"DADE" and "PHILLIP" from Neglected/Abandoned to Cared for/ Loved - a community comes together

Jan 2018 - Update on Phillip and Dade: Both are doing well, and have been renamed "Biggie" and "Smalls." Biggie has not only put on more weight, but has figured out how to open the fridge! As their person says, "They are really sweet dogs and good listeners, when they want to be."

Phillip and Dade - Back in Sept/Oct 2017 someone called into the MCAS shelter with a report of 2 dogs in deplorable condition that were tied to a pole. An MCAS animal service officer(s) went out, and seeing that the stray dogs needed immediate emergency vet care, brought them (later named Phillip and Dade at MCAS) into the Dove Lewis Animal Hospital. 

At Dove Lewis, it became obvious to staff that the 2 dogs were very bonded. The dogs were given immediate care, and once stable, the 2 dogs were transferred to the MCAS shelter where they continued to get proper medical care, love and attention from the staff and volunteers! They were later put up for adoption as a "Bonded Pair" as "Phillip" the poodle mix and "Dade" the Great Dane mix and adopted into a loving home. 
It's heartwarming to see how our community pulls together for the animals in need!

Here is the Dove Lewis story of Phillip and Dade

And here is "THE Dodo" story of the rescued strays:

hospital photos courtesy Dove Lewis Animal Hospital

ADOPTED together!
MCAS Oct 2017

Dade at MCAS - on the road to recovery

Phillip at MCAS


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