозяйство, охрана среды.
This is the second edition of the book "Introduction to Biochemical Ecology" (author: S.A.Ostroumov, 1986, Moscow University Press, in Russian).
Translation of the book title from Russian into English:
Introduction to Problems of Biochemical Ecology: biotechnology, agriculture, environment protection.
Translit of the Russian title of the book:
Vvedeniye v problemy biokhimicheskoy ekologii: biotekhnologiya, sel'skoye khozyaystvo, okhrana sredy.
Location of the Publishers: Moscow, Russian Federation.
288 pages.
On this book see: 5bio5.blogspot.com/2015/03/05032015-on-book-introduction-to.html;
This book is the second, enlarged, updated edition of the original book (the first edition had only one author, Sergei A. Ostroumov:
Introduction to Biochemical Ecology (English translation of the title).
Translit of the Russian title: Vvedenie v biohimičeskuju èkologiju.
Another version of the translit: Vvedenie v biokhimicheskuyu ekologiyu.
Original Russian title: 
Введение в биохимическую экологию.

[книга]: Телитченко М.М., Остроумов С.А. Введение в проблемы биохимической экологии: биотехнология, сельское хозяйство, охрана среды. Москва: Наука. 1990. 288 с., табл., рис. Библиогр.: с.256-282. Усл.печ.л. 18. Уч.-изд.л. 20,6. ISBN 5-02-004062-2. ( = Introduction to Problems of Biochemical Ecology: Biotechnology, Agriculture, Environment). Под ред. академика А.Г. Мокроносова, академика С.Е. Северина и члена-корр. М.В. Горленко. Предисловие академика В.Н. Большакова. Из предисловия акад. В.Н. Большакова: "Особенность этого нового научного направления заключается в том, что результаты его развития представляют не только теоретический, но и немалый практический интерес, причем с нескольких точек зрения. …данная книга… полезна не только как монография для специалистов, но и как источник новых сведений для преподавателей, аспирантов и студентов". Включены новые экспериментальные данные о действии ПАВ на организмы. 
На книгу опубликованы положительные рецензии: академик Ласкорин Б.Н. Введение в проблемы биохимической экологии (рецензия) // Известия АН СССР. Сер. Биологическая. 1991. № 5. С. 799 – 800; 
** проф. Сиренко Л.А. Биохимическая экология водных экосистем и ее проблемы // Гидробиологический журнал. 1992. - Т. 28. № 5. С. 108 - 109. – Рец. на кн.: “Введение в проблемы биохимической экологии: биотехнология, сельское хозяйство, охрана среды”; 
** академик АН УССР Романенко В.Д. (академик Нац. АН Украины, директор Института гидробиологии, Президент Гидроэкологического общества Украины), Романенко А.В. На стыке наук. Рецензия на книгу: “Введение в проблемы биохимической экологии: биотехнология, сельское хозяйство, охрана среды” // Гидробиологический журнал. 1992. - Т. 28. № 2. - С. 82 – 83. 
** Книга включена в университетские программы обучения студентов в РФ, Беларуси, Украины и др. стран.
The books mentioned above were well cited by international researchers, much information on the citation is available [ 8 ].
In the  books (above) new concepts were formulated and explaned, including the concepts of ecological chemomediators and ecological chemoregulators.
Since these publications (above), many new works of international researchers confirmed and followed the ideas and conceptualizations of these original contributions.
Useful materials and ome data on the subject of this publication were published online [9].


1 Ostroumov S. A. Introduction to Biochemical Ecology,  Москва, Moscow University Press, 1986. 176 p.

2 Ostroumow S. A. Wprowadzenie do ekologii biochemicznej. [=Introduction to Biochemical Ecology] Warszawa: Wydaw. Naukowe PWN [= PWN Press], 1992. 205 p.

3 Сергей Остроумов. Увод в биохимичната екология / Uvod v biokhimichnata ekologii︠a︡ . Sofia (София). Publishers Наука и изскуство. 1990. 155 p.

4 Telitchenko M.M., Ostroumov S. A. Introduction to Problems of Biochemical Ecology: biotechnology, agriculture, environment protection.

5 Остроумов С.А. Новые научные дисциплины в системе экологических и биосферных наук: биохимическая экология и биохимическая гидробиология // Экологическая химия, 2009, 18(2): с.102-110. 

6 Остроумов С.А. О концепциях биохимической экологии и гидробиологии: экологические хемомедиаторы // Сибирский экологический журнал - 2006. - 13, №1. - С. 73-82. 

7 Ostroumov S. A.On the concepts of biochemical ecology and hydrobiology: Ecological chemomediators. - Contemporary Problems of Ecology, 2008, Volume 1 (2), p. 238-244. 

8 О книге: Введение в биохимическую экологию.

9. http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/05/updated.html