Gardening in the Pacific Northwest - a book review

I have always said that most of my gardening knowledge has come from books, a fact that pertains to almost every other aspect in my life as well. The first thing I did after moving here was find as many gardening books as I could that related to gardening in this region. I was excited when I heard that Paul Bonine and Amy Campion were writing a gardening book. I have met both authors - Paul is the owner of Xera in Portland, a fantastic nursery that offers lots of unusual and unique plants. Amy is a writer and photographer and we both are currently serving on the HPSO Board. They are two of the smartest people I know when it comes to plants and gardening in this region.

This book is a great introduction and a must-have for recent transplants to the area (such as myself!). The first section deals with the all-important (and extremely complicated) subject of climate. There are eight climatic sub-regions in the Pacific Northwest. We live in the Willamette Valley and the weather here is far different from the entire eastern side of Washington and Oregon as well as the coast and other regions. The TV weather forecasters in Portland always give 3 separate forecast grids (Coast, Valley and Mountains). You have to understand where you are and what conditions you are working with!

"Good Garden Culture" discusses the various types of soils in the region and how to improve them as well as tips on irrigation, mulching, and dealing with plant diseases and pests.

The largest portion of the book is a plant directory (Perennials, Shrubs, Vines, Trees) that lists the best plants for the region. A photograph of every plant is included as well as a description and growing requirements. This is where the book will get you into trouble. Although I grew many of the same plants in Alabama, there are exciting temptations here like Fuchsias, Cistus (Rock Rose), Grevillea, Choisya (Mexican Orange), Ceonothus (California Lilac), Manzanita (Arctostaphylos) and the list goes on.

A final section covers design facets and features photos of many private gardens in the region.

This book is a must-have for the Pacific Northwest gardener, full of valuable advice and highly recommended.

Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy

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