Odds & Ends

Some things just don't deserve their own post. They're not that "news worthy" but they are "memory worthy" to me, anyway.
So, today, things I want to remember from the last few weeks.

 All the rain caused a lot of damage to some of the streets in Curitiba. This is what happened to the street/sidewalk on the jungle side of the temple block. (That one hole goes all the way to China!)

The city is now in the process of fixing the problems. 

There's never a dull moment when waiting for the street light to change. Red lights bring out the talent! They just don't have this kind of stuff in Utah!

The youth had a "Noite de Hambúrguer" event to earn money for youth conference. For a mere R$20 we were served a hamburger, drink and a dessert of our choice. They weren't bad. 
We later invited the Freides to go to Maderos for "the world's best hamburger." They had to admit that Madero's burgers were truly superior to the ones from Barigui Ward. 😋

We had dinner with the Rasera family and friends on Sunday. Good friends. Good food. 

On Monday we made our last trip to the Federal Building to renew our IDs. We are now "legal" for our final months in Brazil.

Kansas City may have their Cow Parade but here in Curitiba we have the Capi Parade.

Ya gotta love the GIANT insect display at the Palladium Mall. (The fly is in honor of Wayne.)

We got a new missionary couple last week - Vicente and Margereth Camargo from Ponta Grosse. 
Bem Vinda!

Carnival is being celebrated throughout Brazil today through Wednesday. After that, it's back to school for the kids in public schools. (The private schools generally use the September-June calendar with a break for Carnival.) 
This is also the week for Youth Conference throughout the Church in Brazil. It keeps the youth away from the not-so-good influences that result from 24/7 parties, parades, and general permissiveness of Carnival.

Our faithful red onibus. Our temple tube. Our mangy dog at the terminal.

And - last but not least - we finished another puzzle. Mona was really a challenge! But we persevered and - wallah! - success!!!