Chinese, China, S.A.Ostroumov; environmental science, water quality, ecology, links; 环境污染 生物测定,生态毒理学,Environment protection 环境保护; Aquatic ecosystems 水生生态系统; 水, 水质, 1. water—水; 2. water resources—水资源; 3. water quality—水质; 4. protection of water from pollution—水污染防治; 5. freshwater—淡水; 6. aquatic ecology—水域生态学; 7. safety of sources of water supply—供水水资源安全; 8. aquatic organisms—水生生物 ;;

1. water— 2. water resources—资源 3. water quality— 4. protection of water from pollution—污染防治 5. freshwater—淡水 6. aquatic ecology—水域生态学 7. safety of sources of water supply—供水水资源安全 8. aquatic organisms—水生生物 ; 

Chinese, China,
Search results for: Chinese + 5bio5 + Ostroumov; environmental science, water quality, ecology, links;
China + 5bio5 + Ostroumov
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Jul 14, 2016 - 8 is a lucky number in Chinese culture: 88 keywords for publications of Lomonosov Moscow State University researcher Sergei. Environmental science, biology, Sergei A. Ostroumov.; ;
 2016 - This researcher is the most read author from his university, Moscow State University, according to ResearchGate ** keywords: Chinese: 环境污染 生物测定生态毒理学生物指示 生物标志物 环境毒理学 生物监测 态毒理学 水生态毒理学 毒理学 方法 生物测定 环境危害 评定 水生微生 生物学 ;

2005, English, Book edition: Biological effects of surfactants / S.A. Ostroumov. .... ;; ... It was acquired by National Library of China; in the libraries of four universities of Hong Kong, namely HKUST Library (The Hong Kong University of Science and ...;;

Authored, co-authored by a researcher at Moscow State University, Fulbright Awardee Sergei A.Ostroumov. ** EVIDENCE OF MERIT, IMPACT, RECOGNITION: 1. CITATION. 2. APPROVAL IN REVIEWS, EVALUATIONS. 3. INVITATIONS TO GIVE ...;
Jan 26, 2016 - Chinese keywords, citations of publications of Sergei Ostroumov, the most read author from Moscow University: key words: Environment protection 环境保护;. Aquatic ecosystems 水生生态系统;. water pollution 污染;.;

1. ...; .... Best libraries acquired these books-USA, Canada, France,Japan,China,Belgium,Switzerland, England, Germany, Netherlands, Denmark,Australia- ...;;

1. Photo: a French university: Sergei A. Ostroumov - Publications - ResearchGate Internet, Ostroumov S.A.. [Show abstract] ..... Titles in English, Italian, French, German, Chinese, ...;

Сергей (sergei) Остроумов (ostroumov) Ноя 1, 2013. Recent useful links. Most viewed, environmental science, ecology, water quality improvement. ecology, environmental science, improvement, Most viewed, quality, safety, sustainability, water, citation, China, top papers, M China, citation, ecology, environmental science, ...;

1. **. Tags: environmental health ... and books) on aquatic ecosystems, water quality and hazard assessment were published by Dr. Sergei A. Ostroumov ... of the world: Europe, North America, India, China, and Australia [ 10 ]. Some of the papers of.

See Tweets about #ecotoxicology on Twitter. See what people are saying and join the conversation.

Nov 29, 2012 - ... **Annotated bibliography in several languages, including: Arabic, Armenian, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, Nederlandse, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, Georgian, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, ...
Search Results
Jan 26, 2016 - Chinese keywords, citations of publications of Sergei Ostroumov, the most read author from Moscow University: key words: Environment protection 环境保护;. Aquatic ecosystems 水生生态系统;. water pollution 污染;.

by SA Ostroumov - ‎2013;
Sergei A. Ostroumov. (2013).;;All these articles are at PubMed. However, PubMed does not show the abstracts of all of these papers. The abstracts of these papers are presented here, see them below.;

by SA Ostroumov - ‎2002 - ‎Cited by 101 - ‎Related articles
Apr 3, 2012 - Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in processes leading to water purification: current conceptualizations and concluding remarks. by: S. A. Ostroumov ... Germany, Spain, China, Greece, India:,5&hl=en; E.g.,cited in: ...;;
May 23, 2016 - Simplified titles of 10 articles on water ecology, water quality improvement, aquatic ecotoxicology.; English, German, Chinese, Russian; links to abstracts, full texts · Остроумов Сергей Андреевич, · Ostroumov S.A., environmental, explanation, new steps, ...;

1. •. May 18, 2014 - Citation of publications of Dr. Sergei A. Ostroumov, Fulbright Award ...United. Kingdom, Mexico, Portugal, U.S.A.,China, France, Australia, ... •. • 22.2.2015. 100 recent posts: ...

Sergei A. Ostroumov of Lomonosov Moscow State University | MSU is on ResearchGate. Read 1138 publications, 372 questions, 1013 answers and contact Sergei A. Ostroumov on ResearchGate, the professional network for scientists.;

Biological filtering and ecological machinery for self-purification and bioremediation in aquatic ecosystems: towards a holistic view. S.A. Ostroumov. - Rivista di ... austria-citation-of-russian-eco…China. Citation of Russian ecologists, environmental scientists:…/china-citation-of-russian-ecolo…;.;

The first facts on toxicity of detergents to aquatic higher plants were obtained by Dr. Sergei Ostroumov(they were presented in his book, Biological Effects of .... Europe, and Asia and other continents, including the U.S., U.K., Russia, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Uruguay,China, Kuwait, and ...;
Москва, Россия - ‎at Moscow State University - ‎Moscow State University
Who cited:; Experience: Dr. S. Ostroumov: TEACHING ..... Who cited in U.S.A., U.K., Russia, Canada, Germany, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Australia, New Zealand, China, India; additions 18.9.2013:;

Jan 26, 2016 - Chinese keywords, citations of publications of Sergei Ostroumov, the most read author from Moscow University: key words: Environment protection 环境保护;. Aquatic ecosystems 水生生态系统;. water pollution 污染;.;

Netherlands. Citation of ecology, environmental publications of S.A.Ostroumov. Sergei Ostroumov. Uploaded by. Sergei Ostroumov. connect to download ... U. K., Japan, China, other countries: and-international-citing-of.html; ** Citation of book: Biological effects of surfactants.

  • Apr 2017
Citation in China; Chinese scientists cited works of Sergei Ostroumov, environmental science, improving water quality, pollution control, water self-purification, Цитирование, 污染控制水自净化中文引文中国; Citation in China; Chinese scientists cited works of Sergei Ostroumov, environmental science, improving water quality, pollution control, water self-purification, 污染控制水自净化中文引文中国 Цитирование. These articles in China cited scientific publications of Sergei A. Ostroumov. This publication was cited: Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in processes leading to water purification: current conceptualizations and concluding remarks; SA Ostroumov - Hydrobiologia, 2002; - Springer; Full text free: ; ** These publications, these journals cited Sergei Ostroumov (selected examples): 太湖水体氮素污染状况研究进展; 吴雅 许海 杨桂军 朱广 秦伯 - 湖泊科学, 2014 -; 氮是引起湖泊富营养化的关键要素之一. 传统观点认为氮缺乏时, 湖泊生态系统可以通过生物 固氮作用从大气中获取氮来满足自身的需求, 因此认为淡水湖泊水体的生产力主要受磷限制. 但随着进一步的研究, 发现氮限制与氮和磷共同限制更为普遍, 且氮的限制常常伴随着水体的富; Cited by 14 Related articles All 5 versions Cite Save [PDF] ** [PDF] 过水性湖泊自净能力的动态变化; 任瑞 刘茂松 章杰明 张明 许梅 - 态学杂志, 2007 -; 摘要通过对过水性湖泊骆马湖1991—2003 年出, 入湖口附近主要水质指标监测资料的分析, 研究了湖泊湿地自净能力的变化情况. 结果表明: 1991—2003 , 各采样点水质指标无显著变化, 但出, 入湖口水质差异显著, 表明骆马湖目前尚有较强的自净能力; 各采样点间主要水质指标的; Cited by 11 Related articles All 8 versions Cite Save More ** [PDF] 乌梁素海水体营养盐削减的空间变化规律研究; 毛旭 丽娟 胜男 张曼胤 郭嘉… - 干旱区资源与 …, 2012 - 提要: 乌梁素海作为过水性湖泊, 每年承接河套地区大量的农田退水. 在降低营养盐浓度的同时, 营养化程度也大大提升. 为揭示乌梁素海水体营养盐削减的空间变化规律, 研究采集20 监测点的100 份水体样本, 分析了2011 8 乌梁素海水体总磷(TP), 总氮(TN), 氨氮(NH-4- Cited by 4 Related articles All 5 versions Cite Save More [HTML]; ** [PDF] 太湖流域上游河网污染物降解系数研究 冯帅 李叙勇 邓建才 - 环境科学学报, 2016 - 摘要: 污染物在河流中物理, 化学和生物过程的共同作用下浓度会发生衰减, 衰减的速率可用表 降解系数表示, 其中, 仅有生物过程引起污染物浓度衰减的速率用生物降解系数表示. 为了探究太湖流域上游河网污染物的降解规, 20 个采样点开展原位实验测算了高锰酸盐 Related articles All 5 versions Cite Save More [HTML] 利用水族生物環境檢測法解析河川的自淨作用-以新竹柯子湖溪為例 鄭博仁 - 2005 - 本研究主要是利用水族環境生物檢測法(Aquatic Organisms environment Diagnostics, 簡稱AOD), 以此作為評估河川水體自淨的能力. 經由本研究之結果分析後, 水族環境生物檢測法能確實反映水體品質, 且較其他水質評估指標更能顯現出樣站間水體品質的 Related articles All 2 versions Cite Save [PDF] ** 乌梁素海湿地对营养盐的削减效率及其分区研究 毛旭 晓燕 陈琼 魏希杰 - 水土保持研究, 2014 - 基于乌梁素湖区20 监测点近2a 监测数据, 分析不同介(水体, 植物和底泥) 对总氮和总磷的净化过程, 构建削减效率指数, 核算不同湖区对营养盐的削减效率, 过聚类分析划分削减区. 结果显示: 水体和植被中N P 营养盐浓度(含量) ;
** [HTML] [HTML] 平原河网典型污染物生物降解系数的研究 冯帅 李叙勇 邓建才 - 环境科学, 2016 - 摘要: 生物降解是污染物综合降解的重要组成部分, 生物降解过程的快慢用生物降解系数表示. 为探明太湖上游平原河网典型污染物的生物降解规律, 2015 9 进行原位实验, 采用一级反应动力学模型对高锰酸盐指数, 氨氮(NH 4+-N), 总氮(TN) 总磷(TP) All 3 versions Cite Save More [PDF]
** Citation in China in 2017. Chinese scientists cited Sergei Ostroumov.; Цитирование, This article was cited: Ostroumov, S.A. Biocontrol of water quality: Multifunctional role of biota in water self-purification. Russ. J. Gen. Chem. 2011, 80, 2754–2761.] Full text of the cited article, free:; Xiong G., Wang G., Wang D., Yang W., Chen Y., Chen Z. Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Total Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Dianshan Lake, China: The External Loading and Self-Purification Capability. Sustainability. 2017; 9(4):500. Institution, affiliation of Chinese scientists who cited it: East China Normal University,; ** Sustainability 2017, 9(4), 500; doi:10.3390/su9040500; Published by MDPI AG, Basel, Switzerland; IMPACT FACTOR 1.343; Article: Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Total Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Dianshan Lake, China: The External Loading and Self-Purification Capability; Guohua Xiong 1,2, Guochen Wang 1,2, Dongqi Wang 1,2,*, Weilin Yang 1,2, Yuanyuan Chen 1,2 and Zhenlou Chen 1,2; 1 Key Laboratory of Geographic Information Science (Ministry of Education), East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China; 2 School of Geographical Sciences, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China; * Correspondence: Tel.: +86-21-5434-1201; Academic Editor: Vincenzo Torretta; Received: 10 January 2017 / Accepted: 23 March 2017 / Published: 27 March 2017; Abstract : In this article, long-term data, statistical analysis, and spatial interpolation method were applied to the analyses of the spatial and temporal changes of total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) in Dianshan Lake. We also estimated the self-purification capability of TN and TP in Dianshan Lake. The results showed that interannual variability of the average concentration of TN in Dianshan Lake changed significantly, showing a characteristic increase before a decline, and the average concentration of TN showed an obvious downward trend, especially after 2007. Interannual variability of the average concentration of TP in Dianshan Lake fluctuated, and the average concentration of TP showed a downward trend after 2007. The seasonal variations of TN and TP in Dianshan Lake were similar. Higher TN concentration occurred in winter and spring, while higher TP concentration appeared in summer, autumn, and winter. The spatial distribution of TN and TP in Dianshan Lake were similar, showing a characteristic which decreased from north to south and west to east. The highest TN and TP values were mainly distributed in the inlet monitoring sites, while the lowest TP values were distributed in the outlet monitoring sites. The self-purification capability of TN and TP were about 2289.97 t/yr and 112.16 t/yr, which suggested a deterioration of natural water quality. Our research showed that Dianshan Lake was highly eutrophic and that water quality showed a substantial improvement from 1996 to 2015. Keywords: interannual variability; spatio-temporal distribution; self-purification capability; Dianshan Lake;
 ** ** This innovative and fundamental article of S.A. Ostroumov [ Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in processes leading to water purification: current conceptualizations and concluding remarks; Hydrobiologia, 2002; Full text free: ] was also cited by researchers from U.S., Russia, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, France, Germany, Sweden, Ireland, Greece, Ukraine, Czech Republic, et al. ; 85 citations in toto;;
** Computer translation of the Chinese abstracts above from Chinese into English: Research progress of nitrogen pollution in Taihu Lake water body; Lake Science, 2014 -; Nitrogen is one of the key elements that contribute to the eutrophication of lakes. The traditional view is that when the nitrogen is deficient, the lake ecosystem can Nitrogen fixation from the atmosphere to obtain nitrogen to meet their own needs, so that the production of freshwater lake water is mainly limited by the phosphorus. However, with further research, it is found that nitrogen limitation is more common than nitrogen and phosphorus, and nitrogen limitation is often accompanied by water rich; Cited by 14 Related articles All 5 versions Cite Save [PDF] [PDF] Dynamic changes in self-purification capacity of water-based lakes; Journal of Ecology, 2007 -; Abstract Based on the analysis of the monitoring data of the main water quality indicators of Luoma Lake in the past year from 1991 to 2003, The results showed that there was no significant change in water quality index at each sampling point in 1991-2003, But there is a significant difference between the water quality of the lake and the lake, which indicates that there is still a strong self-purification ability in Luoma Lake. The main water quality indicators of each sampling point Cited by 11 
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 [PDF] Study on the Spatial Variation Law of Nutrient Salt Reduction in Wuliangsuhai Sea; Mao Xufeng, Cui Lijuan, Li Shengnan, Zhang Manyin, Guo Jia ... - Arid Zone Resources and ..., 2012 - Abstract: Wuliangsuhai as a water-based lakes, each year to undertake a large number of Hetao farmland waterfall in reducing the concentration of nutrients at the same time, Eutrophication degree is also greatly improved.To reveal the spatial variation of nutrient salt reduction in Wuliangsuhai water, (TP), total nitrogen (TN), ammonia nitrogen (NH-4- (N-dimethylpyrite)) in Wuliangsuhai water were analyzed in August 2011, Cited by 4 Related articles All 5 versions Cite Save More [HTML]; Study on Degradation Coefficient of Pollutants in the Upper Reaches of Taihu Lake Basin Journal of Environmental Science, 2016 - 
Abstract: The concentration of pollutants in the river under the physical, chemical and biological processes under the combined concentration of attenuation, the rate of attenuation can be apparent The degradation coefficient indicates that the rate at which only the biological process causes the contaminant concentration decay is expressed as a biodegradable coefficient. In order to investigate the degradation of pollutants in the upper reaches of the Taihu Lake Basin, the in situ experiments were carried out at 20 sampling points to study the permanganate Related articles All 5 versions Cite Save More [HTML] Analysis on the Self-purification of River by Aquatic Biological Detection - A Case Study of Kezi Lake Creek in Hsinchu Zheng buren - 2005 - This study was mainly based on aquatic environmental biology (Aquatic Organisms environment Diagnostics, Referred to as AOD) as the ability to assess the self-purification of river water.Through the analysis of the results of this study, Aquatic biology detection method can truly reflect the quality of water, and compared with other water quality assessment indicators to show the quality of the sample between the water Related articles All 2 versions Cite Save [PDF] ** Study on the Reduction Efficiency and Division of Nutrients in Wuliangsuhai Wetland Soil and Water Conservation Research, 2014 - Based on the monitoring data of nearly 20 monitoring points in Wuliangsu Lake area, different media (water body, plant and sediment) The total nitrogen and total phosphorus purification process, to build the reduction efficiency index, accounting for different lake area on the nutrient reduction efficiency, The results showed that the concentration of N and P in water and vegetation was higher than that in the control group (P <0.05) Related articles All 5 versions Cite Save
** [HTML]; Study on Biodegradation Coefficient of Typical Pollutants in Plain River Network Environmental Science, 2016 - Abstract: Biodegradation is an important component of comprehensive degradation of pollutants. Biodegradation process is expressed by biodegradation coefficient. In order to find out the biodegradation of typical pollutants in the upper reaches of Taihu Lake, in situ experiments were carried out in September 2015, (NH 4 + -N), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) were studied by using the first order reaction kinetics model.
** Citation in China in 2017. Chinese scientists cited Sergei Ostroumov.; Цитирование, This article was cited: Ostroumov, S.A. Biocontrol of water quality: Multifunctional role of biota in water self-purification. Russ. J. Gen. Chem. 2011, 80, 2754–2761.] Full text of the cited article, free:; Xiong G., Wang G., Wang D., Yang W., Chen Y., Chen Z. Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Total Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Dianshan Lake, China: The External Loading and Self-Purification Capability. Sustainability. 2017; 9(4):500. Institution, affiliation of Chinese scientists who cited it: East China Normal University,; ** Sustainability 2017, 9(4), 500; doi:10.3390/su9040500; Published by MDPI AG, Basel, Switzerland; IMPACT FACTOR 1.343; Article: Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Total Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Dianshan Lake, China: The External Loading and Self-Purification Capability; Guohua Xiong 1,2, Guochen Wang 1,2, Dongqi Wang 1,2,*, Weilin Yang 1,2, Yuanyuan Chen 1,2 and Zhenlou Chen 1,2 1 Key Laboratory of Geographic Information Science (Ministry of Education), East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China; 2 School of Geographical Sciences, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China; * Correspondence: Tel.: +86-21-5434-1201; Academic Editor: Vincenzo Torretta; Received: 10 January 2017 / Accepted: 23 March 2017 / Published: 27 March 2017; Abstract : In this article, long-term data, statistical analysis, and spatial interpolation method were applied to the analyses of the spatial and temporal changes of total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) in Dianshan Lake. We also estimated the self-purification capability of TN and TP in Dianshan Lake. The results showed that interannual variability of the average concentration of TN in Dianshan Lake changed significantly, showing a characteristic increase before a decline, and the average concentration of TN showed an obvious downward trend, especially after 2007. Interannual variability of the average concentration of TP in Dianshan Lake fluctuated, and the average concentration of TP showed a downward trend after 2007. The seasonal variations of TN and TP in Dianshan Lake were similar. Higher TN concentration occurred in winter and spring, while higher TP concentration appeared in summer, autumn, and winter. The spatial distribution of TN and TP in Dianshan Lake were similar, showing a characteristic which decreased from north to south and west to east. The highest TN and TP values were mainly distributed in the inlet monitoring sites, while the lowest TP values were distributed in the outlet monitoring sites. The self-purification capability of TN and TP were about 2289.97 t/yr and 112.16 t/yr, which suggested a deterioration of natural water quality. Our research showed that Dianshan Lake was highly eutrophic and that water quality showed a substantial improvement from 1996 to 2015. Keywords: interannual variability; spatio-temporal distribution; self-purification capability; Dianshan Lake; 
** More info on publications of Sergei Ostroumov: 
300 Titles of relevant publications with links. Simple format (improved); More than 300 publications, results of research at Lomonosov Moscow State University, environmental science, ecology, biology, water quality, water self-purification, biogeochemistry, ecotoxicology, aquatic, selected;;; author: Sergei A. Ostroumov, a researcher at Faculty of Biology, Fulbright award winner; titles with links to ResearchGate; updated in 2017; in English, in Russian: previous drafts:;;;;;; • Publications, results of research at Moscow University, environmental science, selected; author: Sergei Andreevich Ostroumov, a researcher at Faculty of Biology, award winner; titles with links to ResearchGate; • in English, in Russian.;

Ярлыки: China, Chinese, citation, pollution control, water, water self-purification, Китай цитирование, 污染控制水自净化中文引文中国

  • Apr 2017
·  Wang G.
·  Wang D.
·  [...]
Citation in China in 2017. Chinese scientists cited Sergei Ostroumov.; Цитирование, This article was cited: Ostroumov, S.A. Biocontrol of water quality: Multifunctional role of biota in water self-purification. Russ. J. Gen. Chem. 2011, 80, 2754–2761.] Full text of the cited article, free:; Xiong G., Wang G., Wang D., Yang W., Chen Y., Chen Z. Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Total Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Dianshan Lake, China: The External Loading and Self-Purification Capability. Sustainability. 2017; 9(4):500. Institution, affiliation of Chinese scientists who cited it: East China Normal University,; ** Sustainability 2017, 9(4), 500; doi:10.3390/su9040500; Published by MDPI AG, Basel, Switzerland; IMPACT FACTOR 1.343 Article: Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Total Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Dianshan Lake, China: The External Loading and Self-Purification Capability; Guohua Xiong 1,2, Guochen Wang 1,2, Dongqi Wang 1,2,*, Weilin Yang 1,2, Yuanyuan Chen 1,2 and Zhenlou Chen 1,2 1 Key Laboratory of Geographic Information Science (Ministry of Education), East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China; 2 School of Geographical Sciences, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China; * Correspondence: Tel.: +86-21-5434-1201; Academic Editor: Vincenzo Torretta; Received: 10 January 2017 / Accepted: 23 March 2017 / Published: 27 March 2017; Abstract : In this article, long-term data, statistical analysis, and spatial interpolation method were applied to the analyses of the spatial and temporal changes of total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) in Dianshan Lake. We also estimated the self-purification capability of TN and TP in Dianshan Lake. The results showed that interannual variability of the average concentration of TN in Dianshan Lake changed significantly, showing a characteristic increase before a decline, and the average concentration of TN showed an obvious downward trend, especially after 2007. Interannual variability of the average concentration of TP in Dianshan Lake fluctuated, and the average concentration of TP showed a downward trend after 2007. The seasonal variations of TN and TP in Dianshan Lake were similar. Higher TN concentration occurred in winter and spring, while higher TP concentration appeared in summer, autumn, and winter. The spatial distribution of TN and TP in Dianshan Lake were similar, showing a characteristic which decreased from north to south and west to east. The highest TN and TP values were mainly distributed in the inlet monitoring sites, while the lowest TP values were distributed in the outlet monitoring sites. The self-purification capability of TN and TP were about 2289.97 t/yr and 112.16 t/yr, which suggested a deterioration of natural water quality. Our research showed that Dianshan Lake was highly eutrophic and that water quality showed a substantial improvement from 1996 to 2015. Keywords: interannual variability; spatio-temporal distribution; self-purification capability; Dianshan Lake;
** In Chinese: 2017年在中国引用。 中国科学家引用了谢尔盖·奥斯特罗穆夫。 Цитирование 本文被引用 OstroumovS.A.生物控制水生物群多功能作用在水中自净化。拉斯。 J.Gen.Chem; 数据·20174 熊雄雄 王王二 + 2 第三王德 陈陈 和其他作者; 中国科学家引用了Sergei Ostroumov; Цитирование 本文被引用: OstroumovS.A.生物控制水质:生物群多功能作用在水中自净化。拉斯。 J.Gen.Chem 201180,2754-2761 引用文章的全文,免费:https//; 熊山,王格,王德,杨炜,陈Y.陈泽。中国丹山湖全氮和磷的时空分布:外加载和自净化能力。可持续发展。 2017; 94):500 引用它的中国科学家的机构,隶属关系: 华东师范大学,;
**可持续发展201794),500; DOI10.3390 / su9040500;MDPI AG瑞士巴塞尔公司出版;影响因子1.343 文章 中国二山湖总氮和磷的时空分布外加载和自净化能力;华熊1,2国信王1,2东奇1,2*杨伟林1,2元源1,2陈振楼1,2 1地理信息科学重点实验室教育部华东师范大学上海200241;华东师范大学地理科学学院上海200241; *电话+ 86-21-5434-1201;术编辑Vincenzo Torretta;收到2017110/接受2017323/发布时间2017327; 摘要 在本文中长期数据统计分析和空间插值方法应用于丹山湖总氮TN总磷TP时空变化分析。我们还估计了丹山湖TNTP的自净能力。结果表明,丹山湖平均TN含量年际变化明显,呈下降趋势之前呈特征性增加趋势,TN平均浓度明显呈下降趋势,特别是2007年后,年平均TP浓度变化丹山湖波动,2007年后平均TP浓度呈下降趋势,丹山湖TNTP节变化相似。冬季和春季出现较高的TN浓度,而夏季,秋季和冬季出现较高的TP浓度。丹山湖TNTP的空间分布相似,呈现出从北向南,西向东的特征。最高的TNTP值主要分布在入口监测点,TP值最低值分布在出口监测点。 TNTP的自净能力约为2289.97/年,112.16/年,这表明天然水质恶化。我们的研究表明,丹山湖高度富营养化,1996年至2015年水质显着改善。 键词: 际变异性时空分布;净能力;丹山湖


  • May 2015
  •; China. New citation of 4 articles on environmental science, authored by Moscow University ecologists, namely, by Sergei Ostroumov et al.. DOI 10.13140/RG.2.1.3587.4721;
The Moscow University articles that were cited:
** Ostroumov, S. A., 2005a. On some issues of maintaining water quality and self-purification. Water Resources, 32(3), 305–313. CrossRef.
Ostroumov, S. A., 2005b. On the multifunctional role of the biota in the self-purification of aquatic ecosystems. Russian Journal of Ecology, 36(6): 414–420. CrossRef;
Ostroumov, S. A., 2010. Biocontrol of Water Quality: Multifunctional Role of Biota in Water Self-Purification. Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 80(13): 2754–2761. CrossRef; Ostroumov, S. A., and Fedorov, V. D., 1999. The most important components of self-purification of ecosystems and its possible impairment as a result of chemical pollution. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta Seriya XVI Biologiya, 1: 24–32.
** The Chinese paper that cited these articles: Environmental capacity of petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants in Jiaozhou Bay, China: Modeling and calculation K Li, Y Su, J Ying, X Wang, J Mu - Journal of Ocean University of China, 2013 Abstract
** Journal of Ocean University of China; March 2013, Volume 12, Issue 1, pp 70-76; Environmental capacity of petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants in Jiaozhou Bay, China: Modeling and calculation; Keqiang Li, Ying Su, Jun Ying, Xiulin Wang, Jinbo Mu;
An environmental capacity model for the petroleum hydrocarbon pollutions (PHs) in Jiaozhou Bay is constructed based on field surveys, mesocosm, and parallel laboratory experiments. Simulated results of PHs seasonal successions in 2003 match the field surveys of Jiaozhou Bay resaonably well with a highest value in July. The Monte Carlo analysis confirms that the variation of PHs concentration significantly correlates with the river input. The water body in the bay is reasonably subjected to self-purification processes, such as volatilization to the atmosphere, biodegradation by microorganism, and transport to the Yellow Sea by water exchange. The environmental capacity of PHs in Jiaozhou Bay is 1500 tons per year IF the seawater quality criterion (Grade I/II, 0.05 mgL−1) in the region is to be satisfied. The contribution to self-purification by volatilization, biodegradation, and transport to the Yellow Sea accounts for 48%, 28%, and 23%, respectively, which make these three processes the main ways of PHs purification in Jiaozhou Bay.
 ** Author Affiliations:
1. College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, 266100, P. R. China; 2. Key Laboratory of Marine Chemistry Theory and Technology, Ministry of Education, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, 266100, P. R. China; 3. Shandong Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, Qingdao, 266001, P. R. China; 4. Shandong Academy of Environmental Science, Jinan, 250013, P. R. China; ** Key Laboratory of Marine Chemistry Theory and Technology, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, Shandong Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, Qingdao, Shandong Academy of Environmental Science,
  • Jan 2017
Citation in 500 publications, 600+ institutions worldwide cited scientific articles of Sergei A. Ostroumov,; environmental science, ecology, aquatic toxicology, water quality. 124 articles - U.S.A., Russia [RF], U.K., Switzerland, France, Netherlands, Italy, Sweden, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Australia, China, India, et al., - cited the results of Sergei Ostroumov, environmental science, ecology, aquatic toxicology, water quality, according to Scopus, citation, Additional list in English: 300+ institutions worldwide (Europe, America, Asia, Australia) cited his works; Additional list in Russian: other 320 institutions (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan) cited his works; 400 публикаций. Экология, окружающая среда. 2011-2015. Многие авторы. На русском языке, на английском языке. Библиография: цитирование, цитировали, автор цитируемых работ С.А.Остроумов:; 108-page list. selected examples:; ** Links to publications of Sergei : These are publications of this series: articles of Sergei Ostroumov: repost. 300 Titles of relevant publications with links. Simple format (improved); More than 300 publications, results of research at Lomonosov Moscow State University, environmental science, ecology, biology, water quality, Экология, биология, вода, 环境科学生物学environnement, biologie, eau:;;: with #links. More than 300 #publications #research, Moscow State University #environmental #science:; ** Top 100 publications, good format,; with links; keywords (tags) in 25 languages English, Russian (Экология, вода), Chinese (环境科学), French (Sciences de l'environnement, eau), German, Spanish (Ciencia ambiental, agua), Portuguese (Ciência ambiental, água), Dutch, Polish (Nauk przyrodniczych, wody), Japanese, Arabic (والعلوم البيئية، والمياه، ), Afrikaans (Omgewingswetenskap) et al.; Citation of this author (S. Ostroumov) in 124 articles, according to Scopus

S.A.Ostroumov [paper: Ostroumov S. A. On some issues of maintaining water quality and self-purification…] was cited in the Chinese scientific and technological journal: JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING [see:]; 71. 非點源污染河流水質的人工神經網絡模擬; title: ANN approach for modeling and prediction of water quality in non-point sources polluted river; Abstract: 本文應用非點源污染河流水質的BP人工神經網絡模型,模擬長樂江水體的總氮、總磷和溶解氧濃度的變化.通過模擬的水質參數相關性分析,協同非點源污染河流的機理性水質模型分析,確定適當的BP網絡模型結構.采用實測的水質、水文逐月數據資料,對不同結構的BP網絡模型進行了訓練與驗證.結果表明,相關性與機理性模型協同分析的方法,能較好地解決BP網絡輸入層參數的選擇問題,所選擇的參數較全面地表達了流域非點源污染發生的主要驅動因素和河流中污染物自凈過程的主要影響因素.BP網絡模型可以較精確地模擬非點源污染河流的水質變異,各水質參數模擬結果的平均相對誤差在±10%.單隱含層結構的BP網絡模型模擬結果比多隱含層結構模型結果更準確;單參數輸出結構的網絡模型模擬結果,優于多參數輸出結構模型的模擬結果.Author 陳丁江 呂軍 沈曄娜 金樹權 CHEN Ding-jiang LU Jun SHEN Ye-na JIN Shu-quan; Author Affiliation 陳丁江,沈曄娜,金樹權, CHEN Ding-jiang, SHEN Ye-na, JIN Shu-quan (浙江大學,環境與資源學院資源科學系,浙江,杭州,310029); 呂軍,LU Jun; (浙江大學,環境與資源學院資源科學系,浙江,杭州,310029;浙江大學,污染環境修復與生態健康教育部重點實驗室,浙江,杭州,310029); Journals 水利學報 ISTICEIPKU; Journal JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING; Year/Book/Issue 2007, 38(12); Class Number X522; Keywords: 非點源污染 水質模擬 人工神經網絡 BP算法 河流; Category No. TN3 TU1; Machine Standard Keywords 非點源污染 河流水質 人工神經網絡模型 網絡模擬 模擬結果 污染河流 輸出結構 水質參數 層結構模型 相關性分析 平均相對誤差 輸入層參數 溶解氧濃度 分析的方法 自凈過程 影響因素 選擇問題 協同 數據資料 驅動因素; Foundation Item 國家重點基礎研究發展計劃(973計劃)國家自然科學基金浙江省科技廳資助項目;

  • Jan 2017
China. Many Chinese scientists cited these publications. Citation of environmental science publications of Sergei Ostroumov. 中国。 许多中国科学家引用这些科学文章。 环境科学出版物的引用;;
Keywords: 中国 × 中国引 × × 环境科学 × ×

  • Oct 2017
  • Doklady Biological Sciences
Ecosystems: Elements of the Theory. 水生生态系统中生物自净的理论要素 S.A Ostroumov.; This is a Chinese translation of the article of Sergei Ostroumov (Moscow University, Faculty of Biology); Translated from English into Chinese by Li Jinlin; edited by S.Ostroumov. English version: Ostroumov S.A. On the Biotic Self-purification of Aquatic Ecosystems: Elements of the Theory. - Doklady Biological Sciences. 2004, v.396, pp.206-211. ;; The paper proposed and proved a new fundamental concept: Aquatic ecosystem functions as a biomechanism toward water purification. i. This paper generalizes and systematizes the basics of the theory of the multifunctional role that the biota plays in the self-purification [1-3, 7, 13, 15] and ecological remediation [11] of aquatic ecosystems using the results of previous analyses [3-12] and the theory of the function of aquatic ecosystems [2]. i. 本文根据之前的研究[3-12]以及水生生态系统功能理论[2]简要并系统地说明了生物 质在水生生态系统的自净[1-3, 7, 13, 15]以及生态修复[11]中的多重作用。

  • Apr 2017
·  Wang G.
·  Wang D.
·  [...]
Citation in China in 2017. Chinese scientists cited Sergei Ostroumov.; Цитирование, This article was cited: Ostroumov, S.A. Biocontrol of water quality: Multifunctional role of biota in water self-purification. Russ. J. Gen. Chem. 2011, 80, 2754–2761.] Full text of the cited article,

  • Jun 2017
In Chinese. 简短解释新结果(简单格式):新事实,谢尔盖环境科学出版物的新想法。 创新,主要成果。文章,Sergei Ostroumov.; Объяснение новых научных результатов в экологических публикациях. Сотрудник МГУ. Доктор биол. наук Сергей Андреевич Остроумов.

  • Jan 2017
Chinese web-page recommended these Publications of Dr. Sergei Ostroumov, environmental science, Moscow State University; ecology, water, water quality.;

  • Jan 2015
·; 40 full texts, Chinese (traditional), titles. ecology, environment, water; 全文生態出版物 DOI

  • Oct 2017
  • Doklady Biological Sciences
Chinese translation of the article. It was transated from English into Chinese, TitleOn Studying the Hazards of Pollution of the Biosphere: Effects of Sodium Dodecylsulfate (SDS) on Planktonic Filter-Feeders 中文标题):研究生物圈的污染危害十二烷基硫酸钠SDS的影响对滤食性浮游动物的影响;; Full reference of the English article: Vorozhun I. M., Ostroumov S. A. On studying the hazards of pollution of the biosphere: effects of sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) on planktonic filter-feeders. - Doklady Biological Sciences, 2009, Vol. 425, pp. 133–134. ISSN 0012-4966. DOI: 10.1134/S0012496609020136; Full English text online: Translator: Ben Chen; MajorEcology; University: SZ-BIT-MSU; Pargraph1: Many species of planktonic and benthic invertebrates are active filter-feeders. 中文许多种类的浮游无脊椎动物和底栖无脊椎动物都是活性滤食性动物。 The filtration activity of aquaticorganisms is of great importance for the functioning of ecosystems [1-3]. 中文水生生物的过滤活性对生态系统的功能至关重要[1-3] It was shown earlier that surfactant sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) inhibits the filtration activity of Mytilus edulis, M. galloprovincialis, and some other aquatic filter-feeders [4-15], which is manifested in a decreased removal of suspensions from water by these organisms. 中文之前已经有研究表明表面活性剂十二烷基硫酸钠SDS抑制了紫贻贝(Mytilus edulis, M. galloprovincialis)和一些其他水生滤食性动物的过滤活性[4-15]现为这些生物体从水中除去悬浮液的减少。 Similarly to other water pollutants, surfactants have a strong anthropogenic impact on ecosystems [14]. 中文与其他水污染物类似表面活性剂对生态系统具有强烈的人为影响[14]. Paragraph 2: 5. The goal of this study was to test whether SDS has an inhibitory effect on the ability of planktonic filter- feeders Daphnia magna to remove phytoplankton from water during their filtration activity. 中文本研究的目的是检测SDS是否具有抑制浮游滤食性大型水蚤Daphnia magna去除水体中浮 游植物的能力。 6. Experiments were performed with five-day-old D. magna approximately 1 mm in size at an age of five days. 中文实验是以五天大的大约1毫米大小的水蚤(D. magna)进行的。 7. Before the beginning of the experiment, daphnia were kept under laboratory conditions in vessels and fed with phytoplankton (green algae Scenedesmus quadricauda (Turp.) Breb.) at a low concentration (at most 50 thousand cells/ml). 中文实验开始之前,(水蚤在实验室条件下保存在容器中并用浮游植物喂食。(四尾栅藻)(green algae Scenedesmus quadricauda (Turp.) Breb.)在低浓度下最多5万个细胞/毫升) 8. At the beginning of the experiment, S. quadricauda cells were added at a higher concentration (400 thousand cells/ ml). 中文实验开始时栅藻细胞(S. quadricauda cells)较高浓度下加入400万个细胞毫升 9. In the control variant, daphnia were incubated in an SDS-free medium. 中文在控制变量中水蚤在无SDS培养基中孵育 10. In the experimental variants, the incubation medium contained SDS at preliminarily selected concentrations (0.1, 0.5, 1, 5, and 10 mg/l). 中文实验的变量培养基中SDS预先选定的浓度是0.1, 0.5, 1, 5, and 10 mg/l 11.The concentration of S. quadricauda cells was determined in a Nageotte counting chamber at a depth of 0.5 mm 3, 6, 9, 12, and 24 h after the beginning of the experiment. 中文计数板的深度在0.5毫米处分别在实验开始后的3, 6, 91224时确定栅藻细胞S. quadricauda cells浓度。 12. Each vessel contained 50 ml of water medium and 25 daphnia. 中文每个容器含有50毫升的水介质和25个水蚤。 13. Incubation was performed at 24± 1.5°C. Each variant was performed in duplicate. 中文每个样品都在24 ±1.5°C中孵育并且重复执行 Paragraph 3. 14.The rate of food consumption (algae removal from water) by one daphnia (R) was calculated by conventional formula R=(V(K0-Kt))/Nt 中文用常规公式计算一只水蚤的食物消耗率R):R=(V(K0-Kt))/Nt 15.where R is the mean rate of algae removal from water by one daphnia in 1 h in the considered time interval; V is the vessel volume, ml 中文其中R是指间隔的1时内水蚤从水中去除藻类的平均速率v是容器容毫升 16. K0 and Kt are the concentrations of algal cells at the beginning and end of experiment; 中文K0KT别是指实验开始时和结束时藻细胞的浓度。 17. N is the number of daphnia in vessel; and t is the duration of experiment, h. 中文 N导管内水蚤的数量t实验的持续时间小时 Paragraph 4: 18. The results of experiments showed that the concentration of S. quadricauda cells gradually decreased with time (table). 中文实验结果表明栅藻细胞S. quadricauda cells浓度随时间逐渐下降。 19. This indicates that daphnia removed algal cells from water as a result of its filtration. 中文这表明水蚤通过过滤去除水中的藻类细胞。 20. The concentration of algal cells decreased both in the control and at certain SDS concentrations (0.1, 0.5, 1, 5, and 10 mg/l). 中文细胞浓度在对照组和SDS浓度下均降低。(0.1, 0.5, 1, 5, and 10 mg/l) Paragraph 5. 21. After incubation for 3 h in the presence of SDS at all concentrations studied (0.1 mg/Land higher), the number of algal cells was higher than in the control, indicating that the filtration rate and efficiency of algae removal from water decreased. 中文别对有SDS样品浓度为0.1 mg/L和以上孵育3 h细胞数量高于对照组表明藻类去除率和去除效率均下降。 Paragraph 6: 22. After filtration for 6–24 h in the presence of SDS at concentrations 5 and 10 mg/l, the abundance of S. quadricauda cells was higher than in the control. 中文样品中SDS浓度为510毫克/经过6–24 h过滤栅藻细胞(S. quadricauda cells)丰度明显高于对照组。 23. At lower SDS concentrations (0.1, 0.5, and 1 mg/l), differences in the abundance of algal cells relative to the control were observed after 3 h of incubation and disappeared after 6–24 h of incubation. 中文较低的SDS浓度0.1,0.51mg / l孵育3时后观察到栅藻细胞相对于对照物的差异孵育6-24时后消 Paragraph 7: 24. The calculation of the mean rate of algae removal by daphnia (R) showed that this parameter decreased in the first 3 h after the beginning of incubation in the presence of SDS. 中文过水蚤R计算平均藻类去除率显示该参数在SDS存在之后的孵育开始3时后降低。 25. R calculated after incubation for 3 h in the control (0 mg/ml SDS) was 74.4X10^3cells per one daphnia per 1 h; this value was taken as 100%. 中文对照0mg / ml SDS中孵育3时后计算的R一个水蚤每1时为74.4×10^3 细胞; 该值视为100 26. After incubation in the presence of 0.1 mg/l SDS, R decreased to 42.7X10^3 cells/ml (approximately (57.2% of the control). 中文0.1mg / L SDS存在下孵育后R降至42.7 X10^3细胞/ Ml (该值大约是对照组的57.2%) Table. Concentration of algae S. quadricauda cells in vessels with daphnia D. magna containing different concentrations of SDS (mg/l) 中文在含有水蚤不同浓度SDS试管中栅藻细胞S. quadricauda cells浓度毫克 / Incubation timeh孵育时间小时 Number of cells in 1Ml (ml), x10^6每毫升细胞数量 0(control)对照 0.1 0.5 1 5 10 0 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 3 0.29 0.34 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 6 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.28 0.32 9 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.24 0.28 12 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.20 0.24 24 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.08 0.12 27. When SDS concentration was increased to 0.5 mg/L, R decreased by more than 60% relative to the control and reached 74.4 X 10^3 cells per one daphnia per 1 h (35.7%). 中文SDS浓度增加至0.5mg /LR对于对照降低60以上一个水蚤每1h达到74.4 *10^3个藻细胞。35.7%) Paragraph 8. 28. Importantly, we did not observe any increase in the mortality rate of daphnia within 3 days of incubation in the presence of SDS at the concentrations studied. 中文重要的是们没有观察到在所研究的浓度下SDS存在下孵化3天内水蚤的死亡率有任何增加。 29. Thus, the described effects were observed at sub-lethal concentrations of SDS. 中文因此们将所观察到的影响称作SDS亚致死浓度. Paragraph 9. 30.The results of this study are consistent with data obtained for other filter-feeders, including the results of our earlier studies of the effect of SDS on the filtration activity of M. edulis, M. galloprovincialis, and other filter-feeders [5,8,14,15]. 中文这项研究的结果是获得其他滤食性动物的数据一致包括我们早期关于SDS对贻贝M. edulis, M. galloprovincialis过滤活动和其他滤食性动物效果的研究[5,8,14,15] Paragraph10. 31.The toxicological hazard of SDS is apparently determined by the membranotropic effect of this compound, which belongs to the group of anionic surfactants [14]. 中文SDS的毒理学危害显然由本化合物的膜效应决定该化合物属于阴离子表面活性剂[14] Paragraph 11. 32. Thus, the results of our experiments demonstrated that SDS decreases the rate of water filtration by the planktonic crustaceans D. magna, which is expressed in a decrease in the consumption of food and algae removal from water. 中文因此们的实验结果表明SDS降低了浮游甲壳类动物crustaceans D. magna的水过滤速率其表现为食物浮游植物和从水中藻类消耗量的减少. Paragraph12. 33. The results of this study are important for understanding the hazard associated with anthropogenic disturbances of environmental processes 中文这项研究的结果对于了解人为干扰环境过程的危害。 34. Essential for self-purification of water and biogeochemical fluxes of elements in aquatic ecosystems. 中文对水生态系统中元素的生物地球化学的变化和水体的自净能力尤其重要。 Paragraph13.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 35. We are grateful to A.F. Alimov for his comments and discussion of some questions considered in this study. 中文们非常感激A.F. Alimov

对这项研究中几个问题进行评论和探讨。 REFERENCES
1. Alimov, A.F., Tr. Zool. Inst. AN SSSR, 1981, vol. 96, p. 248.
2. Sushchenya, L.M., Kolichestvennye zakonomernosti pitaniya rakoobraznykh (Quantitative Patterns and Nutrition of Crustaceans), Minsk: Nauka i Tekhnika, 1975.
3. Ostroumov, S.A., Suspension-Feeders as Factors Influencing Water Quality in Aquatic Ecosystems. In: The Comparative Roles of Suspension-Feeders in Ecosystems, Dordrecht: Springer, 2004, pp. 147–164.;
4. Ostroumov, S.A., On the Biotic Self-purification of Aquatic Ecosystems: Elements of the Theory. Doklady Biological Sciences, V.396, 2004, p.206–211.; [translated from the Russian version: Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 2004, vol. 396, no. 1, pp. 136–141].
5. Ostroumov, S.A., Usp. Sovrem. Biol., 2004, vol. 124, no. 5, pp. 429–442. Ostroumov, S.A., [Biologicheskii mekhanizm samoochishcheniya v prirodnykh vodoemakh i vodotokakh: teoriya i praktika, Uspekhi Sovremennoi Biol, 2004, vol. 124, no.5, pp. 429–442; Остроумов С.А. Биологический механизм самоочищения в природных водоемах и водотоках: теория и приложения // Успехи современной биологии. 2004. Т. 124. №5. С. 429-442. Полный текст онлайн, in Russian:; ]
6. Otkrytie novogo vida opasnykh antropogennykh vozdeistvii v ekologii zhivotnykh i biosfere: ingibirovanie fil’tratsionnoi aktivnosti mollyuskov poverkhnostno- aktivnymi veshchestvami (Discovery of a New Type of Dangerous Anthropogenic Impact in Animal Ecology and the Biosphere: Inhibition of the Filtration Activity of Mollusks by Surfactants), Dobrovol’skii, G.V., Rozenberg, G.S,, and Toderash, I.K, Eds., Moscow: MAKS- Press, 2008.
7. Nauchnye otkrytiya. Sbornik kratkikh opisanii nauchnykh otkrytii-2005 (Scientific Discoveries: Selected Brief Descriptions of Scientific Discoveries 2005) Kuznetsov, O.L., Ed., Moscow: Mezhdunarodnaya Akademiya Avtorov Nauchnykh Otkrytii i Izobretenii, 2006, pp. 5–8 (Discovery Certificate no. 274).
 8. Ostroumov, S.A., Inhibitory analysis of top-down control: New keys to studying eutrophication, algal blooms, and water self-purification. Hydrobiologia, 2002, vol. 469, pp. 117–129.; 9. Ostroumov, S.A., Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in processes leading to water purification: current conceptualizations and concluding remarks.- Hydrobiologia, 2002, 469: 203-204. DOI: 10.1023/A:1015555022737;; 10. Ostroumov, S.A., Biological filtering and ecological machinery for self-purification and bioremediation in aquatic ecosystems: towards a holistic view. - Rivista di Biologia, 1998, vol. 91, no. 2, pp. 221–232.;
11. Ostroumov, S.A., Anthropogenic effects on the biota: Towards a new system of principles and criteria for analysis of ecological hazards. - Rivista di Biologia - Biology Forum. 2003. Vol. 96 (1). P. 159-169. (2003). ; 12. Ostroumov, S.A., Verh. Int. Ver. Limnol., 2005, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 1072–1075. 13. Ostroumov, S.A., Some Aspects of Water Filtering Activity of Filter-Feeders, Hydrobiologia, 2005, vol. 542, pp. 275–286. ; 14. Ostroumov, S.A., Biological Effects of Surfactants, Boca Raton: CRC, 2006.; 15. Ostroumov, S.A., and Widdows, J., Inhibition of mussel suspension feeding by surfactants of three classes. Hydrobiologia, 2006, vol. 556, no. 1, pp. 381–386.; Pictures – see next page: Daphnia magna ** Scenedesmus quadricauda ** Scenedesmus quadricauda **

  • Oct 2017
8 Keywords for publications on environmental science, water quality, in 18 languages. Keywords in Chinese, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Danish, Polish, Vietnamese, Czech, Hungarian, Catalonian, Persian (Farsi), Arabic, Urdu, Kannada, Tamil, Romanian, Swahili, Keywords for publications of Sergei Ostroumov (see on ResearchGate).;

19 days ago Yu Xiaoya (Qiannan Normal University, China, Duyun) Translated Into Chinese:
1. water— 2. water resources—资源 3. water quality— 4. protection of water from pollution—污染防治 5. freshwater—淡水 6. aquatic ecology—水域生态学 7. safety of sources of water supply—供水水资源安全 8. aquatic organisms—水生生物
** 4 months ago Translated by Ahmed Rashed (National Water Research Center) into Arabic: الماء الموارد المائية جودة المياه حماية المياه من التلوث المياه العذبة البيئة البحريةالبيئة المائية تأمين مصادر موارد المياه الكائنات المائيةالكائنات البحرية ** 4 months ago Translated by Hilmi S. Salem (SDRI), Translated into Arabic: 1. ماء 2.موارد او مصادر المياه 3.جودة المياه 4. حماية المياه من التلوث 5. مياه عذبة 6. البيئة المائية 7. سلامة مصادر إمدادات المياه 8. الكائنات المائية ** Mp Vasudha (Jain University) Translated into Kannada: water : ನೀರು water resources : ನೀರಿನ ಸಂಪನ್ಮೂಲಗಳು water quality : ನೀರಿನ ಗುಣಮಟ್ಟ protection of water from pollution : ಮಾಲಿನ್ಯದಿಂದ ನೀರು ತಿರುಗುವಿಕೆ freshwater : ಸಿಹಿನೀರಿನ aquatic ecology : ಜಲ ಪರಿಸರ ವಿಜ್ಞಾನ safety of sources of water supply : ನೀರಿನ ಪೂರೈಕೆಯ ಮೂಲಗಳ ಸುರಕ್ಷತೆ aquatic organisms : ಜಲವಾಸಿ ಜೀವಿಗಳು ** 4 months ago Henrik Rasmus Andersen (Technical University of Denmark) translated into Danish: 1. Vand, 2. Vandressourcer 3. Vandkvalitet, 4. Beskyttelse af vand mod forurening 5. Ferskvand, 6. Akvatisk økologi 7. Vandforsyningssikkerhed, 8. Vandlevende organismer. ** 4 months ago, Hernán Ricardo Hadad (Universidad Nacional del Litoral-CONICET) Into spanish: 1. water: agua 2. water resources: recursos hídricos 3. water quality: calidad del agua 4. protection of water from pollution: protección del agua contra la contaminación 5. freshwater: agua dulce 6. aquatic ecology: ecología acuática 7. safety of sources of water supply: seguridad de las fuentes de abastecimiento de agua: 8. aquatic organisms: organismos acuáticos ** 4 months ago; Simona Cinta Pinzaru (Babeş-Bolyai University) Translated into Romanian: 1. water: apă, 2. water resources: resurse de apă, 3. water quality: calitatea apei, 4. protection of water from pollution: protecția apei împotriva poluării, 5. freshwater: apă dulce, 6. aquatic ecology: ecologie acvatică, 7. safety of sources of water supply: siguranța surselor de alimentare cu apă, 8. aquatic organisms: organisme acvatice; ** 4 months ago, Kevin Achieng (University of Wyoming) Translation into Swahili: 1. Maji 2. Rasilimali za maji 3. Ubora wa maji 4. Ulinzi wa maji kwa uchafuzi 5. Maji safi 6. Mazingira ya maji 7. UIlinzi wa vyanzo vya maji 8. Viumbe vya majini ** 4 months ago Sundar S S.S.Research Foundation Translation into Tamil 1.தண்ணீர் (Or) நீர் 2. நீர் வளங்கள், 3. நீர் தரம், 4. மாசுபாட்டிலிருந்து தண்ணீர் பாதுகாப்பு, 5. நன்னீர், 6.நீரின் சூழல், 7. நீர் வழங்கல் ஆதாரங்களின் பாதுகாப்பு, 8. நீர்வாழ் உயிரினங்கள்; 4 months ago Thanh Dang University of Canterbury In Vietnamese: 1. water: nước. 2. water resources: tài nguyên nước. 3. water quality: chất lượng nước. 4. protection of water from pollution: bảo vệ nguồn nước khỏi ô nhiễm. 5. freshwater: nước ngọt 6. aquatic ecology: sinh thái thủy sinh. 7. safety of sources of water supply: sự an toàn của nguồn cung cấp nước. 8. aquatic organisms: sinh vật thủy sinh. Hope this may help. • 4 months ago Mateusz Płóciennik University of Lodz In Polish: 1. water, woda 2. water resources, zasoby wodne 3. water quality, jakość wody 4. protection of water from pollution, ochrona wód przed zanieczyszczeniami 5. freshwater, wody słodkie 6. aquatic ecology, hydrobiologia 7. safety of sources of water supply, bezpieczeństwo zasobów wodnych 8. aquatic organisms; organizmy wodne ** 4 months ago Oliver Saavedra Universidad Privada Boliviana 1. Agua 2. Recursos hidricos 3. calidad de agua 4. proteccion de agua de la contaminacion 5. agua dulce 6. ecologia acuatica 7. seguridad de las fuentes de agua 8. organismos acuaticos Acknowledgement. Gratitude is given to Oliver Saavedra, Universidad Privada Boliviana • 4 months ago Pavel Pech Czech University of Life Sciences Prague in czech: 1. voda 2. vodní zdroje 3. kvalita vody 4. ochrana vody před znečištěním 5. čerstvá voda 6. vodní ekologie 7. bezpečné vodní zdroje pro zásobování 8. vodní organismy • 4 months ago Galo Gallardo-Carrillo Central University of Ecuador Estoy de acuerdo con la traducción de Oliver Saavedra • 4 months ago Jéssica Papera Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte In Portuguese: 1. water, água, 2. water resources, recursos hídricos, 3. water quality, qualidade da água, 4. protection of water from pollution, proteção da água de contaminação, 5. freshwater, água doce, 6. aquatic ecology, ecologia aquática, 7. safety of sources of water supply, segurança das fontes de água de abastecimento, 8. aquatic organisms; organismos aquáticos, ** 4 months ago Gabor Paal, Translation to Hungarian: 1. water: víz 2. water resources: vízkészlet 3. water quality: vízminőség 4. protection of water from pollution: vízszennyeződés elleni védelem 5. freshwater: édesvíz 6. aquatic ecology: vízi ökológia 7. safety of sources of water supply: ivóvízkészletek védelme 8. aquatic organisms: vízi élőlények ** 4 months ago Ahmed Rashed National Water Research Center الماء الموارد المائية جودة المياه حماية المياه من التلوث المياه العذبة البيئة البحريةالبيئة المائية تأمين مصادر موارد المياه الكائنات المائيةالكائنات البحرية • Water Keywords Translation from English into Arabic.docx Moussa Djaouda, University of Maroua, Translation into French: 1) water= l'eau; 2) water resources= ressources en eau 3) water quality= qualité de l'eau 4) protection of water from pollution= protection de l'eau de la pollution 5) freshwater= eau douce 6) aquatic ecology= écologie aquatique 7) safety of sources of water supply= sureté des sources d'approvisionnement en eau 8) aquatic organisms= organismes aquatiques; • Mengyu Wang; National University of Singapore; To Mandarin: 1. water = ; 2. water resources= 资源; 3. water quality = ; 4. protection of water from pollution = 护水不被污染; 5. freshwater = 淡水; 6. aquatic ecology = 水域生; 7. safety of sources of water supply= 供水水源安全 8. aquatic organisms = 水生生物; • Kazem Gomar, Tarbiat Modares University, In Persian (Farsi): 1. water, آب 2. water resources, منابع آب 3. water quality,کیفیت آب 4. protection of water from pollution,حفاظت آب از آلودگی 5. freshwater,آب شیرین 6. aquatic ecology,محیط زیست آبزی 7. safety of sources of water supply,ایمنی منابع تامین آب 8. aquatic organisms;اورگانیسم آبزی • Hasan Mahdi Al-Khateeb, University Of Kufa, الترجمة الى العربية 1. water, الماء 2. water resources, مصادر المياه 3. water quality, نوعية الماء، أو (جودة الماء) 4. protection of water from pollution, حماية المياه من التلوث 5. freshwater, المياه العذبة 6. aquatic ecology, البيئة الاحيائية المائية 7. safety of sources of water supply, تأمين مصادر تجهيز المياه 8. aquatic organisms; الاحياء المائية ** 4 months agoMohamed S. GaballahNational Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, • 4 months ago, Giovanni Polizzi, Aix-Marseille Université, Translation into Italian: 1) water= acqua, 2) water resources= risorse idriche 3) water quality= qualità dell'acqua 4) protection of water from pollution= protezione dell'acqua dalla polluzione 5) freshwater= acqua dolce 6) aquatic ecology= ecologia acquatica 7) safety of sources of water supply= sicurezza delle fonti d'approvvigionamento idrico 8) aquatic organisms= organismi acquatici, ** 4 months ago, Washington Ramiro Sandoval Erazo, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas-ESPE, на испанском языке 1. water = agua 2. water resources, = recursos hídricos 3. water quality, = calidad del agua 4. protection of water from pollution, = protección del agua de la polución 5. freshwater, = agua dulce 6. aquatic ecology, = ecología acuática 7. safety of sources of water supply, = seguridad de las fuentes de abastecimiento de agua 8. aquatic organisms; = organismos acuáticos, ** Sergei A. Ostroumov Lomonosov Moscow State University These keywords are for the water ecology publications on this list: 450+ links: including 370 publications, list generated by ResearchGate (RG), Books and papers, environment, water, ecotoxicology, conservation, biology, Full texts, abstracts are available on RG; and 80+ items of Data from RG; in toto 450+ links / publications;; Data 450+ links: including 370 publications, list generated by Re... ** 3 months ago, Zafar Hashmi, Washington State University, Translation into Urdu (Pakistan) 1) water= پانی 2) water resources= آبی وسائل 3) water quality= معیارِآب 4) protection of water from pollution= تحفظ آب از آلودگی 5) freshwater= تازہ پانی 6) aquatic ecology= آبی حیاتیات 7) safety of sources of water supply= حفا ظتِ رسائل آبی وسائل 8) aquatic organisms= آبی پیکر ** 3 months ago, Eleonora Gioia, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Translation into Italian: 1) water= acqua, 2) water resources= risorse idriche, 3) water quality= qualità dell'acqua 4) protection of water from pollution= protezione dell'acqua dall'inquinamento 5) freshwater= acqua dolce 6) aquatic ecology= ecologia acquatica 7) safety of sources of water supply= sicurezza delle fonti d'approvvigionamento idrico 8) aquatic organisms= organismi acquatici • 3 months ago Sergei A. Ostroumov Lomonosov Moscow State University Zafar Hashmi ( Washington State University)• , and Eleonora Gioia • ( Università Politecnica delle Marche) - Thank you! 3 months ago Eleonora Gioia Università Politecnica delle Marche ** 3 months ago, Zahra Abdollahi, Universidad de Cádiz, Translation into Persian: 1. water: آب 2. water resources: منابع آبی 3. water quality: کیفیت آب 4. protection of water from pollution: حفاظت از آب از آلودگی 5. freshwater: آب شیرین 6. aquatic ecology: بوم شناسی آبزی 7. safety of sources of water supply: ایمنی (سلامت) منابع تأمین کننده آب 8. aquatic organisms : موجودات آبزی ; ** 2 months ago, Ferran Campillo i López (Saint James Hospital Foundation), Translation into Catalan: 1. water, aigua 2. water resources, recursos hídrics 3. water quality, qualitat de l'aigua 4. protection of water from pollution, protecció contra la contaminació de l'aigua 5. freshwater, aigua potable 6. aquatic ecology, ecologia aquàtica 7. safety of sources of water supply, seguretat de les fonts d'abastamet d'aigua 8. aquatic organisms; organismes aquàtics
** **

Environment protection, 环境保护; Aquatic ecosystems, 水生生态系统; water pollution, 污染; water organisms, 水生物; toxic pollution, 有毒污染; environmental pollution 环境污染; improve water quality 改善水; sustainability 可持续性; water resouces 资源; See his publications on ResearchGate.

Chinese keywords, citations of publications of Sergei A. Ostroumov, the most read author from Moscow University:;
key words:
Environment protection,

Aquatic ecosystems,

water pollution,

water organisms,

toxic pollution,

environmental pollution,

improve water quality,



water resources,

See his publications on ResearchGate.

He is the top read researcher at his home university, Moscow State University;

Switzerland, UK, France.... Citation of... - Sergei Ostroumov;
Citation of Russian ecologists, environmental scientists. E.g. ... S.A. Ostroumov. ...Austria:…/austria-citation-of-russian-eco… China.

Citation in China. 4 Russian ecology papers (of S ...;;
May 1, 2015 - Official Full-Text Publication: Citation in China. 4 Russian ecology papers (of S. Ostroumov) were cited in Journal of Ocean University of China ...

Citation! China! Chinese researchers cited these scientific ...;;
Jul 17, 2015 - Key words: citationChinaChinese scientists, ecology, water, ... of publications authored by Dr. S.A. Ostroumov, examples (citation in USA,  ...

Citation. Italy, Belgium, China, Portugal, Spain, Australia ...;;
Nov 19, 2015 - Citation. Italy, Belgium, China, Portugal, Spain, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Latvia; Cited works: Ostroumov, S.A. Inhibitory analysis of top-down ...;

Canada, China: new citation of works of Dr. Sergei Ostroumov;;
Dec 30, 2014 - Canada, China: new citation of works of Dr. Sergei Ostroumov(Moscow University)."On some issues of maintaining water quality and ...;

In Chinese, citation, mention, Sergei Ostroumov ...;;
Jan 17, 2016 - In Chinesecitation, mention, Sergei Ostroumov, environmental science, ecology, water, aquatic, ecotoxicology,

JAN 8 Citation, cited, Ostroumov S.A., environmental ...;;