Gender Transformation Hub Coordinator, Southern Africa Sub- Region

CARE is an organization driven by its mission to overcome poverty and social injustice. CARE’s East, Central and Southern Africa Regional Office (ECSARO) is responsible for the oversight of CARE’s operations in the region as well as the provision of support to 15 Country Offices in the region. CARE is developing a new and innovative way of working across borders at the sub-regional level that aims to increase and multiply our impact and leads directly to measurable improvements in the lives of 10 million small scale food producers and their families in the 6 CARE presence countries Southern Africa and 6 additional countries in the sub region. The Her Harvest, Our Future Impact Growth Strategy (IGS) focusses on improving Food and Nutrition Security and increasing Resilience to Climate Change for women small scale farmers.

The Gender Transformation Hub Coordinator for Southern Africa IGS role will report to the Assistant Country Director for Programs in one of the participating Country Office`s (COs) in Southern Africa and will have ongoing technical supervision and coordination across the region from the Evidence and Knowledge Management Specialist. The coordinator will work with a network of staff across CARE COs, regional teams and CMPs. The coordinator will identify and work with Key Supporters who are experts in gender transformation across CARE and partners. The position is intended to provide both technical and coordination support to increase the scope and improve the quality of gender transformative programming, by synthesizing learning and producing compelling information and evidence about gender transformation from CARE and our partners’ programs into the advocacy, partnership and resource mobilization aspects of CARE and other’s work to improve gender relations in Southern Africa.
We are looking for someone innovative, creative and proactive with strong experience in learning and coordination, and in program implementation, including the application of gender transformative strategies. The ideal candidate would forge strong relationships within CARE and with partners to develop, review and validate programmatic evidence from across a range of programs and to attract, develop, manage and sustain the engagement of others so that evidence and learning about gender transformation can be actively used for program development, advocacy, communications and resource mobilization.

If you possess at a minimum, a Bachelor’s degree in agriculture, nutrition, food security, development and gender with at least five years of relevant work in development in Southern Africa, demonstrable evidence of commitment to addressing gender and women’s empowerment in development and proven experience in knowledge management and learning including using on-the-ground evidence for advocacy, communications and resource mobilization, then please do apply.

The location of the position will be based in one of the 6 Southern Africa Sub Regional CARE Country Offices (Malawi, Mozambique, Madagascar, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe). This will be a national staff position and will conform to the salary scale, employment regulations and other conditions of the hosting CARE office and country.

Interested candidates who meet the criteria above are encouraged to send their application letters and detailed CV to by January 22, 2018. Kindly indicate the position title on the subject line when applying. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

CARE is an equal opportunity employer promoting gender, equity and diversity. Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply. Our selection process reflects our commitment to the protection of children from abuse

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