Coronation Street Episode Review Monday 12th March

It's the hangover after the night before and both Gemma and Tyrone are full of regrets and no breakfast. Rita sees Gemma leave the house and then Fiz in her jim-jams at Chesney's and after that, overhears Gemma saying that she copped off last night. Rita puts three and three together and makes seven and guilty Gemma soon 'fesses up, as does Ty to Fiz when she finds the condom wrapper in the bedclothes, after Sean insists that he hasn't been up to any shenanigans. It's good to see someone practising safe sex, given that 99% of Weatherfield one night stands end in pregnancy. Anyway, the upshot is that Fiz chucks Tyrone out, saying that she can't get past it.

In drug addiction news, everyone's out looking for Billy, but he's lurking around the yard of number eleven, before breaking in to steal Eileen's rainy day money. He's caught by Peter, who at least understands addiction, even though he's partly the cause of it, in Billy's case at least. He seems to get through to the Rev (or ex-Rev; he is presumably AWOL from the church), but as soon as Peter's back is turned, Billy makes off with the money and Eileen's jewellery. Well, he's not going to get much for some diamanté earrings. Summer works out that it was Billy who broke in and confides in Amy, who says she will help Summer find her step-dad: after all, she's been on the run, she has skillz.

In boxing news, Josh tells David he must see a doctor before going into the match. Just google it, David, rather than waste Dr Ali's time. He tells Dave that he shouldn't fight, which upsets young Mr Platt. Josh persuades him to carry on training.

In hair news, Rosemary, a clairvoyant pops into the salon to get a wash and blow from Audrey, who's been recommended by Mrs Abercrombie, late of Tile Street. She says she can feel the spirit of someone in a trilby hat in the salon, a spirit by the name of....Alfeh! Audrey is convinced enough to book a reading with Rosemary. This can only end in fun.

In why-are-they-even-still-here news, Jude prepares to go to his interview, but ends up in the medical centre with George. He admits he feels too nervous to go, but Mary sends him off with a pep talk. To be honest, I just yawn whenever Jude comes onto a scene and don't care if he gets the job, doesn't get the job, sinks to the bottom of the sea, or none of the above. He gets the zzzzzzzzzzzz, sorry, I mean, he gets the job, or maybe he doesn't: he later takes a furtive call in the pub, which suggests that he's doing something other than researching clams.

And finally, in Mary news, we discover that her slit pink conch shell was once most admired. I bet!

Rachel Stevenson - on twitter.

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