2012 Apr: April, all 34 posts, in Eng, in Rus, environmental science, top, articles, papers, Dokl Biol Sci, water self-purification, toxic effects, surfactants, detergents, citation, results of, Остроумов Сергей Андреевич, Ostroumov S.A., https://5bio5.blogspot.com/2018/02/2012-apr.html


April, all 34 posts, in Eng, in Rus, environmental science, top, articles, papers, Dokl Biol Sci, water self-purification, toxic effects, surfactants, detergents, citation, results of, Остроумов Сергей Андреевич, Ostroumov S.A.,









апреля, 34 posts: research results, Moscow University:

В диссертации (Постнов, 2001) использованы книги с...
Реагирование проростков макрофитов на загрязнение ...
Tolerance of an aquatic macrophyte Potamogeton cri...
The Roles of Suspension-Feeders in Ecosystems: Syn...
Citation, Статья и ее цитирование. Нарушение фильтрации двус...
Диссертации ученых (Астрахань, Москва, Ставрополь,...
Новое доказательство незаменимости природных проце...
Citation, Well-cited article: Inhibitory analysis of top-dow...
Interesting: Effects of Contamination by Heavy Met...
Interesting papers.Benzo[ a]pyrene up-regulates th...;
Interesting papers.Kinetics of the enzymatic decom...
Science and Innovation. Seeking support and sponso...
Environment, Biology, Ecology, Water: Among most p...
Environmental Science Key bibliography with sites...;
Изучение фиторемедиационного потенциала водных рас...
Tolerance of an aquatic macrophyte Potamogeton cri...
Publications on interactions between chemical poll...
Environmental Sciences. Selected Bibliography. Mor...
Oil spill in Siberia (the river Angara), April 25,...
Pellets of Some Mollusks in the Biogeochemical Flo...;

The Synecological Approach to the Problem of Eutro...
The new author’s experiments discovered that the b...
The Concept of Aquatic Biota as a Labile and Vulne...
An aquatic ecosystem: a large-scale diversified bi...
Criteria of ecological hazards due to anthropogeni...;
Biological filters are an important part of the bi...
A new conceptualization which is based on his sugg...
Review of ecotoxicology of nanomaterials. Ost...
Innovative conceptualization of ecosystem’sbiomach...
Aquaculture of mussels: new hazards of detergents ...
On the role of future science and theories of ec...
New useful function of living organisms in ecosys...
Important Environmental role of synthetic surfacta...
