No Fighting in The Snug, please

Maybe it's a full moon? Or is there something in the air? Well, whatever it is, it's bringing a whole load of Corrie fans to our website to complain and moan and vent their spleen about the show.

We understand. 

Corrie can be hard to stick with at times. It dips, it dives, it weaves around Weatherfield. Sometimes our favourite characters aren't featured for a while and we're forced to watch characters and storylines we don't care about.  And when we do care about them, the rushed way they're being presented to us at the moment, complete with glaring plot holes and errors, well, it's not good, I know.

We understand.  We're Corrie fans just like you. And as Corrie fans we have a choice. Either turn off and watch something else, or suck it up and get on with it. I'm choosing the latter, for now, in the hope that things might change. 
We run this Coronation Street Blog as a team who are passionate about our favourite telly show.  We all have Corrie in common and the Bloggers give of their free time, unpaid and voluntary, to contribute for the enjoyment of others.

Do, please, join in the fun and the conversation by leaving comments on the Blog.  However, please be courteous and polite. Try not to be hurtful or offensive to cast members or to other commenters. Offensive comments will always be deleted.   

Many of you are leaving complaints about the show here on the Blog. Please, if you would like to complain about the show - the only way to do it is to email marking your email subject line as "Coronation Street"

Thankyou very much for reading, and for helping us run a happy Blog!

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