Next week in Coronation Street, we'll see Toyah become increasingly jealous as she reckons Peter still has a bit of a thing for Carla. You can find out more on that here.
Certainly, in the very brief scene we saw this week when Carla popped her perfectly lovely head around the door of the back room at the Rovers to say hello to Peter, there was more sexual chemistry between them in that very short scene then there ever has been between Peter and Toyah.
So, is Toyah right to be jealous, I wonder?
And would you like to see Peter and Carla back together - Yay or Nay? They were terrible together, always bringing out the worst in each other - and some of the best Corrie drama in years.
So from me it's Yay, Yay, Yay.
That's a Yay.
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