biosphere: New Aspects of the Role of Organisms and Detritus in the Detoxification System of the Biosphere; ;

New Aspects of the Role of Organisms and Detritus in the Detoxification System of the Biosphere; ;

This article presents the recent author's discovery of new aspects of the participation of organisms in the detoxification system of the  biosphere. Problems of detoxification of toxic environmental pollutants are analyzed. New author’s  experimental data in combination with a large amount of information in the scientific literature gave rise to a  new concept of the role of biogenic detritus and related nutrients in environmental detoxification (ex-living  matter concept). This may be useful for the development of new technologies for remediation and  decontamination of the environment.

Keywords: biosphere, detoxification, pollution control, toxic chemical elements, immobilization, sorption,  biogenic detritus, ex-living matter;

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